============================================================================ \\\\\ WORLDWIDE UTE NEWS //// \\\ An Electronic Club Dealing Exclusively in Utility Stations /// \\\\ Vol. 1, No.7 July, 1995 //// ============================================================================ Edited by Richard Baker WUN Electronic Edition Editor ae411@yfn.ysu.edu COPYRIGHT 1995 WUN This newsletter is from the first dedicated electronic utility club in the world; the Worldwide UTE News (WUN). Portions of this newsletter may be posted on electronic bulletin boards without prior approval so long as the WUN is credited as the source and so long as the file(s) remain(s) intact. This newsletter may NOT be utilized, partly or wholly, in any other media format without the written permission of the Editor (E-mail address above). Any breach of this may result in action under international copyright legislation. For more information on becoming a WUN member, send e-mail to: ae411@yfn.ysu.edu c/o Rick Baker, or write. That's all it takes. There are no dues. A paper copy of the WUN Club newsletter can be obtained via our WUN publisher, Tim Braun, at: 15915 Smithey Dr., Haymarket, Va. 22069, USA, for the costs of printing & mailing at a rate of US$1.50 per issue. =========================================================================== * Welcome to Issue #7 of the single largest source of utility station information in the world...the WUN Newsletter. WHAT'S INSIDE: Information from the staff: The WUN Charter! Membership News by Mike Wolfson International Civil Aero by Tony Orr Digital Review by Ary Boender Nautical News by Jim Navary The WUN Military Column by Jim Pogue New Products, Books and Reviews by R.D. Baker Numbers and Oddities by Ary Boender The QSL Report by Jim Navary The WUN Logs Column by R.D. Baker ============================================================================ Information from the staff: After a lot of work by the WUN staff, especially by Jim Navary, we have a new charter in place. Please keep this copy since it forms the rules for the club and the club listserver. WUN CHARTER (17 July 1995) 1. The Worldwide UTE News Club (WUN) was established in January 1995. The purpose of the club is to further the exchange of information concerning the hobby of monitoring "utility" radio transmissions and stations that appear in the radio spectrum below 30 mHz. Broadly defined, "utility" stations are non-broadcast stations, other than those in the amateur radio service. 2. WUN uses two primary methods to accomplish this purpose: a. The Worldwide UTE News Newsletter (WUN Newsletter): The WUN Newsletter is the monthly journal of the Worldwide UTE News Club and is published in both electronic and hard-copy (paper) editions. b. The Worldwide UTE News Listserver: The listserver enables members with access to internet e-mail to exchange utility monitoring information in near real-time. E-mail messages sent to the listserver e-mail address are "reflected" to all members who have registered with the administrator of the listserver. The WUN listserver provides the membership with a dynamic and powerful medium for the exchange of information. c. In addition to the WUN Listserver, a second listserver (WUNNEWS) has been established to provide members who do not wish to participate in the activities on the interactive WUN Listserver with a method to automatically receive the electronic version of the WUN newsletter. Since the quantity of message traffic handled by the WUN Listserver varies and can be, at times, quite large, members who have limited internet access may choose to subscribe to the WUNNEWS listserver so as to minimize the message traffic that is directed to their e-mail accounts. 3. Membership Requirements: a. No dues will be assessed for membership in the Worldwide Utility News Club. b. Due to the costs associated with preparing and distributing the paper edition of the WUN Newsletter, this version of the newsletter is available at a slight charge for reimbursement of costs for materials and postage. This charge has been established at US $1.50 per copy, payable to the paper edition publisher. c. Membership is granted through registration through any of the following methods: 1) Registration via the WUN Listserver; or 2) Registration via the WUNNEWS Listserver; or 3) Pre-paid registration with the WUN Newsletter paper edition publisher. 4) Registration forwarded to a member of the WUN Executive Board by an individual using a non-E-mail equipped BBS, or other electronic system. Such registration shall include members name, city, state/province and country, and the name of the system upon which he receives the WUN Newsletter. 4. Standards of Conduct: a. As the WUN Listserver provides an extremely powerful tool for worldwide communications, members are requested to exercise this power with caution. Members using this resource must, therefore, accept responsibility for maintaining reasonable standards of conduct when posting messages for distribution to the general membership. Common courtesy and common sense should prevail. b. Membership in the Worldwide UTE News Club is truly world-wide, open to individuals of varying political and religious beliefs (as well as to minors). Accordingly, when posting to the WUN Listserver, members shall avoid the use of profanity and messages with offensive political, religious, or ethnic content. Members shall not engage in personal attacks or post other inflammatory messages. c. In consideration of those members whose internet service providers charges are based on the quantity of e-mail received, messages posted to the WUN Listserver should remain consistent with the stated purpose of the club. While occasional "off-topic" postings are not of great concern, excessive postings/discussions of questionable relevance shall be avoided. Similarly, in lieu of posting extremely lengthy messages or encoded files (e.g., using uuencode, BinHex, PGP, Mime and similar encoded files not in plain, clear text ASCII) members are encouraged to post a brief message describing the availability of the item, soliciting members' interest. Private e-mail amongst interested members should then be used to distribute the file(s). d. List administrative matters, including mediation responsibilities in the event of minor disputes, or the issuance of disciplinary warnings in the event of blatant violation of the WUN Standards of Conduct will be handled by the WUN Standards Officer. e. Any member who consistently violates the few rules, as stated in the WUN Standards of Conduct, may be subject to removal from the club. The WUN Standards Officer shall maintain a list of warnings sent and shall notify the Executive Board when three disciplinary warnings have been sent to a member. The WUN Executive Board shall then determine the appropriate disciplinary action, to include expulsion from the club and it's listservers. f. Members of the WUN Executive Board may be removed from the Board at any time as a result of failure to adequately carry out the duties of their club position based on a vote of the other Board members. g. As processing time and connectivity on the computer system housing the WUN Listserver is donated, decisions as to the propriety of message traffic reflected by the Listserver (and individual members' access to the system) ultimately rest with the system administrator. 5. Administration: a. Club administrative matters are handled by the WUN Executive Board which consists of: 1) The Newsletter Editor-in-Chief (also serves as Club Chief Officer) 2) The WUN Listserver System Administrator 3) The WUN World Wide Web Page Administrator 4) The Newsletter Paper Edition Publisher 5) The WUN Standards Officer 6) The WUN Membership Director 7) Each WUN Newsletter column editor/co-editor b. Club policy matters will be decided by a simple majority vote of the Board. For voting purposes, individuals serving in more than one club position are entitled to a single vote. In the event of tie votes, the CEO shall cast a second, deciding vote. c. The Newsletter Paper Edition Publisher shall keep all monies received to cover his costs in the printing and mailing of the club newsletter to those so paying. He shall ensure that paper editions are sent to those so paying in a timely manner and that there are sufficient funds to do this. Any monies that may be declared excess by him, shall be used for the purpose of responding to inquiries, mailing copies of the newsletter for publicity and similar purposes. ============================================================================ MEMBERSHIP NEWS Mike Wolfson, Membership Director m.wolfson3@GEnie.geis.com Welcome to another edition of the WUN Newsletter. Membership has really picked up over the last month. As of 1 July WUN had 489 members, up from last month. We also have 22 countries represented. As many of you know, we have been getting some very favorable press in Monitoring Times, Popular Communications and in Shortwave Magazine. Those favorable comments resulted in a surge in membership in early July. During the first week of the month we had about 2 dozen people subscribe to WUN alone and combined membership is over 500 as we go to press. When I signed on to this job, Rick Baker suggested that I start creating a database of information about the membership. I've put together a short letter requesting that information and have contacted Joel about having the note sent automatically to new members. I've sent out a few manually and appreciate the replies I've gotten back. I'd like to ask that you answer the following questions and return the answers to me via e-mail. The database management program can accept ASCII text. I am requesting that you answer each question on a separate line followed by a carriage return. Please do not include the question itself in the answer, just the information requested. Here is the survey: E-Mail Address Name Where you're located (state/Province, Country) Main receiver(s) Main decoding equipment (HOKA, JVFAX, None, etc) Monitoring interests (aero, marine, etc) Supplying the information is voluntary but appreciated. That should do it for July. I hope everyone has a good month and have fun with your radios. CU30. Mike =========================================================================== INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AERO Editor: Tony Orr, 11404 Turnmill Lane, Reston, Va, 22091-3618 USA E-mail: anthony.orr@wdn.com or a.camus@ix.netcom.com Co-Editor: Peter Ivakitsch, 803-72 Widdicombe Hill Boulevard, Weston, Ontario, CANADA M9R 4B3 E-mail:peter.ivakitsch@odxabbs.tor250.org Fidonet : Peter Ivakitsch 1:250/930 I would like to send a belated thank you to WUNner Paul Jones of Birmingham, England UK for providing us with the British Airways 777 Test Flight Schedule which appeared in last month's column. A tip of the hat to you, Paul! This month we will concentrate on logging the Airbus A300 and place the International Civil Aero spotlight on Boeing 757 Transatlantic flights. Also we'll take a closer look at some of the more obscure Trans- atlantic operators flying over the pond. But first in International Airline news this month, effective 29 July British Airways will once again offer Concorde service from London (Heathrow) to Barbados for the Summer season. BA273 operates LHR-BGI on Saturdays dep 1815 arr 1730. BA272 operates BGI-LHR on Sundays dep BGI at 1230 arr LHR at 2145. Keep your ear out for this new SSC flight! New operator Alliance (the operating name of a joint venture between South African Airways, Air Tanzania, and Uganda Airlines) is leasing 747SP-44 ZS-SPA from SAA to operate flights under the code Y2. Alliance operates flights to London-Heathrow from Entebbe, Uganda with the following schedule: Y2001 operates Mondays LHR-EBB dep 2200 arr 0800+1; Y2002 operates Thursdays and Sundays EBB-LHR dep 2359 arr 0630+1. Emery Worldwide began operating weekly DC8-73F cargo flights from Chicago to Basle on behalf of Swissair. Effective May 9 Aeroflot has added direct Khabarovsk-Anchorage-Los Angeles IL62 service operating Tuesdays: SU819 dep 1500 arr ANC 0150; arr LAX 0920; SU820 operates LAX-ANC-KHV Tuesdays dep LAX 1120 dep ANC 1700 arr KHV 1800+1. Keep an ear out for Cameroon Airlines' new route to London (Gatwick) from Douala operating Mondays dep 2359 arr 0655+1 as UY072 using B747M equipment. TAAG-Angola has added a weekly Luanda-Rio de Janeiro flight using L1011-500 aircraft. Flights operate Tuesdays dep Luanda 1230 arr Rio de Janeiro 1600 as DT741; The return flight GIG-LAD is DT742 dep 1800 arr 0530+1. Ukraine International always guarantees an interesting routing, how's this one for obscure: New York (JFK) to Ivano-Frankovsk! JFK-IVO IL62 service operates Wednesdays dep JFK 1600 arr 0755+1 as 6U108. Here are three opportunities to log an Airbus A300 on HF: Olympic Airlines of Greece operates an A300 on its Johannesburg-Nairobi-Athens service. OA104 operates Tuesdays dep JNB 1045 dep NAI 1640 arr ATH 2230. OA106 operates Fridays dep JNB 1850 dep NAI 0045 on Saturday arr ATH 0635. Air Afrique will commence A300 service between Dakar and New York (JFK) effective 20 July dep DKR 1800 arr JFK 2235 as RK541. JFK-DKR return service operates Fridays dep JFK 0030 arr DKR 1225 effective 21 July. Air Maldives, certainly an exotic catch on this side of the Atlantic operates the following schedule to/from Male: Dubai (DXB)-Male (MLE) L6051 dep 0730 arr 1300 operating Mondays, Tuesdays, Saturdays, Sundays. Departs 1420 and arrives 1950 on Wednesdays. L6050 from Male to Dubai operates Mon/Tue/Sat/Sun dep 1820 arr 2200, on Fri dep 2355 arr 0335+1. also, Air Maldives operates A300 service to/from Kuala Lumpur (KUL) and Colombo (CMB) as L6163 dep KUL 2000 dep CMB 2205 arr MLE 2255 on Fridays. L6162 dep MLE 2115 arr CMB 2305 dep CMB 0005 arr KUL 0610 on Wednesdays. Lufthansa operates an A300 on its Lagos-Frankfurt run, LH 575 operates on Tuesdays and Fridays departing 2359 and arriving FRA 0715+1. Thanks to WUN member Wim de Mol in Wezep, The Netherlands, we have an interesting addition to the Transatlantic DX scene: Uzbekistan Airways are operating A310 service from New York (JFK) to Amsterdam on Fridays. Departure time for HY206 according to Wim is 2200 UTC and he even managed to obtain the registrations and Selcals of the A310's used on this service: F-OGQY, selcal CB-RS and F-OGQZ, selcal ES-GP. Thanks very much for the effort, Wim! The International Civil Aero spotlight falls upon the Boeing 757 which is utilized in increasing numbers across the Atlantic. British Airways uses the 757 on a number of flights including Glasgow-New York (JFK). BA205 dep GLA 1025 arr JFK 1250 wednesdays, and the return BA204 dep JFK 1950 arr GLA 0735+1 x Wednesdays. Birmingham-New York (JFK) service is operated as BA 187 dep BHX 1120 arr JFK 1405 and the return BA186 dep JFK 1930 arr BHX 0730+1 excluding 17 July. Manchester-New York (JFK) is a one-time only 757 special flight in July: BA183 operates 19 July only dep MAN 1000 arr JFK 1240 and returning as BA182 dep JFK 1815 arr MAN 0610+1. American Airlines has recently added the 757 to its Transatlantic arsenal operating a Manchester- New York (JFK) service: AA93 dep MAN 1045 arr JFK 1325 and the return AA92 dep JFK 1920 arr MAN 0710+1. Continental Airlines will start Newark- Manchester service effective 20 July. CO75 dep MAN 1120 arr EWR 1405 and CO74 dep EWR 2000 arr MAN 0745+1. Icelandair operates the 757 exclusively on its Transatlantic routes, including Reykjavik (KEF)Baltimore (BWI), Reykjavik-New York (JFK), and Reykjavik-Orlando (MCO). FI643 operates Tuesdays from KEF-BWI dep 1625 arr 1835 and returning BWI-KEF as FI642 dep BWI 2045 arr KEF 0625+1. The rest of the week departure and arrival times are 5 minutes later for FI643. KEF-JFK service operates daily as FI615 dep KEF 1640 arr JFK 1840 and returning as FI614 dep 2050 arr 0620+1. KEF-MCO service operates only as FI663 dep KEF 1700 arr MCO 2045 on Mondays and returning on Tuesdays MCO-KEF dep 1900 arr 0610+1. Keep in mind that charter airlines such as Condor, LTU, LTS, Air Transat, Canada 3000, Monarch, Air Europe, Air Europa, North American, and American Trans Air among others also operate the 757 Transatlantic. Any further additions to this list would be most welcome at International Civil Aero. The list of currently operational 777's in last month's International Civil Aero has been revised. As we go to press, here are all known United 777's in operation: N766UA (AQ-BH), N767UA (AQ-BJ), N768UA (AQ-BK), and N777UA (AQ-BG). LDOC - Long Distance Operational Control Frequencies In order for a flight to travel to and from its destination a great deal of information such as the flight planning, current weather information, aircraft performance and maintenance status must be made available and kept up to date to ensure a safe journey. Some of these factors particularly changing weather conditions often arise while the flight is still several hours from arrival. Long Distance Operational Control frequencies provide the link between company dispatchers and their Pilot's to exchange any information deemed necessary by either side. One of the most widely used methods for exchanging company communications is by way of phone patches. Throughout the World private companies such as ARINC (Aeronautical Radio Inc), Rainbow Radio, Stockholm Radio, etc, are able at the Pilot's request to provide a phone patch to the company dispatching office thus allowing the Pilot to report and receive any information. Many of the World's major Airlines have acknowledged the benefits of being able to establish such communications with their own flights and have gone one step further. These Airlines been assigned frequencies and operate their own facilities for company communications. As co-operation is becoming more and more of an industry standard, airlines without their own radio facilities are contracting the services of those that are equipped to provide the necessary communications link. As mentioned earlier the information can vary, and while most of the messages may appear to be routine in nature there are times where the conversations can become quite colorful. The most important thing to remember when monitoring LDOC communications is that with one exception that being South African Airways, there are no transmission schedules. Unlike the ATC frequencies where aircraft report their positions at the given times, company messages can occur at any time. As stated the exception to the rule is South African Airways which have a policy that their flights report to Johannesburg on the hour. Quite often pilots report the maintenance status of the aircraft as either A (Alpha) or B (Bravo). Status A means the aircraft systems are performing as normal, whereas status B indicates a problem of some sort and a brief description will follow. This allows the mechanics to prepare for any repairs necessary upon arrival. Whether the messages are routine or not Long Distance Operational Control frequencies can make for some very interesting listening. In this installment I've listed frequencies for some of the major Airlines of the world. Watch for part two in the next issue of WUN. All Frequencies are in Upper Side Band Aer Lingus: 3010.0, 5532.0, 8924.0, 13351.0, 17916.0 Aerolineas Argentinas: 6643.0, 9013.0, 10030.0, 13240.0 Aeromexico: 9006.0, 10033.0 Air France: 6637.0, 6712.0, 8972.0, 10093.0, 11345.0, 11351.0 Air Mauritius: 5538.0, 8933.0., 13348.0 Air New Zealand: 6637.0, 10072.0, 13333.0, 13345.0 Air Seychelles: 8849.0, 8967.0, 13205.0 ALIA/Royal Jordanian: 9003.0, 10027.0, Alitalia: 5532.0, 8931.0, 10027.0, 13336.0 British Airways: 5535.0, 8921.0, 10072.0, 13333.0 BWIA West Indian: 5535.0, 8924.0, 11345.0 Cathay Pacific: 13333.0 CSA Czech Airlines: 5532.0, 8924.0, 10025.0 Eqypt Air: 6640.0, 8933.0, 11288.0 El Al: 5589.0, 6677.0, 8837.0, 11318.0, 13304.0 Gulf Air: 5528.0, 10033.0, 13330.0 Iberia: 5529.0, 8936.0, 13327.0, 17940.0 Japan Airlines: 6637.0, 10093.0, 11342.0, 13324.0 KLM: 5532.0, 8924.0, 13327.0, 13336.0 Lufthansa: 5645.0, 6637.0, 8921.0, 10018.0, 10078.0, 13213.0 Middle East Airlines: 5538.0, 10075.0, 13300.0 Quantas: 6526.0, 6637.0, 8921.0, 10078.0, 13342.0, 13345.0 Sabena: 5529.0, 5645.0, 8924.0, 10078.0, 13351.0 SAS: 5541.0, 8930.0, 11345.0, 13342.0 Saudi Airlines: 5544.0, 8822.0, 11288.0 South African Airways: 5532.0, 8933.0, 11354.0 TAP Air Portugal: 5532.0, 8924.0, 13336.0 This list does not contain every frequency in use but serves as a good reference point to start. Acknowledgement goes to Bob Evan's Worldwide Aeronautical Communications Frequency Directory which was used to confirm some of the frequencies. That is all for this edition of International Civil Aero. Until next issue from Reston and Weston, 73 and good listening! =========================================================================== (=- DIGITAL REVIEW -=) editor: Ary Boender ary@bitbike.iaf.nl 2:283/512.24 ---------------------- Hi folks, greetings from a tropical Spijkenisse. Thomas sent me a the route indicator of the German Navy in Wilhelmshaven-Sengwarden (DHJ59). The following units are using router RGFDEA: Genavradsta Wilhelmshaven, Commcen Wilhelmshaven, Comgernorsea, Genavsupcom, Genavdistcom West, CRO (Coastal Radar Organization), MFmGrp 21 and MFmGrp 22. Because of its length, I have only one subject for you this month, but I think it's a good one. I hope you will like it too. Monitoring the Guardia Civil ---------------------------- A frequently monitored organization on SW is the Spanish Guardia Civil, the Spanish State Police. The Spanish police forces are part of their national defense system and include a.o. Guardia Civil (civil police), Guardacostas (coast guard) and Policia Nacional (nat. police). Spain is divided into 17 autonomous communities (comunidades autonomas); Andalucia, Aragon, Asturias, Canarias, Cantabria, Castilla-La Mancha, Castilla y Leon, Cataluna, Communidad Valencia, Extremadura, Galicia, Islas Baleares, La Rioja, Madrid, Murcia, Navarra, Pais Vasco + five places of sovereignty on and off the coast of Morocco (Ceuta, Mellila, Islas Chafarinas, Penon de Alhucemas, and Penon de Velez de la Gomera). Each comunidad autonoma has it's own Guardia Civil. Madrid however, is responsible for all units. Their normal transmitting mode is standard Sitor-A, some stations use both Sitor-A and Sitor-B. Traffic is mainly plaintext, up to and inclu- ding secret (secreto) messages. Contact is made normally by sending a 4- letter selcal. They also use CW to chatter and perform call-ups. Equipment problems also sometimes force them to use CW or USB. Traffic is occasionally encrypted (cifrado), which is preceded by a stream of MXMXMXMX followed by the text. ITU callsigns are occasionally seen in chatter, but not used in traffic. In fact, their selcals are merely the last four letters of the unit's strategic router in 99% of the cases, except for the RETE-series units, whose selcals are in the selcal list indicated next to their routers (and those are easy to figure out, since they use city names). International callsigns (EA-series) are rarely seen. Most often, the operator (for example EHG7) will only use G-7 in chatter and you'll have to figure out if he's using a unit acronym or a callsign. Traffic is always Castilian Spanish. The different regions don't seem to use their own languages (ie Basque, Catalan, Galician). As you can see in the frequency list below, most frequencies are in the 2 and 5 MHz. The 10 MHz is only due to recently poor propagation condi- tions. The stations in the Navarra area transmit in Sitor-A with reverse polarity. This is a bit odd as the rest of the stations send in 'normal' polarity. All messages are routed by the nets through their zone to Madrid. The current military freqs are: 4539.25, 5391.3, 5776.6, 4853.7 and 10435.2 kHz. 5391.3 is one of the REFA-series stations, who are the best operators (most disciplined in the country by far). This must be an elite group, possibly they are the elite anti-terrorist outfits up in the Basque country. This list is probably not complete; additions and/or changes are highly appreciated. Stations generally communicate either within their respective zones (the comunidades autonomas excl. of Canarias and the Moroccan places) or with Madrid, indicated are the primary area users. 