Revision history of GIFXTS - See GIFXTS.TXT for COMPLETE details December 1992 - Version 3.5 1) Fixed EGA Monochrome support November 1992 - Version 3.4 1) Added EGA Monochrome support 2) The program could not be run from the root directory - FIXED November 1992 - Version 3.3 1) When using the INFORMATION menu to change the height of the image, the resulting image was "off" - FIXED 2) When using the INFORMATION menu to change the height and/or width of the image, "garbage" symbols were added to the right and bottom - FIXED 3) When returning from using the INFORMATION menu to change the height and/or width of the image, the 'X' was not responding correctly - FIXED October 1992 - Version 3.2 1) added CGA support 2) when reading gifxts.cfg file program terminated with a divide by 0 error - FIXED 3) when saving an XTS file, if the Stitches/inch or Rows/inch had decimal point positions (ie 15.25) the numbers after the decimal point were lost - FIXED 4) When changing the color PALETTE, the screen was not restored correctly - FIXED October 1992 - Version 3.1 1) Amount of free memory reduced to 532000 BYTES 2) In View mode, after scrolling IMAGE, box disappeared - FIXED 3) When using FILE MENU, and changeing directory or drive, cursor disappeared - FIXED October 1992 - Version 3.0 1) Amount of FREE memory required reduced to 520K (532700 BYTES) 2) Hot keys: F1: Load GIF file F2: Load XTS file F3: Save as XTS file F4: Save as GIF file F5: Change directory F6: Change drive F7: Scale F8: not used F9: Save as XTS and exit F10: "quit" - no save just get out F11: Clear grid F12: Toggle black symbols/color symbols 3) There's a new menu INFORMATION, included in this is: WIDTH: - # of stitches/pixels wide value set when loading image HEIGHT: - # of stitches/pixels high value set when loading image STITCHES/INCH: - user set value (see below) ROWS/INCH: - user set value (see below) INCHES WIDE: - computed value width divided by stitches/inch INCHES HIGH: - computer value height divided by rows/inch DASH LINES VERTICAL: - # of solid lines between dash lines DASH LINE HORIZONTAL: # of solid lines between dash lines SAVE AS DEFAULT CONFIGURATION FILE - see below RESTORE DEFAULT CONFIGURATION - see below 4) All GIF view give "true" picture. You can "scroll" up/down and left/right. 5) Scale Function: This function is accessible from either the EDIT menu, or F7. A GIF view of the image is presented with a menu across the top. You can change the size of the image by selecting a menu option. The image is NOT save until you select "save". Hitting ESC will terminate this option. 6) Print: You can now print either directly to a 9-pin printer, or create a GIF file of the charted image. If you "select section" you will be presented with a GIF image, and a selection box. You can move and/or re-size the box to select the area you with to print. 7) SETPRINT - This standalone program is used to create the print configuration file. MUST BE RUN AT LEAST ONCE IF YOU PLAN TO PRINT DIRECTLY TO PRINTER. You select manufacturer and model of printer you will be using, or emulating. A quick test of the printer is optional. May 1992 - Version 2.0 1) Mouse can now control the cursor movement 2) There is a second option bar to be used with the mouse 3) 253 different symbols 4) Changes to EDIT MENU 5) Automatically scroll the VIEW image if the box moves past the visible section of the image. April 1992 - Version 1.0