AIRCRAFT.txt 7.1 NOTES ABOT AIRCRAFT, CAP.txt CIVIL AIR PATROL and the APRS INTERFACE TO ARNAV SERIAL DATA FORMAT FOR AERONAUTICAL LORAN/GPS UNITS Ver 7.1: Added ARNAV parsing in SPM and HSP modes so that stations can track themselves. ARNAV parsing is NOT designed for a dedicated serial port. VER 6.7: Go to 3D display with the Y-AXIS command to see altitudes! This command displays a 3D perspective with the horizon infinity at the screen center. The 2D map center appears near the bottom of the screen in 3D and Altitude is displayed along the right screen edge. The altitude is obtained from the string "/A=XXXXXX" appearing in the position comment string. ALtitude is automatically extracted from the standard NMEA GGA sentence or from the special $PGRMZ and $PMGLB sentences, and or it can be manually entered. Note that the field MUST be exactly 6 characters with leading zeros. 3D ALTITUDE DISPLAY: Note that the ALTITUDE scale along the right side of the 3D screen is calibrated to the original 2D center of the map and is correct for ALL stations or objects. THis means that the scale will always be correct, but the true 3D visual perspective my be awkward or confusing for stations that are near or far to the south or north of the 2D map centerline. REPLAY the BALLOON and AIRCRAFT.hst files to see the effects. Notice that as the aircraft flies to the south (toward you), it will always stay at the 5000 foot altitude regardless of perspective. At some ZOOM ranges, as it departs the airport or returns, it will actually appear in perspective to have a negative altitude because the SYMBOL is always going to be displayed at the CORRECT altitude according to the scale rather than in perspective. HOW TO MAKE AN AIRCRAFT SYMBOL: Remember that if you are going to be using a TNC only transmitter in the aircraft, you must indicate the aircraft symbol character in either of two ways: 1) Set the TNC SSID to -7. i.e. W3ADO-7 OR 2) Make the first three characters of the BText be: {'}..... In the case of #2, the aircraft symbol will not begin to display as an aircraft in APRS until the receiving station receives a BText first. Until then, the object will appear as a dot. NEWS: Jerry Wyatt of the AZ CAP has build a prototype controller that parses ARNAV data into an NMEA RMC format. His microcontroller then sends this string to the TNC once every N seconds. This is a handy way of interfacing ARNAV data until the TNC manufacturers do it themselves. BACKGROUND: It is apparent, that the aeronautical manufacturers thumb their noses at the NMEA specification (for boats) because it was not INVENTED by them. AIRINC which is the national standards organization for aeronautical equipment, confirms that they are YEARS away from developing an aeronautical standard for GPS. Couple this with the fact that some GPS manufacturers (Garmin) prevent their low cost NMEA GPS units from working in aircraft by having them stop working above 90 Kts. So, in the absence of a standard, APRS will parse the ARNAV data format, which is the same as the KING format. This is a commercial specification, but I am making it available in the HAM version for only $35. APRS parses ARNAV in two ways. First, it will plot any received packet that contains the RAW ARNAV data in a packet beginning with the STX character. It can also parse RAW ARNAV data comming in the same port as the TNC without the packet header. For this to work, the station must be in SPM or HSP modes and be validated for GPS. And the GPS and TNC must be set to the SAME baudrate (4800 usually). Very few users have avaition only GPS units, but one user says he has to operate both at 2400 baud to make it work reliably. The ARNAV data begins with an STX, has lots of data lines, and then ends with an ETX. Each line of data has a single leading character that indicates what the remaining data on the line represents. APRS will parse out the following fields: AN dd mmhh (North Latitude in degrees and minutes to the hundredths BW ddd mmhh (West Longitude in degrees and minutes to the hundredths Cccc (Course) Dsss (Speed) ..... (other fields for E,G,I,J,K,L,M,Q,d,e, and v are given Wxxxxx N dd mmhh W ddd mmhh +aaaa (Waypoint where: xxxxx is its name ) LAT LONG as shown aaaa is altitude in ft) Notice, that APRS will not only place the aircraft on the map, but it will also generate a symbol for the WAYPOINT and place it in the APRS system as well. The WAYPOINT symbol is a circle. The ARNAV station will be a standard airplane. Contact me for info on how to change the default SSID symbol definitions if necessary. IMPLEMENTATION: Since the data begins with an STX but has numerous carriage returns in the middle, there is no way to make either the PACCOMM or N2WX NMEA parsers work on this data. Instead, you have to set the TNC into the UI MODE (unconnected CONVERSE) and just let it transmit all of the data as it streams in the serial port. Therefore: FOR NOW, THIS WILL ONLY WORK WITH OLDER ARNAV PRODUCTS WHICH HAVE A USER DEFINED PERIODICITY. NEWER 5000 series products output at a 1 second rate which (just like the NMEA standard) is too fast for a 1200 baud shared