SB KEPS @ AMSAT $ORBS-195.O Orbital Elements 195.OSCAR HR AMSAT ORBITAL ELEMENTS FOR OSCAR SATELLITES >From WA5QGD FORT WORTH,TX July 14, 1995 BID: $ORBS-195.O TO ALL RADIO AMATEURS BT Satellite: AO-10 Catalog number: 14129 Epoch time: 95187.17862798 Element set: 0361 Inclination: 026.4655 deg RA of node: 259.6639 deg Eccentricity: 0.5999261 Arg of perigee: 290.9317 deg Mean anomaly: 017.0423 deg Mean motion: 02.05882170 rev/day Decay rate: -2.56e-06 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 9069 Checksum: 344 Satellite: UO-11 Catalog number: 14781 Epoch time: 95193.99497890 Element set: 0827 Inclination: 097.7826 deg RA of node: 195.3204 deg Eccentricity: 0.0013024 Arg of perigee: 097.5949 deg Mean anomaly: 262.6745 deg Mean motion: 14.69359470 rev/day Decay rate: 1.10e-06 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 60769 Checksum: 358 Satellite: RS-10/11 Catalog number: 18129 Epoch time: 95194.08017614 Element set: 0094 Inclination: 082.9246 deg RA of node: 039.9322 deg Eccentricity: 0.0012928 Arg of perigee: 024.7280 deg Mean anomaly: 335.4492 deg Mean motion: 13.72354286 rev/day Decay rate: 2.5e-07 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 40352 Checksum: 299 Satellite: AO-13 Catalog number: 19216 Epoch time: 95193.28837012 Element set: 0062 Inclination: 057.5277 deg RA of node: 176.6582 deg Eccentricity: 0.7307987 Arg of perigee: 013.5026 deg Mean anomaly: 358.3973 deg Mean motion: 02.09720144 rev/day Decay rate: 2.04e-06 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 5418 Checksum: 316 Satellite: FO-20 Catalog number: 20480 Epoch time: 95194.13876024 Element set: 0814 Inclination: 099.0725 deg RA of node: 277.9172 deg Eccentricity: 0.0540481 Arg of perigee: 174.4679 deg Mean anomaly: 186.2692 deg Mean motion: 12.83231236 rev/day Decay rate: -5.5e-07 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 25427 Checksum: 322 Satellite: AO-21 Catalog number: 21087 Epoch time: 95194.07304100 Element set: 0621 Inclination: 082.9395 deg RA of node: 213.4161 deg Eccentricity: 0.0037018 Arg of perigee: 072.4439 deg Mean anomaly: 288.0755 deg Mean motion: 13.74556832 rev/day Decay rate: 9.4e-07 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 22328 Checksum: 295 Satellite: RS-12/13 Catalog number: 21089 Epoch time: 95194.12732241 Element set: 0823 Inclination: 082.9236 deg RA of node: 081.5488 deg Eccentricity: 0.0030778 Arg of perigee: 098.4186 deg Mean anomaly: 262.0467 deg Mean motion: 13.74058865 rev/day Decay rate: 4.3e-07 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 22233 Checksum: 319 Satellite: ARSENE Catalog number: 22654 Epoch time: 95183.17620687 Element set: 0318 Inclination: 002.6139 deg RA of node: 083.9117 deg Eccentricity: 0.2900118 Arg of perigee: 214.0013 deg Mean anomaly: 122.9678 deg Mean motion: 01.42203951 rev/day Decay rate: -1.08e-06 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 00660 Checksum: 269 Satellite: RS-15 Catalog number: 23439 Epoch time: 95194.13478576 Element set: 0089 Inclination: 064.8171 deg RA of node: 213.0240 deg Eccentricity: 0.0167860 Arg of perigee: 257.7887 deg Mean anomaly: 100.4187 deg Mean motion: 11.27524769 rev/day Decay rate: -3.9e-07 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 02244 Checksum: 325 /EX SB KEPS @ AMSAT $ORBS-195.D Orbital Elements 195.MICROS HR AMSAT ORBITAL ELEMENTS FOR THE