DeHackEd v2.4 By Greg Lewis (Tree) This file contains the general start-up instructions and info. Please read it first for info on how to best use DeHackEd! Note that whenever I refer to doom.exe in the following document, it is synonomous with doom2.exe (unless specifically stated otherwise). A trouble-shooting section has been added at the end of this document for those who are having difficulties. 1. It's suggested to make a separate directory and store all of your DeHackEd files there. It doesn't matter where you put it or what you call it, as long as the dehacked.ini and dehacked.exe files are both in the same directory you should be set. 2. Edit your dehacked.ini file and change all the necessary parameters to reflect the setup of your computer. This should be as simple as changing a path or two, and filling in the specs for your Sound-Blaster compatible card. If DeHackEd is in a directory called c:\dehacked, and your Doom files are in the directory d:\doom2, you should probably have the following parameters set: editname = d:\doom2\doomhack.exe normalname = d:\doom2\doom2.exe wadname = d:\doom2\doom2.wad pathname = d:\doom2 patchdir = c:\dehacked 3. Now, making sure that DeHackEd and the ini file are in the same directory, run DeHackEd. As long as you don't get any errors, you're ready to start experimenting! If you do get any errors about finding the exe or WAD files that DeHackEd needs, go back and double check that the paths are correct in the ini file. That is the most common cause of start-up problems. Some notes to help resolve popular problems: DeHackEd does not work on the Doom exe file directly. It does all of its work entirely on a separate file, which by default is called doomhack.exe. This keeps your original exe file in its original condition and prevents problems if you need it in its original form later. If you wish to play a modem or network game, however, you will need to rearrange things manually. Probably the easiest way to do this is as follows: 1. Delete the doom.exe file 2. Copy the doom exe file to doomhack.exe 3. Edit the dehacked.ini file and switch the two lines that say "editname" and "normalname" 4. Use DeHackEd as normal, loading any patch(es) that you want and playing the game DeHackEd patches must be applied to ALL exes involved in a multi-player game. If any exe does not have the changes made, a "Consistency failure" will occur and the game will abort. Doom is very careful that all exes are doing the same thing! Patches only save MODIFIED data. Because of this, DeHackEd now asks if you want to reload the original exe data every time you load a patch file. If you answer no to this question, any current changes will REMAIN and the patch you are loading will be merged in. If you answer yes, all the old changes are removed and the patch is loaded fresh. This option can be turned off in the dehacked.ini file by inserting a line that says askatload = false Now you should be all set up. Have fun, let me know if you have any problems and I'll try to help you out.