Rampant FAQ File Version 1.0 Released 12/31/95 Author: JP Seabury Table of Contents (1) General Stuff (1-1) Legal Info and Disclaimers (1-2) Special Thanks (1-3) About this FAQ (1-4) Where can I get the latest edition of this FAQ? (1-5) How to use this FAQ (2) About the Game (2-1) Know what Game Version you have (2-2) You thought Giant Ants were bad, wait till you see these bugs! Problems with version 1.0 (2-3) Game Coordinates - Where Am I? (2-4) Game Objective (3) Game Combat (3-1) Throwing Weapons (3-2) Melee Combat: The Wahooka Shuffle (3-3) Strategy I: Whittle Them From Afar (3-4) Strategy II: Spell Up (3-5) Strategy III: Use those Runes (4) Magic Runes (4-1) What are Runes, Rune Scrolls and Runecasters? (4-2) How to Cast a Rune Spell (4-3) Special Case: Using the Teleport and Home Runes (5) The Nine Recepticles (5-1) What are the Nine Recepticles (5-2) Where Are the Nine Recepticles (5-3) What do the Nine Recepticles Do? (5-3-1) Afri, Vision Seeker (6) Entrance to Stonekeep (6-1) You're naked -- put some clothes on! (7) Ruins of Stonekeep 1 7-1 Opening the Impassable Doors (8) Ruins of Stonekeep 2 8-1 How to Kill the Two Tough Goblins 8-2 Where is the Key to the Sewers (9) Sewers Beneath Stonekeep 9-1 Getting out of the sewers (10) Sharga Mines 1 10-1 Getting by Stump and George (11) Sharga Mines 2 (12) Entrance to Temple (13) Temple of Throggi 13-1 What is that Giant Head / Statue at X-##, Y-##? (14) Feeding Grounds 1 (15) Feeding Grounds 2 (16) Dwarven Fortress (17) Faerie Realm 17-1 How to get the Duck Rune 17-2 Finding the Horn of Fear 17-3 What is that stump like pyramid in the Faerie Queen's Court? (18) Caverns of Ice 18-1 What's Beyond Those Cave-In Walls? 18-2 Make Your Own Healing Fountain (19) Gate of the Ancients (20) The Pits (21) Palace of Shadows (22) Tower of Shadows 1 (22-3) Solving the Tic-Tac-Toe Puzzle (23) Tower of Shadows 2 23-1 How do I unlock the door to Tower Level 3? (24) Tower of Shadows 3 (25) Tower of Shadows 4 (26) Lair of the Dark Dwarves (26-1) What do I do to that strange statue? (26-2) What is that cross embedded in the wall? (26-3) How to raise your hit points (27) Temple of Thera (28) Unconfirmed Rumors Kevin Bass Quality Assurance Scroll Jim ======================================= GENERAL STUFF 1-1: Legal Info and Disclaimers Stonekeep is a trademark of Interplay Productions. This file is intended to help players solve and finish the Stonekeep game. This is a cheat file, in that it provides many clues and insights on how to solve the game. Reading this material may very likely ruin the fun you would otherwise enjoy while solving the game on your own. On the other hand, if you're truly at wits end, frustrated to the point where you are about to throw the game in the trash because you can't solve the next stinkin' puzzle -- please read the material in here first before trashing the game! The author claims no responsibility for ANY illegal activity regarding this file, or as a result of someone reading this file. You may distribute this file, as long as the copies are complete, unaltered, and are in electronic form only. If you wish to include this file on a CD-ROM or other commercial product, you may do so. If you wish to include this file in an electronic magazine, you may do so. 1-2: Special Thanks Special thanks go to the following CompuServe Members who helped me survive the game (whether they realized it or not). Mara Randy Hornibrook Sn*w Jochen Walder 1-3: About this FAQ Whew! This FAQ seemed to take forever to write, and it's not even done yet (mostly because I haven't finished the game myself). Lest that dissuade you, let me assure you that the FAQ is complete with most of the Q&A that have floated around on CompuServe the past few weeks. Lots of other players have run into the same problems you have, and the solutions are here in this FAQ. Many CompuServe Members helped in the making of this FAQ, whether by answering my questions or releasing a FAQ of their own. To the best of my knowledge, they are all named in the Special Thanks section above. This FAQ is in no way complete, but it's getting there. Chances are, most of the questions that you would ask can be answered here. If not, throw your question up in the regular forum section, I'll read it and add it to the FAQ (that's how these things grow to monstrous size, dontcha know!) Okay, that's enough intro ... we've got to go save a goddess!! 1-4: Where can I get the latest edition of this FAQ? As far as I know, the only know source of this FAQ is on the Gamer's Forum of CompuServe (GO GAMERS), or from me. Search with the name SKFAQ??.ZIP (??? is the version number of the FAQ). If you want it from me, just write to 73073,3057. I'd be happy to send it to ya. Or you can download it from the Gamers Library forum. 