MICROSATS >From WA5QGD FORT WORTH,TX July 14, 1995 BID: $ORBS-195.D TO ALL RADIO AMATEURS BT Satellite: UO-14 Catalog number: 20437 Epoch time: 95194.18340580 Element set: 0116 Inclination: 098.5674 deg RA of node: 278.1364 deg Eccentricity: 0.0011408 Arg of perigee: 117.2313 deg Mean anomaly: 243.0041 deg Mean motion: 14.29890514 rev/day Decay rate: -9.7e-07 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 28546 Checksum: 298 Satellite: AO-16 Catalog number: 20439 Epoch time: 95194.22417490 Element set: 0911 Inclination: 098.5782 deg RA of node: 279.8790 deg Eccentricity: 0.0011644 Arg of perigee: 119.2613 deg Mean anomaly: 240.9730 deg Mean motion: 14.29946023 rev/day Decay rate: 2.8e-07 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 28548 Checksum: 326 Satellite: DO-17 Catalog number: 20440 Epoch time: 95194.21009772 Element set: 0912 Inclination: 098.5800 deg RA of node: 280.3391 deg Eccentricity: 0.0011811 Arg of perigee: 118.2540 deg Mean anomaly: 241.9841 deg Mean motion: 14.30086732 rev/day Decay rate: -1.0e-07 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 28550 Checksum: 271 Satellite: WO-18 Catalog number: 20441 Epoch time: 95194.19289208 Element set: 0919 Inclination: 098.5799 deg RA of node: 280.2932 deg Eccentricity: 0.0012473 Arg of perigee: 118.9296 deg Mean anomaly: 241.3141 deg Mean motion: 14.30058152 rev/day Decay rate: 5.0e-08 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 28550 Checksum: 314 Satellite: LO-19 Catalog number: 20442 Epoch time: 95194.14388331 Element set: 0916 Inclination: 098.5811 deg RA of node: 280.6127 deg Eccentricity: 0.0012685 Arg of perigee: 118.4984 deg Mean anomaly: 241.7487 deg Mean motion: 14.30161097 rev/day Decay rate: 1.5e-07 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 28551 Checksum: 315 Satellite: UO-22 Catalog number: 21575 Epoch time: 95194.18917073 Element set: 0625 Inclination: 098.3924 deg RA of node: 264.8642 deg Eccentricity: 0.0006844 Arg of perigee: 198.5367 deg Mean anomaly: 161.5560 deg Mean motion: 14.36982631 rev/day Decay rate: 2.8e-07 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 20923 Checksum: 333 Satellite: KO-23 Catalog number: 22077 Epoch time: 95194.01543459 Element set: 0540 Inclination: 066.0776 deg RA of node: 181.6865 deg Eccentricity: 0.0006123 Arg of perigee: 193.0705 deg Mean anomaly: 167.0143 deg Mean motion: 12.86291706 rev/day Decay rate: -3.7e-07 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 13705 Checksum: 297 Satellite: AO-27 Catalog number: 22825 Epoch time: 95194.17151973 Element set: 0423 Inclination: 098.6157 deg RA of node: 270.2168 deg Eccentricity: 0.0008636 Arg of perigee: 140.1188 deg Mean anomaly: 220.0627 deg Mean motion: 14.27667122 rev/day Decay rate: 5.0e-08 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 09347 Checksum: 304 Satellite: IO-26 Catalog number: 22826 Epoch time: 95194.19356478 Element set: 0417 Inclination: 098.6166 deg RA of node: 270.3406 deg Eccentricity: 0.0009409 Arg of perigee: 142.0231 deg Mean anomaly: 218.1622 deg Mean motion: 14.27774881 rev/day Decay rate: -1.6e-07 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 09348 Checksum: 318 Satellite: KO-25 Catalog number: 22828 Epoch time: 95194.18407469 Element set: 0402 Inclination: 098.6123 deg RA of node: 270.3682 deg Eccentricity: 0.0010531 Arg of perigee: 127.7924 deg Mean anomaly: 