~Inherit The Earth INHERIT THE EARTH - QUEST FOR THE ORB Animated Adventure by NEW WORLD COMPUTING Solved By Lu Richardson. FOREWORD: N is in the top right hand corner of your screen, E in the bottom right hand corner, S in the bottom left hand corner and W in the top left hand corner. Solution -------- Watch the beginning of the game, and, as soon as you have control go left. Walk around the fair talking to various people and tent owners, but particularly to the fortune teller (who will suggest what to do next) and to the moneychanger - first sell him your medallion, then ask him about the orb. Leave the fair (go to the center path and head W) and go to the Sanctuary. If one of the servants asks about a cup, you'll find it by a bench on the path which leads W. Continue N and go through the door to the temple. Talk to Elara, who wants a token from the king. Leave the Sanctuary and go to the Forest. Talk to the king (isn't he a deer?) and he will give you a golden apple as a token. Go back to Elara and give her the token. She allows you to search the grounds and opens the door to the garden. Go to the Sanctuary grounds and then follow the path W till you go into the garden. Go to the NE corner of the garden. You will see a patch of mud, pick up the sourberries and look at the footprint. Leave the Sanctuary and go to the Cave. Talk to the doorkeeper and confuse him. While he is talking with your mates, walk to the passage - you automatically pick up a cloak as a disguise. When you enter the passage keep to the right till you come to the last door. Through it, you enter a room with a sundial on the floor and there is a doc check here. Leave through the other door and go S, E, S, W. Go through this door and you meet Sist. Talk to him and explain about the footprint. Give him the sourberries. He advises you to make a cast of the print. Leave the Cave and go to the village. Advance E till you pick up the stony path. Follow it until you see another path going N. Follow that and then another one E. When you go through the arch, go to the first shop to the S. Talk to shopkeeper and buy a bag of plaster with your cash. Go back to the garden. There, find a bucket to the S, almost hidden by a white paling. Fill the bucket at the fountain. Go to the footprint, use the plaster with the bucket and then the bucket with the footprint. Pick up the cast. Take it to Sist. The wants some information in return for his analysis of the clues and sends you to the Boar King. Go to the Castle. When you enter it, trick the guards. In the presence of the king (he is a terrible bore), enter the mud bath. Watch what happens. When you leave the castle, you find a ring. Take it to Sist, who then tells you about a Raccoon and an island to the N. Go to the house and talk to Tycho. Eventually you'll make a deal; you'll offer to mend the glass and he will give you a map. Go to the village. Go through the arch and enter the house to the N. Here you will meet the Glassmaster, who cannot mend your glass but offers you help if you will go to the Lodge. Agree to it and leave. Go E and go under the second arch; go S and immediately W - it is the second door from the arch. Here you get to talk to Sakka; you have to solve a puzzle before you can get to use the orb. Here is the solution: Touching the top, however little and in this order, screwdriver, c-clamp, wood clamp, mallet, tape measure, hatchet, saw. Touching the bottom, however little and in this order, Pliers, plane, hammer, scissors, ruler, brush. In the middle, you will be able to fit in quite easily the twine and the spirit level. After all that, the orb cannot help because you don't have enough info. Back to the cave to consult Sist - armed with the right information you can go back to the Lodge and talk again with the orb. This time it is able to help and the Glassmaster goes off to try and mend the lens. Wouldn't you know it, some clay is needed. Consult everyone about the clay and the boar will tell you you'll find it in the Boar King's mud pool. Go to the castle - this time bribe the guards, get in and enter the mud pool. You get out again with plenty of mud on the fur. Take this mud to the Glassmaker at the Lodge and you get a new lens. Now go to Tycho and swap him the lens for a map; the big bad raccoon has been at it. Leave and walk to Elara's servant, who gives you a letter. Say you'll try to deliver it. Leave and use the new map. Walk N along the valley to the W of Tycho's house. You will come to a castle, and you have to go through it in order to reach the other lands. A brief talk with the guards will end with you in the throne room. Attempts to tell funny stories fail dismally (the story of my life) and it all ends in jail. Boy, are you lucky I'm here! I'm an expert at getting out of computer game gaols! Note the loose stone to the right. Pick up the bowl and use it on the cell door. When the jailer comes, ask for food and afterwards, ask for a spoon. Use the spoon on the loose stone and then try to open it. Use the food and try openning the stone again. Only