1-5: Probably the easiest way to use this FAQ is to read the Table of Contents, and find a category for which you are currently having trouble with. Then do a file SEARCH for that section heading. For instance, if you are having problems using the Healing Rune, then you'll find in the Table of Contents that help for that act is listed under section 4-4. Do a file search (if your text editor or word processor allows for that, otherwise, just start scrolling) for "4-4", and read the info there. 2-1: Through out this FAQ, some problems may be noted in older version of the game. You should be aware of what version you currently have when reading this file, and anytime you are reporting a new bug to me -- please tell me what version of the game you have. To find out what version you are running, press "V" at any time during the game. The version will be displayed on your screen. 2-2 There are many software bugs and problems with version 1.0 of Stonekeep (so much that it is actually surprising the product was put to market). If you have version 1.0, it is highly reccomended that you upgrade to version 1.1 IMMEDIATELY. Don't put this off for later, because there have been problems reported with previously saved games after the patch was applied. Problems with version 1.0 don't really become apparent until deep in the game (down near Ice Caverns -- when the game crashes almost constantly!), and if you don't install the patch now you'll regret it later! 2-3 This FAQ will frequently refer to game coordinates (i.e., the dagger is located at X-15, Y-10, underneath some rubble). Press - to display the coordinates of your current position. 2-4 The game objective is made pretty clear by Thera, during the game intro: "I am Thera, Goddess of Earth. Prepare yourself, your journey awaits. You must descend to the lost city of Stonekeep and retrieve the nine recepticles. To protect you from the magic of the darker realm, I must free your spirit. Achieve your goal, and Stonekeep and I will be free. Fail, and you will be entombed with the forces of darkness ... forever." Phew! All that from memory. I've definately been playing this game too long. In any event, your job is to find the Nine Recepticles of the Gods, and restore them to Thera's Temple. Simple, right? Only there's all kinds of really nasty monsters, viscious traps, and confusing puzzles along the way. Sheer adventure!! 3-1 Throwing weapons are mentioned first, because they're the first weapons you get any real experience in. The Stonekeep Instruction Manual (such as it is), describes how Drake can find and use a rock in the "Getting Started" section (p.20 - 21). The following objects can be used as throwing weapons (listed in order of "effectiveness"): skulls, rocks, darts, crossbow bolts, arrows (yes, you can throw arrows and bolts without a bow; I never figured out why), daggers, hand-axe, and a spear. To throw a weapon, first you must activate it. Activate a weapon by taking it out of your inventory (move the cursor to the right of the screen, when it turns to a scroll, right click the mouse; grab the item you want and click to close the scroll). The higher you hold the object, the harder Drake will throw it. Don't hold it too high -- sometimes you'll throw it right over your enemies head! 3-2 Randy Hornibrook, who contributes frequently to this forum has a favorite melee strategy which he calls "The Wahooka Shuffle." Basically, you close to the same square as your adversary, you hold down your mouse button (so that your weapon just keeps swinging at the bad guy) and hold down your or buttons. This causes Drake to just spin around and around, swing at the beast. If you keep your cursor centered on the creature, you really do end up doing more damage to them than they can do to you. 3-3 For most creatures, the best strategy is to attack them with all thrown & projectile (if you have any) weapons first: rocks, crossbow bolts, bows). Whittle those hit points down. Keep retreating and firing until you run out of ammo. 3-4 Later in the game, the opponents are tougher. You'll need some of the runes to be effective in combat. The best tactic you can have is to cast INVISIBILITY on your party, and then spell yourself up with STRENGTH-TRIPPLE (strength, with the tripple meta rune added on). While invisible, nothing will attack you ... and with tripple strength it doesn't take much to whale on 'em. Aim for the face always, or places where there is no armor! 