232.4213 deg Mean motion: 14.28105543 rev/day Decay rate: 6.0e-08 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 06158 Checksum: 289 /EX SB KEPS @ AMSAT $ORBS-195.N 2Line Orbital Elements 195.AMSAT HR AMSAT ORBITAL ELEMENTS FOR AMATEUR SATELLITES IN NASA FORMAT >From WA5QGD FORT WORTH,TX July 14, 1995 BID: $ORBS-195.N DECODE 2-LINE ELSETS WITH THE FOLLOWING KEY: 1 AAAAAU 00 0 0 BBBBB.BBBBBBBB .CCCCCCCC 00000-0 00000-0 0 DDDZ 2 AAAAA EEE.EEEE FFF.FFFF GGGGGGG HHH.HHHH III.IIII JJ.JJJJJJJJKKKKKZ KEY: A-CATALOGNUM B-EPOCHTIME C-DECAY D-ELSETNUM E-INCLINATION F-RAAN G-ECCENTRICITY H-ARGPERIGEE I-MNANOM J-MNMOTION K-ORBITNUM Z-CHECKSUM TO ALL RADIO AMATEURS BT AO-10 1 14129U 83058B 95187.17862798 -.00000256 00000-0 10000-3 0 03610 2 14129 026.4655 259.6639 5999261 290.9317 017.0423 02.05882170 90693 UO-11 1 14781U 84021B 95193.99497890 .00000110 00000-0 26417-4 0 08274 2 14781 097.7826 195.3204 0013024 097.5949 262.6745 14.69359470607697 RS-10/11 1 18129U 87054A 95194.08017614 .00000025 00000-0 10785-4 0 00948 2 18129 082.9246 039.9322 0012928 024.7280 335.4492 13.72354286403522 AO-13 1 19216U 88051B 95193.28837012 .00000204 00000-0 10000-4 0 00621 2 19216 057.5277 176.6582 7307987 013.5026 358.3973 02.09720144 54182 FO-20 1 20480U 90013C 95194.13876024 -.00000055 00000-0 -52303-4 0 08141 2 20480 099.0725 277.9172 0540481 174.4679 186.2692 12.83231236254278 AO-21 1 21087U 91006A 95194.07304100 .00000094 00000-0 82657-4 0 06214 2 21087 082.9395 213.4161 0037018 072.4439 288.0755 13.74556832223288 RS-12/13 1 21089U 91007A 95194.12732241 .00000043 00000-0 29125-4 0 08233 2 21089 082.9236 081.5488 0030778 098.4186 262.0467 13.74058865222333 ARSENE 1 22654U 93031B 95183.17620687 -.00000108 00000-0 10000-3 0 03187 2 22654 002.6139 083.9117 2900118 214.0013 122.9678 01.42203951006607 RS-15 1 23439U 94085A 95194.13478576 -.00000039 00000-0 10000-3 0 00893 2 23439 064.8171 213.0240 0167860 257.7887 100.4187 11.27524769022441 UO-14 1 20437U 90005B 95194.18340580 -.00000097 00000-0 -20887-4 0 01165 2 20437 098.5674 278.1364 0011408 117.2313 243.0041 14.29890514285462 AO-16 1 20439U 90005D 95194.22417490 .00000028 00000-0 27801-4 0 09115 2 20439 098.5782 279.8790 0011644 119.2613 240.9730 14.29946023285482 DO-17 1 20440U 90005E 95194.21009772 -.00000010 00000-0 13058-4 0 09128 2 20440 098.5800 280.3391 0011811 118.2540 241.9841 14.30086732285504 WO-18 1 20441U 90005F 95194.19289208 .00000005 00000-0 18710-4 0 09190 2 20441 098.5799 280.2932 0012473 118.9296 241.3141 14.30058152285504 LO-19 1 20442U 90005G 95194.14388331 .00000015 00000-0 22626-4 0 09162 2 20442 098.5811 280.6127 0012685 118.4984 241.7487 14.30161097285515 UO-22 1 21575U 91050B 95194.18917073 .00000028 00000-0 23765-4 0 06252 2 21575 098.3924 264.8642 0006844 198.5367 161.5560 14.36982631209233 KO-23 1 22077U 92052B 95194.01543459 -.00000037 00000-0 10000-3 0 05402 2 22077 066.0776 181.6865 0006123 193.0705 167.0143 12.86291706137054 AO-27 1 22825U 93061C 95194.17151973 .00000005 00000-0 19756-4 0 04239 2 22825 098.6157 270.2168 0008636 140.1188 220.0627 14.27667122093479 IO-26 1 22826U 93061D 95194.19356478 -.00000016 00000-0 11306-4 0 04178 2 22826 098.6166 270.3406 0009409 142.0231 218.1622 14.27774881093480 KO-25 1 22828U 93061F 95194.18407469 .00000006 00000-0 19836-4 0 04024 2 22828 098.6123 270.3682 0010531 127.7924 232.4213 14.28105543061583 NOAA-9 1 