packet channel. NOTE: PACCOMM tells me that an ARNAV parser is built into their commercial TNC, ready to go, off-the-shelf! The CAP guys tell me that this is true, but newer ARNAV devices output almost a 400 character NAV message. So although the data will be transmitted, it is very innefficient for a shared channel to transmit 400 characters worth of data, when you only need 20. ALTERNATELY, wire up a 555 circuit that only passes the ARNAV data to the TNC for two seconds out of every N period. Here is how to set it up: 1. Set up the aircraft TNC to be permanently in the UNPROTO-CONVERSE mode. In the Paccomm, set UI MODE ON. Or buy the DRSI APRS rom. 2. Set COMMAND $1B. This changes the COMMAND mode character from its normal control-C to be the ESCAPE character. Actually, you can set the COMMAND character to any other character, just NOT ^C. 3. Set the SENDPAC character to $03 (^C) instead of $0D (Carriage Return) so that the packet is not transmitted until the ARNAV ETX character ($03) comes along. 4. Set your ARNAV device to output data once every 30 to 60 seconds or so, depending on channel activity. 5. If you cannot change the ARNAV periodicity, set up a 555 chip to only send the data to the TNC for 2 seconds out of every N period. In this case, you must also set CPACTIME ON, so that the TNC will go ahead and send its transmit buffer even if it does NOT get the normal ETX char. With CPACTIME ON, the TNC will wait for 1 second after the last incomming character and then go ahead and send the data, even if the 555 oscillator cut off the incomming data. I DONT HAVE ACCESS TO ANY ARNAV DEVICES. TRY IT AN SEE! GIVE ME FEEDBACK AND WE WILL MAKE IT WORK! CAP.txt 6.4a CIVIL AIR PATROL and APRS FOR DETAILS, CONTACT THE ARIZONA WING OF THE CAP which is doing performance testing on the APRS system. SAR GRIDS: APRS can overlay the 15x15 minute Search & Rescue (SAR) grids used by the CAP. The four quadrants of these grids correlates exactly with the readily available USGS 7.5 minute maps. These grid squares are well numbered within each aeronautical sectional chart. The problem of overlaps are resolved by defining the western most map to always take precedence. APRS accomplishes this ordering by the sequence of maps listed in the CAPGRID.DAT file. Also, the ALBUGUERQUE map must be the first one (APRS uses that to know if the file has been loaded). Except for the overlaps, most charts are listed alphabetically. The numbering plan displayed by APRS is determined by the exact location of the cursor. If the cursor is in an overlap area, the proper grid numbers will be seen. If you are just to the side of the overlap area, then APRS will use the numbering scheme that applies to the exact grid found at the cursor. This may place the "wrong" numbers in the adjacent overlap area temporarily. TO DISPLAY CAP GRIDS, USE THE MAPS-PLOTS-CAP COMMAND. To determine if you are in an overlap area and if you are getting the correct numbers. 1) zoom up to where you can see the sectional chart boundaries (yellow). Any overlap areas whould be obvious. 2) be sure that your cursor is in the overlap area and re-display the grids. 3) on each new screen re-display the grids and for areas that are not numbered, move your cursor to the west and re-display again. This way, the western numbers will always overwrite with the correct numbers. TRACK HISTORIES: Back at the SAR headquarters, complete track histories can be processed offline from the main APRS Communications computer. Periodically the main APRS computer should do a FILES-SAVE to save the latest track history to file. Then he should do a FILES-DOS to shell to DOS and copy the latest track history file from the HSTS sub directory onto a floppy disk. This disk can then be taken to another computer for analysis and the APRS computer can EXIT back into APRS without loosing anything. APRS maintains a 2k comm buffer, so even if the packet channel is continuing to operate at full capacity, you have a total time of at least 40 seconds before you begin to loose data. APRS will automatically do a save to disk whenever 199 positions have been received. After all saves, memory is cleared except for the last position of all stations. GPS UNITS: I have decyphered the output of the quantity of black box GPS receivers that were donated to National CAP. They are Motorola's and can be switched from the proprietary binary format to NMEA with a simple command. I wrote the MOTOROLA.BAS program that makes it easy to reset the GPS units and to send them the NMEA timing requirements. These devices will make excellent GPS trackers! REGISTRATION: Since most CAP communications personnel are also radio amateurs and will probably want to use APRS for both HAM and CAP applications, each additional call sign registration (submitted at the same time) per individual has been discounted to only $9 each if included in a normal HAM registration. CAP only registrations are the same as HAM registration and asking for additional calls for the same individual at a later date takes $14. Quantity pricing of calls in groups of 10 or more is also available see F1(HELP)-V.