@SUB TITLES = Internal System Errors @ARTICLE PAL = Steve: HELP! I am constantly plagued by the <%4>appearance of the <169>Internal System Error!<170> <%0>messages when running Ventura. What do these cryptic numbers associated with these errors mean? @ARTICLE PAL = Jason Billings <197> Atlanta, GA @HELV10 BOLD = @ARTICLE PAL = <%6>As the Reference Guide says, this<%0> mes<%2>sage indicates that RAM memory may<%0> have been corrupted. This corruption may be caused by a number of different things, <%4>including background utilities, a bad<%0> RAM chip, or <197> the unthinkable <197> a bug in Ventura Publisher. @ARTICLE PAL = <%2><%0> @ARTICLE PAL = <%2>In version 1.1, this message occurred because many people ran Ventura with very<%0> little conventional memory remaining. In version 2.0, Ventura requires that at least 100K<%2> of conventional memory be available prior to starting the program (less than 50K is<%0> required when running the Professional Extension). This keeps temporary <%6>buffers from overflowing and possibly<%0> corrupting areas of RAM memory. @ARTICLE PAL = <%4><%0> @ARTICLE PAL = <%4>If an Internal System Error does occur, do not continue modifying your chapter.<%0> Immediately turn to Appendix C of the Reference <%6>Guide and follow the steps given there<%0> exactly. Those steps are repeated here: @ARTICLE PAL = @HELV10 BOLD = <140> Do not make any further changes to your chapter. @HEL10BLD 2ND = <141> Use the Set Preferences option to change Keep Backup Files to <169>YES<170>. @HEL10BLD 2ND = <142> Use the <169>Save As<170> option and save the chapter under a different name than shown in the Title Bar. @HEL10BLD 2ND = <143> QUIT from Ventura Publisher. @HEL10BLD 2ND = <144> Re-boot your computer and then run Ventura Publisher again. Re-load the<%4> chapter. If the message appears again, contact Xerox Technical support for<%0> further assistance. @ARTICLE PAL = <%2>You asked what the numbers which<%0> <%4>appear in the Internal System Error<%0> messages alert mean. Here is an explanation of the most common ones. @ARTICLE PAL = System Error 19: Memory access outside of proper address range. Probably caused by a bad data structure, software could not recover, or a bug in code. @ARTICLE PAL = <%4><%0> @ARTICLE PAL = System Errors 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, <%6>13, 15, 16, 21, 82, 83, 150, 151: Ventura<%2> internal memory manager is corrupted. The numbers identify the location within<%0> Ventura Publisher code where the error occurred. These errors are more serious than System 19 and you <%10>may not be able to save the chapter<%0> successfully. @ARTICLE PAL = @ARTICLE PAL = System Error 25: Text line element error. Display is corrupted, but no loss of data. @ARTICLE PAL = @ARTICLE PAL = System Error 9999: <%4>Illegal serial number.<%0> This occurs only in a network environment <%2>where the user must have a legal serial<%0> number. <188>