2216.5 Toledo 5008.5 Andalucia 2228.5 Almeria 5010.9 Ciudad Real 2236.5 Madrid 5287.4 Valencia 2240.5 Navarra 5320.4 Guipuzcoa 2246.5 Guipuzcoa 5353.4 Barcelona 2490.4 Madrid 5380.45 La Rioja 2749.5 Orense 5776.6 Murcia 2750.4 La Coruna 5860.4 Vitoria 3218 Barcelona 5869.4 Leon 4563.4 Madrid 5872.4 Andalucia 4595.6 Gijon 10174.5 Barcelona Abbreviations: CAP - capitan CECOM - Centro de Communicaciones CFM - conforme (acknowledge) CIA - compania (company) COM - commandancia (command) DIGEGUCI - direccion general guardia civil (HQ, guarida civil) Dxxx - direccion de ... (HQ, administration of...) EX - Exterior GOBCIV - Civil Governor GOBMIL - Military Governor GOBxx - gobernador civil/militar and city abbreviation GOBxx - Gobierno xx (first two letters of city name) IN - Interior JECECOM - chief communications center JECOR - Jefe Coronel (Coronel in Charge) JEMOVIL - jefatura movil (mobile HQ) JETER - jefe territorio (chief of area) JEZO - jefe zona (chief of region) KS-## - customs boat Mar - Maritimo NO - numero (number) PICO - selcal indicator light PROV - provincia, provincial SVC MAR - servicio maritimo (customs boats) Svc - Servicio TCOL - teniente coronel UHEL-xx - helicopter number xx Route indicators: Note: the selcal is last four letters of the router. Some of the router series have recently changed and you may still see some old endings like RETWNL mixed with new ones like RETWCL). The RETC-RETG series route designators belong to the Spanish army. Also included are routers of special units from a mixed police/army net up in the San Sebastian area as they are involved with the Guardia as well. Router / selcal / callsign / station ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- REFAMA JEUAL, Loyola REFAMB REFAMC REFAMD GEFAMET, Aizoain REFAME REFAMU RETA JEME, JEDIVLOG, DIRAMR RETBHK JEBHELMA-x RETBHL JEBHELMA-V, GEFAMET RETCJJ JEBHELMA-IV RETCJY Sevilla, Army RETCJZA Pres., 2nd Terr. Mil. Court, Sevilla, JETUTER-22 RETDKP JEBHELMA-I RETDKW RETDKY RETDxT JEBHELMA-VIII RETELY JERING 4 RETEMY MALNOR Zaragoza RETENL, EAAG Bgda Jefe C.T., Tcol Grupo Log Agoncillo, CECOM (P-3) Loyola RETENL, EALO GOBMIL Logrono, JEBHELMA-III RETENM, EABU Col Jefe del Rimit., Garellano RETENO Bgda Jefe C.T. RETENP, EANA GED Mona Aizoain, Comdt Jefe Bon Estella-II RETENP, EASS DIRAM San Sebastian RETENQ Jefe DM Pamplona RETENR, EASS CEM, Bgda Jefe CT, San Sebastian RETENRGX Sr Cor Jefe del RCZM Sicilia RETENS RETENT, EAVI, VIVI Bgda de Infanteria Motorizada L-II, . GOBMIL Vitoria, CT Araca, 2.6 RETENx, EABI Bilbao RETENX, VIGM AALOG-51, 1.6, munitions Gropu-III, Plaza Pirineos RETENY, EACV Castrill del Valle, JEUTRA-V Burgos RETENZ, EABU CGR Burgos RETENZA, EABU JECOMCAPOCC, JERAIVLOG, GERPOCC Burgos RETFPZA AUTER-4 La Coruna RETGS JEBHELMA-VI RETGSW Jefe del Penitenciario La Isleta, Las Palmas RETUE JEMA, DOXE, DOP, SESPA, MILNI RETWB EHP JEZO Barcelona RETWBA RETWBB JECOR Barcelona, Gruse No 4 RETWBE JECOR Teruel RETWBG JECOR Gerona RETWBH JECOR Huesca RETWBL JECOR Huesca, Lerida, Lleida, JETER Lleida, UHEL-41 RETWBM JE... Madrid RETWBT JETER,JECOR Tarragona RETWBZ EHM JETER, JECOR Zaragoza RETWC JETER, JEZO La Coruna, JECOR Pontevedra RETWCC RETWL JEZO Logrono RETWLA JETER Vitoria, Alava, GOBA RETWLB EHP9, EHPQ JECOR Burgos RETWLC JECOR Cantabria RETWLG JECOR Guipuzcoa, 513th Com RETWLL JECOR La Rioja, JECOR Logrono, 521st Com, JEGES RETWLN JETER Pamplona, JECOR Navarra, Capitanes Cias Navarras RETWLS JECOR Soria RETWLV GOBBI, JETER Interino, JECOR Vizcaya RETWN,VL EHO2 JEZO Leon RETWN. JECORs Gallegas RETWN. JECORs VI Zona, JETERs VI Zona RETWN. EHG8 JExxx Pamplona, San Sebastian RETWNA,VA JECOR Palencia RETWNC,CC JECOR,JEZO La Coruna, VII Zona, Galicia Gov. Del. RETWNG,CG JECOR Gijon RETWNI RETWNL,CL EHL8 JECOR Lugo RETWNN EHL JECOR Leon, UHEL-61, GOBCIV Leon, DGBA, DGVA RETWNO,CO JECOR, JETER Oviedo RETWNP,CP JECOR Pontevedra, CNP RETWNR,CR JECOR Orense RETWNS,VS EHG9 3rd JETER, JECOR Salamanca RETWNV EHJ JETER Valladolid RETWNZ,VZ JECOR Zamora, GOBZM, CP Zamora RETWVB RETXBB RETXC DECEDEX, SEREPER, Valdemoro RETXO SUBOPEGUCI, Madrid RETXP JEMOVIL RETXX DIGEGUCI, Madrid RETxxx JEBHELMA-II RETYBB EHG7 JExxx Palencia RETYBM JExxx Mahon RETYM EHD JEZO Madrid (111th Cia), JECORIN (9th Cia) RETYMA JECOR Avila RETYMB EHP6 JECOR, JETER Badajoz, Prisoner Transport Line V RETYMC EHK JECOR Caceres RETYME JESUBSTRA Madrid, JECOREX, DGBM RETYMF RETYMG JETER, JECOR Guadalajara RETYMM JECORIN, JETER Madrid, Ubeda RETYMR JECOR Ciudad Real, JECECOM RETYMS JECORE Segovia RETYMT JECOR Toledo RETYMV EHO3 JECOR Cuenca RETYMX RETYNF RETYRI Cap. Cia. Cartagena RETYV JEZO Valencia RETYVA JECOR Alicante RETYVC JECOR Castellon RETYVKX KS-1 Valencia, Danube Embargo RETYVL EHM5 JECOR Albacete RETYVM JETER, JECOR Murcia RETYVP JECOR Palma, Baleares RETYVV EHQ JECOR Valencia RETYZS RETZC JEZO Canarias RETZCT EHD7 JECOR Tenerife RETZET Svc. Mar. Algeciras RETZS JEZO Sevilla RETZSA JECOR Balanegra, Almeria RETZSB JECOR Badajoz RETZSC JETER, JECOR Cadiz RETZSE JECOR Melila RETZSG GOBGR, JECOR, JESECTAF Granada RETZSH JECOR Huelva RETZSJ JECOR, DGSE Jaen, Jefe Conduccion Regular IV bis RETZSL Cap. Svc. Mar. Prov., GOBCA, Algeciras, 234t RETZSM JECOR Malaga RETZSO JETER, JECOR Cordoba RETZSS EHG JECOR Sevilla RETZSU JECOR Ceuta RETZXG RETZXX OK, that's all I have for you this month. I'd like to thank Jim Kilgallen, without his help this article would have been a lot shorter ! ============================================================================= _ _ ___ _ _ _____ ___ ___ ___ _ _ _ _____ _____ | \| |/ _ \| | | |_ _|_ _/ __|/ _ \| | | \| | __\ \ / / __| | .` | _ | |_| | | | | | (__| _ | |__ | .` | _| \ \/\/ /\__ \ |_|\_|_| |_|\___/ |_| |___\___|_| |_|____| |_|\_|___| \_/\_/ |___/ Utility Monitoring in the Maritime Bands Editor: Jim Navary 914 Conjurers Drive Colonial Heights, VA 23834 USA ============================================================================ RIGA RADIO CHANGES CALLSIGN Several WUN members have noted that YLQ is a new callsign for Riga Radio. Following up on their posted tips as to this change, Riga Radio (Lithuania) formerly used the callsigns UDH (HF) and UKB (VLF). Here's the rundown on Riga Radio operations: QTH: 56-57N 24-05E Longwave (VLF) CW Transmits: 442 & 500 kHz Receives: 500 kHz Traffic Lists: 442 kHz every Hour +00 (0800-2300 UTC) HF CW Transmits: 4236, 4335, 6341.5, 6368.5, 8506, 12671.5, 13070, 16997, 17181, 22420, 22445 kHz Receives (calling channels 2, 4, 5, & 6) Traffic Lists: 4335, 6341.5, 12671.5, 17181 kHz every Hour + 00 2 MHz USB Transmits: 2182 & 2460 kHz Receives: 2182 HF USB Channels: 401, 812, 1205, 1630 HF RTTY Channels: 418, 832, 1201, 1637, 16117. Also, 2460 kHz and 16955 kHz. # # # MORE US FLAG SHIPS HEADED FOR THE BREAKERS Four breakbulk freighters formerly owned by Lykes Brothers Steamship Co. are heading for scrapping, with MarAd approval received. John Lykes, Louise Lykes, and Ashley Lykes will be sold by Western Overseas Inc., Sylvania, OH, to Ruby Enterprises Inc., U.K., who will resell them to Sanjay Steel Corp., Kamdar Associates, and Gupta Steel. They will transfer to St. Vincent and the Grenadines-registry for scrapping in India. Genevieve Lykes will be sold by Neptune International Inc., Elk Grove, IL, to Neter Navigation S.A., which will resell the ship to Arya Steel for scrapping in India. The ships, each 11,000 tons, were built in the 1960's. RECENT CASUALTIES: M/T Bacab suffers fire, two dead Two crew members were killed in an engine room fire and subsequent explosions 80 miles southeast of Acapulco, Mexico, early June 14. The Mexican Navy evacuated the remaining 32 crew of M/T Bacab (Mexican-registry 30,800 ton tanker owned by Petroleos Mexicanos). The fire was contained before reaching the cargo of 202,692 barrels of gasoline, diesel fuel, and jet fuel headed for Topolobampo. The ship was towed and anchored two miles off Punto Moldonado. Pemex has sent two replacement tankers to Topolobampo to ensure supplies would not run out. M/V Ms. Amy sinks, fuel spill 1,500 gallons of diesel fuel spilled into Mississippi Sound after M/V Ms. Amy (U.S.-registry tugboat owned by E&S Towing, Diamondhead, MS), which was pushing six empty barges, sank in 10 feet of water off Dauphin Island, AL, on the morning of June 13. Most of the vessel remained above water with the five crew rescued by the U.S. Coast Guard. Tug sinks in New Orleans A tugboat sank in the Industrial Canal in New Orleans, LA, on June 22. A fuel spill resulted. All three crew escaped the M/V Janet Dyess in the 3 a.m. sinking. # # # RADIO OFFICERS STAY FOR NOW With the Telecom Act clearing the U.S. Senate, radio officers will continue to be required on U.S. flag vessels until individual ships have automatic distress signals installed. # # # FISHING VESSELS The following reference books concerning fishing vessels were recently cited on the SHIPS mailing list. I am not personally familiar with these books and I would be interested in comments from anyone who has seen either of them. "Fishing Vessels of the United States" Nautilus Publishing, Inc. 2025 1st Avenue, Suite 1000 Seattle, WA 98121-2100 (206) 448-1780 This book is now in its second edition, and is set up like a mini "Janes." It has information on all US Flag F/Vs over 79' (about 1400 of them), and pictures for about half. "Fishing Vessel and Processor Directory" Salmon Bay Communications 1515 NW 51st St. Seattle, WA 98107 (206) 789-5333 This is simply a list of all large fishing vessel operators (mostly catcher processors), and shore based processing companies. No pictures. # # # FOLLOW-UP Last month we reported on the proposed sale of a number of the Military Sealift Command's (MSC) tankers. The latest information I have indicates that at least three of them have indeed been sold to foreign owners who will reflag them under the Panamanian flag. These include: USNS Sealift Mediterranean (re-named San Marco) USNS Sealift China Sea (re-named San Ambrogio) USNS Sealift Indian Ocean (re-named Santa Ana) This sale (along with six other MSC Sealift tankers) is the final result of a US Senate investigation which discovered that the vessels had been operated for more than a decade without proper maintenance and supervision. In their place MSC has started to charter privately owned US flag vessels on a short- term basis. Three such ships recently chartered for a six-month period include the tankers Duchess, Patriot, and Courier. Thanks to WUNners Ary Boender and Art Blair, as well as the SHIPS mailing list for items used this month. # # # A BEGINNER'S GUIDE TO MONITORING THE CW MARITIME BANDS (PART 2) Last month we started this attempt to provide an introduction to techniques and procedures for copying maritime CW traffic. In our hypothetical example the Radio Operator (R/O) on board the M/V Worldwide Ute, callsign 4WUN, had just established contact with coastal station PJC on a calling channel in the 8 MHz band. Since traffic is generally not passed on calling frequencies the R/O now must advise PJC of the frequency he will be using to transmit. Still monitoring the calling frequency we copy: "GM OM - QTC 1 QSS 345". Translated this means "Good Morning old man, I have 1 piece of message traffic for you. I will use the working frequency 8345 kHz." Normally only the last three figures of the working frequency are sent. Once hearing this piece of information you know where to tune to copy the ship's traffic. However, do not immediately tune to that frequency. Instead, wait until you hear the ship transmit "dit dit". This is the verification that the shore station has correctly copied the working frequency. Still monitoring the calling frequency after a pause of several seconds we hear the "dit dit" all-clear signal and tune to 8345 to copy the message traffic. Unfortunately, the scenario presented above is not the only one you'll hear. R/Os seem to use a wide variety of techniques for establishing contact and moving the coast station to their working frequency. The one common denominator is to listen for that three digit number that represents the last three digits of the working frequency within the same band where contact was established. At times more than three digits might be sent and, indeed, at times a completely different band might be selected. "QSS 12448" would, of course, mean for the coastal station to listen on 12448 kHz, regardless of the band where initial contact was established. Other major variations that can be heard include: -- using QSW instead of QSS (the meanings are similar) -- using "UP" instead of QSS or QSW (even when the new freq is lower) Additionally, many ships' R/Os will include their QSS information when attempting to make initial contact. When I first started monitoring ships on CW I wasted alot of time by moving to the QSS frequency as soon as I copied it; the ship never appeared on frequency. For example, in attempting initial contact the R/O might send "PJC PJC PJC DE 4WUN - UP 456". By moving to 8345 immediately I failed to hear the R/O call again...and again...and again before giving up on that frequency or coastal station due to lack of response. By my observation, generally, more call-ups fail than succeed. Therefore I was wasting alot of time by moving to a working frequency that never materialized. Many contacts never go beyond the calling frequency even though a successful link is established. Here is a typical example: PJC DE 4WUN. QRU? (pause) then: NIL TU GW and silence. What happened? Well, 4WUN made contact with PJC and asked if PJC had any traffic on hand for the ship (QRU?). During the pause PJC tells 4WUN (on the duplex freq) that they have nothing for them. 4WUN then replies "NIL" (I have nothing for you) and TU (thank you) GW (have a good watch). A short and sweet QSO since neither station had traffic to send. Next month: Copying the message traffic on the working frequency. 73 ES CUL DE JIM =========================================================================== The WUN Military Column Jim Pogue, editor (kh2ar@aol.com) P.O. Box 3888 Memphis, Tn 38173-0888, USA Welcome to the July installment of the WUN Military Column. There's been a lot of news recently concerning the U.S. Base Realignment and Closure Commission (BRAC). Here is an abbreviated list of anticipated closures, focusing on those installations that are likely to have HF radio facilities: ARMY - Ft. McClellan, Ala.; Ft. Chaffee, Ark.; Ft. Ritchie, Md.; Bayonne Military Ocean Terminal, N.J.; Ft. Indiantown Gap, Pa.; Ft. Pickett, Va. NAVY - Naval Air Facility, Adak, Alaska; Naval Air Station, Weymouth, Mass. AIR FORCE - McClellan AFB, Calif.; Ontario Int'l Airport Air Guard Station, Calif.; Chicago O'Hare Int'l Airport Air Reserve Station, Ill.; Roslyn xir Guard Station, N.Y.; Bergstrom Air Reserve Base, Tex.; Reese AFB, Tex. Although this is a little after-the-fact, some WUNers may have heard comms from this exercise. Over 7,000 soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marine recently participated in two weeks of global conversation, testing systems for transmitting large volumes of voice, data and visual messages. Originally slated for dialogue across four continents, Exercise Grecian Firebolt '95 was cut to three when Army signal units in Germany dropped out because of the situation in Bosnia. The exercise started June 10, and linked communications systems in the U.S. to systems in Asia and North and Central America. In the U.S., Grecian Firebolt operated across 16 states from Alaska to Florida. The USS Blue Ridge, a specially equipped naval vessel, was part of the global communications network. A DoD official said, "Grecian Firebolt '95 evaluated the entire signal force structure and tested the capability of DoD to provide information management services to the war fighters. It also tested the interoperability between units of all of the services and demonstrated that reserve and active components can communicate well with each other to achieve a high state of readiness in a tactical communications environment." Army signal units in Korea and Panama linked up with stateside units in Arizona, Hawaii, New York and North Carolina. They were joined by Army National Guard units from Delaware, New York and South Carolina, and Reserve units from New York and Georgia. Another DoD official stated, "We also used this exercise as a platform to conduct statewide emergency management office communications, which is used during natural disasters - hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes. The exercise allows active duty and reserve component units to test their communications systems for interoperability and iron out any bugs." Grecian Firebolt was designed to help major commanders in joint operations access information for battlefield command and control. Additionally, military communications equipment and personnel supported civilian agencies in relief and recovery operations in the aftermath of simulated natural disasters. Telecommunications support was provided to state and county emergency preparedness divisions, public safety agencies and other emergency assistance organizations. Grecian Firebolt was sponsored by the U.S. Army Information Systems Command at Ft. Huachuca, Ariz. Here is a list of major military operations the U.S. European Command is now involved in. PROVIDE COMFORT is a multinational effort to protect the flow of humanitarian aid to the Kurds in northern Iraq. From 40 to 50 fixed wing and helicopter sorties are made each day from NATO bases in Turkey. SHARP GUARD involves U.S. Navy units working with NATO allies enforcing sanctions against Serbia in the Adriatic Sea. PROVIDE PROMISE helps deliver humanitarian aid and supplies to Bosnia-Herzegovina from NATO bases in Germany and Italy. DENY FLIGHT enforces the no-fly zone over Bosnia and provides close air support for U.N. peacekeepers upon request. ABLE SENTRY involves a U.N. force in Macedonia helping prevent the war in Bosnia from spreading. ROYAL AUSTRALIAN NAVY - Garden Island, near Rockingham in Western Australia, is the home of Australia's fastest-growing naval Base. HMAS Stirling, also known as Fleet Base West, is located on the shore of Careening Bay. Is the home of numerous vessels and over 2,000 naval personnel. By the year 2000, the RAN plans to base half of the Australian fleet there, with uniformed personnel numbering over 3,500. CANADIAN MARITIME FORCES - Here's a list of the Halifax-class frigates and their callsigns, received directly from their Public Affairs Office: Halifax-CGAP, Vancouver-CGAR, Ville de Quebec-CGAC, Toronto-CGAD, Regina-CGAE, Calgary-CGAF, Montreal-CGAG, Fredericton-CGAN, Winnipeg-CGAI, Charlottetown-CGAJ, St. John's-CGAK, Ottawa-CGAL. The Canadians appear to have abandoned their practice of using the CGxx block of callsigns for Canadian Coast Guard vessels. U.S. COAST GUARD - The Coast Guard launched the first vessel of a new class of seagoing buoy tenders June 24. The 225-foot-long USCGC Juniper was launched at Marinette, Wis., into the Menominee River. The Juniper is scheduled to go into service in November 1995. The builder, Marinette Marine Corp. (MMC), has been awarded contracts for two more ships of this class, and a total of up to five ships may be built by MMC. The Coast Guard will solicit bids for the remaining fleet, up to eleven additional ships, in 1997. The second vessel will be named USCGC Willow. These vessels are being built to replace the Coast Guard's aging fleet of 180-foot seagoing buoy tenders. U.S. NAVY - A key Senate panel called June 29 for construction of a third Seawolf-class submarine. The third Seawolf-class nuclear-powered attack sub, like its two predecessors, will be built at the Electric Boat Division of General Dynamics Corp, Groton, Conn. After that, the Navy will push for development of a less expensive new attack sub. The U.S. Navy has established the first new "numbered" fleet in 50 years. The U.S. Fifth Fleet, covering the waters of the Middle East area, "stood-up" on July 1. The responsibilities of the Fifth Fleet include day-to-day operations of naval forces in the area bordered by Egypt in the west to Pakistan in the east, and from the northern Persian Gulf to Kenya in the south. Ships assigned to the Fifth Fleet also will sail in the gulfs of Oman and Aden, the Red Sea and parts of the Indian Ocean. The USS Samuel Eliot Morison has sailed for America's heartland to participate in the annual Great Lakes Cruise. The vessel left Ogdensburg, N.Y. on June 24, and will visit nine Great Lake ports in two months before returning to its homeport of Mayport, Fla. Here's the schedule of port calls for the ship: Milwaukee, Wis July 3-10; Muskegon, Mich. July 10-17; Chicago, Ill. July 17-25; St. Ignace, Mich. July 25-28; Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. July 28-Aug. 3; Windsor, Ont., Canada Aug. 4-8; Cleveland, Ohio Aug. 8-14; Erie, Penn. Aug 14-20; Oswego, N.Y. Aug 21-27. Here is a list of ship and aircraft squadron decommissionings recently announced by the Navy: Ships-Cape Cod (AD-43), Mauna Kea (AE-22), Nitro (AE-23), Flint (AE-32 - will transfer to Military Sealift Command for conversion to TAE-32), White Plains (AFS-4), Henry J. Kaiser (TAO-187), Savannah (AOR-4), Jason (AR-8), Ortolan (ASR-22), Richmond K. Turner (CG-20), Belknap (CG-26), Truxton (CGN-35), Clifton Sprague (FFG-16), Tripoli (LPH-10), San Bernardino (LST-1189), Harlan County (LST-1196), Seahorse (SSN-669), Drum (SSN-677), Omaha (SSN-692), Cincinnati (SSN-693). Squadrons-HM 18, VA 35, VA 52, VA 95, VAQ 134, VAW 114, VF 51, VF 84, VF 111, VF 142, VP 17, VP 23, VP 24, VR 60, VS 37. That's it for this month. Good listening, and thanks for reading. ============================================================================= New Products, Books and Reviews Rick "RD" Baker, editor (see postal address on WUN Logs column) INTERCEPT Military Aircraft Communications Journal Out of the UK comes a monthly newsletter/journal specializing in all aspects of military aircraft communication. that rivals some of the information found in the "big boys". In fact, it includes information not found elsewhere that I have found. I reviewed two months at random thanks to David Gregg, publisher. Monthly columns include: Information Required; News & Updates; Dates for the Diary; Callsigns; Frequencies; On the NAT Tracks; REACH on Global; SSB Logs; Radio Watch; and Chicks in Trail. Some of these column names are self-explanatory, while others are a little more 'hidden'! Chicks in Trail for example includes only air-air refueling logs on UHF. Dates for the Diary includes shows, exhibitions and scheduled exercises or deployments. On the NAT tracks of course are military flights logged on the North Atlantic (NAT) HF frequencies. Other sections include callsigns, frequencies, radio logs. Logs include any frequency military aircraft can be heard on! HF, VHF and UHF are all accounted for. If your a die-hard military person, you may want to strongly consider a subscription. For more information send e-mail to Dave@intercpt.demon.co.uk or write: INTERCEPT, 11 Newton Close, South West Denton, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, NE15 7QP, UK. Cost is UK 12 pounds and includes twelve issues (Jan-Dec) of Intercept and postage. Tell Dave you read about it in WUN and a sample copy will be sent on receipt of an stamped (British mint stamps), self-addressed envelope. Next month we have a review of version 1.3 of NSK's PC-Frequencies software program and news of another ute program for your computers enjoyment! ============================================================================= (=- NUMBERS & ODDITIES -=) editor: Ary Boender ary@bitbike.iaf.nl 2:283/512.24 ---------------------- Welcome to the 7th edition of 'Numbers & Oddities'. Since last month the 'Miscellaneous SSB' column from Mike ceased to exist and has merged with 'N&O'. From now on you can send me also 'normal' stuff that doesn't fit in any of the other columns. Channelmarkers -------------- I heard channelmarker 'F' from Gdansk on 4556 kHz. This is most probably a Polish navy frequency. It is also reported on 7039 kHz but I think that this is incorrect as I hear very clearly 'C' and 'S' on 7039 kHz. F (..