Test Writer 2.0 Copyright 1992 by R. R. Merritt Welcome to Test Writer 2.0. As the name implies, this is the second version of this program. This version has been greatly enhanced over the 1.0 version, based on user feedback. For a complete list of new features, see the FEATURES.NEW file provided. Test Writer 2.0 is freeware, so feel free to use and distribute this program, provided you do so in its orignal form, complete with documentation. If you chose to use the program, I do ask that you send me a note via E-mail so that I know what my "installed" base is. My Compuserve E-mail address is 73747,3361. My America On-line address is RobbinM. Enjoy! UPDATE NOTE The current program version is 2.01, which is a maintenance release to fixed several small bugs in the program. USER'S GUIDE I think my user's guide is very complete, however you may find the odd margin, word split or missing page reference. The TESTWRIT.TXT file is a "doctored" ASCII file created from a fairly complex MSWord document. This causes some things to be left out. FILES TW2.EXE - The executable TESTWRIT.BAT - Main bat file. Use this file to run the software TWTEXT.HLP - The help text file. TWPRT.CDE - Contains the default printer codes for an Epson printer TWINDEX.HLP - The help index file. TESTWRIT.TXT - The ASCII format user's guide TESTWRIT.DOC - The user's guide in Win Word 2.0 format EXAM.* - a sample test When you use the program, Test Writer 2.0 will also create a number of other files: *.cde, *.ins, *.twp, *.idx, *.ins, *.001, *.002, etc. where the "*" is your test name. NEVER TAMPER WITH THESE FILES. INSTALLATION I highly recommend that you read the getting started section of TESTWRIT.DOC. Just in case you don't, here are several MUSTS: - Test Writer 2.0 uses DOS PRINT and MODE commands. Therefore, DOS must be in your PATH statement. - Be sure to start the program using the TESTWRIT.BAT file. The DOS print command must have been loaded if you want to print your test. - Use CD to go into your Test Writer 2.0 directory before using the program. Otherwise, the help function won't work. - Install Test Writer 2.0 in its own directory and keep your test data in a directory or disk of its own as well. This will prevent you from accidently trashing one of your test data files. - UPGRADES: Just copy these files into your existing directory. The old version of the program will remain (called TW.EXE) if for some reason you need to go back. - Test names: This version WILL NOT allow you to have test names with imbedded spaces like Test Writer 1.0 did. If you have test names with spaces in them, you need to use the 1.0 version and "get" your test sections into a new test without imbedded spaces in the name. RUNNING THE PROGRAM. CD\TESTWRIT TESTWRIT COMMENTS All comments/suggestions/questions are welcome. You can reach me via E-mail on CompuService at 73747,3361 or America On-line at RobbinM. While there is no registration fee for using this software, I ask that you send me a note if you plan to use it. That will help me decide if there needs to be a version 3.0 and also I will notify you if a nasty bug should appear. The next version of this software will be a Windows 3.0/3.1 version. If you are interested in the Windows version, I suggest you let me know via E-mail. I expect to have the Windows version ready in late 1993. Beta test volunteers are welcome and would be appreciated.