------------------------------------------------------------------------ Disk No 10 CHASM V 4.00 V4 DS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHASM stands for CHeap ASseMbler. It is a user-supported assembler useful for those wishing to learn about assembly language. Programs are converted directly into .COM files. CHASM CFG Configuration file for CHASM CHASM COM CHeap ASseMbler version 4.00 CHASM DOC Documentation for CHASM CHMOD ASM Changes file status: hidden, read-only, normal, system CHMOD DOC Documentation for CHMOD.ASM COM2DATA ASM Converts machine language into BASIC DATA statements COM2DATA DOC Documentation for COM2DTA.ASM DSIZE ASM Determines the format of a disk from within a batch file DSIZE DOC Documentation for DSIZE.ASM EXAMPLE ASM Example file for CHASM FREEWARE DOC The freeware concept and other freeware programs and authors LABEL ASM Adds volume label to an already formatted disk LABEL DOC Documentation for LABEL.ASM PRIMER DOC Primer to introduce assembly language to the novice. WC ASM Filter that counts words, lines, and characters WC DOC Documentation for WC.ASM