-.) can easily be mistaken for C (-.-.) 'C' is now also on 16331.85 and 'S' on 16332 kHz. 'R' is DFed and appears to be in Ustinov (Izhevsk) in the eastern part of European Russia. Mossad ------ CIO is now also on 8025 kHz. VLB is heard on 3417 // 6270 and FTJ on 4665 kHz. There seems to be something wrong with the broadcasting equipment that the Mossad, the Israeli military and government stations are using. It was first heard in the second week of June and it's still there while I'm writing this on July 17th. During that period you could here something that sounds like the ringing of a telephone and on top of that a sort of clicking sound. When the telephone sound appears, then you could hear all the Mossad transmissions that were on the air at that particular moment, all at the same time. On 10125 kHz, this whole thing sounded even weirder as there is a Moscow station 1 kHz away that produces a constant 'white noise' type of sound which is some sort of high tech digital mode. Maybe you can imagine how this sounded when it all blended. The most interesting frequency was 10125 kHz, but also on 8127 kHz something unusual has been heard. This Mossad frequency carries on USB Israel Defence Forces Radio (Galei Zahal). It was first thought that this was KOL Israel but it appears to be Galei Zahal's traffic information service which carries mostly music and id's as "Kol Ha-Galgalatz" ("Voice of Galgalatz"). News summaries are some- times carried on the half hour with some news bulletins relayed from Kol Israel Israel's Network B on the hour. During the Galei Zahal broadcasts the same situation occur as on 10125 kHz. The same happened to a couple of RTTY stations who apparently transmit from the same site just like Galei Zahal. The transmitter site is near Tel Aviv. Maybe this is still going on when the Newsletter comes out. Try your luck on 10125 kHz. MI6 --- Apart from the well known 'Lincolnshire Poacher' station, MI6 also operates another, less frequent heard, station. This station uses an interval signal that sounds like the old folksong 'Cherry Ripe' and is played on a flute. I heard them recently on 14469 kHz at 13.00 UTC. They have been noted on 17499 kHz at 12.00 UTC as well and at 13.00 UTC on 20474 and 23411 kHz. The station is known to Numbers-dxers as 'the Cherry Picker' Nancy Adam Susan schedule ------------------------- 11.00, 18000 kHz, BEC 12.00, 17502 kHz, NAS 12.30, 11170 kHz, NSA 13.00, 11000 kHz, BEC 14.00, 14000 kHz, FYP 16.30, 6715 kHz, NAS 17.00, 14000 kHz, FYP 17.30, 5835 kHz, MSA 18.00, 5835 kHz, WSS 19.00, 4130 kHz, SAR 20.00, 5530 kHz, NAS 21.00, 4130 kHz, MSA / RSM Brotherhood update ------------------ A new sked for messages to RAU can be found on 13880 kHz at 08.10 UTC. UXW has a fixed sked at 09.10 UTC on 14426 kHz with RLX in Moscow, the other end of the link is on 13506 kHz. The link id for both stations is 40034. 8BY / P8K --------- Recently number station '8BY' has been DFed and it appears that it is operating from France, somewhere near Paris. The user is unknown but there are rumors that it might be DGSE related. Frequencies: 7668, 10248, 12170, 14931 and 18302 kHz. Another station that is around for many years is 'P8K' which will be DFed during the next couple of weeks and I would not be surprised if this one comes from France as well. The USAF numbers broadcasts, pt1. --------------------------------- They are there for many years; easy to catch and yet completely ignored by the majority of the dxers. A bit strange when you know that there are many numbers-dxers who spend years to figure out how the numbers stations work, who are looking for patterns and try to break the codes. Yet they ignore the EAMs and Foxtrot messages. Therefore I thought it would be nice to take a closer look to these messages. We'll kick off with the Foxtrot or 'Skyking' messages, which all of you probably have heard before. They can be heard on all GHFS frequencies. Here's a sample: ''Skyking, Skyking, do not answer. Papa Tango Three. Time Three Five. Authentication Whiskey November. I say again; Skyking, Skyking, do not answer. Papa Tango Three. Time Three Five. Authentication Whiskey November. Croughton out.'' Perhaps the most common question asked by a new military ute monitor is the question "who is this SKYKING character, and why can't he answer?" These broadcasts to SKYKING are more commonly known as FOXTROT broadcasts. You can read about them in Larry Van Horn's Utility World column in the Dec 94 Monitoring Times (which includes a picture of a USAF FOXTROT broadcast pad). As with the EAMs, they are usually ignored when they are broadcast on the GHFS. Most of the information below is derived from posts on the Grove BBS. I thank the participants in the discussions on the BBS, in particular Jeff Haverlah who wrote the major part of this article. What follows is not 'who' or 'what' these "SKYKING" broadcasts are, but rather how they seem to manifest themselves on HF, at least from a CONUS (= CONtinental USa) viewpoint. The construction of a Foxtrot message is as follows: 'Skyking, Skyking, do not answer' is the normal callup text for Foxtrot messages. This is followed by a 'trigraph', 'timestamp' and 'authentication'. Trigraph All characters of English alphabet can be used. All numerals from 1 though 9, plus zero are used. There are all alpha-character tri- graphs; combinations of alphanumeric trigraphs; and all numeric trigraphs. The trigraphs NEVER change during a FOXTROT cycle. Timestamp Two digits that represent the minutes-unit of time of the broadcast. The digits will change to reflect the time of broadcast by a specific station. Sometimes, the stations seem to fudge the timestamp (mis- sing the minute-change.) Authentication Conventional Wisdom - the 'alpha''alpha' authentication does not change during the echo cycle. Common situation now - the 'authen- tication' does indeed change during the echo process. Yet, there are still instances where the 'authentication' does not change. In multiple FOXTROT situations ("more to follow"), the 'authenti- cations' are static across each message (each authentication is the same for each 3/2 DNA.) If the authentication changes in mid- rotation, it seems to change for each grouping in the cycle at the same point. The Foxtrot messages appear to have the highest precedence of any transmission on the GHFS. Example of precedence: > All GHFS traffic will cease for an EAM transmission. > All GHFS traffic will cease for a FOXTROT transmission. > All EAM transmissions will immediately terminate for a FOXTROT bcst. Other presumed FOXTROT broadcasts: 'YELLOWBLOOD' 3/2 DNAs heard on 6788, 11191, 11244 kHz. Presumed USN related; possibly USMC. But not sure. The station that broadcasts these transmissions never id's itself. The broadcast is sometimes echoed by at least one other station, again with no id given. These broadcasts sometimes indicate the use of a schedule. Example: +/- h+53 minutes in late 1994. Transmission pattern: 'YELLOWBLOOD, YELLOWBLOOD. Do not answer. Break "trigraph timestamp authentication."' As mentioned above, these broadcasts have apparently been around on the U.S. HF military frequencies for decades. The transmission patterns and frequencies changed somewhat in 1992 and since 01 June 1992, they have manifested themselves on the GHFS as follows: (note: although the following is the result of many years of monitoring these messages, some of the info given is 'tentative'. Your comments or adjustments are highly appreciated -Ary-). 1. This is tentative: Take a world map and draw an arc beginning at Hawaii; through ELMENDORF; through THULE; through CROUGHTON; and ending at LAJES. The FOXTROT broadcasts heard from stations inside the arc seem to be different from those heard at or outside the arc; and, they do not seem to cross the arc. A) Within the arc: -> For at least a few months after the 'change' in June 1992, the lead GHFS station would 'call' MCCLELLAN and ANDREWS and 'request you echo the following'; then broadcast the 'trigraph', 'timestamp' and 'authentication'. -> Maybe concurrently, or maybe after this brief period of time, the lead station (usually OFFUTT, but sometimes ANDREWS or MCCLELLAN following the old USAF SAC universe) would initiate a FOXTROT broad- cast with a call to something that still sounds like DECENT (or maybe DESCENT??) with a 'request you echo the following.' The DECENT call appears to be a general call to all CONUS (less BAYONNE) and SOUTHCOM GHFS stations to 'echo' the FOXTROT broadcast. The SOUTHCOM station being ALBROOK - if it is not a SOUTHCOM activity, at least it is apparently for coverage of the southern U.S., Gulf of Mexico, Carib- bean (Cuba area?), and who knows what else. -> Until around March 1995, the echo process seemed to flow from the lead station (usually OFFUTT) to MCCLELLAN/ANDREWS; to MACDILL; finally to ALBROOK. Since March 1995, it seems to be catch as catch- can with ANDREWS sometimes coming up as trailing in the rotation. -> Since around March 1995, there have been rare (but not uncommon) FOXTROT broadcasts that use a callsign that sounds like FAIRLY. These broadcasts also 'request you echo the following'; however, no echo is ever heard, at least here. A FOXTROT broadcast was heard recently from YOKOTA (very strong level here in post-sunrise local time) with a broadcast that seemed to be directed to something that sounded like FARLY - possibly accented FAIRLY?? Again, no echo heard. -> Very recently OFFUTT was heard with a FOXTROT broadcast using the callsign ENLIST. Again, no echo was heard. -> And sometimes OFFUTT and ANDREWS have been heard (during periods of good propagation) with a single FOXTROT broadcast, with no callsign; no request for echo; and, no echoing station following their broad- casts. B) Outside the arc. Because of propagation, the following is also tentative: -> Stations such as HICKAM, THULE, and CROUGHTON can be heard here at local night with FOXTROT broadcasts that do not seem to originate with a CONUS station; and which do not seem to be echoed by CONUS stations. Question: who initiates these ? -> These stations at and outside the arc, when they are co-active with OFFUTT during an OFFUTT DECENT broadcast, seem to ignore (or not hear) the OFFUTT broadcasts, and do not take part in the FOXTROT broadcast rotation (if any). -> When propagation is good (which is certainly not at this period of time) YOKOTA has been heard with what appear to be 'initiating' FOXTROT broadcasts. Are there others ? C) Apparently the only stations not participating in any FOXTROT broadcast are BAYONNE, and ASCENSION. 2. The FOXTROT broadcasts are heard on all GHFS frequencies. Unlike the EAMs, the FOXTROT broadcasts are not heard on the old/new GIANT TALK frequencies since 01 June 1992. 3. Before the SAC 'standdown' these broadcasts were equated with something called a 'monitoring period.' After the 'standdown' they are equated with, well, what?? They can happen at any time, and do. Next month we'll take a closer look at the EAMs. I'd like to thank Enigma, Mike Chace, BBC Monitoring Service, Leif Dehio, Jeff Haverlah, Larry van Horn and all the others who sent me their findings. Keep it coming ! 'till next month, Ary. =========================================================================== _____ _ _ ___ ___ ___ _ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _____ |_ _| |_| | __| / _ \/ __| | | _ \ __| _ \/ _ \| _ \_ _| | | | _ | _| | (_) \__ \ |__ | / _|| _/ (_) | / | | |_| |_| |_|___| \__\_\___/____| |_|_\___|_| \___/|_|_\ |_| Editor: Jim Navary 914 Conjurers Drive Colonial Heights, VA 23834 ============================================================================= STATION VERIFIED FREQ MODE/TYPE/QSL/NO.DAYS/REMARKS/CONTRIBUTOR CIVIL AIRCRAFT American 917 :10024.0 USB PFC 19 ds/A300-600R/no reg. (TO) Ansett Australia 874 : 8867.0 USB PFC 26 ds/F.284000/VH-EWB +goodies (TO) Cayman 1052 : 8918.0 USB PFC 42 ds/737-200/VR-CYB (TO) Charter Air (OE-FOW) :11345.0 USB PFC 14 ds/+photo (IB) Continental 83 : 5547.0 USB PFC 11 ds/DC-10 #N17065 (BH-KM) (JN) DHL011 : 5616.0 USB PFC 44 ds/DC8-73F/N805DH (TO) EuroCypria 828 : 8930.0 USB PFC 12 ds/(5B-DBC) +postcards/ltr (IB) Finnair 134 : 5598.0 USB PFC 54 ds/MD11/OH-LGB (TO) Ghana 3069 :11300.0 USB PFC 20 ds/ (IB) Gulf Air 034 : 5598.0 USB PFC 30 ds/A.340-300/A40 LA (TO) Hawaiian 116 : 5547.0 USB PFC 19 ds/DC-10 (GK-EJ) (JN) Hawaiian 465 : 6553.0 USB PFC 22 ds/DC10/N119AA (TO) Icelandair 614 : 2872.0 USB PFC 23 ds/757/TF-FIH (TO) Jet Aviation (HB-ILH) :11345.0 USB PFC 5 ds/ (IB) Leisure 792 : 8906.0 USB PFC 62 ds/767-300ER/G-UKLH/pc/ltr (TO) LONGHORN 3201 : 6577.0 USB PFC 10 ds/B-727, Express One Intl (JN) MALEV 091 : 5598.0 USB PFC 29 ds/767-200ER/HA-LHA (TO) Martinair 668 : 8906.0 USB PFC 39 ds/B-767, reg PH-MCI, AR-LM (PI) Monarch 038 : 6586.0 USB PFC 11 ds/757/G-DAJB/pers. ltr (TO) N332MC :13306.0 USB PFC 10 ds/MCI bizjet (JN) Polnippon (SP-FNC) : 5658.0 USB PFC 25 ds/+postcard, photo (IB) Polynesian 745 : 8867.0 USB PFC 33 ds/737-3Q8 5W-ILF (TO) Solomons 711 : 6553.0 USB PFC 35 ds/737-300/VH-TJB +pers.ltr (TO) Sun Country 840 : 8846.0 USB PFC 17 ds/ (IB) Taesa 2491 : 5616.0 USB PFC 83 ds/+letter (IB) Turkish 582 : 5649.0 USB PFC 87 ds/A.340-311/TC-JDL+postcrd (TO) United 918 : 5598.0 USB PFC 28 ds/B-777,N766UA, AQ-BH (PI) MILITARY/GOV'T AIRCRAFT NASA 714 : 5574.0 USB PFC 35 ds/C141/N714NA/info/ltr (TO) Ascot 2041 : 5649.0 USB PFC 22 ds/VC-10, XV-106, CF-DE (PI) Ascot 2061 : 5598.0 USB PFC 12 ds/VC10 C1K/XV106 +pers.ltr (TO) BASCO 70 :11175.0 USB PFC 62 ds/C-141B, Tail# 60202 (JN) German Air Force #852 : 6715.0 USB PFC 22 ds/German "AF One", B707 (JN) JHAWK 11 :11175.0 USB PFC 20 ds/B-1B, 184 BG (ANG) (JN) NAVY LD-10T :11175.0 USB PFC 24 ds/P-3C, VP 10, +decal (JN) NAVY LE-111 :11176.0 USB PFC 205ds/P-3C #161338 VP-11 (JN) NAVY LE-11T :11175.0 USB PFC 32 ds/P-3C #158934 VP-11 (JN) PELICAN 08 : 8971.0 USB PFC 47 ds/P-3C, VP-45 Jax, FL (JN) RHODY 22 :11175.0 USB PFC 25 ds/C-130E 143 ALG (JN) SAM 26000 : 5616.0 USB PFC 7 ds/C-137/62-6000 (TO) USCG A/C #1504 :13306.0 USB PFC 10 ds/HC-130H, Ice Patrol Flt (JN) FIXED STATIONS Bar Radio, Serbia : 2182.0 USB LTR 33 ds/ (IB) KFS - GLOBE WIRELESS :12844.5 CW QSL 43 ds/ (JN) KXC713/Woods Hole Oc'n Inst:12353.0 USB PFC 12 ds/W.R/V Atlantis II (JN) NNN0NIG, Pensacola, Fl :14441.5 USB PFC 63 ds/Navy MARS +ham QSL card (IB) WUC5 - USACE Jacksonville: 9122.5 USB PFC 10 ds/ (JN) WUH - USACE Omaha : 9122.5 USB PFC 24 ds/Missouri River Division (JN) WUJ35 - The Dalles, Or : 9122.5 USB PFC 14 ds/John Day Project Office (JP) WUP - USACE Waterways Exp: 9122.5 USB PFC 12 ds/Vicksburg, MS +brochure (JN) Palo Alto Marine Radio/KFS: 8417.0 FEC QSL 613ds(!)/Globe Wireless QSL (RB) Wick Radio/GKR : 2182.0 USB QSL 189ds/+PFC, info, ltr (RB) CIVIL SHIPS Dora Oldendorf/9VGL :16528.0 USB PFC 13 ds/ (IB) M/T Sea Castle/9HXO3 : 4188.0 CW PFC 44 ds/Tanker, near Malta (JN) M/T Sentinel/ELFR2 : 8388.0 ARQ PFC 64 ds/+brochure, letter (JN) M/T Sericata/PHLE :16703.5 ARQ PFC 74 ds/Shell oil product tankr (JN) M/V Armonia/SXHL : 8375.0 CW PFC 26 ds/+phone call/letter (JN) M/V Carl Metz/J8CS3 :16717.0 ARQ PFC 285ds/Container +nice letter (JN) M/V Edwin H. Gott/WXQ4511: 4077.0 USB PFC 27 ds/1000' self-unloader (JN) M/V El Pampero/C6KE4 :12479.0 ARQ PFC 444ds/Bulker +ltr, postcards (JN) M/V Flag Diamond/SZYW : 8363.0 CW PFC 59 ds/Bulker (JN) M/V Golden Empire/SVUZ : 8355.0 CW PFC 33 ds/+letter (JN) M/V Golden Sword/SXCK : 8362.0 CW PFC 79 ds/Last voyage of ship! (JN) M/V Handy Jack/DUWL : 8362.0 CW PFC 21 ds/Log/Bulk carrier (JN) M/V Koper Express/9HOO3 : 8198.0 USB PFC 77 ds/Container - +letter (JN) M/V Kritika Naree/HSDA : 6290.0 CW PFC 146ds/GenCargo +letter (JN) M/V Mercandian Arrow/OWDM2:16685.5 ARQ PFC 23 ds/Ro-Ro +ltr fm 1st Mate (JN) M/V Merchant Prelude/C6KM8: 4187.0 CW PFC 61 ds/Bulker +ltr,large photo (JN) M/V Nea Tyhi/SVUN :12462.0 CW PFC 31 ds/Bulker +ltr (JN) M/V New Duquesa/3EBA3 :16625.5 CW PFC 107ds/+photo of crew (JN) M/V New Noble/DZHB :16637.0 CW PFC 93 ds/Bulker +letter (JN) M/V Omegaventure L./SVPG :12435.0 CW PFC 41 ds/+telephone call at home!(JN) M/V Sea Wolf/KNFG : 468.0 CW PFC 169ds/653' Container ship (JN) M/V SEAL Mauritius/C6LP2 :12480.0 ARQ PFC 131ds/Gen.Cargo +ltr/photo (JN) M/V Suerte/ELLH7 : 8351.0 CW PFC 62 ds/Bulker (JN) MSC Stefania/3EVI6 : 8355.0 CW PFC 33 ds/Container ship (JN) R/V Atlantis II/KADC :12353.0 USB PFC 12 ds/Wkg Woods Hole (KXC713) (JN) Sea-Land Shining Star/WVFZ: 8207.0 USB PFC 53 ds/+letter (IB) SS MSC Sabrina/3EZP8 :12427.0 CW PFC 54 ds/Container ship (JN) SS Star Georgia/WLDW :12552.0 CW PFC 133ds/ (JP) SSV Westward/WZL8190 : 8267.0 USB PFC 30 ds/Research Schooner (IB) Str. John G. Munson/WE3806: 4077.0 USB PFC 24 ds/767' self-unloader (JN) Tug Crusader/WYP4482 : 8294.0 USB ltr 14 ds/Ocean going tug (JN) Tug Defender/WBN3016 : 8294.0 USB ltr 14 ds/Ocean going tug (JN) M/T Novoklav-4 UHBO :12496.0 ARQ PFC 85 ds/ltr (1st Russian!) (RB) CRUISE/PASSENGER SHIPS Ecstasy/ELNC5 : 8237.0 USB PFC 18 ds/+postcard (IB) Oceanbreeze/ELLY4 : 8207.0 USB PFC 41 ds/+postcard (IB) Regal Empress/C6LW2 : 4113.0 USB PFC 31 ds/+postcard (IB) Seabreeze/3FGV2 : 8207.0 USB PFC 20 ds/+postcard (IB) SS Dolphin IV/HOOG : 8371.0 CW PFC 8 ds/+pic postcard (JN) SS Seabreeze I/3FGV2 :16685.5 ARQ PFC 24 ds/+pic postcard (JN) Starship Oceanic/C6IF7 : 4071.0 USB PFC 48 ds/+postcard (IB) MILITARY/COAST GUARD SHIPS FGS Donau/DRHP : 6779.0 USB PFC 485ds/ (IB) FGS Donau/DRHP (A-69) : 6779.0 USB PFC 424ds/Never give up! (JN) FGS Donau/DRHP (A-69) : 6779.0 USB PFC 409ds/Veri Ltr dated 6.11.94! (RB) FS Punaruu/FAUU :12551.5 CW PFC 18 ds/A-632 (tanker) (JN) FS Rhone (A622)/FBRN : 8367.0 CW PFC 20 ds/+brochure (JN) HMCS Halifax/CHAA : 6736.0 USB PFC 73 ds/+decals/pic postcard (JN) HMCS Ville de Quebec/CGAC: 6736.0 USB PFC 79 ds/+ltr/brochure/decal (JN) HMS Battleaxe/GVEW : 8240.0 USB PFC 18 ds/+photo, sticker, info (IB) HMS Shetland/GUYX : 6647.0 USB PFC 17 ds/+postcard, info (IB) USCGC Hornbeam (WLB-394) : 8240.0 USB PFC 18 ds/Callsign NODM (JP) USCGC Madrona/NRPT (WLB302): 8240.0 USB PFC 32 ds/+Welcome Aboard book (JN) USCGC Pt. Glass (WPB-82336): 5690.0 USB PFC 10 ds/Callsign NCNK (JP) USS Aubrey Fitch/NNN0CMC :14441.5 USB PFC 35 ds/+postcard (IB) USS Boone (FFG-28)/NBON : 5011.0 USB PFC 120ds/ (JP) USS Gunston Hall/NNN0CFI :14441.5 USB PFC 170ds/+postcard, book, info (IB) USS Hue City/NNN0COD :14441.5 USB PFC 25 ds/+letter, photo (IB) USS John Hancock/NNN0CZG :14441.5 USB PFC 30 ds/ (IB) USS Mahlon S. Tisdale/NMST: 8267.0 USB PFC 25 ds/(FFG-27) (TD) USS Yorktown/NYKN : 8198.0 USB PFC 30 ds/(CG-48) (TD) Thanks to this month's contributors: (TO) Tony Orr (PI) Peter Ivakitsch (TD) Tim Dobbins (JP) Jim Pogue (IB) Ian Baxter (RB) Rick "RD" Baker (JN) Jim Navary Ian Baxter (Lancs., UK) advises that QSLs received during June brings his total to 123 different US Navy ships verified. Also, Ian recently joined the ranks of the married WUNners and enjoyed a honeymoon trip to the Dominican Republic. Congratulations on both milestones Ian (but not necessarily in the order presented above)! Tim Dobbins (Florida, USA) asks about recommended publications for finding utility station addresses for QSLing. Ah....the $64,000 question! For ute QSL hounds the pursuit of address information is often considerably more of a challenge than is logging an elusive DX station. I highly recommend the Worldwide UTE News Newsletter which contains a monthly column "The QSL Report" for address info. (Sorry, couldn't resist) But seriously folks ... one of the primary purposes of this column is to serve as a clearing house on QSL address info. WUNners are respectfully requested to send any and all information, including either specific addresses or information about good reference materials, to the addresses (either email or snail-mail) listed in the masthead for this column. Here are some of the references that I've found useful: GENERAL REFERENCES: UTILITY ADDRESS HANDBOOK (2nd edition) by Reinhard Klein-Arendt. I've found Reinhard's book to be the most comprehensive compilation of ute address info. Reinhard is a WUN member, although he's currently inactive due to being on an extended research trip to Africa. Unfortunately, this book is a bit dated (published in December 1989). However, many of the addresses listed are still valid. GUIDE TO UTILITY STATIONS by Joerg Klingenfuss. This is an annual publication that provides a wealth of information about utility monitoring. It includes a nice section of address information. While somewhat expensive for North American residents, due to the unfavorable exchange rate, I have made good use of the addresses contained therein. SPECIALIZED REFERENCES: Airlines: "jp airline-fleets international" (the title is all lower case) is a massive annual publication that provides complete address information for the world's airline companies along with detailed information on individual aircraft in each company's fleet. Essential for aero monitors and QSL hounds. Merchant Ships: LLOYD'S MARITIME DIRECTORY is a very expensive but outstanding reference for maritime monitors. Priced out of the range of most utes who have not yet won the lottery (US $400+), the best bet is to try to find a used copy. Easier said than done as even the used ones seem to be rare as hen's teeth. An alternative to LLOYD'S is the FAIRPLAY WORLD SHIPPING DIRECTORY. This is another annual publication, still expensive, but more reasonably priced than LLOYD'S. In addition to Ships' owners/operators, the Fairplay book also includes addresses for ship managers, shipbrokers, and numerous other types of maritime businesses and organizations. CD-ROM databases: A number of different "phone directories" are now available on CD-ROM. I use "PhoneDisc USA - Business" published by Digital Directory Assistance which includes mailing addresses. I use this CD for "creative" address searches. As a hypothetical example: The M/V Eagle is logged working a US coastal station, arranging a radio-telephone call to (303) 373-4765. A quick scan through Lloyd's shows 5 different "Eagle"s and no callsign is mentioned to narrow the search. Using PhoneDisc I do a simple search for that phone number and discover a listing for Ivaran Lines, Miami, Florida, including a complete mailing address. Bingo! Another CD-ROM I've recently discovered is "United States Waterway Data". This CD-ROM is a compilation of waterway databases and reports published by the US Dept. of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics. It is available