Stainless steels are readily welded by all standard welding procedures. Inert gas welding is the preferred process. Coated electrodes are some- times used but flux removal is difficult and could cause corrosion problems. Although the response to welding for stainless steel may be different from carbon steel, the differences are due to variations in properties as noted below: Comparison of Welding Characteristics Carbon Stainless Property Steel 304 Differences ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Melting Range C 1538 1400-1455 Less heat needed for fusion Electrical Resistance Microhm-cm @ 20C 12.5 72 More heat generated for same current Improves resistance welding Heat Conductivity % 100C 100 28 Sharper gradients - Greater warping >650C 100 66 Slower diffusion of heat through base metal Coefficient of Expansion x 10^6 6.5 9.8 Greater expansion and contraction during heating and cooling Heat-Affected Zone Hard Ductile HAZ can be sensitized to intergranular attack For more information see NiDI Publication 11 007 - "Guidelines for the Welded Fabrication of Nickel Containing Stainless Steels for Corrosion Resistant Services".