INTRODUCTION < B O F L O W > is actually six programs run from a simple menu. The user selects one of the programs and after entering the required criteria immediately gets the needed results. To run the DEMO from DOS simply type "FLOWDEM3" and press the key. All user input is easy enough to understand during program execution, so no detailed user's manual is necessary. This DEMO accepts only one set of criteria for each module. Of course, the full version will allow a full range of values to be entered. The following is a list of files that must be included with this DEMO and a brief description of each: * BFDEMO. BSV Title screen * DISCL. ASC Disclaimer text file * HELPA. TXT ----- These files * HELPB. TXT | contain general * HELPC. TXT | information on * HELPD. TXT | each module for * HELPE. TXT | user's convenience * HELPF. TXT ----- when requested. * SPEC1. DAT Specs for CS-STD WT pipe * STARTUP. BAT How to run this DEMO * README. ASC This text file * MANUAL. EXE Program to print manual * FLOWDEM3.EXE Main program for BOFLOW3 DEMO The user is encouraged to make as many copies of this DEMO as he wishes to share with others in the engineering field as long as it is copied in its original unaltered form and includes all of the files listed above. The following sections briefly describe each module and the theories used, as well as the pre-determined input values required as discussed above. < B O S T M S Z > This program is a double-barreled program. Module 1 : Sizes a steam line based on the beginning steam conditions and the required end pressure. Computer asks for Demo values Beginning steam pressure in PSIG 1350 The beginning steam temperature in Degrees F 975 Flow rate in pounds per hour 600000 The equivalent length of the pipe 1000 The number of data points that you require steam data 10 The required pressure at the end of the system 1325 Upon the above input, reiterates until it finds an inside diameter that will satisfy the required end pressure. It then scans a data set of standard weight inside diameters and recommends the next largest diameter that is commercially available. It also gives steam conditions and velocities at each data point. Since many steam lines DO NOT have standard weight inside diameters, would not be complete without a method of taking care of this situation. Module 2 does this. Module 2: Gives pressures and velocities at all data points when the inside diameter is known. Computer asks for Demo values Beginning steam pressure in PSIG 1350 Beginning steam temperature in Degrees F 975 Flow rate in pounds per hour 600000 Equivalent length of pipeline 1000 Number of data points steam conditions are desired 10 Inside diameter of pipe 12.5 Since specific volume changes with pressure and specific volume is used in calculating pressure drop, it is recommended that the user specify a reasonable number of data points. calculates a new specific volume at each data point in the interest of accuracy. In most cases 10 is usually enough. Your printer must be capable of condensed printing or must be a wide carriage printer with 132 columns in order to run this module. < B O S T M P L M > This module is extremely helpful to the piping designer in that it returns preliminary sizes for all steam lines in a whole steam system. The module is based on a maximum allowable pressure drop per 100 feet of pipe. Computer asks for Demo values System steam pressure in PSIG 125 System steam temperature in Degrees F 345 Maximum pressure drop allowed per 100 feet of pipe in PSI .75 Upon input of the above, the program calculates the specific volume and the viscosity of the steam the same way Keenan and Keyes did back when they published their famous steam tables. The Reynolds number is then calculated the usual way and is used as a base from which the Darcy-Colebrook friction factor is calculated. It then automatically calculates the friction factor for all situations of steam flow rates from 10 #/hour to 1,000,000 #/hour for all steel pipe with standard weight wall thicknesses from nominal size 1/2 inch through 48 inch. When this is done, it calculates the pressure drop per 100 feet for all situations that meet the user's input criteria using the Darcy equation. It begins with 10 #/hour flowing in a 1/2 inch line. If the pressure calculated per 100 feet meets the user's criteria, it retains it for the table and goes on to calculate pressure drop for the next larger flow rate, which is 25 #/hour. If the pressure drop does not meet the criteria, it drops the 1/2 inch size and goes to the next larger pipe size, which is 3/4 inch, and puts it through the test. This continues until 1,000,000 #/hour or 48 inch pipe has been reached; whichever comes first. The default inside diameters of are those that are consistent with standard wall thicknesses. If these diameters are acceptable by the user, he needs not input any diameters; retrieves them from the data on file. However, if the specified inside diameters for the system to be designed are different from the default diameters on file, the user is allowed to change any or all of the inside diameters on file. The user ia also allowed to change material and absolute roughness. These changes CANNOT be made on this demo but can be done on the FULL PURCHASED VERSION. On the full version, the changes made can be used for one run only. After the first run, the sizes, material and absolute roughness automatically default back to carbon steel with standard weight inside diameters. Once the simple input of three numbers have been made by the user, prints out a table that will show all of the pipe sizes that satisfy the user's criteria and also show the pressure drop per 100 feet and the velocity of the steam flow in feet per minute. < B O L I Q P L M > This module is extremely helpful in preliminarily sizing all liquid lines for a whole liquid system. It is based on the user selecting a maximum velocity. Computer asks for Demo values Select a piping material from the menu 2 Name of the liquid RESIN If not water, does it have water characteristics? N System liquid viscosity, in centipoise, at that temp 1225 Specific gravity at that temp .96 System liquid temp in Degrees F 185 Maximum allowable velocity 3.5 If the liquid is water, or if it has the characteristics of water, only the temperature need be input since the program has a data set for characteristics of water and retrieves them on temperature input. calculates the Darcy-Colebrook friction factor, f, for all situations of liquid flow rates from 5 GPM to 25,000 GPM and standard wall pipe inside diameters from nominal size 1/2 inch through 42 inch. If the user's inside diameters are not consistent with standard wall pipe, allows the user