absolutely free of charge! It includes databases of commercial ships/boats and operators (among other things) including full address information for companies operating in US navigable waters. It is available from the DOT/Bureau of Transportation Statistics, 400 7th Street SW, Room 2104, Washington, DC 20590. That hazy, ever-expanding cloud of data known as the Internet is proving to be the best source of information I've found. If you have access to the World Wide Web (WWW) it's your ticket to seemingly infinite sources of information. If you don't have access to WWW -- get it! Of course, an excellent starting place is our very own WUN WWW homepage maintained by Jason Berri. The wealth of search engines that are available makes "surfing" the net (is anyone else getting sick of that phrase?) much easier when trying to home in on specific information. Even better than the on-line data is the fantastic opportunity for establishing contact with people around the world who might be in a position to provide the information you are seeking. And with hundreds of new information sources coming on-line every day of the week the possibilities are mind-boggling. Membership in WUN has passed the 500 member mark and continues to grow. Why not take a moment to pass along the sources of information YOU find useful, either in the hunt for ute QSLs or for general ute monitoring purposes. I'm looking forward to hearing from you. ============================================================================= The WUN Logs Column Rick "RD" Baker, editor: 1352 Cavalcade Dr., Austintown, Ohio 44515-3844 USA e-mail: ae411@yfn.ysu.edu Howdy ute fans! Not a record, but a nice turnout with 37 contributors from eight countries this month. A nice variety too. I know the reason a lot of you are holding back on sending or posting logs is because you felt sorry for making me sort out all those logs! Well worry no more. Tim Dobbins answered the help wanted request and will join me next month as co-editor of this column. Now we can handle twice as many logs...but can your hard drive? :-) If you send logs direct, continue to send them to me as I'll continue to handle those. Tim will handle the ones posted on WUN. Take a moment and jot down a few logs to share! Only 37 contributors from 500 members? I'm sure we can do better than that! Thanks for your support. =CIVILIAN AERO= 3476 United 942 (AQ-BK) 0226 USB wkg Gander R. IFSS CAN for Selcal ck N768UA 777. (TO) 5505 EIP: Shannon Volmet, IRE 0550 USB w/ID after aviation wx for various cities. (RB) 5529 Iberia 6010 0040 USB wkg Madrid SPAIN LDOC w/ARP in Spanish (TO) 5535 CALEDONIAN 5041 0035 USB speaking to Speedbird Ops from Malta (I think). Selcal CKFJ. (PT) 5541 Stockholm LDOC,S 2110 USB w/Transavia PH-HVK. Eta Amsterdam 2225. (AB) 5550 AMERICAN 68 0057 USB wkg New York. (PT) American 105 (BP-DK) 2310 USB wkg New York R. ARINC for Selcal ck, call TALLO. American 2030 (MP-QR) 2304 USB wkg New York w/ARP & selcal ck. American 1290 (AM-FQ) 0150 USB wkg NY for ARP at posn KRAFT F350. North American 712 0207 USB wkg New York w/ARP PRISS F390. Aeroflot 333C 0148 USB wkg NY for ARP at 18N55W neg Selcal, poss. IL76. United 979 (CE-RS) 0126 USB wkg NY on the grnd at JFK for Selcal ck. Sunwing 9908 (Spanair, SA) 0125 USB wkg NY w/ARP at ELKAS F330. RAT101 0120 USB wkg NY w/ARP a/c of Ratioflug Flugunternehmen GmbH. (TO) 5574 San Francisco ARinc (Time?) USB wkg Reach 90016 who reported he was having trouble reaching Los Angeles center on VHF. San Francisco suggested he try Los Angeles center on 132.15 or 338.3. (JL) 5598 GAF 508 (C-160D Transall) 2136 USB w/Santa Maria clnc: to Santa Maria via 43n 13w - 4210n 15w - 40n 20w - Delta - SMA - fl200 TAS250. (BH) Gander Aeradio 0023 USB Wkg Malev 091, Air Club 210, Finnair 102, all w/selcal cks. GAF 291: 0513 USB German AF wkg Gander w/posn rpt. Followed by GAF 579 w/Gander. (JN) Gander 0533 USB wkg French Line 437 & Aeroflot 338. Gander 0525 USB wkg German Air Force 170. (NZ) GERMAN AIR FORCE 278 0037 USB bound for LPAZ (Santa Maria), wkg Santa Maria. GERMAN AIR FORCE 291 0058 USB wkg Santa Maria, no destination given. CONDOR 135 0059 USB wkg Shanwick. (PT) NASA 426 0432 USB w/Santa Maria, Fl 250. (PvdE) DHL015 (DG-CL) 0545 USB wkg Gander R. IFSS CAN w/ARP ETA JFK 1020. United 946 (AG-JR) 2117 USB wkg New York R. IFSS USA on the ground at IAD/Selcal ck. Singapore 25 (AL-BH) 0537 USB wkg Shanwick R. IFSS IRL w/ARP at 53N30W. Cubana 9756 0523 USB wkg Gander w/ARP and negative Selcal, presumed IL62M (TO) 5598 Egyptair 989 (BQ-CK) 0521 USB wkg Gander R. IFSS CAN w/ARP 46N30W F310. Lauda Italy (LDI) 942 0158 USB wkg New York R. IFSS receiving oceanic clearance. French Navy 9324 0520 wkg Shanwick R. IFSS IRL w/ARP at 46N30W F230. Lufthansa 8166 (FJ-CG) 0519 USB wkg Gander R. w/ARP at 47N30W req F350. DHL011 0508 USB wkg Shanwick R. w/ARP ETA JFK 0947. Iberia 6620 0144 USB wkg New York R. receiving revised oceanic clearance. World 111 (GH-AS) 0501 USB wkg Shanwick R. w/ARP 46N30W back from lease to Malaysian airlines for haj charter work. TWA 902 0253 wkg Gander R. for Selcal chk AE-BC (N606TW B767-200ER) at 4430N. N200LC 0250 wkg Gander R. req's is N200LC MMPS certified. Affirmative. AOM 234 0248 wkg Santa Maria R. w/ARP & Selcal ck CG-DM DC10-30 F-GKMY. Turkish 582 0143 wkg Gander R. w/ARP & Selcal ER-CF (A.340 TC-JDK). NASA 426 0140 wkg NY R. w/ARP at 41N60W F230 (BL-ES, reg and a/c type?). ROY520 (Royal-Canada) 0119 wkg Gander R. for Selcal ck FK-BJ (L1011-100 C-FTNK). American 56 0147 wkg NY R. for ARP & Selcal ck AJ-DQ (MD11 N1761R). Aer Lingus 2132 0115 wkg Gander R. w/ARP and req F390. World 124 0102 wkg Shanwick R. (CM-BD reg./a/c type?) w/ARP 46N30W. Condor 173 0032 wkg NY R. w/ARP at pos BRUNZ F290. ich 3796 0103 wkg Gander req pp to MIA ops. Told to QSY NY ARINC 6640/3494. (TO) 5601 Malaysian 31 2010 USB calling Bombay. Ezeiza Volmet, Argentina 0520 USB w/wx. (NZ) 5609 LEISURE 6571 0044 USB w/pp via Portishead Radio. Discussing possibility of bad wx in Corfu forcing diversion to Athens. Selcal HLMP. Changed to 8960 KHz for selcal ck. (PT) 5610 G-BVJY: (A BAe 125 I believe) 1745 USB wkg Portishead, tried to get a pp to somewhere, probably ops in Luton, after no contact the msg was relayed. SELCAL ck (I think it was BD-GJ). (IW) 5616 Quid 81 (KC-135, Mildenhall) 1119 USB Shanwick (all logs this freq) flt of 4: QUID 81/82/83/84 req oceanic clearance. Shanwick req. current posn: 065 radial/ 76 DME from LND (Lands End) fl200 - 220. Over to VHF 123.95. QUID 81 1203 USB req oceanic clearance for HAWK 10 (c/s spelled). QUID 81 1216 USB present posn 4959n 1257w, next 50n 15w, 5145n 17w, at this point the QUIDS will split up from the HAWK, the QUIDS rtb Mildenhall, the HAWK continuing westbound. Proceed according to the airspace reservation, fl180 - fl200, after 15w fl200 - fl210. Confirm 2 B-1 aircraft, HAWK 10 & HAWK 11? Negative, only HAWK 10, 1 B-1B. CFC 506 (C-130) 1246 USB w/Shanwick 53n 15w 1245 fl160, 54n 20w 1320, 56n 30w. Later climbing fl180 and over to 8864. (BH) CHUG 20: 0827 USB wkg Shanwick ATC at 56N/15W/230, then 56/10 next EGQJ. CFC 116: 0835 USB wkg Shanwick ATC w/58N/10W estimate. Negative selcall. CFC 119: 0848 USB wkg Shanwick ATC, w/posn, Stornoway next. REACH 40156: 1956 USB wkg Shanwick ATC at 45N/30W/330, then 40N/20W, next TELSA. (FW) Shanwick 1041 USB w/REACH 40005P 56n20w/1125 F370 57n30w/1209 57n40w/next Next report to Gander on 8864. Shanwick 1151 USB w/REACH 4706 57n20w/1148 57n30w/1231 57n40w/next. (HW) UNITED 936 0032 USB wkg Gander. Selcal AGDS. (PT) Gander Radio: NF, CAN (NAT-B MWARA) 0310 USB wkg -Air 856 w/posn. (RB) Air Canada 862 (HP-EF) 0553 USB wkg Gander R. IFSS CAN for an ARP 54N40W F370 fuel 18.4. Air Club International 130 0210 USB wkg Gander R. w/ARP 56N50W F330. TWA 885 (AE-CL) 0635 wkg Gander R. w/ARP ETA JFK 1020. United 950 wkg Shanwick R. w/ARP 49N30W and Selcal JP-DK (767-200ER N608UA). Air Canada 874 0320 USB wkg Gander R. w/ARP 59N40W F370. N410M 0058 USB wkg Gander w/ARP at 49N40W IDing as Gulfstream. USAir 816 0257 wkg Shanwick R. w/ARP & Selcal ck BG-CP (N656US 767-200ER). N80AT 0255 wkg Gander R. w/ARP 49N40W F410. United 964 0310 wkg Shanwick R. w/ARP and Selcal CF-BS 767-300ER N663UA. FEDEX1 0021 wkg Gander R. w/ARP at pos 55N50W QSY Moncton CTR 120.4 at OYSTR. American 64 2202 wkg Gander R. for Selcal ck on BJ-GL (N339AA 767-200ER). Elite2317 (Canada 3000) 0313 wkg Gander R. w/ARP 47N40W F330. United 920 2220 wkg Gander R. for Selcal ck AL-CE (747- 200 N160UA). Canadian 87 2234 wkg Gander R. w/ARP at 57N30W (HL-DM C-FCAB 767-300ER). Continental 50 0342 wkg Gander R. for a Selcal ck on EF-AB (DC10-30 N14062). (TO) 5643 NEW ZEALAND 138 0955 USB wkg Sydney w/posn rep. CZC 1112 USB w/selcal ck w/Auckland. Pacific 440 0704 USB wkg Auckland f/l 330, Mach .76. Auckland 2131 USB wkg Korean 663 BJ. QF3 0035 USB wkg AKL o/head Lord Howe, f/l 330, cont. Nadi. (NZ) 5649 MARTINAIR 602 0051 USB wkg Gander. Selcal BJPR. (PT) SDM 9001: 2305 USB wkg Gander ATC with 40W pos; Yeltsin's aircraft back from Halifax summit. SDM 9033: 2330 USB wkg Gander ATC; Russian delegation aircraft- 30 minutes behind Presidential. (FW) Shanwick 1035 USB w/NRN 322, recleared to FL240 to be at 52n30w. Shanwick 1122 USB w/ASCOT 5801 To Lyneham via Vegas Lasno and Gipli FL250 speed 310 knots. selcal AHGK. (HW) Gander 0420 USB wkg Martinair 808, German Air Force 287, & Caribbean 701 wkg Gander also Hustler 139 sc AF-HQ [MD1] at 47N 30W. (NZ) [Tony sez Hustler 139 should be Swissair 139, a MD-11 HB-IWA enrt YYZ-YMX-ZRH -RD] Gander Radio: NF, CAN (NAT-C MWARA) 0307 USB wkg Saudi Air Force 183 w/posn. (RB) Saudia 055 (CF-EH) 0358 USB wkg Shanwick R. IFSS IRL req'd oceanic clearance. El Al Israel 3004 2339 USB wkg Gander R. IFSS CAN w/ARP 50N40W El Al Cargo flt. SABENA 548 0229 USB wkg Gander R. IFSS CDN w/ARP at 53N40W. Pakistan 714 (AK-FL) 0456 USB wkg Gander R. w/ARP 52N50W/ Selcal ck. Swissair 125 0512 USB wkg Shanwick R. w/ARP 53N20W F370. Speedbird 176 (BE-KL) 0454 USB wkg Gander R. for a Selcal ck. KLM 618 (DM-BH) 0443 USB wkg Gander R. w/same. Speedbird 296 (BD-CH) 0442 USB wkg Gander R. for same. Aeroflot 302 0102 USB wkg Gander R. w/ARP at 56N40W. Scandinavian 908 0229 wkg Gander R. for an ARP 56N50W F350. Speedbird 294 (EF-DL) 0230 wkg Shanwick R. w/an ARP at 52N30W. CSA 061 (CK-BQ) 0256 wkg Shanwick R. w/ARP 58N30W F330. Swissair 101 (DE-GL) 0438 wkg Shanwick R. for ARP 52N30W F350. Martinair 808 (FG-BC) 0400 wkg Gander R. w/ARP 57N50W F330. Aeroflot 355 2222 wkg Gander R. w/ARP 47N30W F310 neg Selcal. Monarch 086P 0136 wkg Gander R. w/ARP & Selcal AG-PR (A300-600 G-MAJS). Royal Jordanian 262 0305 wkg same for a Selcal ck FJ-AE (L1011-500 JY-AGC). LOT 012 0224 wkg same for Selcal ck BQ-CL 767-200ER SP-LOA. British Airways 214 0224 wkg same for Selcal ck BD-AH 747-100 G-AWNC. Virgin Atlantic 004 0229 wkg same for Selcal ck BK-FL (747-200 G-VJFK). (TO) 5658 Condor 317 2032 USB wkg Nairobi thru Addis, enrt Seychelles to Frankfurt. Swissair 193 2041 USB wkg Bombay. sc DE-GK, [B727] enrt Bombay/Zurich. (NZ) [Tony sez should be B747-300, reg HB-IGD -RD] Sudan 120 0028 USB wkg Khartoum R. SUDAN w/ARP SML 30 F310 also wkg Cairo Radio w/est New Valley 0052. CKS332 (Kalitta-American Int.) 0237 wkg Khartoum R. w/ARP SML 0230 F330 MRW 0305. (TO) 5661 Malta 2018 USB wkg Air Morocco 1043, s/c BG-JK [B727]. Malta 2010 USB adv Air Algerie 784 'go to 10084'. (NZ) 5667 Bahrain 2028 USB wkg Indonesian 5309 "contact Muscat 123.9" also Indonesian 7311, sc BE-AH, [B747] & Malaysian 426. Honolulu 1105 USB wkg American 26 sc DJ-LQ [no listing in HITS]. Honolulu 2107 USB wkg Reach 4019. (NZ) 5680 "GBVZ": Unid a/c 1301 USB clg unid Canadian FSS w/rdo ck, poss Kap Radio. "FDKM": Unid CS-12 a/c 1331 USB clg Goose Bay FSS no joy, unid FSS, poss Kap Radio, ansrs, a/c states he is a CS-12 on the ground in Ottawa. ID's? (RB) 6535 Dakar Radio: IFSS, SEN (SAT-1, MWARA) 0345 USB wkg British Airway flt w/selcal ck BR-AF (B747-400) G-BNLX. Dakar Radio 0534 USB wkg Alitalia 1582 w/posn. (RB) VARIG 739 (AM-FP) 0613 wkg Dakar R. w/ARP at posn MOGNI F350. Aeroflot 352 0258 wkg Dakar R, an IL96 enrt Buenos Aires-Sal-Moscow (Sheremetyevo) ARP at pos RAKUD F330. PLUNA 302 0304 wkg Dakar R. w/ARP at posn MOGNI F350. (TO) 6553 Nandi Aero: Fiji (SP-9 RDARA) 0729 USB wkg Hawaiian 465. (RB) 6556 SINGAPORE 234 1000 USB wkg Perth w/posn & s/cal. (AW) 6577 VASP 881 (Brazil) 0236 wkg New York R. ARINC USA w/ARP at GRANN 36 F290 req F330/370. TCH7501 (Trans Charter, Russia) 0450 wkg New York R. w/QSY to BDA CTR VHF 128.5. United 871 2308 wkg New York R. w/ARP at posn PRISS. Air Europe 707 0345 wkg NY R. w/ARP DEENO F350 Selcal CS-HQ EI-CJB 767-300ER. American 647 2112 wkg New York R. w/ARP @ pos CATCH F290 (AL-MQ A300-600 N3075A). American 624 2232 wkg NY R. for Selcal ck BP-GJ (A300-600 N70072). American 1512 2135 wkg NY R. w/Selcal ck on BP-DK (A300-600 N7055A). Servivensa 600 2153 wkg NY R. w/ARP & Selcal AB-DE (727 ex-Sterling; new reg.?) (TO) 6586 HLF 632 HL-BQ 2341 wkg New York w/ARP QSY 8906 for Selcal. Speedbird 294 2128 wkg NY R. at pos NUCAR F290 (EF-DL reg G-BDXI 747-200). (TO) 6604 WSY70: NEW YORK RADIO 1040 USB w/long wx report to the area. (AW) Gander Volmet: NF, CAN (NAT-VOL) 0650 USB w/NOTAM for Sable Island, aviation wx for St Johns, others. (RB) 6622 Air Canada 842 (FJ-AG) 0407 wkg Gander R. w/ARP at 55N50W F370 & wx. United 900 0142 wkg Gander R. w/ARP at 53N40W. LOT 007 (LOT Polish Airlines) 0156 wkg Gander for an ARP at 55N50W. USAir 894 (BF-LP) 0200 wkg Gander R. for a Selcal ck. United 942 (AQ-BK) 0340 wkg Gander R. receiving co msg, 0356 ARP number 2 & contact number 4. ROY510 (Royal-Canada) (FJ-DK) 0156 wkg Gander R. for a Selcal ck. Virgin Atlantic 004 (BK-FL) 0201 wkg Gander R. for same. USAir 1778 (BF-GP) 0202 wkg Gander R. w/same. American 50 (AH-FQ) 0327 wkg Gander R. w/ARP at posn 52N50W. ALITALIA 665 (FK-CD) 0334 wkg Gander R. for ARP & Selcal ck. Speedbird 184 (KM-CJ) 0156 wkg Gander for a Selcal ck. United 914 0151 wkg Gander R. for an ARP 51N40W fuel remaining 99.1. United 942 (AQ-BK) 0310 wkg Gander R. w/ARP & Selcal ck number 2. This flt is the new UA flt enrt ORD-CDG. United 904 (JP-DE) 0311 wkg Gander R. for a Selcal ck. (TO) 6628 Iberia 6102 (GH-JM) 0549 wkg New York R. IFSS w/ARP enrt MIA-MAD F330 Iberia 6608 (DF-GH) 0420 wkg New York R. for a Selcal ck. (TO) 6649 United 994 0557 wkg Panama R. IFSS PANAMA for an ARP F280 at pos ALBAN. American 912 (JK-MS) 0640 wkg same w/ARP pos Esmeraldas F350 LAN Chile 184 (BC-HM) 0600 wkg same w/ARP at Leticia F350. American 962 0629 wkg same w/ARP est IQT 0645 QSY Guayaquil R. 6649/10024 at PUPAS. (TO) 6649.5 Unid: 0719 USB aero comms in unk language, a/c in same lang. (RB) 6673 San Francisco: ARinc (CEP-5 MWARA) 0658 USB wkg flt ?-005 w/an ATC clearance after selcal. (RB) 6676 Sydney Volmet: AUS (SEA-VOL) 0700 USB w/aviation wx for Sydney at 0630, Brisbane at 0630, Perth at 0623, others. (RB) 8095 Miami Radio 1007 USB wkg Connie 807 w/pp to Connie Ops, "arrived Guatemala 0952, dep about 1200 z, EST Miami 1430, req Miami wx". Connie 807 sc LM-BK 1043 USB wkg Miami Rad "over Kentucky". Emery Worldwide 805, sc CK-AD [D10] 0941 USB wkg Silvair Rad, "Transmitting on 8095 over Mexico". [Tony sez should be a DC8-73F -RD] Varig 986 sc FJ-BG 0952 USB wkg Miami R, ETA LAX 1330z. (NZ) 8816 30573 a/c 1507 CW RBIK RJF94 DE 30573 QQM 489 1507 K. (RK) 8825 Ascot 4529 (C-130, XV297) 2009 USB wkg Santa Maria clnc: to EGDL (Lyneham) via 30n 20w - 35n 19w - 40n 17w - 45n 14w - LND (Lands End) - fl230, TAS280. (BH) Air Portugal 355 0244 wkg New York R. IFSS US w/ARP at posn 25N50W. Iberia 6790 0245 wkg New York R. w/ARP 21N50W F330 & wx. AOM 134 (BL-EG) 0308 wkg Santa Maria R. IFSS AZORES DC10-30 new registration F-GTDG ex-TU-TAN with an ARP 36N40W F370. (TO) 8828 Auckland Volmet 0220 USB w/Pacific wx. (NZ) 8837 El Al flight 0435 USB wkg Ldoc Tel Aviv in Hebrew. (NZ) 8843 San Francisco 0337 USB wkg Amtran 579. (NZ) 8846 YV-455CP 1721 USB Wkg New York w/pos rpt. (JN) American 1566 (FM-PR) 2306 wkg New York R. ARINC w/ARP F350 climbing F390. Air Europa 132 2149 wkg NY R. w/ARP at WATRS 2148 F330 (LQ-EK 757 EC-FEF). (TO) 8855 King 61 (HC-130) 2212 USB wkg Manaus spelled c/s & both posn. vibot 2156 fl250, tarop 2248, over to VHF freq. Reported tarop on 8855, no joy on V yet. (+ Porto Velho). ABX 853 2216 USB w/Manaus on A300, to GNA (Guayana), req fl130 (approved). Unable Maiquetia on VHF, call on 10096 (nothing heard). (BH) 8861 Jo'Burg 2013 USB wkg Springbok 235, 'Overhead Barcelona'. TJC 26 2007 USB clg Recife, then wkg Dakar. (NZ) [Tony sez typo? TCJ26 is a/c of TCB-Transportes Charter do Brazil -RD] British Airways 245 (BR-AF) 0147 wkg Sal R. IFSS CAPE VERDE w/ARP EDUMO 45 F350. Springbok 281 2359 (enrt Perth-Johannesburg) wkg JNB Oceanic R. w/ARP at 33S50E F350. Canarias R. CANARY IS. 2244 wkg Dakar R. IFSS SENEGAL w/tfc rpt re SAB5012 A310 Banjul-Bruxelles est PE 2345. Sal R. 2249 wkg Dakar R. w/tfc rpt re VRG740 MD11 GRU-FRA. VSP794 (JL-CH) 2314 wkg Sal R. w/ARP at pos RAKUD reg. OO-PHN. QSY'ed to 6535 w/Dakar for ARP, Selcal ck. Leased from Skyjet, SA until July, DC10-30. (TO) 8864 King 29 (HC-130) 1316 USB wkg Shanwick/Iceland will turn off the squawk at time 1318 for exercise-interception purposes, over to Iceland 126.55. At 1328 posn at fl15 (1500ft), c/s JOLLY 13 in trail (c/s spelled, not sure of the number, Jolly is C/MH-53. (BH) SENTRY 46: 0843 USB wkg Gander ATC, given clearance 55N/30W, 56N/20W, 56N/10W and EGQJ. (FW) Gander 1215 USB w/REACH 7M4 54n30w/1204 54n40w/1255. (HW) Northwest 56 0622 wkg Gander R. IFSS CAN w/ARP at 58N50W F370. Tower Air 331 (DM-EL) 0622 wkg Gander R. w/ARP at posn 61N30W F290. (TO) 8867 AKL [?] 0048 USB wkg AR 880, req ETA 142W , 350 f/l, cleared to AKL on block f/l 350 - 390. Kiwi 831 0640 USB w/f/l 330, Mach .79 & QF 54 o/head Lord Howe Island, f/l 390. Auckland 0028 USB wkg Reach 5, Echo 1. Auckland 2324 USB clg Primo 70 - no reply. (ed: Tanker at S.Pole). QF3 0356 USB wkg HNL req to f/l 370. QF3 0440 USB wkg HNL, sc DK-EM [B727]. (NZ) [Tony sez a/c should be B747-200, VH-EBR -RD] 8879 Gander 1037 USB wkg Concorde 002 @ f/l 520. Mauritius 2107 USB wkg Springbok 282. (NZ) TEJ2485 (TAESA Mexico) (MQ-CL) 0237 wkg Gander R. IFSS CAN w/an ARP 61N50W F310. Mauritius R. 0314 Info MAURITIUS in contact with UNID a/c req est for MRU FIR and Mauritius actual wx given. Air France 460 0315 wkg Seychelles R. IFSS w/an ARP at F370. (TO) 8888 Volmet Network 1515 USB Stations: Syktyvar, Samara, Jekaterinburg, Tyumen (AB) 8891 Montreal 1329 USB active but weak. Montreal 1101 USB wkg Martinair 65, postn.70N 60W. (NZ) Virgin Atlantic 020 0421 wkg Baffin R. CAN w/ARP and QSY 4675. (TO) 8894 Springbok 266 2323 wkg Niamey R. NIGER w/ARP at posn ENDOK 23 F390. Alliance 001 0104 wkg Niamey R: new airline Alliance (Y2) a/c B747SP enrt London Heathrow-Entebbe F410. Air France 422 0112 wkg Niamey R. w/an ARP enrt CDG-JNB. Speedbird 056 (BP-CG) 0104 wkg Niamey R. w/ARP at pos. IKTAV F350. ALITALIA 1582 0113 wkg Algiers R. ALGERIA w/ARP at pos UDELA F310 QSY Dakar 6535. Air Namibia 668 0105 wkg Niamey R. w/ARP at KIRMI 0104 F370. Speedbird 074 (BP-AH) 2332 wkg Niamey R. for a Selcal ck. Air France 7203 (CD-EP) 2351 wkg Niamey R. for a Selcal ck/ARP F330. KLM 584 (AG-DP) 2353 wkg Niamey R. for an ARP at APERO F370. Swissair 284 2239 wkg Niamey R. w/ARP F330 (AG-BQ MD11 HB-IWG). Avia (AGW) 102 2242 wkg Algiers R. w/ARP at pos IKTAV F370 QSY Niamey 8894/8903. Springbok 235 2251 wkg Algiers R. w/ARP at pos KIR F370. KLM 597 2255 wkg Niamey R. w/ARP ENISA 55 F330. Springbok 267 2303 wkg Niamey then N'Djamena R. w/ARP at ENISA F370. SABENA 518 2306 wkg Niamey R. w/ARP at F330. KLM 586 0007 wkg Niamey R. w/Selcal ck AF-GR MD11 PH-KCC. Nigeria 806 0150 wkg Niamey R. w/ARP & Selcal ck GJ-EH, reg & a/c type? MKA106 (MK Airlines) 0134 wkg Algiers R. B707 enrt Accra-Luxembourg F330 est NSL 0221. ALITALIA 813 0010 wkg Niamey R. w/ARP at DIR F350 (FK-DL I-DUPE MD11). Air France 7085 0012 wkg Algiers R. w/ARP IKTAV 15 F350 enrt Bangui-Paris (CDG) Selcal GQ-BP A310 reg. F-GEMO. Lufthansa 569 0013 wkg Niamey R. w/ARP at DIR 11 F310 (FH-JM D-ABVK 747-400). Lufthansa 561 0037 wkg Algiers R. enrt LAG-FRA w/ARP AMTES F370 (A300-600). British Airways 052 0047 wkg Niamey R. w/ARP at pos ENDOK F310 IKTAV 0100. British Airways 056 0053 wkg Algiers/Niamey w/ARP at pos ENDOK 0051 F350. Air France 429 0015 wkg Algiers R. w/ARP IKTAV JNB-CDG (EJ-AH 747-200 F-GCBD). Swissair 265 0016 wkg Algiers R. w/ARP F330 (AG-FQ MD11 HB-IWL). Air France 420 0026 wkg Algiers R. w/Selcal ck EJ-BC 747-200 F-BPVX enrt CDG-Luanda. Lufthansa 569 0029 wkg Niamey/Algiers R. w/ARP ENDOK 29 F310 (FH-JM D-ABVK 747-400). Cedar Jet 584 2358 wkg Niamey/Algiers w/ARP at F330 MOKAT. Cedar Jet 584 0044 wkg Algiers w/ARP NSL 45 F330 reg. OD-AHC 707-300C. (TO) 8903 Koreanair 760 1332 USB wkg Naha. Kisangani 0318 USB wkg unid flight 866. EST Kigali 0450. (NZ) Air Gabon 604 (AE-BK) 2200 wkg Kano R. NIGERIA w/an ARP, registration F-ODJG (747-200 "President Leon Mba". Avia 101 (AGW) 2202 wkg Brazzaville R. CONGO w/ARP CF 2202 F390 ETA LGW. SABENA 558 2210 wkg N'Djamena R. CHAD enrt KIN-BRU ARP TJN 2209 F350. Air Afrique 810 2211 wkg Libreville R. GABON w/ARP enrt Lome- Libreville F330, req'd Abidjan-Libreville regional actual wx. Springbok 234 2212 wkg Brazzaville R. w/an ARP F350 enrt JNB-FRA. Lufthansa 575 2214 wkg Brazzaville R. w/ARP F350 est CF 2229. Swissair 287 (AF-MQ) 2302 wkg Kano R. w/ARP & Selcal ck. TCH6504 0154 first hrd wkg Kinshasa R. w/ARP at pos UPARA F330 w/hvy QRM de SJM603 & Libreville R. Next hrd wkg Kisangani R. ATC Zaire at 0155 w/full ARP enrt Kuanda-Cairo, IL76 fm Trans Charter, Russia, ARP UPARA 0150 F330 PILSI 0214 Kisangani 0229, QSY Kisangani 121.1 now. Later, heard wkg Nairobi R. ATC at 0322 on 5658 w/another ARP, then relayed to Cairo R. est MLK 0414. At 0202 Kisangani R. relayed this info to Kinshasa w/fair signals. Lufthansa 572 0204 wkg Kinshasa R. w/ARP enrt FRA-JNB reg. D-ABVH 747-400 posns mentioned were BJA-KGI-Goma. Goma R. ATC Zaire 0209 clg Kinshasa, first-ever reception of Goma here!! SJM603 (Southern Air) 2327 wkg Luanda R. w/ARP est SP 0017. Speedbird 057 2330 wkg N'Djamena R. w/ARP at pos IKTAV F330. Angola 065 2331 wkg Kano R. enrt report F310 reg. D2-TOK B707-300C (KL-CG). AGW102 2246 wkg N'Djamena R. confirming routing to JNB. Springbok 250 2335 wkg N'Djamena R. w/ARP F390. Air France 435 2335 wkg Kano R. w/ARP F350. Air France 8009 2355 wkg N'Djamena R. w/ARP at pos DIRKU F350. KLM 594 2054 wkg Brazzaville R. ATC with ARP at pos CF F350. Springbok 3235 2122 wkg Kinshasa R. w/ARP at pos CF F410 (KL-CF B707 reg?) (TO) Ascot 5755 (C-130, LTW) 1128 USB w/Shanwick, req re-route 45n 17w - lasno, later cleared 49n 17w - 50n 15w - kenuk. Otis 61 (C-130, USMC) 2208 USB wkg Santa Maria revision: Mike 2221 fl190, FLO (Flores) 2226, GRA (Graciosa). (BH) 8906 New York Arinc: (NAT-A MWARA) 0315 USB wkg -Air flt 203 w/posn. (RB) HJC799 (Heathrow Jet Charter Ltd.) 2036 wkg Santa Maria R. w/ ARP est LIMA 2109 VSM 2119. United 918 (AQ-BJ N767UA 777) 2205 wkg New York R. IFSS for a Selcal ck on ramp at IAD. Britannia 429B 2256 wkg NY R. receiving oceanic clearance to Manchester (TO) 8921 Sterling 419 2014 USB wkg Speedbird London. (NZ) 8924 LOT 'LOB' (SP-LOB, 767-200): 0915 USB wkg LOT ops Warsaw getting wx & selcal ck BQ-CM, In Polish. (IW) 8930 Stockholm LDOC,S 1330 USB w/Air France 034, pp w/Paris. Stockholm LDOC,S 1200 USB w/Delta 135, Selcal check CDBR (AB) STOCKHOLM RADIO 0340 USB wkg unid a/c w/wx & s/cal. (AW) Delta 119: 1101 USB w/Stockholm Radio, FL 350 estimate JFK 17 08, SelCal CK-BL. (HS) UKR 103: 1250 USB w/Stockholm radio, ETA JFK 1735 w/115 pax on board. (IW) Amtran 27 2021 USB wkg Stockholm, "arrived Dhahran 2010". (NZ) UPA 738 2205 USB w/Stockholm R, from UKFF to LTAF, no selcal. (World Airways) REACH 20 2218 USB w/Stockholm R, from LIPA to LPLA, selcal JM-GK. (PvdE) 8933 Cedar Rapids Radio, Ia 0330 USB wkg United 991 w/selcal chk (AG-JR). At 0415 wkg United 984. Then, at 0418 wkg "SPAN 64" or "SPAM 64" (?). Anyone know who this a/c is? Selcal was BK-CD. (JN) Springbok 225 2002 USB wkg Jo'burg, London to Buenos Aires. Cedar Rapids LDOC 0332 USB wkg United dispatch w/rep of male pax w/ heart attack. Decided to divert to San Juan. Cedar Rapids LDOC wkg World 280 EST Orlando 1137. (NZ) 8936 HFS 1422 USB wkg Berna Radio pp in FF. (HS) Southern Air 875 2033 USB wkg Miami Ops via Berne Rad. (NZ) Volmet Network 1340 USB Stations: Moscow, Kiev, St.Petersburg, Rostov (AB) 8960 Atlantic 684 1730 USB wkg Portishead then wkg Company Ops w/posn rep 42N 1W. (NZ) 9003 Amman LDOC,JOR 1723 USB w/Jordanian 034. (AB) 10051 New York Volmet (NAT-VOL): 2117 USB w/aviation wx for Baltimore, Bermuda, Miami, other locations, ID, "this is New York Radio". At 2120 (H+20) Gander Volmet w/wx. (RB) 10069 N7602: 1750 USB clg Berna, no joy. At 1753 he has changed his frequency to 10068.0???? then back to 10069. (HS) 10072 Air Canada 896 1747 USB wkg Speedbird LDN, sc AK-GM [74M]. (NZ) 10291 F31 1811 USB Clg Portishead radio (no answer heard). (HS) 11282 San Francisco ARinc (CEP-1/2 MWARA): 0148 USB wkg flt ?