Rif can use the tunnel. You find yourself in a maze with a comodo dragon in hot pursuit. Basically, you want to find your way to the W, find the perimeter wall and follow it S to the exit. Once out, head NW-ish to the Village. You are taken to Prrova, whose daughter is ill. Offer to help. Leave and go to the cottage roughly to the W of here. This is where you have to deliver your letter. Use it under the door and then through the peep hole. Eventually the door opens and Alamma talks to you. Ask all the questions. Now for the ingredients. The catnip is by the Lake to the W of here; there is an oak to the N, but first find the quarry to the NE. Get the flint chip by the mine door and the rope. Go to the oak tree. Pick up the twigs, and then use the flint on the spoon to get a fire going. When the bees leave, use the empty bowl on the hive. To get the needle and thread, you have to spot the merchant in one of the wood clearings. I found him on the wood clearing by the village. Trade him the wolf crest ring for the needle and thread. Now you can go to the cottage and give the honey to Alamma. She will give you a potion. Take this to the village, go to the path and the opening and then use the needle and thread on Mirrhp and give her the potion. Prrova now helps you by drugging the dogs at the castle. Go to it. Save before you start. Follow the corridor around the first bend, take the first turn right, go straight on and around the corner to the right, again straight on till you come to a T-junction. Turn right and you'll come to the throne room. Take the other door and, following this corridor through various twists and turns, you'll reach Prince's bedroom. He is fast asleep, and you must reach the key without waking him. Move a step at a time and discover which boards squeak. You should be able to walk around avoiding the noisy ones and snatch the key. Find your way back to the throne room and exit through the other door. Go straight on and take the first turning right. Straight on and round the corner to the left; take the first turning left and then the first right. Walk across the room with the gambling dogs and, when you come out, keep to the corridor and take the first turning right. This should take you to the jail. Use the key on the cell door and free your friends. All you have to do now is find your way to the entrance. Now you've got your friends with you, look for the oak tree; to the W of it you will see a rocky gorge. Go to it. Move towards the chasm and Eeah jumps across. Use the rope. Once through, go to the dock. Talk to the wolf in charge of the ferry - he wants gold. Leave and go to the quarry. Enter the mine and try to get the fragment of green crystal twice. Okk will wrench it off. Now go to a clearing S of the gorge and you'll find the merchant. Swap him the crystal for the wolf crest ring. Take this to the ferrydog and he'll take you to the island. On the way, he'll answer your questions. When you get to the island, start going north and visit the waterfall first. Talk to the shewolf and then enter the gap and visit the cave behind the waterfall - you might have to come back later to do this. Inside, note the hatchdoor. Go out and follow the E coast of the island all the way N. On the way around, note the seaside cliff. When you get to the NW tip, enter the camp, walk into the hut to the right and pilfer the trophy. Go out and continue to follow the coast, this time S. You will come to some ruins. Enter them and explore around. In one of the sheds, the one you can open, you will find and spool of cable. Take it. Once you've explored the whole area you will have spotted the building to the S, which can be entered - evidently, you will need a card. Retrace your steps and go to the cliff. Use the spool to reach the nest and retrieve the card. Go back to the ruins and the building to the S and use the card to open the door. Follow the corridors keeping right till you come to the computer room. On the console you will find a triangular gizmo. Well, you know where you've seen a triangular depression, so go to it. Unfortunately, something appears to be missing. Visit the dam upstream from the waterfall. You fall into the clutches, or rather paws, of the big bad wolves. While in confinement you get to meet the raccoon; you also get saved by the she-wolf. Leave now and go to the dock. You meet with the merchant and palm off the useless trophy in exchange for an oil lamp. Go to the ancient ruins and to the shed door which opens only a little. Use the oil on it and you can open it all up. Enter shed and get screwdriver. Now go to the dam and climb up the hill. When you get to the white building, use screwdriver on door. This opens it. Inside, open the box with the flashing numbers and you will get a battery. Use that on the triangle. Back to the waterfall, use the triangle on the door. Go inside, move right and go up the second ladder. Keep going up ladders until you confront the raccoon. The game is now out of your hands and you can relax and watch the finale. Ta-raaaa.... THE END...