Network Spy: An application for Windows for Workgroups which allows a host user to view a list of open applications on remote computers on the network. The zip file contains the following files: NETSPY.EXE <--- The executable to be placed in the remote computer's WINDOWS subdirectory. NETSPYA.EXE <--- The executable to be placed on the host computer README.TXT <--- This file CTL3D.DLL <--- 3-D stuff SS3D2.VBX <--- Custom DLL CMDIALOG.VBX <--- Common Dialog Control There are a few things to be mentioned. 1. Don't try to run this file if you're not running Windows for Workgroups. It won't! 2. If you're running WFW on top of some other network (eg. NOVELL) with more than one trunk line, you'll only have access to the stations on your trunk line. This program uses NetDDE, not a routing protocol. 3. You'll need VBRUN300.DLL. This file is available on most BBS'es including this one. Once you have this file, it needs to reside in your WINDOWS\SYSTEM subdirectory. 4. NETSPY.EXE should be in the WINDOWS directory of each remote computer. By executing NETSPY.EXE from File Manager (or Program Manager), it will insert the following line into the [DDEShares] section of your SYSTEM.INI file: NETSPY$=NetSpy,NetSpy,,31,,31,,0,0,0 This line is requisite for this application to run. You can either add it manually, or let the NETSPY application do it. Once this line is in the SYSTEM.INI file, NETSPYA.EXE launches NETSPY.EXE on the remote computer from your (the HOST) computer. I recommend you just add that line to the SYSTEM.INI of all the machines you know will be running Windows for Workgroups. 5. The only computer that needs NETSPYA.EXE is the host (ie. the computer doing the spying.) 6. If remote users are running full screen DOS applications, expect to get DDE Timeout messages. If this happens, too bad for now. 7. The accompanying VBX's and DLL's should be placed in the WINDOWS\SYSTEM subdirectory. 8. If you have any comments, questions or suggestions, please email me, as I'd like some input. My email address is or