-441 w/hand off to Honolulu on 17946 primary, 13273 secondary. (RB) 11300 Aeroflot 436 2046 wkg Nairobi R. KENYA who relayed ARP for SU436 to Tripoli R. est pos TARKI 2230 F350 enroute Luanda-Malta. Cargolux 715 0023 wkg Tripoli R. LIBYA clg for ARP, unable to read Tripoli QSY VHF 119.1. Air France 495 (EK-GM) 2052 wkg Nairobi R. KENYA w/ARP enrt SEY-CDG F350. AOM 122 2058 wkg Nairobi R. KENYA w/an ARP F310 est MG 2115. (TO) 11306 Portishead LDOC,G 1625 USB w/various a/c. (AB) 11309 BY6D 1547 USB Wkg New York w/posn report (Bravo Yankee Six Delta). Whoissit? (JN) 11318 Volmet Network 1430 USB Stations: Syktyvar, Samara, Jekaterinburg, Tyumen (AB) 11330 Canada 3000 1314 2026 wkg New York R. ARINC req. dev due to wx/20 mi. E. Hapag-Lloyd 656 (HL-AQ) 2033 wkg New York R. w/ARP at pos. WATRS F310. QSY to 11396 for Selcal ck. Condor 113 (CM-QR) 2029 wkg New York R. w/an ARP at posn BANKS & req. oceanic clearance F330 .80. Tradewinds Express 402 (GH-JL) 2006 wkg New York R. for a Selcal ck. So far unable to ID this airline. Any help on a positive ID? (TO) 11345 Stockholm LDOC,S 1326 USB w/Delta 60A and Austrian 620. Freq change to 8930 kHz (AB) AHD PH-AHI (B-757, Air Holland) 2022 USB wkg Stockholm arr Banjul 1900 dep 2015 eta Amsterdam 0155. SLR 1633 (Sobelair) 2022 USB w/Stockholm, pp company: dep LMML (Malta) 1950/ 2010, eta DTMB (Monastir) 2149, crew duty problem w/return flt to Brussels. (BH) 11387 9VA43: SINGAPORE RADIO 1010 USB w/Volmet wx. (AW) 11396 ARINC NY 1401 USB Wkg SVV-601 (Servivensa), Continental 267, SSV-730. (JN) New York Arinc, NY, US (CAR-A MWARA): 2155 USB wkg ? -Air 701 w/selcal ck, CR-EQ, fol by American 1655, 1512, w/posn's, & American 935 w/selcal ck MP-CQ & ATC msg that climb is denied due to tfc. (RB) American International (CKS) 356 2107 wkg New York R. ARINC w/ARP at pos DANER req. dev due wx. USAir 1296 2120 wkg New York R. w/ARP at KRAFT F310. (TO) 13264 Shannon Volmet,IRL 1022 USB Volmet msgs (AB) 13270 Gander Volmet,CAN 1020 USB Volmet msgs (AB) New York Volmet 2245 USB w/wx for Bahamas. (Unusually good signal for this QTH.). (PT) New York Volmet (NAT-VOL): 1945 USB w/aviation wx for various locations. At 1950 (H+50) Gander Volmet w/same. (RB) 13309 ARINC New York 1313 USB wkg BLUE 61, BLUE 62, & BLUE 72 (all within 12 mins). (JN) 13330 World 116 1518 USB Clg Houston Radio, no joy. N516AC 2346 USB Wkg Houston w/radio ck. (JN) Houston: Universal Radio, Houston, Tx US, 2101 USB wkg N94BA, dep time, selcal ck JP-KR. At 2105, wkg Sun Country 694 w/rdo, selcal ck, FH-JK. (RB) VARIG 1050 2014 wkg New York R. ARINC for company msg/gate on arr. at MIA. (TO) 13342 Stockholm LDOC,S 1705 USB w/D-ABEH (Lufthansa). pp to Frankfurt (AB) 13356 Air Jamaica Dispatch 2135 USB Wkg Air Jamaica 041. Adv 041 to overfly Baltimore & go to Philadelphia. PAX will be bussed from Phila. to Baltimore. (JN) =DIGITAL MODES= Please note that ARQ is used for Sitor-A, FEC is used for Sitor-B, and both of these modes are 100/170 unless noted otherwise. RTTY is used for Baudot. 117.4 DCF37: Offenbach Meteo, D 1259 FAX 120/576 Wind-Temperature chart. (HS) 134.2 DCF54: Offenbach Meteo, D 1249 FAX 120/576 Satellite picture Europe. (HS) 2526.5 Unid 2207 RTTY 50b Encrypted msgs after 15 mins of 'XV RYRYRY INT ZBZ' (AB) 2574 MLHC2: mv Aberdonian 2355 ARQ Msg to Nomis Shipping. Weekly status report (AB) 2592 DHJ51: Grengel Meteo,D 0030 RTTY 100b AAXX + TAF's (AB) 2690.5 DHJ51: Grengel Meteo,D 2205 RTTY 100b AAXX + TAF's (AB) 3250 EIP: Shannon, IRL 2350 RTTY 50b DE EIAAYHYX RYRYRY... (RK) 3393.7 NAU: SAN JUAN, PR 0921 RTTY w/75/850 sending de NAU (SS) 3451.5 Irish military stations 0002 ARQ 0A chatting w/3, 87 w/21 & 44 w/routine msgs 87 req 0A for Irish Sea wx forecast. Irish patrol vessel P20 'Deirdre' 2210 ARQ w/unid Irish military station. Chatter (AB) 4178 ELPI2: MT Kasira 1740 ARQ dx msg (RK) 4232 FUF: FORT DE FRANCE, MRT 0910 RTTY w/75/850 SGs/RYs/de FUF. (SS) 4245.8 Unid: 0641 RTTY 100b scrambled. (BvR) 4246 Unid: 0623 RTTY 100b scrambled. (BvR) 4548 FQY: Military, S 1657 RTTY 50b msg to HWK sgd ADAM (RK) 4563.5 RETWBL: GC Lerida, E 1640 ARQ sx responding to SELCALL TWBL, msg (RK) 4570 DHJ51: Grengel Meteo, D 1308 FAX 120/576 Weatherchart. (HS) 4596.9 UNID?? Weather chart 1314 FAX 120/576. (HS) 4610 GFA22: Bracknell Meteo, G 1320 FAX 120/576 Weatherchart. (HS) 5097 CFH: CF HALIFAX NS, CAN 0954 RTTY w/75/850 naws de cfh zkr f1 2822 4167 6236 8312 12371 16573 22185 + khz ar (SS) 5218 MFA Warszawa, POL 1740 POL-ARQ 100b long 5F msg to PARYZ (Paris) (RK) 5374.7 FDX: FAF Paris, F 2155 ARQ-M2 200b msg to RFTPA (RK) 6262.5 U.S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md 2316 PACK Midshipmen's packet system. YP698 wkg YP687 w/question, YP687 ack YP698, and "PRODEV" w/"BLN 1 to YP SQD A1" re wx advisory. Others noted include MESHOP ("Marine Elex Shop"), YP681, YP679, YP684, YP695, YP685, YP690 & YP676. (RB) 6263 ELOQ4: M/V Ivory Dawn 0434 ARQ w/port call info tlx for Port Hueneme. (PP) ELHT5: M/T New Horizon 0144 ARQ w/company formatted report tlx. LAMS4: M/T Moon Trader 0639 ARQ tanker, w/tlx reporting anchored Cork pilot, login 26358 MTAD. P3IX2: M/V Atlantis A 0825 ARQ w/tlx re sailed St Thomas de Castilla, ETA Lasminas, login 26838 ATLISA. C6IF3: M/V Leon 0850 ARQ w/loading report tlx, login 29260 C6IF3. UMED: M/V Mekhanik Brilin 2323 ARQ w/EE tlx w/notice of readiness to discharge cargo. (RB) 6264 KNIJ: SS Manulani 0349 ARQ container ship, w/shiprep tlx. (RB) 6264.5 JPPT: M/V Jingumaru 1811 ARQ w/AMVER/SP tlx. (RB) 6265 UVGF: TH Anadyr' 1402 ARQ w/crew TG's to Vladivostok Radio. (RB) 6265.5 V2EM: M/V CPC Helvetia 0301 ARQ w/tlx to Report Progrssio, Mex, also AMVER/PR, login 02816 V2EM. ELIG8: M/V Atlantic Ocean 0705 ARQ general cargo ship, w/BBXX wx obs. ELHQ9: M/V Constitution 0712 ARQ oil tanker, w/AMVER/PR, login 24892 ELHQ. WCOB: M/V Liberty Sun 1411 FEC w/test report for 'bad keyboard', login 11714 WCOB. (RB) 6266 ELFI8: M/V Star Geiranger 0718 ARQ w/BBXX wx obs, login 24631 ELFI. URBX: TH Vasiliy Musinskiy 1311 ARQ bulk carrier w/AMVER like report via VCS, Halifax CG Radio. (RB) 6267 P3TY4: LPG/C Kilgas Pioneer 0502 ARQ w/tlx re sailed Milford Haven. (RB) 6269.5 P3WF2: M/V Ivory 0132 ARQ w/co report via WLO. (RB) 6272.5 NELP: USS Joseph Hewes (FFT-1078) 0427 FEC w/tfc to NMC, USCG CAMSPAC San Francisco, "INT QRK" & req if was hrd on 8 Mhz. (RB) 6273 VGLN: M/T Irving Artic 0619 ARQ oil tanker, w/BBXX wx obs. 5BDV: M/V Azalea 0648 ARQ tlx reporting frequent stops to clean diesel injectors due to bad fuel. ELFR2: M/T Sentinel 1604 ARQ w/AMVER/FR for Philadelphia. KGTI: Green Lake 2150 ARQ barge carrier, w/on-line op tfc. (RB) UUFC: T/H Gruziya 0728 ARQ w/TG to R. Odessa. (WT) 6273.5 WSVR: SS Deali 0653 ARQ oil tanker, (Ex-BT San Diego) w/discharge/ port report. (RB) 6274.5 OYGK2: M/V Mercandian Continent 0410 ARQ w/AMVER tlx. (RB) LXDE: M/V Deloris 2343 ARQ w/tlx to Unitramp, Paris, anchored at Topolobampo (?). (WT) 6302 YJXK7: M/V Nissos Kriti 0027 ARQ w/tlx to Oceanroutes San Francisco w/posn, login 26263 NISKRI. SFPM: M/V Joh Gorthon 0616 ARQ w/BBXX wx obs tlx w/login 26103 SFPM. (RB) 6318.5 UFL: Vladivostok R, RUS 1431 ARQ wkg UOJF, Kapitan Serguievsky. (AB2) 6332 VCT: Grand Banks Radio NF 0024 FEC w/Info tape announcing "new" KEJ in HI and change in QSY freq. fm chs.812/1643 to chs.838/1676. Nx on Rockets 2-game win in NBA POs. (MF) 6434.3 Unid: 0624 RTTY 100b scrambled. (BvR) 6434.5 Unid: 2044 RTTY 100b scramble & RYRY. (BvR) 6835 GFL22: Bracknell Meteo, G 0231 RTTY in 75/425 TTBB wx reports. (RB) 6880 RAN77: Moscow Meteo, RUS 1329 FAX 90/576 Weatherchart. (HS) 6901.5 Irish Navy 1915 ARQ new selcalls. (JK) 6963.7 RFLIGA: FF CAYENNE, GUF 0011 ARQ-E w/192/170 idle (SS) 6979.9 RFFWERM: Toulouse,F 0111 ARQ-E 72/400 C.I. = "UDM" r. (ED) 7606.6 RFHI: Noumea 0137 ARQ-E3 100/400 C.I. = "HIJ", 5lg's. (ED) 7642.7 RFFP: MOD Paris 0326 ARQ-M2 in 200/425 idling. (RB) 7646 DDH 7: HAMBURG METEO, D 0055 RTTY w/50/400 meteo (SS) 7685 RBV 75: MOSCOW METEO, RUS 0051 RTTY w/50/1000 meteo (SS) 7762 RGH77: Arkhangelsk Meteo, RUS 1333 FAX 120/576 Weatherchart. (HS) 7796.7 Egyptian MFA Cairo 2320 ARQ Arabic msg., locked tone. (ED) 7855 ROK 24: MOSCOW METEO, RUS 0054 RTTY w/50/1000 meteo (SS) 7894 RFTJ: Dakar 0245 ARQ-E3 100/600 msg from RFTJI, C.I. = "TGP". (ED) 7957 IRNA Teheran, Iran 2127 RTTY 75b nx. (NZ) 8063.2 RFQP: Djibouti 1138 ARQ-TD2 200/400 CCIR 342, C.I.="CQC", Controle De Voie. (ED) 8105 RFFX: MOD PARIS, F 0600 ARQ-E w/72/400 OO RFFXL DE RFFXCCS w/ZAH XZL 004 on C/I XXL + Litge debut msg/priere verifier avant retrans. (SS) 8105.3 RFFX?: French Forces, Versailles 2315 ARQ-E idling in 72/425. (RB) 8108.2 RFQP: Djibouti 0128 ARQ-TD2 200/400 Controle De Voie, C.I.="QPF". (ED) 8110.1 Unid 1915 Crowd 36/40/ris (JK) 8146.6 IMB55: Rome Meteo, I 1340 FAX 120/576 Weatherchart. (HS) 8340 MT Tom 1650 ARQ selcalling MPKV=4530, msg to DYNACOM ATHENS, WRU: 63378 TOM X. Paola 1620 ARQ GOOD EVENING HERE IS PAOLA ANY MSG PLS?, WRU: 26460 PAOL X. Ship 323 1650 ARQ msg TO SMS, sailing fm Malta to Algeciras. (RK) 8377 P3JL5: M/V St Gerasimosi 0135 ARQ w/tlx tfc, login 05299 P3JL5, Cyprus flagged General Cargo vsl. (WT) 8377.5 UYPD: TKH Valeriy Mezhlauk 0225 ARQ w/crew TG's to Odessa Radio. WUQL: M/V Overseas Joyce 0414 ARQ w/tlx re dep Columbia, ETA Long Beach. (RB) DUCT: Eurasia Charm 0620 ARQ tlx to K-Line, Tokyo, Login 76768 DUCT. KCGH: SS Kainalu 2311 ARQ w/two msgs via KFS. (WT) 8378.5 KCDK: M/T Gus W. Darnell 0452 ARQ w/UNCLASS Movrep to 12 addresses. (RB) 8379 OZED6: M/V Sea Star 0159 ARQ w/tlx to Fabrcius re ETA Fort Duff. ICYU: M/V Jolly Verde 0218 ARQ w/tlx to Difmar re departed Jeddah, SA. PGGT: Unid vsl 1125 ARQ w/1100Z conditions tlx. KGPK: SS Kitanning 1159 USB tanker, w/BBXX wx obs. ENXA: TH Aleksandr Nevskiy 1410 ARQ bulk carrier, w/EE tlx to agent in New Orleans for amended ETA there. SZNS: M/V Gortys 1527 ARQ bulk carrier, w/AMVER tlx. N/A: M/V Duchess 1632 ARQ w/overtime & injury summary report tlx. ELNS4: M/V Pacific Star 1701 ARQ fruit carrier, w/tlx for ETA. ATPO: M/T Harkishin 1728 ARQ w/dischg & ETA tlx via WLO. BRUA: M/V Huarongshan 1752 ARQ w/tlx for posn/ETA, login 20155 BRUA. J8FI6: M/V Rossel Current 2043 ARQ w/tlx for ETA New Orleans, Napoleon Ave Wharf B, login 26920 J8FI6. (RB) ELNS4: M/V Pacific Star 0110 ARQ w/tlx to Banana Service, Miami. (WT) 8379.5 UTWY: TH Svanetiya 0103 ARQ w/crew TG, login 55858 UTWY. 5LPH: M/V World Wood 0225 ARQ chipped wood bulk carrier, w/tlx re departed Panama, ETA Beaumont, login 29360 5LPH. N/A: M/V Union Mercury 1456 ARQ container ship, w/ECAREG Halifax tlx. (RB) 8380 J8KU4: unid 0646 CW Wkg ZSC, rcvng msg tfc. (JN) SQEQ: M/V Kopalnia Walbrzych 0156 ARQ w/tlx re departed Portsmouth, Va, bound New Orleans. TCLY: M/V Omer 0315 ARQ Turkish cargo ship out of Istanbul, w/tlx in Turk. PPUX: M/V Frotauruguay 1704 ARQ bulk carrier w/SELTRP1 tlx. (RB) FNSL: ESSO Picardie 1818 ARQ OBS to METEO PARIS, WRU: 14758 FNSL X. ODLZ: MV Herculus 1817 CW dx msg (RK) Ana Maria Gandon 0230 ARQ tlx tfc w/login 08573 ANAME. (WT) 8380.5 C6HZ9: MC Emerald 1529 ARQ w/ETA Hong Kong. (AB2) 3EPE8: TN MSC Mirella 0057 ARQ container ship, w/tlx to MSC Geneva, bound Charleston to Norfolk. UNFZ: M/V Mekhanik Makarin 0512 ARQ w/EE dischg report tlx, login 54720 UNFZ. (RB) 8381 C6LM: Holiday 0309 ARQ wkg WLO for tfc holding for ELBM9, Tropicale who was having tlx problems. (AB2) KJLV: Sea Lion 0110 ARQ Container/ Ro-Ro ship, w/AMVER tlx. (RB) WOVS: SS Overseas Valdez 0300 ARQ w/tlx re departed Corpus Christi for Tampa. (WT) 8381.5 YLCC: Samborga 0131 ARQ w/tfc. VVGV: Mandakini 1501 ARQ ETA Shanghai. BRUX: Hong Qi 151 1506 ARQ w/tfc. (AB2) 9ALE: M/V Raci_ce 0322 ARQ wkg 9AR Rijeka Radio w/OPR+ for QSL of tfc. YLAB: TH Viktorio Kodovil'ya 0240 ARQ w/crew TG's to Riga Radio after sending selcall CVCX. (PP) YLBS: TK Pols Robinsons 0055 ARQ w/login, QTH+/SCV+ tfc, login 60644 YLBS. YLBG: TH Ivans Polzunovs 0104 ARQ w/login 60634 YLBG & RPT+ req. N/A: M/V Esmeralda 0540 ARQ w/SS tlx, vsl logged often using login abbrev "ESME" (1st 4 letters of name) that is often mistaken for callsign. However c/s never used. P3DY5: M/V Ourania Smile 0542 ARQ bulk carrier wkg OP+ operator re c/s on tfc list but system sez no msgs. YLBB: MK Vasiliys Struves 2343 ARQ w/SVC+ tfc to Riga R., login YLBB 60631. (RB) 8382.5 WSNB: Kenai 1528 ARQ tlx for ETA San Francisco pilots. (AB2) YLCC: TH Samburga 0029 ARQ w/SVC+ tfc to Riga Radio. YLAB: TH Victorio Kodovilya 0115 ARQ w/QTH+ report tp Riga Radio. BOAB: M/V Tai He 0404 ARQ container ship w/tlx re storage plan. UMTC: TH Professor Popov 0607 ARQ w/OBS wx report, but not standard BBXX tlx. (RB) UMTC: Professor Popov 0618 ARQ w/report tlx. ELOR2: William E. Crain 1723 ARQ AMVER/PR, vsl near Singapore, login 636009633 CRAI. 9VUM: SS Bremen Express 2358 ARQ w/BBXX wx obs. VVML: Lok Pratap 2325 ARQ login 23753 LPTP, w/TG's. (WT) 8383 ELLY4: SS Oceanbreeze 0040 ARQ w/tlx tfc via SVU in Greek, login 24998 ELLY4. (WT) 8383.5 WHML: Coastal Corpus Christi 0357 ARQ w/AMVER/PR, bound Port Canaveral, Fl to Jacksonville. UWST: TH Professor Koudrevitch 0820 ARQ w/MSG+ tfc, login 67807 UWST. (RB) 9HPF3: M/V Malinska 0045 ARQ w/tlx tfc, login 13664 MALI. (WT) 8384 KPJC: LPG/C Cornucopia 0320 ARQ LPG carrier, w/test tlx msg addressed back to the ship. ELRL9: M/V Bornes 1610 ARQ oil tanker, w/AMVER/PR tlx. (RB) 8384.5 YQEP: M/V Birlad 0232 ARQ w/tlx re sailed Point Comfort, ETA Lake Charles. 3FVB4: TR Frio Adriatic 0448 ARQ reefer, w/tlx for ETA Murmansk, Dudinka, vsl is a flagged-out Russian. C6KN2: M/V Winter Water 0554 ARQ cargo vsl, w/BBXX wx obs, login 26122 WINWAT. 3ESA2: M/T Adelia 1550 ARQ tanker, w/tlx. (RB) YQEP: M/V Birlad 0240 ARQ w/tlx to HST Co. Constanta. (WT) 8385.5 C6DJ3: M/V Bongo Danielson 0444 ARQ w/posn & status tlx, ETA Galveston. (RB) 8386 WLDZ: Maurice Ewing 1344 ARQ AMVER tfc. (AB2) ELBG9: M/T Carla A. Hills 0609 ARQ w/BBXX wx obs to meteo Washington DC. JFRO: M/V Kojima 0652 ARQ w/BBXX meteo report to "Meteo Washington DC". (RB) 8386.5 ATSZ: Ratna Vandana 1504 ARQ ship status rpt to Samsun, Ulsalsan. SZYN: Windward 1327 ARQ tfc for Tokyo w/selcall 16907. BRNZ: Tai Bao 1352 ARQ w/tfc. UHTX: Sidor Kovpak 1400 ARQ w/tfc. J4VE: Rokos Vergottis 1539 w/ETA Chittagong. ATPN: Hargobind 1625 ARQ tfc via 9VG79. (AB2) 8387 C6JH9: Erikson Snow 1426 ARQ posn rpt. (AB2) ZCSD: M/V Victoria Faith 0242 ARQ w/tlx for ETA to berthing. HBDL: T/V Grischuna 0356 ARQ w/tlx to Ingerfloa Zurich. WSRP: SS Brooks Range 0604 ARQ w/AMVER/SR tlx. (RB) SZGE: M/V Capetan Michalis 2307 ARQ login 16782 C MS, w/tlx to Tokoship, Tokyo. P3FA5: M/V Nirvana 2230 ARQ w/AMVER/PR. OUUF2: Kntzen??? 0045 ARQ w/AMVER/PR. C6JF2: M/V California Star 0343 ARQ w/sev tlx's. LXDC: M/V Crystal Primadonna 1744 ARQ w/tlx's, login 29056 LXDC. P3GR3: M/V Filoktitus 1704 ARQ w/tlx, login 29473 Filok. 9MBS3: BUNGA ORKID TIGA 2330 ARQ w/AMVER/PR. (WT) 8387.5 SQGN: M/V Budowlany 0230 ARQ Polish Bulk carrier w/tlx in PP. SQEW: M/V Pozdrowienia Kapitan 0150 ARQ w/tlx in PP. (WT) 8388 ELLY4: SS Oceanbreeze 0148 ARQ cruiseship, w/AMVER/PR at Panama Canal. NRCB: USCGC Eagle (WIX-327) 0221 ARQ wkg NMN re req QSL for msg sent. JNNU: M/V Nippon Maru 0629 ARQ w/AMVER/SP report to NMN, Japanese cruise ship w/run Tokyo to Honolulu, login 27044 JNNU. (RB) DJKL: Zim Texas 0710 USB Login 82021 DJKL, w/AMVER/SP. (WT) 8388.5 PJPO: TR Super Servant 4 0627 ARQ w/arrival report for Port Everglades. (RB) ELFT9: Star Grindanger 0050 ARQ w/AMVER/PR eta Inchon. (WT) 8389 P3QD4: M/V Makedon 0539 ARQ w/AMVER/PR tlx, login 29310 MAKEDON. (RB) 8390 ELCO5: Chevron Pacific 0220 ARQ tfc. BPKQ: Hua De 0212 ARQ tfc. (AB2) UQYC: NISP Akademik Fedorov 0115 RTTY research ship, in 50/170 RYRY to RNO, Moscow Meteo, & then w/series of msgs. VRBT: M/V Spring Delight 0547 ARQ w/AMVER/SP. (RB) J8EZ: M/V Penelope A. 0207 ARQ bulk carrier, w/tlx Melante Ships Ltd. (RB)+(WT) 8390.5 VTKW: Lok Wari 0212 ARQ tfc for Bombay. (AB2) 3FGV2: SS Seabreeze 1 0035 ARQ w/co tlx re guest left a pillow on board; cruiseship. 3EAW7: M/V Pacific Rider 0129 ARQ car carrier w/ack of tlx received. VTKW: M/V Lok Rajeshwari 0220 ARQ w/tlx re supplies not received Nola. P3XS3: M/V Mexicana 0244 ARQ w/tlx to Trinidad. UWGB: M/V Plesetsk 2347 ARQ w/posn tlx. (RB) PPOB: Frotamanus 0120 ARQ w/AMVER/PR, login 61007000 PPOB. LXAM: M/V Antwerpen 0235 ARQ container ship out of Luxembourg w/tlx, login 36266 LXAM. SWID: M/T Aspilos 0419 ARQ w/tlx to Olembro, Piraeus. (WT) 8391.5 UHBQ: TK Novotsak-1 (NVR/MMF) 0510 ARQ w/crew TG's (NVRTLG+). (PP) YLDH: TH Belgoroda 0321 ARQ w/tlx to Riga Radio for ETA St. Petersburg. (RB) 8392 SWYH: M/T GL Panorama 0244 ARQ w/tlx to report arrival Willemstad, dischg report, login 16851 SWYH. SVLK: M/V Angelic Protector 0422 ARQ cargo vsl w/tlx to Diamlemos, Piraeus. USWE: TH Georgiy Tovstonogov 0536 ARQ w/tlx to Baltic Shipping, Germany. (RB) P3GX2: M/V Laodiki II 0039 ARQ tlx tfc w/login 56157 P3GX2. (WT) 8392.5 P3AA3: M/V Epta 0135 ARQ w/tlx to Offshore Oil Services (UK) Ltd. (PP) ELNZ9: TR Tromso Fidelity 2331 ARQ w/NVRTLG+ crew TG's to Novorossiysk, login 24906 ELNZ9. (RB) YLBB: M/V Vasiliys Struve 0125 ARQ tlx tfc. (WT) 8393 BPDD: Ning An 4 1338 ARQ tfc to XSG. BPRD: Hua Yun 4 1430 ARQ w/same. BPCM: Da Qing 71 1502 ARQ tlx for ETA Jinzhou. BPFF: Jian She 6 1407 ARQ tfc to XSG. BPML: Zhen Fen 12 1407 ARQ w/same. BOAB: Tai He 1438 ARQ w/same. BPAI: You Yi 9 1449 ARQ w/same. BPAL: You Yi 12 1455 ARQ w/same. BPFB: Jian She 2 1506 ARQ w/same. (AB2) 8394 P3AA3: M/V Epta 0309 ARQ w/tlx re berthed at Port Kaiser. (RB) 8395 BRYW: Lian Chi 1319 ARQ tfc. BUQS: Runda 402 (?) 1409 tfc, ends w/DE BUQS QSL TKS BYBY. BRNE: Liu Bao 1414 ARQ w/tfc to XSQ. BRVD: An Bao 1522 ARQ w/same. (AB2) ENZZ: TK General Merkzhiladze 2356 ARQ w/TG to "Radio Zhibladze"(?). (RB) 8396 9VEE: M/T Sabang 0234 ARQ w/tlx to SPOL London w/company report. LXDC: M/V Crystal Primadonna 0255 ARQ w/tlx tfc. J8EX3: M/V Pacifik Frigo 0610 ARQ w/load report tlx. (RB) 8396.5 UYUE: TH Nikolay Kremlyanskiy 0558 RTTY in 50/170 reports fm Master, KM Geruuaenko. (RB) 8397 UBBX: TKH Vasiliy Musinskiy 0239 ARQ w/admin msg fm ships Master, KM Sapovnikov. ULFU: THB Feodor Varaksin 2316 ARQ bulk carrier, w/SVC+ radio info fm RM Asyrobv. (RB) 8399 UEVG: TH Nikolay Krylenko 1825 RTTY 50b 3cyr RY clg UGC, msg (RK) 8399.5 UIAL: TR Koliskiy Zaliv 2355 RTTY in 50/170 crew TG's to Murmansk Radio. (RB) 8401.5 UQMU: TH St Petrach 0223 RTTY in 50/170 RYRY/DE to UUI, Odessa Radio, & into crew TG's, may be the Stakhanovets Petrach w/callsign chg. JJ8848: Unid 0239 RTTY in 50/170 RYRY/DE for several mins, no joy. EOIO: PR Geori Stalingrada 2249 RTTY in 50/170 RYRY/DE no joy. EOFU: TH Georgiy Bernachuk 2351 RTTY in 50/170 tfc to Odessa Radio. (RB) 8402 EWWA: Polevod 1355 RTTY 50/170 tfc for Nahodka. (AB2) UWUC: TH Novogrudok 2230 RTTY in 50/170 RYRY/DE & into crew TG's to St Petersburg. UWCC: TH Pavlograd 2238 RTTY in 50/170 DISP-1 report to St Petersburg Radio fm KM Gusev. (RB) 8402.5 UGZJ: SRTM Tava 0008 RTTY in 50/170 crew TG's using huill#/ID SRTM 8095, no name used, last known to be Tava. 3FIX3: TR Frio Del'fin (Dolphin) 0231 RTTY reefer, in 50/170 crew TG's to Sevastopol Radio, also sends for UEVB. Another flagged-out Russian merchant. UROE: BATM Ivan Golubets 0332 RTTY in 50/170 crew TG's to Sevastopol. (RB) 8403 OXHU: Italian Reefer 1348 ARQ w/tfc. (AB2) 8404 N/A: "AI-1401" 0048 RTTY in 50/170 TG's to Murmansk using only unid hull#/ID of AI-1401. UOVE: TH Konstantinova 0208 RTTY in 50/170 tlx to Murmansk Shipping Co, reports at Veracruz. (RB) EVPR: BMRT-274 Novorerkassk 1710 RTTY 50b 3cyr RY UBF2 DE EVPR RY, SPB/KRH (RK) 8404.5 EORO:TKH Azerbaydzhan (ODS/UMF) 0034 RTTY 50/170 TG's/admin msg. (PP) UFNH: BMRT Vladimir Brodyuk 0005 RTTY in 50/170 crew TG's to Murmansk, also admin msg fm ships Master. YJZL7: M/V Wislanes 0058 ARQ wkg unid coastal station w/"QRU?" and log-off, 52243 YJZL. LYEF ?: SRTMK Chariot 2308 RTTY in 50/170 admin msgs to K-Grad using hull#/ID SRTM 8094, there may have been at least a c/s chg, this is last known info. (RB) 8405 9MBI3: M/V Alam Sentosa 0417 CW Wkg KFS w/AMVER/FR. BOSD: M/V Jiang Ting 0553 CW Wkg OBC3 w/SHIPREP. (JN) UOWI: Mariupol 0047 RTTY in 50/170 RYRY to USU, no joy, c/s suppose to have been chg'ed to UYEY per ITU. (RB) 8405.5 P3UG3: TR Klaypedskiy Bereg 0110 RTTY in 50/170 tfc to Klaipeda Radio, is ex-LYAR now flagged-out, new call used after name in each tlx. (RB) 8407.5 UALN: MKRTM-623 0251 RTTY in 50/170 RYRY to UIW, into crew TG's using hull#/ID MKRTM-623 (name unknown). This was UULY, now listed by ITU as Souren Spandarian. (RB) 8410 SWDV: M/V Vitali 0242 CW Rcvng msg tfc from SVD. (JN) UTZF: TH Suets 0536 RTTY in 50/170 RYRY to UUI, admin TG's fm KM Budenko. (RB) 8412 UEWY: TH Ivan Makarin 0141 RTTY bulk carrier/container ship fm Vladivostok w/MSKTLG+ crew TG tfc. (RB) 8413 UIVF: TH Palekh 0411 ARQ w/DISP-1 reports via St Petersburg. (RB) 8414 ULGX: Tokarevsk 1344 RTTY 50/170 tfc for UFZ. (AB2) UZLJ: TH Novopolotsk 2340 RTTY in 50/170 crew TG's to St Petersburg. (RB) 8415 URPR: TH Sverdlovsk 2257 ARQ w/SVC+ tfc fm KM Moskalev. (RB) 8416.5 NMO: USCG CommSta Honolulu 0435 FEC w/sta info, offshore wx to 0448. (RB) 8417 GKE: Portishead Radio, G 0500 FEC w/tfc list. (RB) 8429 EAD: Madrid Radio, Spain 2100 FEC w/tfc list. (RB) 8439 VCT: Grand Banks Radio NF 0304 FEC w/Info tape until 0310. (MF) 8454.5 HWN: French Navy Paris 0256 RTTY 75/850R w/RYs. (MF) 8459 NOJ: USCG CommSta Kodiak, Ak, US 0450 FAX 120/576 Gulf of Alaska Surface Cha [JEB] 8480.5 FUF: French Navy? 0248 RTTY 75/850R w/RYs. (MF) [Yes, Fort de France, Martinique -RD] 8645 UAT: Moskva R, RUS 1830 RTTY 50b 3cyr bulletin (RK) 8672.5 MTO: Royal Navy, Rosyth 0140 RTTY in 75/850 availability msg. (RB) 8674.5 MTO: Royal Navy Rosyth 0143 RTTY 75/850R w/Freq list. Not in-synch (//) to 9131.74. (MF) 9046 Unid: 1810 ARQ-N 100b idling, 1816 off. (BvR) 9046.2 Abuja Airport, Nigeria 0700/0900 PACTOR 100b flight plans. (JK) 9084.5 Unid: 0224 ARQ-TD2 96/100 in FDM, constant meteo, no ID (CCIR 342). (ED) 9090.5 Unloc sisde sta africa, sisde eur sta-sisde rome 0645-0800 ARQ two-digit encrypted addresses prob in europe, 3-digit in africa. (JK) 9110 MFA Warszawa, POL 1040 POL-ARQ 100b long Pl press bulletin (RK) 9131.7 MTO: Royal Navy Rosyth 0140 RTTY 75/850R w/freq list. (MF) 9278 OMZ: MFA Prague,CZE 0820 RTTY 100b Msgs in Czech (AB) 10125 Russian diplo,RUS 1800 RTTY 75b 6-tone selcal, CW callup, RTTY msg to 'RKD' (AB) 10216.7 HZN48: Jeddah Meteo 0050 RTTY 100/850N w/Wx data. (MF) 10493.3 RFTJ: French Forces, Dakar 0045 ARQ-E3 SEN, w/CdeV in 48/425. (RB) 10553.6 GFL: EGRR Bracknell Meteo 0038 RTTY 75/400R w/Wx data. (MF) 10590 Korean diplo ? 