MorphBar for Windows -- Shareware README Version 1.0 -- April 30, 1995 Copyright 1995, Roger Cope, All Rights Reserved. Published by Roger Cope, 17 Highland View, Bransty, Whitehaven, Cumbria. CA28 6HF Great Britain. Other brand and product names are trademarks of their respective owners. Thanks for trying MorphBar for Windows. This file contains a variety of information you should read before using MorphBar, including: * Introduction to MorphBar * MorphBar and Win95 * Technical support * MorphBar files * Installation instructions * Explanation of shareware If you have tried a shareware copy of MorphBar and want to place an order, see the section 'Registration' in the MORPHBAR.HLP file (press F1 or click on 'Help' buttons while using MorphBar, or write to us at the address above or E-Mail us at the address shown on the Control Dialog. The license agreement which governs your use of MorphBar is included separately in the file LICENSE.TXT. Please read it before ordering. The text clearly explains your rights and responsibilities as a user of MorphBar Introduction to MorphBar MorphBar is an Icon Bar (or Launch Bar) for Windows. It provides a single mouseclick interface to your commonly used applications and/or files. Setting applications up is a simple matter of filling out a dialog box and selecting an icon for display on the button. MorphBar also provides you with a command line which can be used for running applications without setting them up as permanent icons on the bar, and a simple text editor you may find useful for displaying and editing ASCII files. It is compact, quick and easy to manage. Files included with MorphBar version 1.0 The following files are included with this version of MorphBar: MORPHBAR.EXE MorphBar program file MORPHBAR.HLP MorphBar help file LICENSE.TXT The MorphBar shareware license agreement README.TXT This file SYSOP.TXT MorphBar information for BBS sysops VENDOR.TXT MorphBar information for shareware disk vendors Installation Instructions To install MorphBar on your system, first create a new directory for MorphBar version 1.0. The directory can be on any hard disk drive, and you can use any valid directory name. Copy all the MorphBar files into this directory. (Note that the TXT files are not required to run the program). From the Windows 3.1 Program Manager, open the File menu and select Run... Locate MORPHBAR.EXE and run the program. After closing the opening screen you may wish to change the location of any icon files MorphBar creates (otherwise they will be located in the Windows root directory). To do this, click the Control button and change the pathname in the Icon Directory field. Close MorphBar down by clicking the Control button on the top left corner and selecting close. This will create the default .INI file in the Windows root directory. You can now restart MorphBar and add program icons to the bar by clicking the right mouse button on any empty launch button. Programs are run by clicking the left mouse button on the required launch button. See the on-line help for more details. See the next section if you're running under Windows 95. MorphBar and Windows 95 From the Windows 95 TaskBar click the Start button and select Run... Locate MORPHBAR.EXE and run the program. After closing the opening screen you may wish to change the location of any icon files MorphBar creates (otherwise they will be located in the Windows root directory). To do this, click the Control button and change the pathname in the Icon Directory field. Close MorphBar down by clicking the Close button on the top right corner This will create the default .INI file in the Windows root directory. You can now restart MorphBar and add program icons to the bar by clicking the right mouse button on any empty launch button. Programs are run by clicking the left mouse button on the required launch button. See the on-line help for more details. Additional Notes You can attach documents to MorphBar launch buttons as well as executable files. When these buttons are clicked, providing the document type is correctly registered to Windows, the designated application will run with the document loaded. The same applies to the command line feature. Once you start using MorphBar you are likely to want to place it in the StartUp group in Windows. This is the main reason why MorphBar does not have a group of it's own. MorphBar is a narrow application. In testing we found that Windows could distort the width of the bar if it needed more space to display a minimize icon (using large fonts in Windows 3.x or under any mode in Windows 95). Consequently we removed the minimise icon. We would be interested in any feedback from this decision. Technical Support We enthusiastically support MorphBar. Please do not be put off contacting us by the fact you'll be writing to a private address. Either write to us at the address above or E-Mail us at the address on the Control Dialog. No SAE is required. Shareware Copies of MorphBar If you obtained MorphBar from a shareware disk vendor, an on-line computer service or bulletin board, a friend or colleague, or another similar source, you have an unregistered (trial) copy. As the copyright holder for this software, Roger Cope allows and encourages you to use this trial copy without charge for a limited period of time, under the terms of our license agreement (see LICENSE.TXT). After this time is up, you must purchase (register and pay for) a registration code to continue using it (see the 'Registration' topic in the on-line help for details). This method of distribution is known as shareware. It allows you to determine whether the product meets your needs before you pay for it. Payment of the shareware registration fee for MorphBar gets you a registration code which makes the opening screen go away and makes the Control Dialog look prettier. You can also order a disk based copy of the current version (you'll be notified if your current version is not current) at extra cost. Registration also gets you continued support via electronic mail or snail mail and low cost upgrades to future versions.