The two modules in this sampler plus 14 more hysterical Dilbert modules are available direct from Delrina for only $29.95 (plus shipping, handling, and applicable sales tax). Or look for this exciting product at your local retail store. To order direct, simply call 1-800-549-6654, Dept DBS and in a few days you'll have more hours of Dilbert, Dogbert and Ratbert navigating bureaucracy and life's little escapades! This sampler will not run with the full Intermission product or other Delrina samplers. Installing the Sampler ====================== To install the Dilbert Sampler: a. Create a new empty directory for the sampler files. b. Place DBSAMPLE.EXE in the new directory. c. From DOS, change to the directory containing DBSAMPLE.EXE d. Type "DBSAMPLE" at the the DOS prompt. e. A list of the unzipped files follows... Running the Sampler =================== To Run the Dilbert Sampler: a. From the Windows File Menu in Progam Manager select Run. b. Choose c. Select the appropriate directory, (the one containing DILBERT.EXE). d. Highlight "DILBERT.EXE" e. Press or to select, then or to run. f. Prepare to be entertained by the Dilbert Sampler!