3-5 Sometimes, it just makes sense to use the runes instead of combat. I usually avoid offensive runes, because I like to use the mana for healing, teleporting and defensive/protective spells. I can hit unlimited times with a sword, but can only case a finite number of fireballs before my runecaster wears out. However, there are times when it just makes sense to use the runecaster: firebolts on the Ice Queen and her Ice Ball minions, Ice bolts on the Fire elementals, shrink runes are enemies that are bigger than you, etc. 4-1 Runes are used to cast magical spells. When you start the game, you will have no magical ability and will not know any Runes. After you have found the Journal (see 2-5) you will have a medium for recording runes. Thereafter, whenever you find a rune scroll in the lands of Stonekeep, that rune will automatically be recorded into your journal. A runecaster is simply a stick on which you inscribe runes that you've collected in your journal. Pages 11-12 of the Interplay Stonekeep Instruction manual outline how runes are placed onto runecasters. 4-2 Learning to cast runes will become crucial to your success in the game. Many runes are offensive in nature (such as fire, wind, ice), and these are the simplest to cast. Simply equip Drake with a Rune Stick, click the right mouse button (if the stick is in Drake's right hand), and this will bring the weapon up in front of Drake. Center the crosshair cursor on the bad monster, and then click the right mouse button again. Whoosh -- there goes the spell effect against the bad guy! Some runes (such as strength, armor and healing) are defensive in nature and are intended to be cast on yourself, or members of your party. To cast these runes, first inscribe them on your rune stick (see 4-2). Raise the rune stick forward by pressing the right mouse button (if the stick is in your right hand), select the rune you want to cast. Type "M" to bring up Type "M" to bring up Mystic Mirror of Afri, and place the crosshair cursor over the charcter to be healed. Press the right mouse button again and , you're affected by the spell. 4-3 To teleport in the game, you need to have both the Home Rune (Feeding Grounds 1, X-25, Y-19) and the Teleport Rune (Dwarven Fortress, X-01, Y-19). It's usually a good idea to cast your Home Rune near a Mana Circle (so that when you teleport to "home", you are near a circle at which you can quickly recharge). Inscribe the Home Rune on your Rune stick (see section 4-1), and then bring the rune stick forward. Be sure there is a section of corridor in front of you (not a wall) and select the Home rune. Press the mouse button with the cursor straight in front of you. Whamo -- blue home circle. The teleport rune will ALWAYS teleport you to the home circle. If you don't have a home circle inscribed somewhere, the all activating the teleport rune will do is suck mana from your stick! After a Home circle is laid out somewhere, inscribe the Teleport rune on your stick (see 4-1) and then bring the rune stick forward. Select the Teleport rune and press the button. Blink -- you're home. 5-1 In the opening intro, Thera tells Drake that he "must retrieve the nine recepticles." Khul-Khum, the Dark Brother, betrayed the 9 gods, and imprisoned them within small orbs. The gods will be set free only when Drake is successful in restoring them to Thera's Temple. 5-2 Having difficulty finding the 9 Recepticles? Here's where they are located: Afri (Held by 2 tough Shargas in the Ruins of Stonekeep 1, x13, y14) Aquila (In a chest in the Sharga Mines 1, x18, y28) Azrael (In the left eye of a Throggi Statue, Temple of Throggi, x18, y4) Yoth-Soggoth (Held by a big, mean troll, x34, y25) Helion (Caverns of Ice) Safrinni (On the floor in the Pits, x19, y4) Marif (Giant orb at x17, y18 -- use Shrink rune to make this orb normal size) Thera (Tower of Shadows 4, x4, y10) Kor Soggoth (Tower of Shadows 4, x5, y10) Khull Khum (Tower of Shadows 4, x5, y10) 5-3 What do the Nine Recepticles Do 5-3-1 Afri (Vision Seeker): Shows a *complete* map of the surrounding area (within 5 squares in any direction), including hidden passages. Very helpful if you can't find away past a certain wall or object -- because Afri may show you that there really IS nothing on the other side of that wall. 6-1 Follow the basic "Getting Started" directions in the instruction manual that came with your CD-ROM. Basically, get the skull and a rock. Kill the wandering giant ant, read the sign, find the guardroom, get the dagger and the leather armor find the only other door in this section of the Entrance Level. The door won't open, but if you throw that switch to the left of the door, you'll be on your way. Don't worry, the other tricks in the game are a lot more subtle! 7-1 There are two doors on this level which seem impassable. These doors either don't have any keyholes, or don't have keyholes on this side. You'll have to keep exploring to get to the other side of these doors. 