How can I get the dunny man's gold?

Hint 1 of 10:
Take a look at his mouth.

Hint 2 of 10:
You'll want to take his gold tooth.

Hint 3 of 10:
The only person qualified to remove it is a dentist (or the equivalent for
this time period).  Perhaps you should try to convince him to go see one.

Hint 4 of 10:
Look for something "edible" that might damage his teeth.

Hint 5 of 10:
The donuts that the dibbler is selling will work.  Just talk to the dibbler
to get one.

Hint 6 of 10:
Then give the donut to the dunny man.  He'll go running to the barber.

Hint 7 of 10:
Of course, the barber won't let you work on his patients.  You're going to
need to get him to leave for a while.

Hint 8 of 10:
The milk maid whom he's so infatuated with might provide the solution.

Hint 9 of 10:
Try setting something up between the two.  Go talk to the milk maid.

Hint 10 of 10:
Then deliver the note from her to the barber, and you'll be left alone with
the dunny man.