15427U 84123A 95194.14413316 .00000049 00000-0 49940-4 0 03287 2 15427 098.9962 253.0252 0014630 192.0488 168.0337 14.13717268545584 NOAA-10 1 16969U 86073A 95193.99868031 .00000049 00000-0 39076-4 0 02340 2 16969 098.5112 196.1032 0012181 270.1649 089.8134 14.24946431458157 MET-2/17 1 18820U 88005A 95193.86025405 .00000046 00000-0 27711-4 0 06682 2 18820 082.5396 317.8199 0016456 157.7232 202.4646 13.84740737376421 MET-3/2 1 19336U 88064A 95194.11441372 .00000051 00000-0 10000-3 0 04253 2 19336 082.5382 047.0713 0017968 009.6432 350.5029 13.16973331334718 NOAA-11 1 19531U 88089A 95194.00716072 -.00000035 00000-0 61396-5 0 01310 2 19531 099.1962 198.0565 0012691 113.2793 246.9716 14.13056285350408 MET-2/18 1 19851U 89018A 95194.01411207 .00000046 00000-0 28171-4 0 04183 2 19851 082.5162 192.3061 0013319 204.2803 155.7734 13.84392382321762 MET-3/3 1 20305U 89086A 95193.95399906 .00000044 00000-0 10000-3 0 03499 2 20305 082.5444 359.8143 0007565 069.0576 291.1315 13.04428636273841 MET-2/19 1 20670U 90057A 95194.15430408 .00000025 00000-0 91464-5 0 09311 2 20670 082.5457 257.9342 0017009 125.4192 234.8561 13.84161634254705 FY-1/2 1 20788U 90081A 95194.02717999 .00000243 00000-0 18927-3 0 04562 2 20788 098.8187 206.1855 0016464 005.8291 354.3063 14.01376318248452 MET-2/20 1 20826U 90086A 95194.03313632 .00000048 00000-0 30473-4 0 09285 2 20826 082.5218 194.9873 0014657 038.1786 322.0407 13.83610634241801 MET-3/4 1 21232U 91030A 95194.19538149 .00000050 00000-0 10000-3 0 08438 2 21232 082.5396 253.1489 0012186 293.7282 066.2566 13.16467989202805 NOAA-12 1 21263U 91032A 95194.07165643 .00000141 00000-0 82262-4 0 05614 2 21263 098.5864 217.4750 0012695 177.0035 183.1222 14.22539023216108 MET-3/5 1 21655U 91056A 95194.04854025 .00000051 00000-0 10000-3 0 08366 2 21655 082.5529 200.6854 0012358 305.3151 054.6818 13.16839986187905 MET-2/21 1 22782U 93055A 95194.18134755 .00000054 00000-0 35779-4 0 04365 2 22782 082.5487 256.5863 0021037 207.6903 152.3140 13.83034998094133 NOAA-14 1 23455U 94089A 95194.18737146 .00000015 00000-0 32881-4 0 02494 2 23455 098.9047 136.4999 0010303 117.1118 243.1106 14.11520718027484 POSAT 1 22829U 93061G 95194.19607701 -.00000019 00000-0 99822-5 0 04149 2 22829 098.6132 270.4159 0010138 127.5943 232.6148 14.28084854093503 MIR 1 16609U 86017A 95194.19315989 .00001310 00000-0 24493-4 0 01620 2 16609 051.6474 027.5124 0002620 214.0674 146.0150 15.57065428537012 HUBBLE 1 20580U 90037B 95194.20247970 .00015629 00000-0 15313-2 0 06831 2 20580 028.4696 243.7252 0005711 215.0550 144.9305 14.90928037087799 GRO 1 21225U 91027B 95194.01977093 .00000913 00000-0 14443-4 0 02834 2 21225 028.4603 035.1442 0003431 301.0465 058.9711 15.42780938117328 UARS 1 21701U 91063B 95194.05814750 -.00000071 00000-0 14886-4 0 06940 2 21701 056.9841 032.9508 0005706 101.6524 258.5160 14.96405373209448 /EX SB KEPS @ AMSAT $ORBS-195.W Orbital Elements 195.WEATHER HR AMSAT ORBITAL ELEMENTS FOR WEATHER SATELLITES >From WA5QGD FORT WORTH,TX July 14, 1995 BID: $ORBS-195.W TO ALL RADIO AMATEURS BT Satellite: NOAA-9 Catalog number: 15427 Epoch time: 95194.14413316 Element set: 0328 Inclination: 098.9962 deg RA of node: 253.0252 deg Eccentricity: 0.0014630 Arg of perigee: 192.0488 deg Mean anomaly: 168.0337 deg Mean motion: 14.13717268 rev/day Decay rate: 4.9e-07 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 54558 Checksum: 