1902 RTTY 50b Nx+5FG's in Korean (AB) 10717 "Milfrance Varsovie" 1519 FEC-A 192/395 to "Com Flotiaereo Onze" with plain text message re some celebrations for Air Force. This followed by 5LG msg fm SRZ944 to RFGW, Paris. Anybody know who SRZ944 is? (PT) 10842 UNID: MOSCOW, R 1116 81-81 w/81/450 (SS) 10894 UNID: MOSCOW, R 1437 81-81 w/81/170 enc tfc (SS) 11014.5 Unid 0845 Crowd 36/40/ris (JK) 11021.5 GXQ: British Army London 2355 RTTY 50/300R w/Foxes. (MF) 11043.7 RFTJ: FF DAKAR, SEN 1758 ARQ-E3 w/192/315 idle (SS) 11055 Unid 0845 Crowd 36/40/ris (JK) 11110.3 RFLI: French Forces, Fort de 2155 ARQ-E3 France, Martinique, in 192/425 idling. (RB) 11453 IMB3: ROME METEO, I 0154 RTTY w/50/850 meteo (SS) 11485 AOK: USN ROTA, E 1345 FAX 120/576 1000 mb height analysis. Chart of Europe. (HS) 11541.7 RFLI: FF Fort de France,MRT 0800 ARQ-E3 96b Idling (AB) 12140 HWN: FN Paris, F 0923 RTTY 50b w/de hwn de hwn. (HS) 12193.1 UNID: 1111 ARQ-E3 w/96/300 OO RFLIE DE RFHJ w/FIN ANORMALE on C/I HJL (SS) [Ary sez is RFHJ, FF Papeete -RD] 12216 UNID: 2130 DUP-ARQ/ARTRAC w/125/230 enc. tfc. (SS) 12395 Ship 090-?- 1733 ARQ selcalling MPKV=4530, msg FM 090, EE & Greek. P3JW4: Ship 223 1644 ARQ selcalling MPKV=4530, msg FM 223, WRU: 27535 P3JW4 X (RK) 12477 ESTX: TH Boris Butoma 0322 ARQ w/DISP-1 report to Novorossiysk. (PP) KNLO: Manukai 0006 ARQ wkg KFS for tfc, at 0010 w/OP+ tfc to op re msg. LAQX2: M/V Scandinavian Pine 0016 ARQ wkg KFS for tfc holding. P3CR6: TH Akademikis Zavaritskis 2239 ARQ w/crew TG's to Riga Radio. (RB) 12478 D5XH: Cabo San Lucas 1638 ARQ bound for San Francisco from San Marcos, Mexico. (AB2) 12478.5 EQPT: M/V Iran Gafari 0721 ARQ Login 59235 EQPT, tlx to ISL Tehran. (WT) 12479 SQEW: Eugeniusz Kwiatkowski, selcall 43000 1524 ARQ tlx for ETA Salerno July 9. USWE: Georgiy Tovstonogov, selcall 55479 1554 ARQ tlx for ETA Balboa. (AB2) SNAO: M/V Szare Szeregi 0402 ARQ w/tlx for ETA via WLO, login 43294 SNAO. SWID: M/T Aspilos 2205 ARQ w/tlx to Miamar, Havana. (RB) 12479.5 WFQB: SS Overseas Marilyn 2018 ARQ bulk carrier w/tlx for ETA Norfolk. (RB) LXPC: M/V Crystal Prince 0125 ARQ ck'ing for msgs, login 36282 LXPC. (MT) 12480 UVGF: TH Anadyr' 0036 ARQ w/tlx tfc to Vladivostok Radio. 12480.5 LAQX2: Scandinavian Pine 2335 ARQ tfc for Seattle. (AB2) 12481 UTEZ: Boris Gordeev 1512 ARQ tfc for Odessa. (AB2) EORO: TKH Azerbajdzhan 2336 ARQ w/crew TG's to Odessa. (RB) 12482 SNAO: M/V Szare Szeregi 2312 ARQ receiving msgs, login 43294 SNAO. VREF: M/V Sunny Clipper 0045 ARQ w/tlx tfc. (WT) 12483 DUCT: Eurasian Charm 1650 ARQ tlx re galley goodies! (AB2) 12484 HKRX: Excelso, selcall 72345 1333 ARQ ship status rpt. UIJS: Aleksandr Tsulukidze 1537 ARQ tfc. (AB2) 12486.5 WLBX: M/V Lawrence H. Gianella 1730 ARQ w/MOVREP to U.S. Navy. (WT) 12487.5 OWUB2: Tiger 2051 ARQ w/ETA Balboa. (AB2) 12489 ULDQ: Angara 1532 ARQ tfc for Vladivostok. (AB2) 12490 SNIK: M/V Pol Europe 0100 ARQ w/AMVER/FR tlx to 'AMVER NY'. (RB) JNNU: M/S Nippon Maru 2350 ARQ receiving msgs. (WT) 12490.5 LAUG4: M/V Brunto 0035 ARQ w/AMVER/SP tlx, login 26215 BRUNTO. (RB) LXDL: M/V Crystal Pilgram 0610 ARQ AMVER/PR. (WT) 12491 V2DH: Almania 0031 ARQ w/tfc. (AB2) LXBY: M/V Cornelis Verolme 2229 ARQ w/tlx. (RB) 12495 URUS?: TH Boris Butoma 2130 ARQ w/NVRMEH+ tfc to Novorossiysk Radio, c/s chg'ed to ESTX in ITU last year, old c/s URUS still used for sitor login. UDSX: TH Vera Maretsukaya 2150 ARQ w/NVRTLG+ tfc to Novorossiysk Radio, login 54979 UDSX. UMDL: TK Kuzbass 2158 ARQ tanker, w/NVRTLG+ tfc to Novorossiysk Radio. UPXP: TK Valeriy Chkalov 2212 ARQ w/admin msg to NVR fm KM Kemarskiy. 9HMX3: TK Novomir 1 2248 ARQ w/NVRTLG+ crew TG tfc, note this tanker is a flagged-out Russian. UFIN: TKH Ivan Tevosyan 2311 ARQ w/crew TG's to NVR. (RB) 12497 C6KS3: M/V Vitaliy Ignatovich 0007 ARQ w/RR tlx to agents, ex-East Light? (RB) 12497.5 VVML: Lok Pratap, selcall 23753 2052 ARQ tlx for ETA Victoria pilots. (AB2) 12499 OWOD2: Skanlith, selcall 87695 2108 ARQ tlx for ETA Panama Canal on July 1. (AB2) 12501 SYOC: Angelic Spirit 0108 ARQ w/msgs in Greek. (WT) 12502 UHRU: Kherson 1453 ARQ w/tfc via WLO. (AB2) S6FP: M/T Neptune Subaru 1655 ARQ tanker, w/AMVER tlx. (RB) 3EJF8: M/V Hamlet Arabia 1708 ARQ receiving msgs, login 42724 3EJF8. (WT) 12503.5 KRJP: M/V Sheldon Lykes 1955 ARQ w/AMVER/FR & BBXX wx obs tlx's. (RB) LAEB2: M/S Sovereign of the Seas 0055 ARQ Royal Cruise Lines 73,192 GWT, 2,276 pass cruiseship w/tlx tfc, login 26561 LAEB2. (WT) 12504 LYBM: ML Kapitonas Reutov 0119 RTTY bulk carrier, in 50/170 crew TG's to Klaipeda, c/s was UNLI. (RB) 12512.5 UTXJ: TH Vera Khoruzhaya 0106 ARQ w/crew TG's to Murmansk Radio. (RB) 12523 YLCW: TH Kamilio S'enfuegos 0016 ARQ w/ack to Riga Radio for radio tfc sent, login is 60672 YLCW. (RB) 12561.5 UTDR: TH Korshun Shevchenkovskiy 0340 RTTY Ro/Ro Cargo Ship, in 50/170 crew TG's to Odessa Radio, also sends msgs for UQMU, "St Petrash" (may be Stakhanovets Petrash w/new c/s), and refers to UTBQ, Akademik Koroleva in one of the msgs. URHE: TH Chapaev 2224 RTTY in 50/170 RYRY/DE to UUI, Odessa Radio, into admin tfc fm KM Prasolov, note is ex-UNFO. (RB) 12562 N/A: Olayne 0009 RTTY in 50/170 TG's/admin msgs to Murmansk Radio using hull#/ID MI-8339 only.(RB) 12562.5 ESMS: RTMS Meriski 2130 RTTY 50/170 tfc to Tallinn using hull#/ID RTMS-7583. UOZQ: BMRT Akvamarin (KLD/MRH) 0234 RTTY 50/170 crew TG's to K-grad. (PP) YLGG: TR Straume 2151 RTTY in 50/170 RYRY/DE to UIW, & into admin tfc fm KM Lakrov. YLGN: TR Atmoda 2218 RTTY in 50/170 posn report to Riga Radio, vsl bound New Orleans. XYEL: M/V Spring Bee 2254 ARQ w/tlx for ETA Cristobal w/adjusted speed. (RB) 12564 M/V Mielec 1130 ARQ tlx re ETA Gandi pilot, posn Gibraltar. (BvR) UGYP: TSM Ocha 2345 RTTY in 50/170 RYRY & into tfc to Murmansk Radio using hull#/ID BI-0644, last known to be this vsl. (RB) 12564.5 UYTP: TH Akademik Yangel' 2035 RTTY 50/170 admin tfc to Odessa. (PP) UGXQ: SRTM 1500 Let Kieva 2222 RTTY in 50/170 RYRY/DE to UIW, & W/2 admin msgs. (RB) 12565 P3WW5: Commander 2046 CW Wkg SVB. QSY 12570 for msg tfc. (JN) UFOM: BMRT Nikolay Kuropatkin 2146 RTTY in 50/170 crew TG's to Murmansk Radio using hull#/ID MB-0023. (RB) 12566.5 UWSB: TKH Kapitan Medvedev 2211 RTTY in 50/170 RYRY, DE to UIW, & w/DISP-1 report for TKH Dmitriy Poluyan, and TKH Aram Khachatuchyan, EOIQ, finishes w/admin msg for supplies needed by UWSB. (RB) 12567 YLFP: RTMS Misa 2002 RTTY in 50/170 receipt for mackerel transferred fm another ship, crew TG's, using hull#/ID MRTMS-7579. (RB) 12567.5 URJA: TH Stepan Artemenko 2145 RTTY in 50/170 RYRY to UUI, into crew TG's via Odessa Radio. (RB) 12568.5 UBKT: BMRT Vozrozhdenie 2031 RTTY in 50/170 admin tfc to Kerch Radio, note chg fm "RTMS" prefix. (RB) 12569 UZAN: Unid 2233 RTTY in 50/170 report to Murmansk, off w/DE UZAN, no name seen. UOPQ: Ordynskiy 2245 RTTY in 50/170 tfc to Murmansk Tralflot using hull#/ID MI-0705. UTWF: TH Sosnogorsk 2352 RTTY in 50/170 RYRY to UUI, DE, & w/crew TG's to Odessa Radio. (RB) 12569.5 UTHJ: BKRT Mariya Poldivanova 2034 RTTY in 50/170 tfc to Sevastopol Radio. UTOB: TH Aleksandr Tsyurupa 2247 RTTY in 50/170 RYRY to UUI, Odessa Radio, & w/admin TG for agents info. (RB) 12572 UUAY: TH Vinnitsa (MRM/KRH) 1626 RTTY 50/170 crew TG's to Murmansk using hull#/ID MA-0056. (PP) 12573 EWAK: TR Polyarnyy Krug 2111 RTTY in 50/170 admin msgs fm Master. (RB) 12574 UFAA: TH Aleksey Generalov 1628 50/170 crew TG's using hull#/ID MA-0062. (PP) UIWR: TH Kislovodsk 2149 RTTY in 50/170 crew TG's to St Petersburg Radio. UYYR: TSM Petr Petrov 2228 RTTY in 50/170 crew TG's to Murmansk using hull#/ID MI-0716. URTK: BMRT Vysokovsk 2239 RTTY in 50/170 crew TG's to Murmansk using hull#/ID MB-2418, also admin msgs fm Master, KMD Fesenko. (RB) 12580 GKE5: Portishead Radio, G 0056 ARQ w/sitor free signal, CW ID. (RB) 12582.5 FFT61: St.Lys Radio, F 0000 FEC w/tfc list. (RB) 12588 HEB: Berna Radio, SUI 1042 ARQ w/tlx tfc. (BvR) 12590 EAD: Madrid Radio, Spain 2358 ARQ w/sitor free signal, CW ID. (RB) 12592 OXZ: Lyngby Radio, DNK 1133 FEC w/tfc list. (BvR) 12601.5 OXZ: Lyngby Radio, DEN 0041 FEC w/NavArea broadcast times, end of tfc list? (RB) 12607.5 WNU/KFS: SLIDELL R LA, US 0200 FEC w/CQ DE KFS/WNU/VCT/KEJ + All stations msg announcing KEJ w/QTH Hawaii (SS) 12610.5 VCT: Grand Banks Radio, CAN 0047 ARQ w/sitor free signal, CW ID. (RB) 12611.5 KEJ: Globe Wireless, Hi, US 1618 FEC w/tfc list. (AB2) [1st logging! -RD] 12639.5 OST50: Oostende Radio, BEL 2306 ARQ w/sitor free signal, CW ID. (RB) 12647 LPD: General Pachecho Radio 2307 ARQ ARG, w/sitor free signal, CW ID. (RB) 12664.5 FUM: FN PAPEETE TAHITI, OCE 0243 RTTY w/75/850 RYs/DE FUM. (SS) 12842.3 PBC312: Dutch Navy 2242 RTTY 75/850R w/freq list. (MF) 12895 LYK: Klaipeda R, LTU 0907 RTTY 75b 100 Telegrams. (HS) 12905.9 MTO: RN Rosyth, G 0850 RTTY 75b Availability. (HS) 13031.2 FUF: FN FORT DE FRANCE, MRT 0256 RTTY w/75/850 RYs/SGs/DE FUF. (SS) 13031.5 FUF: French Navy, Fort de France 2307 RTTY in 75/850 RYRY's/SG's, & DE. (RB) 13033 FUF: French Navy? 2039 RTTY 75/850N w/RYs. (MF) [Yes, Ft de France, see 13031 above -RD] 13365.7 5YD: Nairobi Air, KEN 2244 RTTY in 50/170 NOTAM's on cir. KVA. (RB) 13373.5 5YD: Nairobi Air, KEN 2258 RTTY in 50/250 RYRY's, ID. (RB) 13374.3 GRU Moscow 1945 RTTY 50b encrypted tfc. (JK) 13389 UNID: HABANA, CUB 2113 RTTY w/75/510 minrex tlx to nicaragua in SS + enc. txt after kgzs/kgzs/kgzz header + short circulars in SS. (SS) 13426 'DOR': MFA SOFIA, BUL 2038 RTTY w/75/850 zfo znn pse zry k followed by DKI w/RYs + retrans UPRAVLENIE INFORMACIY msgs to havana in Bulgarian (SS) 13427.8 Unid MFA: 2107 RTTY 75/500N w/Nx in RR or SC (prob. RR) HooDat? (MF) [Ary sez Bulgarian Embassy in Madrid uses this freq in 75b RTTY -RD] 13437 RPFN: Portuguese Navy, Lisbon 0124 RTTY 75/600 ry's & sg's, foxes. (ED) 13467.5 Unid: 1213 DUP-ARQ? 250/600 Wide shift, will synch, No actual decode. (ED) [Ary sez he has seen MFA Warsaw here in POL-ARQ -RD] 13479.7 RFFP: MOD PARIS, F 2138 ARQ-M2 w/200/375 a: idle b: idle (SS) 13490 Unid 1415 81-81 40.5b ris? (JK) 13495.9 Oslo: 1425 TOR-7B 100/300 Twinplex, Wide shifted, F7B-1, weak, traffic, broken. (ED) 13510.6 MFA Bonn? 0815/1930 RS-ARQ/228.5 & 457.0 prob mfa bonn testing, first time i've seen the speed doubled! (JK) 13512 Unid 0830 Crowd 36/40/ris (JK) 13839.7 RFFA: MOD PARIS, F 2221 ARQ-M2 w/200/425 a: idle b:idle (SS) 13875.4 HGX-21 Budapest, HUNG 1525 DUP-ARQ 125/230 msg. (ED) 13877 N/A Athens? 1512 POL-ARQ 100/400 5 CRC, Pol. Msg. to Warsaw, possibly Athens. (ED) 13880 Russian diplo,RUS 0810 RTTY 75b Msg to 'RAU' (new sked) (AB) 13901 RFQPMBRY 1504 ARQ-M2 200/385 w/5LG's to RFFINDI via "QPC" circuit. (PT) 13920.5 AXM35 Melbourne, AUS 2331 FAX 120/576 Meteo charts. (RB) 13938 RFFTC 1240 ARQ-E3 200/380 w/tfc to RFFVAE via "AVA" circuit. (PT) 13977 RFFTA 1316 ARQ-M2 200/380 w/5LG's to RFQPA, Djibouti via "PQB" circuit. (PT) 14376 BZT34: XINHUA Beijing, CHN 0937 RTTY 75b nx. (HS) 14381 GXQ: BA LONDON, G 2123 VFT w/ Foxes all ch. (50/170 baudot). (SS) 14403 Unid 1045 Crowd 36/40/ris (JK) 14452 HMF-57: KCNA Pyongyang, NKO 1206 RTTY 50/200 FF press from Korean News Agency. (ED) 14472 Unid: 2134 RTTY 75/400 5LG's, ry's, groups preceded by 5 numbers. (ED) 14485 P6Z, MFA Paris 1349 FEC-A 192/385 clg Z4D, un-id French embassy. (PT) 14485.7 UNID: 2300 ARQ-E3 w/192/425 idle (SS) [Ary sez maybe 'P6Z', MFA Paris on 14486 -RD] 14513.7 MFA Japan, in Mexico 1130 ARQ MFA Japan in Mexico w/5LG's for emb. in Haiti. (ED) 14530 Unid 1300 Crowd 36/40/ris (JK) 14598.2 RFFVA/FFrance 0218 ARQ-E3 200/400 C.I. is "FDX", relatively new baud rate for E3. (ED) 14612 PWX: BN BRASILIA, B 2009 RTTY w/75/850 PWX clg LOL wkg relay(QSP) w/NBA sending unclass tlx + from DITELM Rio de Janeiro, Br. (SS) 14626.7 RFLI: FF FORT DE FRANCE, MRT 2310 ARQ-E3 w/192/425 idle (SS) 14645 Unid 1100 Crowd 36/40/ris (JK) 14663.5 DMK: MFA BONN, D 2311 ARQ-E w/96/170 idle (SS) 14670.2 French Forces, Incirlik, T 2237 ARQ-E3 200b idling. (DG) 14708 Unid 0900 Crowd 36/40/ris (JK) 14763 A9M-70 Bahrain 1544 RTTY 75/400 english press. (ED) 14863 Unid 0900 Crowd 36/40/ris (JK) 14975 P6Z: MFA Paris, F 0929 FEC-A 192/80 Lettergroups. (HS) 14987 N/A: Warsaw 1501 POL-ARQ 100/170 4 CRC, Pol. Press and Political Msg. from MFA. (ED) 15876 SNN-299 Warsaw 1246 POL-ARQ 100/170 5 CRC, Pol. msg. to Ankara. (ED) 16075 RFFXBV 1344 ARQ-E3 192/377 "Distransit Le Havre", w/tfc to RFTJD, "Comptroup Libreville" via "IAH" circuit. (PT) 16165.2 RFFA: MOD Paris, F 1803 ARQ-342 200b 5FG's. (BvR) 16180 Unid: 1146 ????? 300/300 ARQ Type, strong 11 bit correlation. (ED) 16213 Unid: 1131 ARQ-6/90 200/400 5lg's. (ED) 16277.4 MFA Oslo, NOR 1400/1430 ARQ poss made an attempt at 200b or was switching to twinplex, too weak to tell. (JK) 16280 RFQP: FF DJIBUTI, DJI 1754 ARQ-342 200b w/5FG's. (BvR) 16328.2 Unid Japan-Trinidad link 1900 ARQ (8JYO) (JK) 16339.4 CJL: Cyprus 1625 RTTY 100/170 ry's, usually uses ARQ-E. (ED) 16345 SNN-349? 1230 POL-ARQ 100/300 5 CRC, Pol. Msg. (ED) 16501.7 Unid: 1036 ARQ ATU A TFC. (BvR) 16683.5 YLBV: Lielupe 2042 ARQ tfc for Riga. (AB2) YLAX: TKH David Sikeyros 2047 ARQ w/tfc to Riga Radio, also sends tfc for TKH Fridrukh Tsander, YLBD. YLCC: TH Samburga 2121 ARQ w/login & att to send SVC+ traffic. (RB) 16684 UHRU: TK Kherso 2241 ARQ w/tlx for items needed on board, gives ships owners as Georgian Shipping Co, Batumi. (RB) 16687 USBZ: Yuta Bondarovskaya 2109 ARQ tfc. (AB2) 16688.5 Ridge Force 1836 ARQ w/AMVER/SP, login 03596 OXWW2. (WT) 16689 NJMD: USNS John McDonnell 1255 ARQ selcalling XVSC=1096/NMC and msg to COMSC Washington. (RK) 16690.5 P3GX2: Laodiki II 1756 ARQ w/status report. (AB2) 16693 DHHO: San Pedro 1953 ARQ w/posn report. (AB2) 16697 9HNW4: Imperial, selcall 22099 ARQ tfc for Maritex Op's Centre. (AB2) 16697.5 WECB: R/V Melville 2246 FEC a Scripps Institute R/V w/tfc for WWD, Scripps Institute, La Jolla, Ca. (RB) 16698 BPEV: Hua Zhong 0410 ARQ w/tfc for agent. (AB2) 16701 WHTP: SS Elizabeth Lykes 1248 ARQ OBS via Portishead R. C4OU: M/V Sea Muse 1311 ARQ Tlx tfc via Portishead R. 3EKU5: M/V River Plate 1333 ARQ OBS msg. J8EG7: M/V Bovec 1350 ARQ Tlx tfc. GDGH: Maersk Cutter 1534 ARQ Tlx tfc. P3OL4: Clipper Alliance 1635 ARQ Tlx tfc. (JN) 16701.5 YLBR: Klements Gotvalds 1821 ARQ w/tfc for Kelvin Hughs, London. (AB2) YLDA: TH Kompozitor Chakovskiy 2103 ARQ w/crew TG tfc to Riga, is ex-UKVG. (RB) 16708.5 URUS: M/V Boris Butoma 1350 ARQ Wkg WLO w/tlx to Bethleham Steel Plant, Sparrows Point. (JN) 3EJT9: M/V Charles Lykes 1944 ARQ w/company report tlx. (RB) 16713 UJCQ: Kapitan Man 2124 ARQ tfc for Vladivostok. UTBY: Sverolovo 2152 ARQ tfc. UODP: Ivanovo 2216 ARQ tfc. (AB2) 16713.5 ELPW8: Norgas Transporter 2056 ARQ tfc w/selcall 51048. (AB2) SXDH: M/V Caribia Express 2355 ARQ relaying QSL for tfc. (WT) 16715 C6ID9: M/V Snow Drift 1355 ARQ Tlx to Serva Ship I.O.M. w/posn rpt. (JN) 16770 C6KF3: Winter Star (winsta) 1419 ARQ ETA CARTAGENA PILOT. (PP) 16781 N/A: M/V Nedlloyd Curacao 0101 ARQ w/posn report tlx. (RB) 16782 9HMH4: Ilya Chavchavadze 1523 ARQ w/ETA New Orleans from NY w/cargo of palm oil, ends w/old c/s UTBX. (AB2) 16786.5 EOSB: Kamchatskiy Proliv 1534 RTTY 50/170 tfc for Sevastopol. (AB2) 16787.5 UVMV: T/KH Petr Aleynikov 1624 RTTY crew TG's. (PP) 16798 UNID ship, PHL 1305 FEC s/on ERE PX BEGINS, relay of En PRESS REPORT from DZJ/MANILA, 1315 closing with APPROACHING FINISTERRE FM HAMBURG BND LIMASSOL AND ISREAL (RK) 16799.5 UNNI: RTMS A Chernyshev 1226 RTTY 50b 3cyr msgs KLD/MRH. UNTD: RTMS Grechinikow 1250 RTTY 50b 3cyr msgs KLD/UTF. UOLQ: BATM Petr Chafranow 1210 RTTY 50b 3cyr msgs KLD/UTF. (RK) 16801 UEXI: RTMA Il'men' 1905 RTTY in 50/170 RYRY/DE to UIW, & w/tlx to Moscow fm KM Kaz'min. (RB) 16801.5 LYEJ: TN Mys Pavwskiy (SWS/MRH) 1618 RTTY 50/170 crew TG's to Sevastopol. (PP) 16802 EWIJ: TR Kandalakskiy Zaliv 2037 RTTY in 50/170 crew TG's to Sevastopol. UQIK: BMRT Kharovsk 2335 RTTY in 50/170 crew TG's to Murmansk using hull#/ID MB-0399. TH Tolya Komar 1150 RTTY 50b 3cyr msg (RK) [I show the c/s as UKAI -RD] 16802.5 EWVO: RTM Evrika (KV-7111 KLD/MRH) 1633 RTTY 50/170 tlx to Livorno Italy, via Kaliningrad. UEXI: RTMA Il'men' KLD/MR 1609 RTTY 50/170 crew TG's to K-grad. EVQS: Kapitan Bubnov (ARH/KRH) 1638 RTTY 50/170 w/crew TG's to Arkhangelsk using hull#/ID AA-1837. (PP) YLGB: TR Doles Sala 2031 RTTY in 50/170 RYRY to UIW, & admin/crew TG tfc to Riga. (RB) 16804 UPEO: Ivan Derbenev 1520 RTTY 50/170 tfc for St Petersburg. (AB2) UINN: TR Molodaya Gvardiya 2000 RTTY w/long admin msg to Sevastopol. (PP) 16804.5 EOYW: RTMS Arabat 1557 RTTY 50/170 crew TG's. (PP) 16810.5 FFL81: St Lys Radio, F 1556 FEC tfc list. (PP) 16829 UBN: Maripul radio, UKR 1009 ARQ w/tlx tfc to UYWN. (BvR) 16846 URD: St Petersburg Radio, RUS 1014 ARQ w/tlx tfc to UFJK. (BvR) 16879 LZW: Varna Radio, BUL 1028 ARQ tlx tfc. (BvR) 17482 Rumania: 1430 ROU-FEC 164.5/400 Rum. msg. (ED) 17491 Unid 1800 Crowd 36/40/ris (JK) 17521.5 Unid 1800/1845 ARQ (JK) 19031.7 MFA Islamabad-Riyadh Emb 1230-1715 ARQ (JK) 19647 "S5F" Unid: 1740 FEC-A 192/600 wide shift, 5lg's, to MFA "RFGW", from who? This is a Freq used by RFLIG. (ED) 20092 MFA Paris-Djibouti Emb 1400 ARQ6-90 200b (JK) 22293 9HLL4: M/V Gimo One 1410 ARQ Tlx to T.K. Boesen A/S Copenhagen. (JN) =MARITIME= 2201 VIM: MELBOURNE RADIO 0815 USB w/wx. (AW) 2207 ZLD: AUCKLAND RADIO 0809 USB w/nav warnings. (AW) 2691 GCC: Stonehaven Radio,G 2141 USB Tfc list (AB) 2702 Royal Navy Coastal Control,G 0018 USB w/Golf Foxtrot. QSY to channel 13 (AB) 4125 NOJ: USCG, Kodiak 1032 USB 'This is USCG Kodiak, Alaska Comms Stn. time 1900 Alaska Daylight Time, June 19, Bristol Bay. A 125.1 MHz distress beacon has been detected by Satellite, Bristol Bay in posn 58.15.3N 160.26.4W'. (NZ) 4134 WTL4798: R/V Edwin Link 0622 USB wkg NMN w/BBXX rdo report. (RB) 4146 ZLM: TAUPO MARITIME RADIO 0835 USB w/wx. (AW) 4193 N/A: M/V Mount Penteli 0600 CW w/msg tfc. Couldn't catch callsign. (JN) 4195 HSPO: M/V Rattana Maree 0734 CW wkg unid coastal sta w/1 msg, AMVER/FR. (RB) 4357 Liepaja Radio,LVA 2035 USB Voice mirror (AB) 4369 WBP5798: M/V Sun Dragon 0826 USB wkg WLO for R/T tfc, reporting fish catch data via five-letter code groups. (RA) 4378 HEB14: Berne Radio,S 2018 USB Voice mirror, tfc list (AB) 4402 KMI: DIXON RADIO 1000 USB w/wx. (AW) 4408 VCS: CCG Halifax CG R, NS CAN 0540 USB w/tfc list for R/T calls waiting. (RB) 6200 N/A: M/V New Direction = Maritime = 0528 USB wkg NMN re hourly comm sked due to vsl having engine problems. C/S is only listed in ITU. WZL8190: R/V Westward 2250 USB wkg NMG w/BBXX wx obs. vsl is from Sea Education Assoc. (RB) 6227 KVY565: Apex Towing, Clayton, MO, US 1123 USB wkg unid boat. At 1129 clg W.P.Jackson. (JN) 6230 WHW382: John F. Christmas Jr 0145 USB in Tarpon Springs, Fl., (DBA?) wkg unid vsl for amended ETA. WC2187: William J. Stewart 0517 USB towboat fm Michigan Power Co., signing off after chat w/unid towboat. (RB) 6292 CONG: Mar Oceano 2015 CW msg (RK) 6376 WCC: Chatham Radio, USA 0635 CW w/VVV DE. (BvR) 6420 UON: Baku R., AZE 1635 CW msgs to 4JEJ/MV S Sabir (RK) 6439.5 UDK2: Murmansk Radio, RUS 2042 CW w/4LS DE UDK 2 QSX 6286. (BvR) 6471 SXA24: Greek Navy Piraeus 1821 CW w/VVV DE. (BvR) 6477.5 KPH: San Francisco Radio, Ca 0702 CW w/tfc list. (RB) 6482 CLA: Havana Radio, Cuba 0657 CW w/CQ marker. (RB) 6493.5 VAI: CCG Vancouver CG Radio 0656 CW BC, Canada w/QSX marker. (RB) 6498.2 OST32: Oostende Radio, B 1815 CW w/tfc list. (BvR) 6516 unid fishermen 0108 USB in EE chatting about fast water & nets. (CM) 8198 WAI3935, unid 0145 USB clg WOM for radio ck, no joy. (CM) 8204 ELGH5: M/V Crown Princess 0534 USB Princess Cruises 70,000 GWT cruise ship, clg/wkg KMI for R/T tfc. (RB) 8222 C6KM: M/S Holiday 0518 USB Carnival Cruise Lines 46052 GWT, 1452 pass cruiseship, concluding R/T w/WOM. (RB) 8234 P3PL4: M/V Aristidis 1307 USB Wkg WOM w/R/T to Greece. (JN) 8237 3FGV2: SS Seabreeze 1 1940 USB concluding R/T tfc w/WOO (on 8761). (RB) 8240 VCGN: C/S John Cabot (is ex-CGDJ CCGS John Cabot which was a cable ship/icebreaker) 2242 clg/wkg CAMSLANT Chesapeake for wx. (JN)(JP) (RB) 8264 C6IP3: M/S Meridian 0146 USB wkg WOM re tfc holding for them, 36,440 GWT cruiseship w/Celebrity Cruises. (RB) 8297 N/A: American Patriot 1140 USB Wkg America Pride. QSY 6227. 8340 7TIA: M/V Bel-Abbes 0208 CW Wkg WCC w/4 msgs sent. (JN) 8342 3EFO4: Atlantic Express 0003 CW Wkg WCC w/AMVER/PR. ICNV: LPG/C Viking Star 0017 CW Wkg WNU w/AMVER/PR. HCCM: M/N Ciudad de Manta 0108 CW Wkg WLO w/msg tfc. CBVM: M/V Vina del Mar 2121 CW Wkg CBV w/msg tfc. (JN) 8343 PPSA: M/T Candiota 0009 CW Wkg PPR w/msg tfc. UIVF: M/V Palekah (?) 0020 CW Clg "4KB" - other ships then checked in with him including: UYOQ, UERA, URSB, UII?. "4KB" must be a call-up for relay of msg tfc within this fleet. Can anyone confirm this? (JN) [UIVF is the TH (M/V) Palekah -RD] 8344 YQRT: Seanav 1 0052 CW Wkg WLO, sending and receiving msg tfc. (JN) 8345 PPMH: Jotaerri 0205 CW Wkg PPO w/msg tfc. TSCS: M/V Nil 0522 CW Wkg WLO w/msg tfc. 3EIL4: Marif 0656 CW Wkg KFS w/AMVER/FR. (JN) UMYC: TH Dvina 1545 CW clg UHP5/8452, msg. V7AJ8: MV Wigry 1442 CW msg, QRC GB11 (RK) 8346 UYUX: M/V Dmitriy Poluyan 0041 CW Wkg WCC w/msg to BL STD HAMBURG. C6HF4: M/T Mega 0647 CW Wkg IAR w/msg tfc. (JN) 8347 C6LR6: M/V Providentia 0610 CW Wkg IAR w/msg tfc. Possibly ex-Emma D.P.Seconda. UFPS: Pioner Murmana 2105 CW Wkg WCC, rcvng msg tfc. (JN) 8348 PPMY: M/T Diva 0035 CW Wkg PPL. DUEH: Trichord Success 0444 CW Wkg VAI w/AMVER/SP. (JN) 8350 7TQU: Ain Temouchent 0020 CW Wkg VCS w/AMVER/SP. SYGX: M/V Jeannie 0236 CW Wkg SVD rcvg msg tfc. P3MG6: M/V Procyon 0741 CW Wkg ZSC w/msg to BONMAS ATHINA. (JN) 8351 LQYX: Glaciar Ameghino 0032 CW Sending msg tfc. FNVG: LPG/C Pierre Laffitte 2230 CW Wkg FFL4. (JN) 8353 3ERU7: M/S Her An 0223 CW Wkg KPH w/msg tfc. Mentioned that they are ex-Lugano Venture. (JN) 8354 3ERI4: M/V Balsa 41 2356 CW Wkg WNU w/msg tfc. (JN) 8354.5 3EFR9: South Wind I 1943 CW tfc. (AB2) 8355 ICTK: M/V Emerald Star 0130 CW Wkg OBY2 w/SHIPREP. (JN) 8357.5 3EHD8: M/T Universal Apollo 0045 CW Wkg OBC3 w/SHIPREP. (JN) 8358 UEYP: M/V Tonya Bondarchuk 0110 CW Wkg HPP. (JN) 8359 JGPA: M/V Wakashio Maru 81 0123 CW Wkg OBC3 w/msg to COSTERA CALLAO (SHIPREP). (JN) 8360 PPSN: Global Africa 0144 CW Wkg PPL w/msg tfc. (JN) 8362 HBDF: M/S Sils 0134 CW SHIPREP to Callao CG. (JN) 8363 P3KH6: Atlantis Joy 0015 CW SHIPREP msg to Callao CG. SYLB: M/V Sophie C. 0047 CW Wkg SVD w/msg tfc. JCQW: M/V Taisei Maru No.1 0102 CW Sending "SHIPREP" msg. (JN) 8365 9VVO: M/V Laemthong Pride 0056 CW Wkg OBY2 w/SHIPREP. (JN) 8367 BWBJ: Dong Feng Shan 1538 CW w/tfc. (AB2) 8368 ELFY7: M/T Zadar 0050 CW Clg 9AR. ELQI3: Aurora Gold 2220 CW Clg D3E51, no joy. (JN) 8369.5 3ENI5: Asean Victory 1522 CW clg/wkg KPH. (AB2) 8371 9VFM: Kota Berkat 0251 CW Wkg A9M w/msg tfc. 5BQH: M/V Standwear 0403 CW Wkg XFM, req QRJ for R/T connection to Vietnam. (JN) 8372 SVWL: M/V World Ares 2334 CW Wkg LPD. (JN) 8373 YQNX: M/V Lugoj 0215 CW Wkg WLO. (JN) 8375 9HGB4: M/V Cyclades 0327 CW Wkg WLO. C6IM5: Hoegh Marlin 0602 CW Wkg OBC3 w/SHIPREP. (JN) COJW: M/V Rio Jatibonico 0335 CW fish factory, wkg unid sta in SS. (RB) 8380 J8KU4: unid 0646 CW Wkg ZSC, rcvng msg tfc. (JN) ODLZ: MV Herculus 1817 CW dx msg (RK) 8396 4JGB: PM Merkurij-2 1622 CW msgs to UON/Baku, also fm TK Hazar (RK) 8405 9MBI3: M/V Alam Sentosa 0417 CW Wkg KFS w/AMVER/FR. BOSD: M/V Jiang Ting 0553 CW Wkg OBC3 w/SHIPREP. (JN) 8410 SWDV: M/V Vitali 0242 CW Rcvng msg tfc from SVD. (JN) 8452 UHP5: St.Peterburg R., RUS 1546 CW dx wkg UMYC (RK) 8469 D4A: Mindelo, San Vicente, Cape Verde 2145 CW w/CQ. (PvdE) 8473 A7D: Doha, Qatar 2147 CW w/DE. (PvdE) 8511 XSW2: Taichung Radio, TAI 1659 CW w/CQ DE QSX. (BvR) 8604.5 DZH: Bulaan Radio, PHL 1758 CW w/CQ DE QSX. (BvR) 8682 EAD4: Madrid Radio, Spain 0143 CW w/QSX marker. (RB) 8706 JOS: Nagasaki Radio, J 1829 CW w/CQ DE. (BvR) 12353 WBN5040: Tug Pioneer 1228 USB Clg Tug Explorer, no joy. WLZ: Sun Oil Co., Yabucoa, PR 1313 USB Wkg Yabucoa Sun/WTS4761. WBN7618: Tug Explorer 1316 USB Clg WPE Jacksonville. KADC: R/V Atlantis II 1333 USB Wkg KXC713 (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution) w/posn rpt. WBR7731: Shaka Maru 1400 USB Clg the Marlin Prince (no joy). QSY 16A (16528) & clg again, still no joy. WRS8473: Tuna Tango 1414 USB Clg Hit and Run. N/A: Marjorie B. McAllister 1420 USB Clg the Eileen McAllister - no joy. N/A: McAllister 154 1424 USB Clg the Eileen McAllister - no joy. WHU571: Unid 1455 USB Clg then wkg The Yankee. WBG9367: The Thunder 1457 USB Wkg KQU375 (Marine Specialty Co, TX). WCD5797: Mercedes 1504 USB Clg S/V Walden. WBA3643: Belladona 1515 USB Clg Excaliber. HQDX4: S/V Polynesia 2125 USB Wkg Yankee Clipper (both Windjammer Barefoot Cruises sailing vessels) Chit-chat - very interesting! (JN) 12359 WHG858: Bludworth Construc., Houston 1320 USB Wkg unid vsl. (JN) 12424 HCZN: B/T Napo 0420 CW Wkg WLO w/3 msgs sent. ELKW4: Atlas Rex 1400 CW Wkg WNU w/msg tfc. (JN) 12425 TCAA: Unid 2052 CW Wkg TAH. (JN) [I have it as Galatasaray -RD] P3UF2: M/V Tatiana L. 2103 CW Wkg SVB, rcvng msg tfc. (JN) 12426 YQDG: M/V Salva 2108 CW Wkg YQI. IBND: Mare Dorica 2218 CW Wkg IAR. (JN) 12426.5 ORJH: Godetia 2105 CW 1st Belgium warship logged. (JN) [pennent A-960, a command & support ship, nice snag! -RD] 12427 H2FR: M/V Karen 1336 CW Wkg SPH. 3EZP8: S/S MSC Sabrina 1352 CW Sending msg tfc. (JN) 12429 UGMR: TH Liko-2 1426 CW msg to UAT/12739 (RK) 12433 YQUP: Unid 2102 CW Wkg FFL. (JN) 12434 4XIO: M/V Zim Iberia 2033 CW Wkg 5MYK (Minerva) arranging QSY to 12 MHz voice freq. (JN) 12437 YEJL: M/V Ocean Garuda 0414 CW Wkg JCU w/msg to SHINWASHIP TOKYO. (JN) 12439.5 UWDQ: Kapitan Anistatenko (?) 