HydraCyl ver. 1.2 Hydraulic Cylinder Selection for Industrial Applications -------------------------------------------------------- Thankyou for evaluating this demonstration version of HydraCyl. In the file ORDER.FRM will find an order form which will allow you to order the full registered version of HydraCyl. Information on Ordering the full registered version of HydraCyl is also available in the HydraCyl on-line help system under the topic "Registering/Ordering HydraCyl". To install this demonstration version of HydraCyl on your system, simply insert the HydraCyl demonstration diskette in your diskette drive, change to the drive in which the diskette is inserted, type SETUP at the DOS prompt and press the [Enter] key. The setup program will provide you with further information and options relating to the installation and running of the HydraCyl demonstration version. Please take the time to look through the HydraCyl on-line help system, as complete information on the use and operation of HydraCyl is contained there. The help topics "Introduction", "Using HydraCyl", "Keyboard & Mouse Use" and "Help", will be of particular benefit in getting you up and running. Once you are inside HydraCyl, mouse users need only point and click to carry out the desired actions. If you are using the keyboard, press the [Tab] key to switch between command buttons and then press the [Enter] key to activate the selected button. From most places in HydraCyl, pressing the [Alt] key alone will activate the menu bar. Remember that pressing the [F1] key from most places in HydraCyl will call up the on-line help system. HydraCyl is a very flexible program that will allow you to enter the required inputs in any order you desire, but if you would like to have HydraCyl step you through a "fast" analysis the first (or any other time) you use it, follow these steps: - activate the "Analysis" menu and choose "Perform Analysis", HydraCyl will report that some required information is missing and then (after you activate the button to continue) will present you with the relevant form for entering the missing inputs - repeat the above steps until all the required inputs have been collected, at which point instead of prompting you for missing information HydraCyl will perform its calculations (takes only a fraction of a second) and present you with a message saying "Calculations Complete" - after selecting , you may now browse the pages of HydraCyl's analysis results (results are in light blue, your inputs are in dark blue) by using the and buttons on the "Cylinder Data" form (or by pressing the Page Up and Page Down keys on your keyboard) - if desired, use the "Cylinder" menu to call up any of the different input forms to change any inputs you wish, then run the analysis again to check on the new results. For more information on using HydraCyl see the on-line help topic "Using HydraCyl" and its related linked topics. Also Online reader for all text files is available to you. Upon installing HC12 on your Hard diks, at the DOS prompt type: HCR HydraCyl requires an IBM compatible 286, 386 or 486 computer with a 640kb of memory, VGA or EGA colour display. A mouse is optional. HydraCyl will also run very well under Microsoft Windows(tm) if desired. If you wish to run HydraCyl under Windows, there is an icon and two pif files in the HydraCyl program directory which may be used. The icon is called HC.ICO and the pif files are HC.PIF (for using HydraCyl with a VGA display) and HCE.PIF (for using HydraCyl with an EGA display). See your Windows documentation for details on setting up new programs in Program Manager. We welcome your comments on HydraCyl and any suggestions you may have for enhanced or additional features in future versions. Feel free to contact us at the address below. All registered users receive: - A copy of the latest release of the Registered User Version packaged as a commercial program. Supplied on 5.25 inch or 3.5 inch (HD) diskette as requested; - Free technical support; - Will be notified in the event of any major upgrade to HydraCyl and will be eligible for a discount upgrade price to the latest version; - Automatic notification of any new software for mechanical engineers. Full payment must be included with your order. Payment may be made in Australian Dollars only, by money order or cheque drawn against an Australian bank. If you are registered user of previous HydraCyl version you are entitled to 50% discount of its full price. Orders will be dispatched as soon as cheque clearance is obtained. The author is willing to negotiate site licences, for discounted prices where a large number of copies of HydraCyl are required at a particular site. Contact us at the below address for details. Please mail the order form to the address below. Adam Nikic PO Box 1245 St. Kilda Sth., VIC. 3182 Australia -------------------------------------------------------------- Note: Microsoft Windows and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.