319 Satellite: NOAA-10 Catalog number: 16969 Epoch time: 95193.99868031 Element set: 0234 Inclination: 098.5112 deg RA of node: 196.1032 deg Eccentricity: 0.0012181 Arg of perigee: 270.1649 deg Mean anomaly: 089.8134 deg Mean motion: 14.24946431 rev/day Decay rate: 4.9e-07 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 45815 Checksum: 320 Satellite: MET-2/17 Catalog number: 18820 Epoch time: 95193.86025405 Element set: 0668 Inclination: 082.5396 deg RA of node: 317.8199 deg Eccentricity: 0.0016456 Arg of perigee: 157.7232 deg Mean anomaly: 202.4646 deg Mean motion: 13.84740737 rev/day Decay rate: 4.6e-07 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 37642 Checksum: 337 Satellite: MET-3/2 Catalog number: 19336 Epoch time: 95194.11441372 Element set: 0425 Inclination: 082.5382 deg RA of node: 047.0713 deg Eccentricity: 0.0017968 Arg of perigee: 009.6432 deg Mean anomaly: 350.5029 deg Mean motion: 13.16973331 rev/day Decay rate: 5.1e-07 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 33471 Checksum: 290 Satellite: NOAA-11 Catalog number: 19531 Epoch time: 95194.00716072 Element set: 0131 Inclination: 099.1962 deg RA of node: 198.0565 deg Eccentricity: 0.0012691 Arg of perigee: 113.2793 deg Mean anomaly: 246.9716 deg Mean motion: 14.13056285 rev/day Decay rate: -3.5e-07 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 35040 Checksum: 294 Satellite: MET-2/18 Catalog number: 19851 Epoch time: 95194.01411207 Element set: 0418 Inclination: 082.5162 deg RA of node: 192.3061 deg Eccentricity: 0.0013319 Arg of perigee: 204.2803 deg Mean anomaly: 155.7734 deg Mean motion: 13.84392382 rev/day Decay rate: 4.6e-07 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 32176 Checksum: 289 Satellite: MET-3/3 Catalog number: 20305 Epoch time: 95193.95399906 Element set: 0349 Inclination: 082.5444 deg RA of node: 359.8143 deg Eccentricity: 0.0007565 Arg of perigee: 069.0576 deg Mean anomaly: 291.1315 deg Mean motion: 13.04428636 rev/day Decay rate: 4.4e-07 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 27384 Checksum: 327 Satellite: MET-2/19 Catalog number: 20670 Epoch time: 95194.15430408 Element set: 0931 Inclination: 082.5457 deg RA of node: 257.9342 deg Eccentricity: 0.0017009 Arg of perigee: 125.4192 deg Mean anomaly: 234.8561 deg Mean motion: 13.84161634 rev/day Decay rate: 2.5e-07 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 25470 Checksum: 299 Satellite: FY-1/2 Catalog number: 20788 Epoch time: 95194.02717999 Element set: 0456 Inclination: 098.8187 deg RA of node: 206.1855 deg Eccentricity: 0.0016464 Arg of perigee: 005.8291 deg Mean anomaly: 354.3063 deg Mean motion: 14.01376318 rev/day Decay rate: 2.43e-06 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 24845 Checksum: 329 Satellite: MET-2/20 Catalog number: 20826 Epoch time: 95194.03313632 Element set: 0928 Inclination: 082.5218 deg RA of node: 194.9873 deg Eccentricity: 0.0014657 Arg of perigee: 038.1786 deg Mean anomaly: 322.0407 deg Mean motion: 13.83610634 rev/day Decay rate: 4.8e-07 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 24180 Checksum: 304 Satellite: MET-3/4 Catalog number: 21232 Epoch time: 95194.19538149 Element set: 0843 Inclination: 082.5396 deg RA of node: 253.1489 deg Eccentricity: 0.0012186 Arg of perigee: 293.7282 deg Mean anomaly: 066.2566 deg Mean motion: 13.16467989 rev/day Decay rate: 5.0e-07 