Sonic CD -- Sega CD =================== Sound Test and more- At the title screen, press DOWN, DOWN, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, A. Also, if you set the FM, the PCM and the DA to the appropriate numbers and then press START you can access some cool surprises. These are: FM 07 PCM 07 DA 07- Secret bonus stage. FM 46 PCM 12 DA 25- Strange Japanese message. FM 42 PCM 04 DA 21- Strange humanoid Sonic picture. Reminds me of Batman. FM 44 PCM 11 DA 09- Manga Sonic. FM 42 PCM 03 DA 01- MC Sonic picture. FM 40 PCM 12 DA 11- Debug Mode. If it works, youÕll see Tails standing with a Jeep. Start a new game and during it, press B to toggle debug on or off, then press A to cycle through the various objects, and press C to place them. Title Screen Trick- At the title screen, hold A and press UP, DOWN, DOWN, DOWN, DOWN, UP. You'll hear a chime. Then use controller 2 to manipulate the clouds. LEFT zooms out. RIGHT zooms in. UP and DOWN tilt the horizon. A and C rotates the clouds and B speeds them up. Time Attack Rewards- If you clear the time attack under certain qualifying times, the game lets you do some pretty cool things. This trick only works if you've previously beaten the game. The qualifying total times are: 37'27"57- A new "D.A. Garden" menu selection appears at the title screen. Select this, and you can manipulate a picture of the Little Planet. The control pad moves the planet, B rotates the planet, C zooms in or out, and A let's you choose music. START exits. 30'21"05- Press left at the Time Attack screen and you can play the Bonus Rounds with no time limit. START exits the round. 25'46"12- A new "Visual Mode" menu item will appear. This lets you view all the cartoons as well as a hidden pencil test. Stage Select- At the title screen, press UP, DOWN, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, B to access a stage select menu.