MEGARACE (PC-CDROM) GRAVIS SOUND CARD PATCH ------------------------------------------- This disk contains two files for users of the GRAVIS ULTRASOUND to enable MEGARACE to use the Soundblaster Emulation of this Card. In order to use this patch, please follow the instructions below - 1) Run the installation routine as normal, selecting Manual Installation and then selecting SoundBlaster and Compatibles for the sounds. 2) Once the installation has completed, select EXIT TO DOS. 3) Place the patch disk in drive A: 4) Log onto Drive A: 5) Copy the files on the into the Directory you specified for your save games during the installation. 6) Log onto your hard disk, change directory to the one you have just copied the files to and type MEGARACE. This should enable the SoundBlaster support under your GRAVIS card. If you experience any problems, please contact the Mindscape Technical Support Department at the following address. Mindscape International Technical Support Department PO BOX 51 BURGESS HILL West Sussex RH15 9FH Or phone our helpline on 0444 239600 You can then run the game as normal.