Zinc Data File Version 1.0 HELP_COPYRIGHT_NOTICE HELP_EDIT_MATRIX HELP_GENERAL HELP_MATRIX_FULL HELP_PAUSE_NOTICE HELP_SETUP HELP_SHAREWARE_PAUSE COPYRIGHT NOTICE Copyright (c) 1992 David Ray All Rights Reserved Press to Continue, or for Help Help when Editing< You have selected "Edit" from the menu. This feature allows you to make changes to any item you have already entered. You can move the highlight up and down using the Uparrow and Downarrow keys (or, if using a mouse, just point to the item you wish to change). Also, you can use the PgUp and PgDn keys to move a "page" at a time. Once the highlight is positioned on the item you wish to select, just press . This causes the item to be selected and the start and stop times to be placed in their respective fields. From this point, it is just like entering a regular time item: You may enter a new time (for either), or use the insert and delete keys as usual to change the value. After hitting in the stop time field, the corrected items replace the incorrect data in the Edit List. TIMECALC Help TIMECALC is a specialized form of calculator, specifically designed to be used in adding up payroll timecards. It can handle 12 or 24 hour time clocks and will accept and display times in either hours and minutes or hours and hundredths, as your time clock and/or payroll software require. TIMECALC can automatically round each time to the nearest 6, 10, 12, 15, 20, 24, or 30 minutes if required. When using TIMECALC, remember that by pressing you will get a help screen like this that contains helpful information for whatever you are trying to do at the time. Also, if your computer has a mouse, you can use it to "point" to selected items. The TIMECALC menu is selected by pressing the "Alt" key on your keyboard. After pressing "Alt", the highlight moves to the menu bar at the top of the screen. You can then make your selection by moving over to it with the , , or left and right arrow keys, OR you can just enter the first letter of your selection after pressing "Alt". Either method has exactly the same effect in TIMECALC. When TIMECALC first starts, it is set automatically to expect you to use the 12 hour clock with NO ROUNDING, and it will accept and display times in hours and minutes. These options can be changed by selecting "Settings" from the TIMECALC menu (Alt/S) (Select HELP from the Settings screen for more information). As each clock in/clock out is entered, the elapsed time is computed and added to the "Card Total" and "Batch Total". After all items on one card have been entered, write down the card total from the screen. Then press to clear the card total. Note that the batch total is cleared only when you select "Clear Batch Total" from the menu. Also, the Edit List is cleared when is entered. IMPORTANT: If you need to edit (change) anything you entered, YOU MUST DO SO BEFORE PRESSING , since it will be cleared when is pressed. TIMECALC can be forced to run in text mode on graphics displays by starting it with the following command: TIMECALC /T The "Print Screen" key may or may not yield the desired result, depending upon whether a supported printer is in use, DOS version, and other factors. In general, under DOS Version 5.0, if you run the "GRAPHICS" command in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file, you should receive satisfactory, although sluggish, results. For example: GRAPHICS LASERJETII /r TIMECALC Then, if you use Shift/PrintScrn, you will get an appropriate graphic image on a HP Laserjet II printer. You must have a supported printer, listed in the DOS file GRAPHICS.PRO for this feature to work properly. For more information, see your DOS manual. EDITING If you make a mistake and need to correct it (BEFORE HITTING ), simply select "EDIT" from the menu (Alt/E). Then, using the up and down arrow keys, move to the incorrect item and press . The selected item will be placed in the start and stop time fields where you can make any changes you wish to make. IMPORTANT MESSAGE: The time item matrix is almost full. You are within three time items of reaching the maximum allowed by TIMECALC. It is necessary that you now total this time card and begin work on another one. FAILURE TO TOTAL THIS CARD AT THIS TIME WILL RESULT IN LOSS OF THE ITEMS YOU HAVE ENTERED THUS FAR. UNREGISTERED COPY - Pause for 30 Seconds; This demonstration version of TIMECALC will assist you in determining whether it is suitable for your needs. If you find you are routinely using TIMECALC, forward your check for $15.00 to: David Ray P. O. Box 915 Hot Springs, Arkansas 71902-0915 Registered users will receive by return mail a