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  Function            DESQversion - DESQview version

  Syntax              int DESQversion(void);

  Prototype in        multihk.h

  Remarks             determines if DESQview is running and gets the
                      version number

  Return value        returns zero if DESQview is not running, otherwise
                      returns the version number with the major version
                      number in the high order byte and the minor version
                      number in the low order byte.

  Note                Now that I've gotten this function to work properly
                      for DESQview, I do not guarrantee it's accuracy
                      with regards to Topview or Taskview. If someone out
                      there with access to either could test it out and
                      let me know I'd appreciate it.

  See also            DESQapilevel()

  Example             #include <multihk.h>

                           unsigned int ver;

                           if ((ver = DESQversion()) == 0)
                                printf("DESQview is not running\n");
                                printf("DESQview version %d.%2d\n",
                                     (ver&0xFF00)>>8, ver&0x00FF);

See Also: DESQapilevel()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson