README.TXT file for FAX BOSS ************************************************ FAX BOSS From Kyle Brant Software ************************************************ What is FAX BOSS? ----------------- FAX BOSS is a windows 3.1 program that ensures your computer's fax software is executing by checking for availability of the comm port at predetermined intervals and starting the fax software if a user defined timeout interval has been reached. FAX BOSS was built using Symantec C++ version 7.0. The executable file is a compressed file that decompresses upon loading. This ensures the smallest file size possible. Further, FAX BOSS was designed to minimize the amount of memory required for the program so that resources are hardly affected when FAX BOSS is resident in memory. Who Needs FAX BOSS? ------------------- Anybody, like me, that is forgetful and neglects to restart the computer fax software after using comm software to access online services such as Compuserve, Prodigy, or America OnLine, or after using your favorite comm software for BBS/INTERNET access. How To Use FAX BOSS ------------------- 1. Use a text editor such as Notepad and edit the FAX_BOSS.INI file. There are simple instructions contained therein on how to modify the file for your system and your fax software. Alternatively, you can execute FAX_BOSS.EXE and alter the settings from the main window. Simply follow the instructions provided in the main window. 2. Put FAX_BOSS in your STARTUP group. 3. Don't worry about FAX BOSS trying to start your fax software at the wrong time, as FAX BOSS monitors the comm port identified in the FAX_BOSS.INI file to ascertain when the comm port is available to start your fax software. 4. If you hide the Fax Boss icon and wish to display the main window, invoke the task manager, select Fax Boss in the list and click on "switch to" to force Fax Boss to restore to the middle of you screen. Now you can change the settings of Fax Boss, then minimize the Fax Boss main window when you are finished. 5. To register your copy of Fax Boss, print the REGISTER.WRI file and send your registration to the address set forth therein. Upon receiving your registration number, start Fax Boss and restore Fax Boss to its "normal" state, click on the ABOUT button, and then click on the REGISTER button when the ABOUT dialog is displayed. A registration dialog will appear enabling you to enter your registration information. Licensing Terms --------------- FAX_BOSS is shareware, and a 30 day time period for evaluation is the limit of your free use of this program. If you continue to use FAX_BOSS after that time, you must pay for your copy. Registration fees are very reasonbale for this program. A complete user license is set forth in the file LICENSE.TXT which is distributed in the zip archive with FAX BOSS. WARNING TO SHAREWARE DISTRIBUTORS: Distribution of FAX BOSS via sales of shareware floppy disks, shareware CD-ROMS or via tape backups is strictly prohibited without the prior written consent of the author and agreed payment of a reasonable royalty for each copy distributed. ELECTRONIC DISTRIBUTION: You may give away copies of this program to your friends and acquaintances, upload the program (complete archive only) to any BBS or online service that does not charge a fee (other than periodic membership fees) to obtain a copy of the FAX_BOSS archive. You are prohibited from modifying the zip archive or files contained therein. Authenticity Verification: Note that the original Zip archive should unzip at the command line to indicate that authenticity verification is present with my name, Kyle Brant. If this does not appear, I cannot guarantee that the contents of the archive are intact as originally distributed. Upon registering FAX_BOSS an electronic key will be provided to eliminate any nag messages indicating that FAX_BOSS performed its task, that is, started your fax software. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES: The FAX_BOSS program, and all accompanying files, are provided with no warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Your only right of recovery for use of this program is a refund of the purchase price. No warranty is expressed, or implied, with regard to the operation of FAX_BOSS on your computer. Although FAX_BOSS was thoroughly tested, we are not liable for loss of or damage to files on your computer. Use of the program is restricted to the owners computer. This means the program can be installed on only one computer for use by a single registered owner. Other use limitations, warranty disclaimers and terms are contained in the document LICENSE.TXT. Use of FAX_BOSS implies your agreement to the terms set forth above and contained in the LICENSE.TXT file. PURCHASING FAX BOSS ------------------- FAX BOSS is a mere $10.00. If you purchase via compuserve, the price is $12.00 since Compuserve charges a fee for their service. You may also send a check or cash to my address set forth below, along with the registration form, which is in the file REGISTER.WRI. Use the WRITE word processor to open the registration document, fill in the blanks with the appropriate information and print the file. MASTERCARD / VISA PURCHASE -------------------------- Mastercard and Visa are accepted. Either complete and mail the registration form (found in the file register.wri file) including your name, address, cardholder name, account number and expiration date or telephone in your purchase to 317-297-9801, or fax your order to 317-328-0069. COMPUSERVE REGISTRATION ----------------------- You can register FAX BOSS via the SWREG forum of Compuserve. Use