to change them to whatever inside diameters he chooses. However, the DEMO does not allow changing inside diameters. Piping materials and absolute roughness may also be changed but under the same conditions as in . At this point it calculates the velocity for all situations that meet the user's input. It begins with 5 GPM in a 1/2 inch line. If the velocity meets the user's criteria, it retains it for the table and goes on to the next flow rate, which is 10 GPM. If this meets the criteria, it retains it for the table also. If it does not meet the criteria it drops it and picks up the next larger size and puts it through the test. This continues until 25,000 GPM or 42 inch diameter has been reached, whichever comes first. < B O S T O C K 1 > Since maximum and minimum velocities are such an important factor in piping design work in the pulp and paper industry, this module was written to give the engineer a tool by which he could quickly select a pipe size in all cases that would meet both criteria. The user selects his type of paper stock from a menu screen. If the user's particular type of stock is not on the menu, he is allowed to enter his own factor, this factor being the K factor used in the Riegel equation. There are nine types of paper stock on the menu. After selection of the stock, or input of a special stock factor, the user inputs the following: Computer asks for Demo values Flow rate in GPM; gallons per minute 3485 Air dry consistency 5 Maximum allowed velocity in FPS; feet per second 9 Minimum allowed velocity in FPS; feet per second 1.75 Please note that the consistency input is air dry rather than oven or bone dry. The original data was based on bone dry. Many users of the Brecht and Heller correlation will, even now, use bone dry consistency for input which will, of course, return a more conservative friction head loss. Upon this input, returns a table on the screen showing all sizes of stainless steel schedule 10 pipe that will meet all criteria. In addition to the list of sizes, also returns the velocity and head loss per 100 feet of pipe for each size. After reviewing the screen, the user may get a print-out of the results by requesting it. uses University of Maine's correlation of Brecht and Heller data. < B O S T O C K 2 > This module gives piping designers a tool by which to determine friction head losses in pulp and paper stock piping systems using the method outlined in the TAPPI Technical Information Sheet (TIS) 408-4, or commonly known in the pulp and paper industry as Duffy's Correlation. After entry of project management type of information, such as Client, Contract No. and description of pipeline, the user inputs the following : Computer asks for Demo values Type of stock from menu 2 Type of piping material from menu 1 Temperature in degrees F 175 Flow rate in GPM 3485 Bone dry consistency in %; minimum 2 and maximum 6 5 Inside diameter of pipe 10.42 Equivalent length of pipe 542 After this information is entered during interactive input, prints all the input data on the screen and gives the user an opportunity to edit it. The screen then displays V MAX, actual velocity, V WATER, head loss per 100 feet of pipe, total head loss for pipe, velocity head and project management information. If the actual velocity is less than V MAX, then alerts the user that he is not taking full advantage of the Duffy principal which is: after the velocity reaches V MAX, there is no increase in friction head with an increase in velocity until V WATER is attained. Entry of Duffy coefficients is not necessary using this program since the program retrieves this data from data sets upon stock type selection from menu. The F factors are also retrieved, (except F1 which is calculated as a function of the temperature), on stock type selection. Stock factors and Duffy coefficients are printed out on the hard copy. We would like to warn potential users of that the equations for calculating all of the results in this type of problem are so extremely sensitive to the Duffy coefficients that we suggest that be used for PRELIMINARY pipe sizing only and that actual pump selections be made only after the Duffy coefficients for the particular stock be verified by tests or from tests made of similar stocks and the system be analyzed by a full blown pump sizing program such as MicroKin's soon-to-be-released . < B O G A S P L M > This program is extremely helpful to the piping designer in that it preliminarily sizes all gas lines in a complete gas system. The program is based on a maximum allowable pressure drop per 100 feet of pipe. Computer asks for Demo values System gas pressure in PSIG 250 System gas temperature in Degrees F 60 Gas specific gravity .75 Gas viscosity in centipoise .011 Maximum pressure drop allowed per 100 feet of pipe in PSI .7 The Reynolds number is calculated the normal way and is used as a base, as well as the material's absolute roughness, from which the Darcy-Colebrook friction factor is calculated. It then automatically calculates the friction factor for all situations of steam gas rates from 600 SCFH to 6,000,000 SCFH and for all steel pipe with standard weight wall thicknesses from nominal size 1/2 inch through 48 inch. When this is done, it calculates the pressure drop per 100 feet for all situations that meet the user's input criteria using the Darcy equation. It begins with 600 SCFH flowing in a 1/2 inch line. If the pressure calculated per 100 feet meets the user's criteria, it retains it for the table and goes on to calculate pressure drop for the next larger flow rate. If the pressure drop does not meet the criteria, it drops the 1/2 inch size and goes to the next larger pipe size inch, and puts it through the test. This continues until 6,000,000 #/hour or 48 inch pipe has been reached; whichever comes first. The default inside diameters of are those that are consistent with standard wall thicknesses. If this diameters are acceptable by the user, he needs not input any diameters; retrieves them from the data on file. However, if the specified inside diameters for the system to be designed are different from the default diameters on file, the user is allowed to change any or all of the inside diameters on file. Once the simple input of these numbers have been made by the user, prints out a table that will show all of the pipe sizes that satisfy the user's criteria and also show the pressure drop per 100 feet and the velocity of the gas flow in feet per minute. The inside diameters CANNOT be changed on this demo. They can be changed on the FULL PURCHASED VERSION. Piping material and absolute roughness may also be changer on the purchased version but only under the same conditions as listed in the description.