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 20280 Checksum: 329 Satellite: NOAA-12 Catalog number: 21263 Epoch time: 95194.07165643 Element set: 0561 Inclination: 098.5864 deg RA of node: 217.4750 deg Eccentricity: 0.0012695 Arg of perigee: 177.0035 deg Mean anomaly: 183.1222 deg Mean motion: 14.22539023 rev/day Decay rate: 1.41e-06 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 21610 Checksum: 277 Satellite: MET-3/5 Catalog number: 21655 Epoch time: 95194.04854025 Element set: 0836 Inclination: 082.5529 deg RA of node: 200.6854 deg Eccentricity: 0.0012358 Arg of perigee: 305.3151 deg Mean anomaly: 054.6818 deg Mean motion: 13.16839986 rev/day Decay rate: 5.1e-07 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 18790 Checksum: 321 Satellite: MET-2/21 Catalog number: 22782 Epoch time: 95194.18134755 Element set: 0436 Inclination: 082.5487 deg RA of node: 256.5863 deg Eccentricity: 0.0021037 Arg of perigee: 207.6903 deg Mean anomaly: 152.3140 deg Mean motion: 13.83034998 rev/day Decay rate: 5.4e-07 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 09413 Checksum: 311 Satellite: NOAA-14 Catalog number: 23455 Epoch time: 95194.18737146 Element set: 0249 Inclination: 098.9047 deg RA of node: 136.4999 deg Eccentricity: 0.0010303 Arg of perigee: 117.1118 deg Mean anomaly: 243.1106 deg Mean motion: 14.11520718 rev/day Decay rate: 1.5e-07 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 02748 Checksum: 294 /EX SB KEPS @ AMSAT $ORBS-195.M Orbital Elements 195.MISC HR AMSAT ORBITAL ELEMENTS FOR MANNED AND MISCELLANEOUS SATELLITES >From WA5QGD FORT WORTH,TX July 14, 1995 BID: $ORBS-195.M TO ALL RADIO AMATEURS BT Satellite: POSAT Catalog number: 22829 Epoch time: 95194.19607701 Element set: 0414 Inclination: 098.6132 deg RA of node: 270.4159 deg Eccentricity: 0.0010138 Arg of perigee: 127.5943 deg Mean anomaly: 232.6148 deg Mean motion: 14.28084854 rev/day Decay rate: -1.9e-07 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 09350 Checksum: 300 Satellite: MIR Catalog number: 16609 Epoch time: 95194.19315989 Element set: 0162 Inclination: 051.6474 deg RA of node: 027.5124 deg Eccentricity: 0.0002620 Arg of perigee: 214.0674 deg Mean anomaly: 146.0150 deg Mean motion: 15.57065428 rev/day Decay rate: 1.310e-05 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 53701 Checksum: 275 Satellite: HUBBLE Catalog number: 20580 Epoch time: 95194.20247970 Element set: 0683 Inclination: 028.4696 deg RA of node: 243.7252 deg Eccentricity: 0.0005711 Arg of perigee: 215.0550 deg Mean anomaly: 144.9305 deg Mean motion: 14.90928037 rev/day Decay rate: 1.5629e-04 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 08779 Checksum: 313 Satellite: GRO Catalog number: 21225 Epoch time: 95194.01977093 Element set: 0283 Inclination: 028.4603 deg RA of node: 035.1442 deg Eccentricity: 0.0003431 Arg of perigee: 301.0465 deg Mean anomaly: 058.9711 deg Mean motion: 15.42780938 rev/day Decay rate: 9.13e-06 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 11732 Checksum: 275 Satellite: UARS Catalog number: 21701 Epoch time: 95194.05814750 Element set: 0694 Inclination: 056.9841 deg RA of node: 032.9508 deg Eccentricity: 0.0005706 Arg of perigee: 101.6524 deg Mean anomaly: 258.5160 deg Mean motion: 14.96405373 rev/day Decay rate: -7.1e-07 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 20944 Checksum: 292 /EX