the GO command and SWREG as the forum name. When prompted, use the registration ID number: 6035 to access the CIS online registration process. The process is self-explanatory and prompts you for the appropriate information. Upon receiving notice of your registration, I will supply you a registration key number and instructions on how to modify the INI file to include the key number. Note that since CIS charges a fee for this service, the price to register via CIS is $12.00 US. TECHNICAL SUPPORT ----------------- If you have any questions or comments contact Kyle Brant via Compuserve mail at 74220,2420, America Online user name KYLESB, via internet mail addressed to or or via regular mail or telephone at: Kyle Brant Kyle Brant Software 5441 Fenmore Road Indianapolis, IN 46208 Telephone (317) 297-9801 Fax (317) 328-0069 All files and programs are: Copyright 1993-1995 Kyle S. Brant All Rights Reserved Files that are included with this archive: FAX_BOSS.EXE Windows Executable FAX_BOSS.INI Sample INI file for FAX_BOSS VENDOR.TXT Vendor info prohibiting tape, floppy or cd-rom distribution of FAX BOSS README.TXT the file you are viewing LICENSE.TXT License agreement REGISTER.WRI "Write" Word Processor Registration Form FILE_ID.DIZ File description for BBS use No Help file is distributed with this archive. SHAREWARE DISTRIBUTION LIMITATIONS ---------------------------------- FAX_BOSS.EXE and accompanying files may NOT be distributed on a "for profit" basis as part of a shareware disk or CD-ROM without prior written permission from the author and agreed payment of a royalty to Kyle Brant. Violators will be sued promptly in Federal District Court and reasonable Attorney's fees will be sought (and most likely obtained). This program is registered with the United States Copyright Office. This limitation in not intended to limit the distribution of PRINTVB or the archive file FAX_BOSS.ZIP (or any other name used for the archive) via electronic services such as BBS systems, Compuserve, AOL or similar on-line services. ***************************************** * * New Products * ***************************************** COMM BOSS --------- Presently under development is a new product to be known as COMM BOSS. It is expected COMM BOSS will become available in 3Q 95. Inquiries are welcomed. COMM BOSS will provide a mechanism for remote computer access at predetermined time intervals during the day for those power users who work away from the office yet wish to access their office computer via modem link. COMM BOSS will execute your Windows based fax software during the hours setup by you, and switch to the remote access software at predetermined intervals (e.g., from 9 PM to 11 PM) so that remote access can take place. Each day of the week will have two time windows programmable during the 24 hour day to provide remote access capability. If you have any suggestions as to how such software might more fully meet your needs, then make your suggestions to Kyle Brant via the above electronic and mail addresses. COMM BOSS is intended to provide remote access via the fax/modem hardware thereby eliminating the need for a separate telephone line and a second modem to achieve computer fax capability and remote access capability. If you are interested in beta testing COMM BOSS once a beta version becomes available, please notify Kyle Brant of your interest. ******************************************************** * * Kyle Brant Software * ******************************************************** Other products developed by Kyle Brant Software include: ----- PRINTVB ----- PRINTVB a Visual Basic source code printing utility for use with all versions of VB. PRINTVB produces ideal printouts. Font type, size, and style are user selected for the CODE, COMMENTS, HEADER, TITLE and PROCEDURE portions of printout. Other Features include: margin control; header with file into; landscape layout printing; exclusion of form/control declarations; print of single procedure per page; Print of some or all files in .mak file, print one or more procedures found in a file, page #s and more. Produces beautiful results. Limited time CD-ROM offer for registered users. Version: 1.4 Price: $37.95 (includes source code). Version 1.3c of PrintVB is released as shareware (file name and is registrable via Compuserve as item 1482 in the SWREG forum. This version does not include all of the features of version 1.4 but is fully functional without any messy nags. ----- SNAPSHOT ----- SNAPSHOT is a bitmap capture program that provides window capture capability and unique timed delay bitmap capture capability. SNAPSHOT provides time delayed bitmap capture of up to 5 distinct open windows. Unique capture intvervals are available for each of the target capture windows. Capture time periods up to 60 hours may be programmed for each window. Output options include printing upon capture and/or saving the bitmaps into a file. Additional information concerning the capture event is printed along with the bitmap when print output options are used. Who Needs SNAPSHOT? ------------------- If you are attempting to capture various bitmaps as illustrations of the functionality of a program, then SnapShot is your answer. If you are responsible for process manufacturing systems using Windows 3.1 or higher, and you use graphical process monitoring software then SnapShot can provide the unattended capture of process charts and data at predefined intervals. SnapShot can also provide instant capture of a particular window using the HotKey Capture feature. To obtain a Demo version of SnapShot, contact Kyle Brant. Price: $75.00 US