8-1 There are two "tough" goblins at x13, y14. New players sometimes have difficulty killing these beasties off. Advice tendered here is to throw your burning oil flasks, rocks, daggers, skulls -- anything. Try to whittle them down from afar. Then enter the room and start attacking them directly. Keep moving, keep circling -- do Randy's "Whahooka Shuffle". When you start getting hurt badly, leave the room and seek out the healing fountain. 8-2 The Green Slime has the ivory key at x22, y5 on the Ruins of Stonekeep 2 level. 9-1 Walk the corridors until you hear the wind sound (if you have headphones on, you can even tell which direction the wind is blowing from ... which is pretty cool on Interplay's part!). That wind is coming from a small hole -- which Drake can barely squeeze through (treat it like an illusionary wall). There are two windy passages on this level, and one of them leads to a passage out. 10-1 There is an Ettin (two-headed giant) roaming about the Sharga Mines Level 1. You cannot kill this creature (no matter how strong the NPC's are in your party), but you can get his treasure by using the Silence spell. 13-1 The Throggi Priests use this statue head to recharge their Rune Scepters. Take one of your rune sticks from your inventory, hold it up to the statue and click your mouse button. Your rune sceptre is now recharged. Warning! If you don't hold anything up for the Throggi God to charge, you'll be blasted with lightning! 17-1 To get the Duck Rune from the Faerie Players, give them a mushroom. 17-2 There is a magical Horn of Fear hidden at X-##, Y-## of the Farie Realm. The Horn casts a Fear spell at enemies, causing them to run away. 17-3 The stump like pyramid at X-10, Y-08 is a one-time rune staff recharge. Place the cursor over the object until Drake's hand appears, then trigger your mouse. All your rune staffs are recharged. 18-1 Some cave-in walls are dead-ends, others can be gotten past by chipping at them with your weapon (or a fist). More than likely, there is nothing beyond these passages. They're just a dead end. You can verify this by using Afri's Orb. Simply walk up to the wall, take Afri's Orb from your inventory, and place it before you. If Afri the visionary can't see anything beyond that wall, than there is no game there! Another way to test the wall is to whack it with your weapon -- if you here a clang, than it's a wall that you can get past. Just keep chipping at it. If you here nothing, then you can't affect that wall. 18-2 Find the Ice Queens Throne at X-##, Y-## and cast Fire or Warmth at the throne. It will melt into a small puddle, which will heal your party to full (only once). 22-3 Use the scroll from the dark Dwarves lair. The O's represent buttons you push on the puzzels and the x's buttons you don't. count them from the top, left to right. then just push the appropriate numbered button and your done. for example Push the 1st, 2nd and 8th buttons, three more and the magic door across the way will open... 23-1 At X-15, Y-03 there is a door to Tower of Shadows 3. Wahooka gives you a big clue on opening this door, when he tells you that you need to use magic. Cast a Spoilspell or the Murphy rune to unlock the door. The Spoilspell Rune is acquired at the Temple of Throggi (X-21, Y-20), and Murph's Rune is in the Faerie Realm (X-9, Y1). 26-1 Break it. If the dark dwarves are still alive they give you some information. 26-2 It's not a cross, but an insert. When you find the silver cross, insert it here! 26-3 If you are playing version 1.0, there is a helpful bug (that's unusual) that gives you free hit points. There are 3 places (2 signs and 1 secret panel) which, when touched, do damage but raise your max hit points by 20. DO NOT remove the dust from these with fire, water or wind spells; this dust is what raises your points. The best technique is to save, then ttouch a few times, heal to max, touch some more. DO NOT exceed 980 or you will be dumped out of the game. You can show the numeric values by clicking on your health bar on the mirror. This was fixed (awww, rats!) in version 1.1, as it seems the update to v1.1 has fixed this -- you now *lose* 20 health, permanently... 28 RUMORS: The following of rumors that I haven't been able to check up on yet. There is an easter egg in the game where Kevin Bass (credited in the game as being responsible for Sharga interactions or something) is mentioned by Drake or some of the NPC's. You only get this if you have the very sharp dagger. - There is a note in the Dwarf hall about Quality Assurance missing this particular scroll. - Jim is spelled out in an inaccessable area of the game