--------------------------------------------------------------------- TiC's WAD Review --------------------------------------------------------------------- In irregular intervals I will review a few PWADs. All reviews are totally subjective, I'll not beautify anything! If you have any suggestions, ideas or whatever; e-mail me at: denis@doomsday.shnet.org or denis.moeller@kiel.netsurf.de All files can be found on ftp.cdrom.com and its mirror sites. DON'T ASK ME TO SEND YOU ANY FILES NOR WHERE TO GET THEM. If you want me to review a special PWAD - email me. I will NOT review any deathmatch-levels! You can also read my reviews at this WebPage: http://mailer.fsu.edu/~mwiskema/doom.html --------------------------------------------------------------------- Review date: 18. May 95 Review No.: 33 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Excalibur 1.1 Game: Doom Filename: XCALIB11.ZIP Size: 125k Author: Stefan Maes e-mail: maes@uia.uia.ac.be Maps: E2M1 Type: normal level Sounds: no Graphics: no, but some new textures-patches Music: no [ Level construction ] ---------------------------------------------- This is a really big level. In fact the best castle level I've ever seen. Many small rooms, halls, stairs, tables etc. Very good, extensive construction. All three keys were used. Good light usage. [ Texture design ] -------------------------------------------------- Very well aligned, only a few misaligned textures. Very good. [ Bugs ] ------------------------------------------------------------ No HOMs, no Medusa effects. I noticed a few (very difficult to see) Tutti-Frutties at stairs; this could have been avoided by using another lower texture... however, this is not really a bug. [ Enemies ] --------------------------------------------------------- Any kind of enemies plus a Cyberdemon at the end. Although not very challenging, because of three (!) god-mode-spheres. The author used RMB to make the level faster, but this causes a VERY annoying side effect: if you open a door to a room, the monsters are staring at you, but they will not attack you! I rebuilded the Reject-Data with Robert Fenskes WARM 1.3 (very good tool), you can imagine - the level was much harder after doing this.. ;) [ Things ] ---------------------------------------------------------- Enough ammo and health, sometimes there is too much health. [ Scoring ] --------------------------------------------------------- 85% Worth downloading, but if you are able to rebuild the Reject Map, do it BEFORE playing the level for the first time. To the author: WHY did you use RMB ??? ---------------------------------------------------------------------