special code to eliminate the 30 second pause during program startup. If you would like a copy on diskette, make your check for $20.00 and specify 3.5" or 5.25". Many hours went into the development of this program. IF YOU CONTINUE TO USE THIS PROGRAM WITHOUT REGISTERING IT, YOU ARE STEALING MY WORK PRODUCT. SUCH THEFT IS NO DIFFERENT FROM ANY OTHER TYPE OF THEFT. THE FACT THAT THEFT OF THIS PROGRAM IS EASY DOES NOT MAKE THEFT ACCEPTABLE. Press (ONE TIME ONLY!) to continue after 30 seconds. Help For TIMECALC Settings2 TIMECALC Settings Each time you start TIMECALC, it assumes that (1) you want to use a standard 12 hour (civilian time) clock; (2) you want to enter time and read results in hours and minutes, rather than in hours and hundredths of hours; (3) that you DO NOT want TIMECALC to round off the times you enter; and (4) that you DO NOT want to automatically subtract a certain amount of "break" or "lunch" time from each in/out clock cycle. You may want to change one or more of these settings. For example, if the time clock you use counts time in 24 hour (military) time, you would prefer to use a 24 hour clock. Or, you might want TIMECALC to display its results in hours and hundredths of hours rather than in hours in minutes. You can change TIMECALC's "default" settings by selecting the TIMECALC Settings option. Clock Style The Clock Style setting selects a 12 hour (civilian time) or 24 hour (military time) clock. Usually, the 12 hour clock will work just fine. However, some time clocks use military time, in which 1:00 am is 01:00 and 1:00pm is 13:00. The 12 hour clock has two "cycles" of 12 hours each, where the 24 hour clock uses a single 24 hour cycle. If your time cards reflect a 24 hour clock you will want to select the "24 hour" clock in TIMECALC Settings. Even if your time clock uses 12 hour time, you may find it easier to use TIMECALC's 24 hour clock. If you enter a start time of 8:00 and a stop time of 9:00, TIMECALC will normally give a result of 1:00 hour elapsed. Of course, you may INTEND 13 hours--a shift beginning at 8:00 AM and ending at 9:00 PM. The 24 hour clock would allow you to enter this as start time 8:00 and stop time 21:00. Important Note: You can also enter a shift such as this as 8:00A and 9:00P, or as 8:00 and 9:00P (TIMECALC assumes AM unless you enter PM). You should use whichever method is easiest for you to use. The Clock Style setting affects only the way you enter time; it has no effect on the way TIMECALC displays results. Entry Units If your time clock prints time in hours and hundredths of hours, rather than in hours and minutes, you will want to set the "Entry Units" to hours and hundredths. After making this setting, instead of entering 4:30pm as 4:30p, you would enter 4.50p to get the same result. When you set the Entry Units for hours and hundredths, BOTH the start and stop times will be entered as hours and hundredths. You will also notice that the result is displayed as hours and minutes, unless you set Display Units to hours and hundredths, also (see below). Display Units If you need your results displayed as hours and hundredths of hours rather than as hours and minutes, just select "hours and hundredths" as Display Units. Then, the answers TIMECALC gives will be displayed, not as hours and minutes, but as hours and hundredths. Note that this does not affect in any way the units used for ENTERING time. It is perfectly acceptable to have Entry Units set to hours and minutes and Display Units set to hours and hundredths, or vice versa. Rounding Options You can have TIMECALC automatically round times when you enter them. For example, if your policy is to round to the nearest 15 minutes, select "Nearest 15 Minutes" as the rounding option. After making your selection, each time that is entered, will automatically be rounded to the nearest 15 minutes. Automatic Break Deduction TIMECALC will automatically subtract a predetermined number of minutes from each clock in/out cycle if you wish. If, for example, employees clock in at 8:00 am and out at 5:00pm, without clocking out and back in for lunch, you can have TIMECALC automatically reduce the employee's elapsed time by some number of minutes. If all employees receive an hour off for lunch, enter 60 minutes as the Automatic Break Deduction. Then, an employee who clocks in at 8:00am and out at 5:00pm would have an elapsed time of 8 hours for this cycle. Any cycle which has been reduced by the automatic break deduction will be flagged with '*' in the edit window. UNREGISTERED COPY Pause for 45 seconds This delay is removed when you register your copy. THANKS FOR USING TIMECALC!