0010 CW Clg UUI - no joy. (JN) [TH Kapitan Anistratyenko -RD] 12443.5 DSDI9: Global Ambition 1330 CW Wkg HLO rcvng msg tfc. (JN) 12445 YERP: Ansac Prosperity 0412 CW Wkg JCU. (JN) 12447 TCMQ: M/V E.FIlyos 0525 CW Wkg KFS w/msg tfc. (JN) 12450 XCMY: LPG/C Monterrey 1950 CW Wkg WLO w/AMVER/PR. (JN) 12451 TCCM: M/V C.Mehmet 0551 CW Wkg KFS w/msg tfc. LADO4: M/V Sithea 0703 CW Wkg VAI req help with telex connection. (JN) 12455 C4MQ: Karyatis III 0345 CW Wkg KPH w/AMVER/PR. TCCB: General R. Gumuspala 2048 CW Wkg TCGI (Kocaeli 1). QSY 16640 to pass tfc (JN) 12460 5BXZ: M/V Euroliberty 1857 CW Wkg WNU w/msg tfc. (JN) 12463 J4SC: M/V World Achilles 2 1821 CW Bulker wkg HPP w/msg tfc. (JN) 12463.5 ATUY: M/V Vishva Parimal 1856 CW Msg tfc. (JN) 12470 SVZL: M/V Island Sky 1600 CW Sending msg tfc. (JN) 12472 SVWL: M/V World Ares 2002 CW Wkg WNU. (JN) 12473 LAGQ2: M/V Borg 2014 CW Wkg LGJ. (JN) 12476 3ERU7: Her An 0434 CW Wkg HLG w/3 msgs. (JN) 12551 IBJM: M/V Michele Iuliano 0027 CW Clg IAR. ELRA4: Starlette 2 2059 CW Wkg FFL6. Req QRJ (move to R/T). (JN) 12552 C6HA8: M/V Gur Maiden 2227 CW cargo ship, w/wkg unid coastal sta re freq for AMVER tfc. (RB) 12553.5 ELGK2: M/V Cape Cavo 2045 CW Wkg GKB - req local time in London. (JN) 12662 7TF8: Boufarik Radio, ALG 2308 CW w/CQ, QSX marker. (RB) 12699 HPP: Intelmar Radio, PAN 2310 CW w/V, CQ, QSX marker. (RB) 12727.6 LGW/LGB: Rogaland Radio, NOR 2321 CW w/tfc list after marker. (RB) 12835.5 GKB2: Portishead Radio, G 2330 CW w/DE marker. (RB) 12844.5 KFS: Palo Alto Radio, Ca, US 2250 CW w/wx, other sked times: 0450, 1050, & 1650 daily. (RB) 12887.5 EAD2/3/4: Madrid Radio, Spain 2335 CW w/QSX marker. (RB) 12912.6 FFL2/3/6: St. Lys Radio, France 2337 CW w/QSX marker. (RB) 13008 JOR: Nagasaki Radio, J 1248 CW w/CQ DE. (BvR) 16375 S3E: BANGLADESH 0120 USB w/pp to unid vsl. (AW) 16543 UNID: INDONESIAN STNS 0140 USB w/req to QSY to 12365 where they finished the QSO. (AW) 16622 3EZQ8: unid 1618 CW Wkg OST w/msg tfc. (JN) [I show it as Pol America -RD] 16625 3EGT5: unid 1703 CW Wkg WNU. (JN) 16662 UNYK: XXVI Syezd Kpss 0245 CW tfc. (AB2) 16672 ELRY7: M/V Aristogeiton 1700 CW wkg LGX w/posn rpt. (JN) 16680 UUTH: Nikolay Cherkasov 1633 CW clg URRA. (AB2) SVNV: M/V Skopelos 2106 CW Wkg PPO w/msg tfc. 3FMM3: M/V Golden Star 2145 CW Wkg WCC w/msg tfc. (JN) 16720 SC2: UNID, PHL 1350 CW EE press bulletin, END OF PX DE SC2 HR VERY ROUGH SEAS ABM GIBRALTAR AR (RK) 16870 DZJ: Manila, Philippines 1500 CW w/CQ. (PvdE) 16879 LZW: Varna Radio, BUL 1028 ARQ tlx tfc. (BvR) 16920 9GX: Tema, Ghana 1350 CW w/CQ. (PvdE) 17053 XSX: Keelung R, TWN 1328 CW CQ DE XSX QSX 8/12/16/22 MHZ K (RK) 17146 NRV: USCG Apra Hrbr, Guam 0050 CW sending CQ in CW. (NZ) 17174 VAI: CCG Vancouver 0053 CW w/CQ & listening freqs in CW. (NZ) 17184 KFS: San Francisco 0056 CW w/CQ & listening freqs in CW. (NZ) 17205 IAR: Rome 0101 CW sending CQ & listening freqs in CW. (NZ) =MILITARY= 3191 6OS: NATO, Adria 2310 USB En m sx tfc to S5O, 6NO, F6O, 0OE, 2SK, UNO SHARP GUARD mission, Adriatic sea (RK) 4050 MICE 51: 0241 USB clg MICE 96, no joy, very weak here, see 11244 log. (RB) 4484 RAF Neatishead,G 1435 USB w/many stations. UKAD exercise (AB) 4525 Unid units 0200 USB w/track info. (ML) 4560 N/A: "Ferguson" 0558 USB wkg Halifax Military w/1 routine msg to pass. This is a maritime command freq and tfc was as if a ship, but no such name known. (RB) 4716 RAF Neatishead,G 0605 USB w/many stations. UKAD exercise (AB) 4721 IDR: ItNY Roma, I 1725 USB En m sx r/check to ICH (RK) 4724 Offutt GHFS, Omaha (Elk Horn), Ne 0533 USB w/20 character EAM for "Region ABC"//all GHFS freqs. (RB) 4742 RAF B7D,AIR 0928 USB w/Architect, wx for several UK airfields. Architect, G 0950 USB w/Ascot 5754. Wx for LPPR, LPFR + LPPS. Same 1045 USB w/Ascot 5950 Rdo ck. Same at 1958 USB w/Ascot 5647, wx for EGEN. Same at 2159 USB w/U0L. Rdo ck. Same at 1420 USB w/5BD. Rdo ck. Same at 1310 USB w/G1B04 w/wx for Belfast. Eagle 1 w/pp to Sunray. DZ52 who reports 'ops normal' & ODM 93 w/pp to their base in Odiham. Same at 2132 USB w/'Starling Formation' who asked 'request you relay to Lifts Ops that we are ops normal'. Same at 1849 USB w/Ascot 2595, wx for Lyneham & Brize Norton. (AB) 0WJ (Nimrod/ Sentry?) 1143 USB w/Architect change KT (5420) for Neatishead. (BH) Architect: 1225 USB w/wx. Workshop(?) 09: 1235 USB w/Architect for rdo ck. 30 X-ray 47: 1239 USB req wx for EG-PL (Benbecula GB) via Architect. Architect 1329 USB w/wx. Swallow 93: 1403 USB w/msg for Architect. (HS) 1AD35 0733 USB wkg ARCHITECT dest RAF LEEMING. ASCOT 9109 0829 USB wkg ARCHITECT selcal check BLGK (XV810 VC-10 Tanker). KITTYHAWK 1 0835 USB wkg ARCHITECT pp to RAF NORTHOLT re early dep. ASCOT 2542 0854 USB wkg ARCHITECT dep BRIZE NORTON dep AKROTIRI selcal CFDM (XV107 VC10 10 Sqn). ASCOT 5674 0635 USB wkg ARCHITECT req wx for Oporto Portugal. ASCOT 5810 0647 USB wkg ARCHITECT selcal ck AJBF (XV188 C-130). ASCOT 5468 0659 USB wkg ARCHITECT dep LYNHAM dest BRUGGEN selcal AJCK (XV199 C-130). ASCOT 4962 0716 USB wkg ARCHITECT dep WADDINGTON dest LKMT(?) selcal AHGL (XV178 C-130). ASCOT 4876 1207 USB wkg ARCHITECT selcal check AKBH (XV291 C-130). ASCOT 5227 1821 USB wkg ARCHITECT dep LIPA dest EGDL selcal AKBG (XV290 C-130). ASCOT 4958 0709 USB wkg ARCHITECT dep LYNHAM dest BRUGGEN selcal AKBL (XV293 c-130). ASCOT 2580 0734 USB wkg ARCHITECT selcal ck CFAH (XV105 VC10 10 Sqn). ASCOT 5754 0722 USB wkg ARCHITECT selcal ck AJEG (XV209 C-130). ASCOT 5164 0653 USB wkg ARCHITECT dep LIBV (GLOIA DEL COLLE) dest EGDL (LYNHAM) selcal AJBH (XV190 C-130). TARTAN 51 0655 USB w/ARCHITECT selcal ck BLGK (XR810 VC-10 Tanker). KITTYHAWK 2 1050 USB to ARCHITECT dep EGHH (HEATHROW) dest EGPN (DUNDEE) selcal EMBQ (ZE702 HS146 32 Sqn). KITTY 4 1224 USB to ARCHITECT dep EGWU (NORTHOLT) dest LHBP (BUDAPEST) selcal LMBD (ZE700 HS146 32 Sqn). UNIFORM ZERO LIMA 1927 USB to ARCHITECT required wx actuals for LERP and LEMO. ASCOT 769 1340 USB to ARCHITECT selcal check AKBE (XV223 C-130 57(R) Sqn). STETSON FORMATION 0719 USB to ARCHITECT Two Wessex helicopters out of ALDERGROVE. RAF AIR 4K07 0702 USB to ARCHITECT for radio ck. ASCOT 2212 0729 USB to ARCHITECT dep BRIZE NORTON dest BRUGGEN selcal BLHJ (XV101 VC10 10 Sqn). ASCOT 2213 1822 USB to ARCHITECT dep BRUGGEN dest BRIZE NORTON selcal BLHJ (XV101 VC10 10 Sqn). ASCOT 2592 0726 USB to ARCHITECT dep BRIZE NORTON dest JEDDAH selcal BLHJ (XV101 VC10 10 Sqn). ASCOT 5146 2017 USB to ARCHITECT. ASCOT 5784 1244 USB pp ASCOT OPS via ARCHITECT. Pilot reports that the main runway at Dijon is closed and can he dump 4,000lbs of fuel so he can use the shorter secondary runway. Ops tells him he must proceed to Deci in Sicily. ASCOT 3740 0709 USB wkg ARCHITECT. Dep Brize Norton dest Akrotiri, Selcal DJAE (Tristar ZD953 216 Sqn). KITTYHAWK 3 ROMEO 0950 USB to ARCHITECT dep EGLL (Heathrow) dest EGPH (Edinburgh) Selcal LMBE (ZE701 32 Sqn HS-146) I'm sure the ROMEO suffix indicates that HM Queen was onboard. (JB) ASCOT 3221 0548 USB Clg Architect no joy (JN) NIGHTWATCH: 1121 USB wkg WAR46 w/comms cks, will call by land-line (phone). (RB) 4745 RAF Neatishead,G 2012 USB w/many stations. UKAD exercise (AB) S2W 0732 USB wkg NEATISHEAD target tracking. (JB) 4763 RAF Neatishead,G 2201 USB w/many stations. UKAD exercise (AB) 4864.5 FDG: FAF Bordeaux, F 1731 CW w/VVV DE FDG AR tape (RK) 5155 5YH 0048 USB clg I5R, also heard 5YH clg & wkg SWORDFISH 764 at 0035Z, Whitefish 766 at 0050Z and Goldfish 765 at 0052Z. (JL) 5320 NOY8: USCG "Grp Corpus", Corpus Christi, Tx 0210 USB wkg V2M w/report, at 0214 clg/wkg D2V for same. (RB) 5420 0WJ (Nimrod/Sentry?) 1144 USB w/Neatishead, setting up comms, authentication etc. The tactical freqs are apparently not effected by the recent RAF frequency change, or is this one a coincidence just like 4742? (BH) 5680 VLL96, heli training flight from Shawbury,AIR 0807 USB w/Edinburgh Rescue. Pos over Snowdonia. Rdo Ck. Koksijde Rescue,BEL 0835 USB w/Belgian Air Force 94. Radio ck. Plymouth Rescue,G 0837 USB w/Rescue 125, 192, 172, 193, 51, 52. Search op's. Stockholm Rescue,S 1326 USB w/Q98 and Q94. Rdo cks. Navy 177,AIR 0917 USB w/Edinburgh Rescue. Rdo ck. Coastguard heli 'Oscar Charlie',AIR 1405 USB w/Edinburgh Rescue. Rdo ck. SRG 138,AIR 1528 USB w/Edinburgh Rescue. Rdo ck. SRG 132,AIR 1540 USB w/Edinburgh Rescue. Eta Leuchars 1630z. Edinburg Rescue,G 0754 USB w/Rescue 131. Warns for fighter activity over Northsea. SAE: Tingstade Rescue,S 0939 USB w/Riga Rescue. RAF ODM72, AIR 0858 USB w/Edinburg Rescue. Rdo ck. Unid 'EIBH',AIR 0921 USB w/Edinburg Rescue. Rdo ck. Malmo Rescue,S 0958 USB w/unid. Rdo ck. Coastguard heli Mike Uniform,AIR 1835 USB w/Edinburgh Rescue. Brings injured boy from the Isle of Skye to a hospital in Inverness. Edinburgh Rescue,G 1043 USB w/Alpine 22 at 1043 & Coastguard heli 'OC' at 1056. Plymouth Rescue,G 0815 USB w/Rescue combine. Wx for St.Mary's. SAR Exercise 'Bright Eyes' 1440 USB Participants include Belgian Air Force 95 (heli) with c/s SAREX 95, a RAF Nimrod c/s SAREX 51 and a RAF heli c/s SAREX 125. The exercise was coordinated by Plymouth Rescue & Yarmouth Coastguard. SAREX 95 needed fuel & wanted to divert to Valkenburg in the Netherlands but cancels the request because Yarmouth terminated the exercise at 16.30 UTC. Dutch navy heli 'Pluto 1' & Orion 'Pedro 2' 1430 USB w/IJmuiden Rescue. Reporting ops normal + rdo cks. Koksijde Rescue,BEL 1509 USB w/BAF95. Req diversion to Valkenburg for refueling. Plymouth Rescue,G 0930 USB w/SMG 40 who is inbound Jersey and closing down this freq. SMG 37 at 0938 UTC, reporting ops normal, pos 32N 28 miles from Guernsey. Later at ca 1530 both heli's were heard on there way home to St Mawgan. Edinburgh Rescue,G 0930 USB w/VLL 96 who is airborne from Valley to St Mawgan. Glucksburg Rescue,D 1025 USB w/Mission 4852. Rdo ck. Edinburgh Rescue,G 1255 USB w/E5R17. "E5R17 is a Wessex with 8 POB airborne from Carlisle to Standford low level". Edinburgh Rescue,G 0630 USB w/Alpine 20 (RAF Mountain Rescue Team Stafford), Alpine 21 (MRT Valley), Alpine 22 (MRT Kinloss), Alpine 23 (MRT Leuchars), Alpine 24 (MRT Leeming) and Alpine 25 (MRT St.Athan). Radio cks + wx forecasts (AB) Y71 1949 USB wkg -? Rescue (some Swedish RCC) eta on scene 1hr13min, also wkg ch 16. Rescue 177 2146 USB wkg Edinburgh Res dep Prestwick 2143 5 pob, enroute to landing site, eta 2300 L. (BH) NCNK: USCGC Pt. Glass (WPB-82336) 0144 USB wkg CG Group Miami. (JP) Plymouth Rescue UK 2028 USB wkg Rescue 125 'casualty with broken arm'. (NZ) 5696 Culdrose Ops (Royal Navy),G 1150 USB w/Navy 515. Operational msgs (AB) NMN: Camslant Chesapeake 0400 USB wkg Rescue C9V re secure freq for primary guard. They tried 3E4 for a radio check, but were back on 5696 before long. They then tried 3E7 (Camslant said they were moving "up to" 3E7). Again, no luck, so they settled on 5696 primary/8983 secondary. Anyone have any idea what freqs 3E4 and 3E7 correspond to? (JL) [I have 3E4 as 5107 -RD] NMC: CAMSPAC San Francisco, Ca 0214 USB wkg CG-6036, a HH-60J Jawhawk Helo, for flt ops normal report. Rescue 6035: USCG HH-60J 0227 USB wkg NMN re commencing hoisting op's at posn given. This was ref a fire on M/S Celebration, a Carnival Cruise Lines cruiseship. At 0240 Rescue 1720 (HC-130) w/pp Miami Op's, adv situation under control on board. Rescue 2139: USCG HU-25A Falcon Jet 0414 USB wkg NMN re req radio guard, airborne w/5 POB for training, used ID "Rescue 39" & ltr adv full a/c number, odd using "Rescue" ID on training mission. STINGRAY 12: U.S. Customs a/c 0449 USB wkg NMN req a radio guard, airborne enrt AirSta Miami w/5 POB. NBTM: USCGC Polar Star (WAGB-10) 0636 USB clg/wkg CommSta Kodiak, req ck on HFDL (HF Data Link) signal, QSY 6 megs SCN. NOJ: USCG CommSta Kodiak, Ak US 0642 USB wkg Res 1711 (HC-130), for flt op's & posn. (RB) Miami Op's, 0329 USB wkg Rescue 2139, HU-25, for status and was told to RTB Miami if nothing hrd in 15 "mikes". (TD) 5710 SAM 29000: (92-9000) USAF VC-25A 0050 USB wkg Andy w/comms ck's to 0215 & reports "arrival", at 0218 clg Andy as Air Force 1 after President came on board. QSY to "114". (RB) 6200 NRPZ: USCGC Papaw (WLB-308) 0304 USB wkg NMG re HFDL freq. NRQW: USCGC Sweetgum (WLB-309) 0447 USB clg CommSta New Orleans, NMG, no joy. NRPT: USCGC Madrona (WLB-302) 0530 USB wkg NMN w/M/V New Direction, has them on radar, ETA on-scene is 1 hr. (RB) 6428.5 VIX3: RAN Canberra, AUS 0610 CW w/wx, at 0612 w/CQ DE, at 0622 NAWS MGS. (BvR) 6471 SXA24: Greek Navy Piraeus 1821 CW w/VVV DE. (BvR) 6480.7 TBB2/3: TuNY, TUR 2227 CW T43B VVV DE TBH2/3 (RK) 6501 NOJ: USCG CommSta Kodiak, Ak US 0636 USB wkg USCGC Polar Star (WAGB-10) re HFDL circuit, cutter was on 6200 also w/great sigs. (RB) 6502 TBB6: Turkish Navy, Ankara, TUR 0110 CW w/"V" marker. (RB) 6550 Coastguard center, HOL 1327 USB w/CG vessel CG21, is entering German territorial waters. Neth.CG Center,HOL 0850 USB w/Coastguard 01. Rdo ck. Neth.CG Center,HOL 0920 USB w/mv Zeevalk (PBWW - customs vessel). Netherlands Coastguard,HOL 1330 USB w/Navy 121 & Customs launch Zeevalk (PBWW). Coastguard 03,AIR 0640 USB w/Netherlands CG Center. Ops normal. SIERRA 1: Neth.CG Sierra 1 1000 USB w/CG center. Op's msgs. PBZE: Neth.CG vessel Cor Boersma 1006 USB w/CG center. Reports that all samples have been taken. Coastguard 03 1018 USB w/CG center. Reports ops normal. Pos 52.35N 003.29E. SAVANNAH: Neth.CG 'Savannah',HOL 1035 USB w/Coastguard 03. Search completed, req further task. (AB) 6683 SAM 26000: (62-6000) USAF C-137C 0607 USB wkg Andy re departed 0553, w/2 DV, ltr QSY 616 upper. SAM 26000: (62-6000) USAF C-137C 2049 USB wkg Andy pp's State Op's; Andrews Meteo for wx EINN 2300Z, ltr wkg SAM 202 up here too. Navy 511: (150511) USMC HQ a/c 2239 USB wkg Andy w/comms cks on '731', adv 5 mins to take-off. (RB) 6712 French Air Force, Villacoublay,F 0840 USB w/CTM3840 who is enrt from or to Serbia. Same at 2203 USB w/CTM 0006 (eta Villacoublay) and CTM 0030. Same at 0841 USB w/CTM 4080. Radio ck + eta Charles de Gaulle 0714L. FAF 'Circus Vert',F 0940 USB w/CTM 4085 & CTM 3015 at various times. Airevac 1057,G 1700 USB Clg mainsail. No joy. FAF 'Circus Vert',F 1741 USB w/CTM 0005. USAF Croughton,G 0942 USB "Golf62 Golf62, this is Croughton with an all freqs transmission callsign. Call Croughton. Out". USAF Croughton,G 0920 USB M3ZBBX 41-character EAM. (AB) CTM 3700 (C-130?) 0746 USB w/Circus Vert, taxi Istres 0724, dep 0732, eta Azanzioux (wattistat?) 0830, crew 7 pax 121, freight 1100 kilo on 1 pallet QRX 0930 (all in French, just like the other CTMs and FMN). Copper 2 (KC-135) 0802 USB clg Croughton no joy. FMN 9343 0832 USB wkg Circus Vert, dep LFRH (Lorient/Lann-Bihou) 0707 eta Villacoublay 1208, req. Keflavik wx (Keflawiek, hi). CTM 4348 0846 USB wkg Circus Vert selcal check AMFR. (BH) 6715 RAF Neatishead,G 0830 USB w/various stations. NUCO's, Alligator playgrounds etc (AB) 6730 Italian Air Force, Sigonella,I 0942 USB w/70 & 58. Radio cks & chatter in Italian (AB) 6731 DHJ59: German Navy Wilhelmshaven,D 0826 USB w/A0Y, rdo ck. (AB) NIGHTWATCH 0058 USB clg WAR 49? no joy. (CM) 6735 Foxtrot Tango: USN Link-11 coordination net 0022 USB wkg STEEL JAW 01 (E-2C) re posn, course. (RB) 6739 GUBZ: HMS Sabre,INT 0846 USB w/Architect, pp to Hornet. Architect,G 0850 USB w/6LI, rdo ck. Architect,G 1145 USB w/Ascot 5070. Wx for Lyneham. (AB) Architect 1329 USB w/wx. N/A: BAe146 reg.ZE702 1331 USB Missed c/s of a/c, SelCal ck on EM-BQ. D8D: 1745 USB w/Architect for rdo ck. (HS) SENTRY 35 0734 USB pp MILDENHALL OPS via LAJES. Wants security + bus for 30 crew members. 3XM55 1131 USB wkg ARCHITECT Puma helicopter dep EGXE. (JB) Thule GHFS: Greenland 0428 USB wkg REACH 60195 w/pp Ramstein CP, meteo. (RB) 6751 SIDECAR: Canadian NORAD Station 2109 USB wkg V9A, having problem getting the data signal fm their "ship". (RB) 6754 CANFORCE EDMONTON 0625 USB w/Volmet wx. (AW) Trenton Military 0320 USB w/Volmet wx, expected to hear Edmonton Military and got Trenton military instead with a new lineup of stations being reported. Anyone have a new schedule for these folks? (JL) VXA: Edmonton Military, CAN 0525 USB w/Volmet wx for Victoria, other cities. (RB) 6761 Sabre 11 (F-111F) 0718 USB wkg Quid 81 while 11 in climb out one of the other Sabres had an emergency, will not show up. (BH) VIKING 51: 0116 USB wkg REACH 405, enrt area C-7 to setup, 405 req confirm type of radio & time, adv ETA to IP & will contact him on 324.6. (RB) 6779 DRDM: FGS U19 (S198) German Navy sub 0208 USB wkg DHJ59. (JP) 6830 AIR FORCE TWO 0328 USB w/pp to CACTUS through Andy, setting up comm; "We'll use ROYAL CROWN." (HS2) 6993 Air Force One 2130 USB w/Andrews and SAM 26000, at times they have maintained a continuous phone patch w/CROWN, rather than ask the Andrews operator to place calls to specific numbers for them. (BL) 6993 PACOM 01: a/c w/CINCPAC on board 0631 USB wkg Andy to adv airborne 0629, later pp Hickam CP to adv 1 DV2 + 4 pax, & alpha 1. (RB) 7475 Z5H: Unid poss USN 0225 USB wkg "3H" w/Link-11 voice coordination. (RB) 7535 NCDG: USS Comte de Grasse (DD-974) 1434 USB wkg SESEF Norfolk. NAWR: USS Arthur W. Radford (DD-968) 1536 6/23 USB wkg SESEF Norfolk. (JP) NBIO: USS Shenandoah (AD-44) 1403 USB wkg SESEF Norfolk w/tests of KY-75 crypto gear. NEWZ: USS Deyo (DD-989) 1555 USB wkg SESEF w/start of HF xmitter tests, w/xmitter#6. NNVA: USS Norfolk (SSN-714) 1559 USB wkg SESEF for rdo ck. (4th Los Angeles-class attack sub logged!). X0U: Unid USN 1631 USB clg SESEF Norfolk, no joy. PCU Fitzgerald: 1847 USB (Pre-commissioned) w/HF radio tests, all modes. (RB) 7536 NTBK: USS Klakring (FFG-42) 1719 USB wkg SESEF Norfolk re Link 11 testing, unk why they were off freq (normal is 7535). (RB) 7536.5 AC4: Unid U.S. military 1643 USB wkg HOPPA 11 w/ck on rdo 2 and off. (RB) 7629 Unid: Unid Military 0338 USB Heavy ANDVT "green" comms hrd. (RB) 7903 NATO blockade net off Yugoslavia 24 hrs a day USB MS is NCS, net ID'ed MS as "THIS IS THE ???? ACTION NET". Much traffic regarding ID of ships, w/MS giving orders to the other calls to ID ships, or to other callsigns to give order to a civilian ship to change course. Also heard one unit reporting explosions on the coastline. Another time, Albanian military to send motorboat to pick up refugees. (JOB) 8122 VLRM: HMAS Warrnambool 0537 USB wkg Canberra Control. Some voice encryption noted (first time I've hrd them use encryption on this freq). ZMLR(?): HMNZS Manawanui 0955 USB Clg Canberra Control several times, no joy. Several mins later Canberra Control clg Manawanui, no joy. Wish I could relay for 'em!. CGAR: HMCS Vancouver 1052 USB Wkg Canberra Control. Canberra Control, Royal Australian Navy 0709 USB clg HMAS Betano. CGAR: HMCS Vancouver (FFH-331) 1146 USB wkg Canberra Control. VLRC: HMAS Geelong (PTF-215) 1152 USB wkg Canberra Control. VLRD: HMAS Townsville (PTF-205) 0653 USB wkg Canberra Control. (JP) Royal Australian Navy's Darwin Control 0830 USB wkg vsl w/name that sounded like "Nelson," although that name does not appear on RAN warship lists. Also, Canberra Control wkg HMCS Vancouver. (RA) VIX: RAN CommSta "Canberra Control" ACT, AUS 0608 USB clg HMAS Warrnambool, no joy. CGAR: HMCS Vancouver (FFH-331) 0619 USB clg/wkg Canberra Control w/"QRU 1", back up later in the morn w/more tfc. VLPS: HMAS Brolga 0622 USB clg/wkg Canberra Control w/1 priority msg. VLRC: HMAS Geelong (P-215) 0638 USB clg/wkg Canberra Control w/long count, Canberra adv has 1 immediate & 5 priority msgs to pass. VLRD: HMAS Townsville (P-205) 0653 USB clg/wkg Canberra Control, Canberra adv to send his tfc on 8 Mhz secure. VLRM: HMAS Warrnambool (P-204) 0807 USB clg Canberra Control on "AC4". (RB) 8225 NHKX: USS Merrill (DD-976) 2231 USB wkg hi seas op thru WOO. (JP) 8240 GQIJ: Warship Glascow 1800 USB clg GKU req pp. (BvR) N/A: USCGC Knight Island 2352 USB WPB-1348 clg NMG, no joy. Anyone have a callsign for this cutter? (JN) [NCSR -RD] GVUK: HMS Southampton (D90) 0248 USB clg Portishead Radio. NRPT: USCGC Madrona (WLB-302) USB clg COMMSTA New Orleans. (JP) 8297 CHARLIE 3 0443 USB posn for FOXTROT ALPHA. (HS2) AAEH: USAV Macon (LCU-2003) 1747 USB Wkg ADMM. (JN) AAFA: USAV SP4 James A. Loux 0302 USB wkg AAC2, Harbormaster Ft Eustis, Va, adv will call back w/posn & status report at 0600. (RB) 8391.5 MW: NATO, Adria 1511 USB EE m sx w/tfc abt track 7265. (RK) 8410 RMQW: RuNY, RUS 1640 CW dx clg RCV. RJP78: RuNY, RUS 1739 CW RIT DE RJP78 QSA?, only once, no further tfc (RK) 8490 AQP: PN Karachi, PAK 1754 CW w/VVV AQP. (BvR) 8493 TBA4: Turkish Navy, Ankara, T 1654 CW w/VVV. (BvR) 8555 TBB7: Turkish Navy, Ankara, T 1700 CW w/VVV. (BvR) 8572 TBA7: Turkish Navy, Ankara, T 1655 CW w/VVV. (BvR) 8764 NMO: USCG CommSta Honolulu, Hi, US 1215 USB w/wx for Hawaiian waters out 100 miles in progress. (RB) 8968 USAF Lajes,AZR 0008 USB w/Reach 494A at 0020 UTC & Airevac 1757 at 0008 UTC w/pp to Ramstein Metro. USAF Thule,GRL 0006 USB EAM's. (AB) SIERRA 7 GOLF 1703 USB to LAJES radio ck. AUTO 72 0552 USB clg LAJES, no joy. NAVY 58487 0553 USB clg LAJES for rdo ck. (JB) NAVY LA59 0734 USB pp ROTA via LAJES re has one engine out w/13 souls on-board. Gave location of 39N 18.04W. (I think it could be a P-3C, anyone able to confirm this?). (JB) RAID 73: 319TH AFW a/c 0247 USB wkg Thule GHFS pp, NORDIC CONTROL. SIDECAR: Canadian NORAD Station 1300 USB wkg R8Y, att to setup a data link. (RB) 8974 Air Force Auckland 0209 USB wkg Kiwi 423 req ETA Whenuapai AFB. (NZ) 8992 AFE8: MACDILL GHFS 0610 USB w/long coded tfc, later SKYKING broadcast. (AW) 9013 MVP: Royal Navy Prestwick (Gannet),G 0902 USB