1 ----- This file can't be used with Filex ----- 2 I just desiced to start to collect also longer extensions than 3 what DOS can use, just in case there are enough to justify a unix 4 etc. version. At the moment it doesn't look like it.. This header 5 is formatted as-is to enable alphabetic sorting. 6 7 --jouni jon@stekt.oulu.fi 8 .aifc sound .aiff sound .cweb C Web .face Usenix FACE graphics file .font font data (unix) .fweb Fortran Web .hpgl HPGL plot file .html HyperText Markup Language file (WWW) .info GNU info reader (output from texinfo) (unix) .info Icon Data (Amiga) .jpeg JPEG graphics file .mime Message in MIME format (RFC822) .mpeg MPEG animation file .proj Project File (Interface Builder) (NeXT) .pseg IBM Printer Page Segment (VM) .rtfd RTF-Packet (NeXT) .shar shell archive (unix) .text text .tiff TIFF graphics .wsrc x-wais source