w/Navy 3ZV. Pos 55.12.5N 005.30.1W. Radio ck (AB) SIDECAR: Canadian NORAD Station 0501 USB wkg 7MS w/Link-11 voice coordination net. Noted next night w/4-5 units in net at 0135 on same freq. (RB) SIDECAR: Canadian NORAD sta 0058 USB wkg U9U. (TD) 9014 Sidecar,CAN 0037 USB w/R3A, 6AG, R6Q & many other stations. Navy 704 1137 USB w/Royal Navy Prestwick. Rdo ck. Navy 708 1841 USB w/Royal Navy Prestwick. Rdo ck. (AB) 9017 USAF SAM 27000,AIR 1122 LSB!! w/Andrews, pp to DAO (Defense Attache Office) Moscow. (AB) NIGHTWATCH: 1303 USB wkg AEROBATIC w/rdo cks, QSY to X-905. (RB) 9031 Ascot 5848 (C-130, XV199) 1210 USB wkg Architect, dep Prestwick, eta 30w 1515, eta Gander 1850/1900, selcal AJCK. (BH) Architect 1329 USB w/wx. (HS) RAF AIR 1C5 1203 USB clg ARCHITECT no joy. CYPRUS Flight Watch 1715 USB with low-cloud warning. (JB) 9033.5 Warwagon and Sniper 0000/0400 USB wkg 3 letter alphanumeric callsigns. Heard mentions of antenna cable, gas, oil, & gallons of CFM (???). (PM) 9122.5 WUB2: USACE New York District 1502 USB wkg WUG Vicksburg, MS net control. (JP) 10192.5 DRKF: Nienburg (A-1416) 0626 USB Wkg DHJ59 coord. RTTY. At 0640 says "change to MRL06". They then came up on 6779 kHz. (JN) 10780 Cape Radio 0435 USB Wkg REACH 2288 w/pp to Hilda Americas. (JN) KING 64: USAR aero-rescue a/c 1834 USB wkg Cape Radio for rdo ck. At 1912, att pp to Purto Rico for Customs, Cape adv too weak. (RB) 11175 USAF Croughton, G 0828 USB w/HERKY 04 req a pp to an European Ops center. Same: 1326 USB w/Reach 7B8, pp to Hilda East. QUID 50, pp. Reach 70027, pp to Sigonella. ACE 603. Same: 1255 USB w/Gismo. (AB) HERKY 17 (C-130) 1126 USB w/Croughton pp V480-2754 (37th AS, Ram- stein): out of Armenia(?), eta Ramstein 1345Z. Reach 7B7 0714 USB wkg Croughton pp PMSV wx LYSK (Skopje) 0820, no pirep. GHFS Yokota 1836 USB w/flash traffic, good readable (not heard for quite some time overhere). Reach T1 (C-141B) 1839 USB wkg Croughton pp Incirlik CP: eta 2215. pp Incirlik PMSV wx 2215, pirep: C-141 fl390 3953.1n 0420.9w. Reach 051ZZ (C-5) 1859 USB wkg same, pp Ramstein AMCC: enrt fm Split to Brize Norton w/a patient. Patients condition got worse during flt, flt surgeon wants to divert to Ramstein, eta 2000Z, req ambulance & quiet hrs waver (qt hrs start 2000). pp Hilda, same info. (BH) SPAR 64: 1248 USB wkg same, pp 430 4140. BOOKSHELF: 1712 USB wkg Croughton for HF ck. MAINE 98: 0838 USB wkg same for pp, lost contact. SPAR 43: 1643 USB wkg Ascension, pp PHANTOM, eta EDDS 0820Z. HERC 96: 0812 USB wkg Croughton, pp MINUTEMAN, re ATC delay at LIRP. MAKO 34: 0912 USB wkg same, pp EGUN Metro, wx for eta 1200Z, a/c is a C10. HERKY 101: 0927 USB wkg same, pp PHANTOM/USAFE Metro, ETA EKAH 1054Z. START 162: 1206 USB wkg same, pp HILDA/ETAR Met, dep UUEE 1150Z eta ETAR 1515Z. T/n 70026. MAGIC 57: 1740 USB wkg same, for morale pp to US, QSY 11180. VW 21: 1242 USB wkg same, w/priority tfc to 450 5070 (TSC) Coded tfc from 5MV 2XY to BMY. BAMA 15: 1510 USB wkg same, adv maintain freq for call. LISA 11: 1536 USB wkg same, pp LTAG, eta 1630Z. SHELL 98: 1146 USB wkg same, pp EGUN CP, have RETRO 61/62 for EGXH in tow, eta 1400Z. JM 128: 1134 USB wkg same, pp EGUN Metro, wx for eta EGQJ 1250Z. SHARK 27: 2247 USB wkg Albrook, pp LOBO, eta MPHO 0200Z. REACH 502SH: 2043 USB wkg same, pp LERT Metro, wx for eta 2340Z, bringing 60 troops. GOFER 64: 2254 USB wkg Ascension, pp MN ANG Guard Ops, can GOFER 46 call in w/details of hrs flown. CHUG 01: 2316 USB wkg Ascension, pp HILDA (?) giving dep from KWRI as 2233Z. SAM 206: 0816 USB wkg Croughton, pp KADW VIP for secure, told 287 & 499. ADRY 69: 1137 USB wkg Andrews, pp 858 2840 KADW Metro, eta 1530. BLUE 92: 1140 wkg same, pp USAFE Metro. Accompanying TREND flight (x4) for BIKF, eta 1300Z. MAKO 22: 1525 wkg same, pp BANTER Control, eta EGUN 1650Z. KC10@46N/04E/350. BOOKSHELF 37: 1402 USB wkg same, pp BOOKSHELF Ops 632 7929. SENTRY 48: 2257 USB wkg Ascension, pp MacDill ? unable to open main valve on AR system. HERKY 906: 1150 USB wkg same, pp EGUN Metro, wx for eta 1800Z. LEGGER 63: 10.33 USB wkg Croughton, pp EGUN AMCC/Metro. Non AMC mission with DV V7 on board, req quick turn, is EC 137 a/c, tail 19417. MOTOWN 01: 1951 USB wkg Ascension, pp MPHO Metro, wx for eta 2200Z. MAKO 07: 2006 USB wkg Croughton, pp EGUN Metro, wx for eta 2200Z. HERKY 610: 0836 USB wkg same, pp PHANTOM, reporting broken HF antenna wire, will land at Elmas to repair. DA 451: 1840 USB wkg same, req discrete - to 12277. pp KADW local #. COMO: 1158 USB wkg NIGHTBIRD for tfc, not available. REACH 369101 1433 USB wkg Croughton, pp HILDA E, C17 t/n 30602 dep LFPB 13.09Z, eta KCHS 22.15Z. Paris Air Show VIP flight ? (1 Code 7+ 2 DVs). SAM 201 wkg 0926 USB w/same, from LIRN for list of monitored freqs. IVORY 71: 2301 USB wkg Ascension, pp 731 3200. DEUCE 01: 2308 USB wkg same, pp KWRI CP. KC 10 on training sortie w/DEUCE 02. REACH J1: 0710 USB wkg Croughton, pp HILDA E/ETAR Metro, wx for eta OJAM 0930Z. C5, t/n 180220. HAWK 11: 0948 USB wkg same, pp RAYMOND 37. B1B ?. SPAR 93: 1747 USB wkg same, pp EGUN Ops. C20 with eta 1805Z. LW 39: 1824 USB wkg same, pp BIKF, answering machine. KING 11 1922 USB wkg Ascension, pp ? CP, reporting prop leak. Aircraft 217 landing St Johns for repairs. SAM 200: 2009 USB wkg same, pp KADW VIP for discrete - QSY 736 or 646. REACH 60168: 0650 USB wkg same, pp LPLA Metro; dest KDVR eta 1700Z. OKIE 51: 0852 USB wkg Thule QSY 11244 (Croughton downtime) pp EGUN CP. SENTRY 38: 1439 USB wkg Croughton, pp 277 7347, due AR with STEEL 63 at 1915Z. RULER 01: 2246 USB wkg Albrook, pp FURIOUS/Howard Metro, eta MPHO 0130Z. (FW) Ascension 2020 USB w/CROWN 52 pp, Brunswick PMSV V472- 2362. Eta Brunswick 23.30 (HC130P, 71 RQS, Patrick). Same: 2036 USB Same: 1113 USB RUFUS 93 pp, Keflavik CP + PMSV: C-130, 1 hr out, req 30.000 lbs fuel. Req a quick turn. Pos. 62.20n 16.40w FL260". (HC-130N, 67 SOS). Croughton 1254 USB w/NAVY JM471 pp, ASCOMED: re arrival Greece, pp. to V624-2211 (Sigonella), no contact & to V858-9812 (Andrews) no contact. Same: 1258 USB FARAD 32 pp, to V475-8182/8082 Both lines were busy. Relay via Croughton: "ABCCC airborne for 1 hour is having communication problems. Relay to 'EAGLE 6' & 'LION 6'". Same: 1543 USB Reach 11E2 pp, EDAR ACC: Tailnr. 638088, etb 1740 A.2 for nr. 1 pilots' HF inop. (HW) BASS 25: 2230 USB wkg Ascension for low-level wx for various points from Ascension. Any idea what would be using this callsign ? (IW) NANCY 69 1214 USB pp to DSN number via CROUGHTON dest Little Rock AFB(?). SPAR 64 0714 USB wkg same for discrete freq. Got 264 upper. MAKO 22 1534 USB pp to BANTER CONTROL via same, Pirep states KC-10. HERKY 610 0837 USB pp PHANTOM via same, HERKY 610 diverting to Elmas(?) airfield to replace loose HF antenna wire. They will continue with their mission when fixed and return to Sigonella when mission completed. HERKY 610 1641 USB pp PHANTOM via ASCENSION. Arrived with 5 PAX at Sigonella. ZERO UNIFORM XRAY 1837 USB to CROUGHTON answering all freqs call. 0UX was transmitting in the 7MHz band which they should not have been. SHUTTLE 66 1624 USB calling MAINSAIL, at 1628 pp MILDENHALL via CROUGHTON. GOPHER 63 1630 USB pp HILDA via ASCENSION reporting change of dest from MILDENHALL to RAF LYNHAM. ETA LYNHAM 1940hrs. DRUG 1643 USB passing code tfc to CROUGHTON. ACE13 1652 USB to ASCENSION wants DSN 634-XXXX (Intelli- gence Section) Lt (name given) of 42 ACCS req security clearance at AVIANO. What a/c type is ACE13? GOPHER 64 1212 USB pp PHANTOM via same. MAGIC 52 1728 USB via same wanting discrete freq for morale call. BAMA 15 1144 USB ops normal msg to CROUGHTON (I have this as a RC135 out of Mildenhall as part of DENY FLIGHT). AIREVAC 60199 HEAVY 1210 USB pp HILDA via CROUGHTON has 5 ambulatory patients + 16 passengers. Requires 1 crew bus + buses for patients & 18 medics. Plus wx for Lajes. SENTRY 35 0700 USB pp MILDENHALL METRO via same, wanted landing wx at Mildenhall. (I have it as E-3C of 552nd Air Control Wing at Tinker AFB). REACH 68809 (C-141) 2045 USB pp HILDA via THULE (TOOLEE) wants wx for Gander. FORCE 53 0010 USB Wkg Ascension w/pp to SPIRIT CONTROL to adv that SPIRIT 1 refueling is complete. (Possibly in-flight refueling of B-2 enrt to Paris Air Show?). (JB) SNOOP 26 0048 USB Wkg Offutt w/pp to SHOCKER CONTROL. REACH 38082 0135 USB C-141 out of 62 AW, enrt Luke AFB from Billings, MT. BLAY 82 0211 USB Wkg Ascension w/pp to Altus CP. RTB due to problem. GASSR 31 is their follow-on tanker, pse advise them. AAOU: USAV Manassas 0315 USB Wkg Albrook w/pp to RAIDER. QSY 6739 but no joy. LOUD 11 1212 USB Wkg same w/pp to Pope Metro. AIREVAC 50249 1444 USB Wkg MacDill w/pp. BATON 61 1446 USB Wkg Andrews rdo ck. CODY 153 1447 USB Wkg MacDill w/pp to AFRES Cmd Post, then to Scott Metro. C-141. JSTAR 02 1538 USB Wkg MacDill w/rdo ck. HOBBY 19 1540 USB Wkg same w/pp to Houston Metro. GUMMY 35 1638 USB Wkg MacDill w/pp to TACC Americas. C-130, MSP to Quantico. ARMY 51268 1725 USB Wkg same. SAM 86970 1739 USB Wkg Andrews w/pp Andrews VIP. WISE 8 1825 USB Wkg Ascension w/pp. DEUCE 51 1905 USB Wkg Offutt (tail #70124). ROGUE 22 2334 USB Wkg Albrook w/pp to Howard Metro. (JN) NIGHTWATCH 01 0355 USB wkg McClellan, req for 'discrete freq for HF data' adv to go to 11181. (NZ) ADMP 2242 USB wkg Ascension & clg for pp to Panama. (I don't know what sort of a/c this is, or whether he was phoning Panama City, Fl. or Panama in Central America.). (PT) [it's a U.S. Army Transportation Corps vsl, USAV Five Forks (LCU-2018) clg Panama the country -RD] GASER 93: 0043 USB wkg Andrews Global w/pp 872 prefix re dep 'Campbell', ETA. DARK 33: 0245 USB wkg McClellan GHFS pp, RAYMOND 12 who adv Tail 71/73 flt is wx cancelled. THUD(?) 55 0254 USB wkg Hickam GHFS pp, THUNDER CONTROL at Ellsworth AFB, ID's as THUD FLIGHT for in flt report, to contact TRIGGER OP's. BEAR 64: 0334 USB wkg McClellan GHFS pp, NAS El Toro base op's re runway closing time. KING 29: USAF aero-rescue a/c 1714 USB wkg Andrews pp, Patrick base op's, req customs/agg, also transport to 301st. MIKE ALPHA: 1730 USB clg "Elk Horn" which is the transmit site for Offutt GHFS, no joy. Odd! SCARS 54: 1741 USB wkg MacDill GHFS pp home CP, CAMPER at what sounded like 317 prefix, re ETA Panama, Alpha A-1. TITAN 86: 1743 USB wkg same, pp Cherry Point meteo, TITAN BASE, ETA & req customs/Agriculture. TOGA 41: 1745 USB wkg Offutt GHFS pp March CP, status EYORE 21 to AR track 674. AAEF: USAV LTG William B. Bunker 2129 USB (LSV-4) wkg Ascension GHFS pp RAIDER, gives posn/ status, gets wx for his track route. This is a Logistics Support Vessel fm 1099th Trans Detachment ADMP: USAV Five Folks (LCU-2018) 2134 USB wkg Ascension for pp, RAIDER, givers posn/status. YANKEE 06: 2257 USB wkg Ascension w/pp to unid loc, gives address of Sterwart ANGB, NY. FIESTA 73: 2301 USB wkg Ascension w/pp to McGuire Meteo, gives pirep (KC-10). 7RS: 2346 USB wkg Ascension w/pp COMSUBLANT, passes Exercise Esteem Highly Alpha tfc. (RB) OVERHANG, 0038 USB clg McClellan, no joy, at 0039 was ansr by Ascension who had him weak & readable. Suggested trying 11244 for McClellan. GOFER 46, 1712 USB wkg Albrook for wx. (TD) 11176 CYRANO: Unid French military 1603 USB w/Railleur. Crypted 75b RTTY + voice contacts about these messages. (AB) 11178 NN363: unid 0152 USB clg P2E, no joy. (RB) 11205 Architect 1430 USB w/wx. (HS) 11214 SAM 203: USAF C-20B (tail 86-0203) 2236 USB wkg Andrews VIP pp, also on final to Norfolk. (RB) 11226 SAM 564,AIR 1835 USB w/??? (AB) 11232 CANFORCE 6590 1202 USB wkg TRENTON MILITARY, Ops Normal + Wx for Kevlavik. (JB) Canadian forces 2225 USB Sounds like "TRENT" military fixing up a comms link for someone with Edmonton Military. (PT) [Trenton Military, Ontario -RD] 11244 USAF Thule,GRL 1922 USB w/Skiner 33. Eta 22.30z. A/c needs fuel. HERKY 610,AIR 1025 USB w/Croughton. Pos 39.41N 09.03E, FL180. Airevac 52157,G 1015 USB w/Croughton, pp. (AB) Navy 320 1838 USB wkg Croughton, pp Souda Bay: req. showtime for the Deny Flight Mission: 03-05 (navy 330?). (BH) PLATE 01: 0945 USB wkg Croughton, pp KADW Metro for wx eta 1745Z. ROYALIST: 2222 USB wkg Thule, req wkg freq w/NIGHTWATCH, told X904 primary and P381 secondary. No luck on either. NIGHTWATCH: 2230 USB wkg ROYALIST, to work W104, & then went back to 11244 and then to X209 and back. Gave up. (FW) HERKY 610 1905 USB pp PHANTOM via CROUGHTON dest RAMSTEIN. HERKY 610 1919 USB pp USAFE METRO via CROUGHTON. (Looks like it was returning from Sigonella). (JB) MICE 51: 0238 USB wkg McClellan GHFS w/pp VICTOR OP's(?) req status of tanker MICE 96, airborne 2320L, 51 reqs their freq, adv 4050 & "we just turned it on", 96 is also up on that freq. (RB) OVERHANG, 0035 USB clg McClellan GHFS no joy, at 0036 clg Mainsail, still no joy, at 0037 QSY 11175. (TD) 11247 Haven (RAF Ascension),ASC 1950 USB w/Ascot 3221. This a/c relayed the comms between Haven and Ascot 3603 who requested wx for Dakar (?) (AB) Ascot 3200 Viper (Tristar, 216 Sq) 2026 USB (Viper is Port Stanley, Falklands). dest Port Stanley, cannot land due bad wx, diversion to Montevideo is approved bij ops. eta Montevideo 2155. Ascot 5757 (C-130, XV299) 1136 USB wkg Haven (RAF Ascension Island) dep Dakar, eta Lyneham, 1850 standard relay K, selcal AKCL. Ascot 3221 (RAF, Ascension, Tristar 216 Sq.) 1843 USB wkg Haven wx Ascension, Recife, Montevideo. Ascot 3341 copying wx as well (see below). Ascot 3441 (Tristar 216 Sq.) 2043 USB w/Haven for wx, over to 4742 (wk/unreadable). (BH) ASCOT 5819 1213 USB wkg ARCHITECT. Dest Lynham selcal AHKL (C-130 XV183). RAF AIR 7L27 1213 USB wkg CYPRUS Flight Watch passing Ops Normal msg. (JB) 11494 SPRUCE GOOSE: 0237 UTC wkg ROCKFISH 163 w/radio ck on 'Ch.5' (TB) 12070 WUJ35: USACE John Day Project Office, The Dalles, Oregon, 1515 USB wkg Vicksburg, MS net control. (JP) 13200 AIF YOKOTA 0055 USB w/SKYKING broadcast. (AW) 13257 CHR: Trenton Military, Ont, CAN 2104 USB wkg CanForce 659 pp 824 prefix, selcal ck GJ-BE. (RB) 13528 USAF Offutt,USA 2050 CW A huge EAM (SLNDPI 338 characters) at 2100 & a normal 26 character EAM (GOAQFN) at 2149 UTC (AB) 14441.5 NNN0COD (USS Hue City) 2100 USB clg amsss, no joy. (PvdE) 14470 NNN0CBV (USS Canopus) 2105 USB wkg NNN0KRQ. (PvdE) 14477 NNN0CFP (USS Anzio) 2130 USB wkg NNN0ZTI. (PvdE) 14615 REACH 60209: 2254 USB wkg Ascension, pp KHTB CP/Metro, wx for eta 0200Z. (FW) SPAR 76 0719 USB pp 423-4474 via ASCENSION. Very bad condx. SPAR 76 had to QSY 4 times to find a clear freq. (JB) 15031 CFC 502 (C-130, 130327) 1138 USB wkg Architect, req wx LICA (Lamezia), LICZ (Sigonella), actual + forecast. (BH) 17146 NRV: USCG Apra Hrbr, Guam 0050 CW sending CQ in CW. (NZ) 18019 REACH 122CE: 2001 USB wkg Ascension, pp MAINE Control/HILDA America, dest KBGR 2220Z, dep KCVS. (FW) =ALL OTHER SSB/AM/CW/& MISCELLANEOUS MYSTERIOUS STATIONS= 2500 WWVH MAUI 0844 AM Time pips. WWH FORT COLLINS 0855 AM w/wx report. JJY TOKYO 0847 AM w/EE ID. (AW) 3150 Mossad,ISR 2100 USB Msg to PCD, 5LG's. (AB) 3840 Mossad,ISR 2100 USB Msg to YHF, 5LG's. (AB) 4130 Numbers station, 2000 USB Msg to Mary Susan Adam. QRU. Numbers station 2100 USB Msg to Mary Susan Adam, 5LG's. (AB) 4270 Mossad,ISR 2100 USB Msg to PCD, 5LG's. (AB) 4463 Mossad,ISR 2000 USB Msg to FTJ. Unusual suffixed, used: FTJ9. Mossad,ISR 2000 USB Msg to FTJ, again w/suffix '9' like same time 16-6. (AB) 4471.5 Chirpsounder 2220 ? sounds like slow dripping water. Whotizit ???(AB) 4560 Mossad,ISR 2000 USB Msg to YHF, 5LG's. (AB) 4602.5 AEKN: Unid 2248 USB Powerful CW station clg 5RDM + 5FG's. This station changes its c/s sometimes several times in one night. CVVM: Unid 2223 CW Same station w/different c/s, now w/RUJA + 5LG's & clg 5AL7 and LIWN. Very strong signal as usual. W6HA: Unid again same station w/different callsigns 2335 USB w/D8LJ, MBXJ, TPZ7. Changed its c/s lateron into 4EFQ. (AB) 4642 Numbers station 'NNN', 2005 AM 5FG's (AB) 4644 Numbers station 'NNN',ISR 2100 USB 5FG's in German. Tx starts w/'NNN' in CW. 'NNN' numbers station 2100 AM 5FG's by YL in EE, msgs separated by NNN in CW. (AB) 4665 Mossad,ISR 2045 USB Msg to VLB. Suffix 2. Mossad,ISR 2200 USB Msg for VLB. Unusual tfc 'VLB14B88'. (AB) 4780 Mossad,ISR 2200 USB msg to KPA (KPA2). (AB) 4807.5 Chirpsounder 1906 ? Whotizit ? It sounds like slow dripping water. (AB) 4880 Mossad,ISR 2000 USB Msg to ULX, 5LG's. (AB) 5090 Mossad,ISR 2000 USB Msg to JSR. 5LG's. (AB) 5153 CIA, 1900 USB Msg to 749. 10-count. (AB) 5153.9 S: Channelmarker 'S' Arkhangelsk,RUS 1930 CW New frequency ? (AB) 5155 Numbers Sta 0030 AM (JL) [Ary sez same as 5153? -RD] 5211 WGY912: FEMA Special Facility 1612 USB wkg USAF MARS sta AFA1VE in Lancaster, NH during SHARES exercise. KLM80: FAA zip code 08405 1817 USB w/SHARES ck in for exercise to WGY912. (RB) 5230 Mossad,ISR 2030 USB Msg to SYN. Suffix 2 (AB) 5390 French-Canadian Phone can be heard evenings to 0300 USB. (ML) CGD206: Bell Canada, Quebec 0125 USB w/R/T calls to bush phones in FF. (RB) 5681 Chirpsounder (sounds as slowly dripping water) 1432 USB The same weird sound as on several 4MHz freqs. (AB) 5711 NLTT: USS John Hancock (DD-981) 2003 USB wkg DOD Cape for STS-71 Space Shuttle Atlantis launch attempt. (JP) NLTT: USS John Hancock (DD-981) 0900 USB a Spruance-class destroyer, clg/wkg Cape Radio re rdo ck for hourly comm sked awaiting launch att #2 of STS-71. DoD Cape: 1909 USB wkg KING 1 for try #2 of launch of STS-71. (RB) DOD Cape, 1843 USB wkg CLEARANCE 1 asked if he has cked w/SCO. CLEARANCE 1 responded the only one he has talked with was Fisher. Was told his "squawk" was 5036. KING 1, 1910 USB clg Fisher was answr by DOD Cape. KING 1 was making sure this was primary freq. DOD Cape confirmed it was and that KING 2 was aware of primary freq., but wanted KING 1 to contact tower to pass freq. to KING 3. DOD Cape, 1929 USB wkg CLEARANCE 1 to RTB Patrick and contact "this unit" at phone number given. DOD Cape, 1932 USB wkg KING 1 cking status. KING 1 was airborne at H+25 & estimates on scene at 2015. KING 2, 1938 USB wkg DOD Cape adv was on ramp at Patrick. DOD Cape, 2003 USB wkg USS John Hancock (DD-981) w/scrub msg. (TD) 6840 Mossad,ISR 2000 USB Msg to EZI. Suffix 2 (AB) 6960 MI6 'Lincolnshire Poacher' 2200 USB Id 83318. 5FG's. (AB) 7186 Rebroadcast of Atlantis Shuttle Mission 1010 LSB Astronauts talking about repairing a water tank. 7765 WRPH: M/V Liberty Star 1940 USB wkg BRD (Booster Recovery Director) for STS-71 Space Shuttle Atlantis launch attempt. (JP) NCWA: USS Moosbruger (DD-980 1817 USB wkg DoD Cape att to coordinate SatCom's for attempt #3 of launch of STS-71. CLEARANCE-1: 1824 USB wkg DoD Cape re adv T-minus 66 minutes & counting. STS-71 try #3. KING 1: Fixed wing aero rescue 1828 USB C-130, wkg DoD Cape w/ck in, adv airborne & passes ETA on scene. KING 2: Fixed wing aero rescue 1838 USB C-130, wkg DoD Cape w/ck in. (RB) 8025 English Numbers 0348 AM CIX2 until 0349. (MF) [Ary sez probably Mossad CIO2 -RD] 8882 P8E: Unid 1800 CW clg P7A DE P8E ALI? ALEV. (RK) 8998 South Pole 0100 USB calls McMurdo w/ msg: 'Have a Good Christmas' McMurdo replies: 'Hope you have a good one tomorrow'. MAC Center McMurdo 2230 USB wkg Polar 95 as well as Primo 70. (NZ) 9222.1 Spanish Numbers 0104 AM 5F/w clg "335", counting. Tones @0109, then "Grupo 82" and 5F cuts. Repeated @0116, "Fin" @0123. (MF) 10125 Mossad,ISR 2200 USB Probably malfunctioning equipment. There is an almost constant white noise and often a 'telephone ringing' sound can be heard. Right after the 'ring' is heard all the Mossad transmissions that are active at that moment can be heard at the same time. KOL Israel uses the same site as well for their nightly broadcasts. During their broadcasts the same sounds were heard & mixed w/Mossad transmissions. A RTTY station on 16339.5 kHz also has Mossad on top. Heard on 1-7 between 19.52-20.15 UTC: VLB14B88 //6370 //4665, CIO2//8025, ART + 5LG's //5437//4880, EZI1 //6840, FTJ9 //4463. Heard between 23.45-00.15 UTC: CIO2, YHF + 5LG's //3840, VLB2 //4665, FTJ2 //4463, PCD2 //4270//3150. Russian diplo,RUS 1800 RTTY 75b 6-tone selcal, CW callup, RTTY msg to 'RKD' (AB) MOSSAD NUMBER STN 2245 USB Charlie India Kilp 2 repeated endlessly. (AW) [Ary sez should be CIO2 as above -RD] 10270 UNID (RUS) 1105 USB RR m dx building up R/T cct to UNID (RK) 10493 KDM80: FAA zip code 30228 1806 USB relaying Army MARS AAA6USA check in for SHARES exercise to WGY912. (RB) 10507 CHIAMMA: UNID Italian, (I) 1222 USB It m dx wkg BALCHE w/pp's. (RK) 10780 WRPH: M/V Liberty Star 1703 USB clg Cape Radio, no joy, for try #1 of launch of STS-71, this is a Booster Recovery ship. KING 1: Fixed wing aero rescue 1827 USB C-130, wkg Cape Radio w/freq req, adv QSY 7765 re att #3 to launch STS-71. (RB) CLEARANCE 1, 1841 USB clg/wkg Cape Leader. QSY 5711. (TD) 11000 Numbers station 1300 USB Msg to Baker Edward Charlie (AB) 11170 Numbers station 1230 USB Msg to Nancy Adam Susan (AB) 12400 PSY: UNID -?- 1502 CW PSY PSY PSY QRU mkr, s/off (RK) 13528 Channelmarkers C + S,RUS 2050 CW New freqs for both markers (AB) 14000 Numbers station 1400 USB Msg to Frank Young Peter. 5LG's. (AB) 14890 'Russian Man' numbers station, 0800 AM Msg to 615: 46317, 48707 (AB) 15775 PTT Reykjavik, ISL 1240 USB BC-relay: Ic f/m talk mentioning Reykjavik and Keflavik (RK) 16621 VEBO 1955 CW UNID net. VEBO clg CQ/QRZ & wkg several stations. Other calls heard included AGA, EDO, RSB2. Not much tfc passed; much "NIL", "CQ", "QRU", etc. but not alot of content. Whoissit? (JN) 18000 Numbers station 1100 USB Msg to Baker Edward Charlie (AB) Contributors: (please mail me if you wish added info from that listed) (AB) Ary Boender, Spykenisse, The Netherlands (AB2) Art Blair, Orangevale, Ca, USA (by mail) (AW) Alex Wellner, Sydney, Australia (BH) Bart Hoekstra, The Netherlands (BL) Bob Lewallyn, The Woodlands, Tx, USA (BvR) Bert van Rij, Naaldwijk, The Netherlands (CM) Craig MacKinnon, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada (DG) David Gentile, central UK (ED) Edward J. Deasy, Charrlottville, Va USA (FW) Frazer Wright, UK: Drake R8E, Kenwood R5000 (HS) Henk Stelte, Utrecht, The Netherlands (HS2) Hugh Stegman, Los Angeles, Ca, USA (HW) Hans Wildschut, Goutun, The Netherlands (IW) Ian Woodrow, Houston, Scotland (JB) John Burtenshaw, Poole, Dorset, UK (JEB) Jason Berri, Torrance, Ca: R-2000, M-1000 (JK) James Kilgallen, Sanlucar de Barrameda, Spain (JL) Jim Lawrence, Websterville, Vt, USA (JN) Jim Navary, Colonial Heights, Va, USA (JOB) Jan Olof Bergsten, Aneby, Sweden: Plessy PR-155 (JP) Jim Pogue, Memphis, Tn, USA: R-2000 (MF) Mike Fine, Remington, Va, USA (ML) Michael Liss, Northern NJ, USA (NZ) New Zealand Radio DX League, New Zealand (PM) Peter McDonough, Somerville, Ma, USA: R8 (PP) Phil Potts, Sarasota, Fl, USA (PT) Peter Thompson, Crewe, Cheshire, UK (Lowe HF225/Universal M-7000) (PvdE)Peter van den Esschert, Arnhem, Holland (RA) Rick A., Merced Ca, USA: Sony 2010 (RB) Rick "RD" Baker, Austintown, Ohio, USA: Icom R71A, Icom R72, M-1000 (RK) Ralf D. Kloth, Germany (SS) Stan Scalsky, Leonardtown, Md, USA: Icom R71A, M7000, Code 3 (TB) Tim Braun, Haymarket, Va, USA (TD) Tim Dobbins, central Fl., USA: JRC NRD525, Yupiteru MVT7100 (TO) Tony Orr, Reston, Va, USA (WdM) Wim de Mol, Wezep, The Netherlands (WT) Wade Taylor, Glendora, Ca ABBREVIATIONS USED // Parallel with Frequency pp Phone Patch 5FG's 5 Figure Groups PP Polish language 5LG's 5 Letter Groups R/T Radiotelephone (ship/shore fone) a/c Aircraft rdo radio ARP AIREP or Air Report re Reference/Regards ck Check req Request cud Could RR Russian language dep Departed SAR Search & Rescue dx duplex sta Station EE English language sx simplex enrt Enroute tfc Traffic f female TG's Telegrams FF French language tlx telex GG German language unid Unidentified hrd Heard unk Unknown m male vsl Vessel msg Message w/ with nx News wkg Working posn Position =END=