Specifications and Requirements ------------------------------- Software Title: Software Manager Version 4.1 Author or Company: PC Soft 25 Mt. Lassen Drive San Rafael, CA 94903 TEL: (415) 492-0123 FAX: (415) 892-8450 Registration Fee: $19.95 Availability: Windows Forum Software Library (AOL) Filename: SFTMGR.ZIP Filesize (ZIPped): 334,936 bytes Filesize (unZIPped): 711,956 bytes Requirements: Windows 3.1 Rating (1-10): 9.95 Date of Review: 5/28/95 Installation ------------ Installation Rating: 9.95 Description of Installation Process: Software Manager has the finest Installation program I have yet seen. An installation program should do more than just copy files to your hard drive. It should let you configure all the programs options (and explain those options clearly) so that everything is set before you run the main program. This is exactly what Software Manager's Installation Program does. The only reason I did not give it a perfect 10 is because the install file is not self-extracting. You need to unZIP the downloaded file into a temporary directory. Once this is done run the SETUP.EXE file. This will call up an program explanation screen followed by prompts for the directory you wish to install Software Manager into (if other than the default). It asks for confirmation of this before installing itself into that designated directory. You are then asked if you wish to have the installer add a new program group and icons to Program Manager and whether or not you would like Software Manager to automaticlly archive important MS-DOS and Windows configuration files every time you start up Windows (it will place the icon for this into your Windows Start Up directory). Next, you are asked if you would like to configure Software Manager to work with your favorite applications (you can do this in the main program later). The final step is to ask if you would like to view the ReadMe file. Once done Software Manager is successfully installed. Features -------- Listing/Description of Features: Software Manager provides you with three (3) different "wizards" which help you manage your system and application software. These are the Install Wizard, the Uninstall Wizard, and the Configuration File Wizard. The fourth utility is called the SafetyNet (Rescue Disk Builder). Here is a breakdown of features for each of these wizards. The Install Wizard: Software Manager supports both Windows and MS-DOS product installations. It can monitor installations even if Windows is exited or your system is re-booted. The Install Wizard automatically locates the install/setup program on an applications floppy diskette or you can designate which drive/directory the install/setup program is located on. Software Manager generates a very detailed installation report which shows you changes that have been made (by the installed program) to ALL your .INI files, and also your AUTOEXEC.BAT, CONFIG.SYS, WIN.INI and REG.DAT (the Windows REGistration DATabase) files. Software Manager asks if you want it to scan the installation files for viruses (using your favorite antivirus product), and/or backup an existing application prior to performing an upgrade of that application. Once an installation is completed the Install Wizard generates an inventory report showing a summary of the software which has been installed on your system (listing files/directories added or removed and any files which have been changed). In the event of a failed installation, Software Manager provides you with detailed instructions as to what to do next. The Uninstall Wizard: Software Managers Uninstall Wizard lets you select an application to be removed by Software Manager inventory, Program Manager item, file, or directory. Software removal is based on the installation log. It will automatically remove applications (with your confirmation) by updating your AUTOEXEC.BAT, CONFIG.SYS, WIN.INI, SYSTEM.INI, REG.DAT, and Program Manager groups/items, and deleting files/directories. It then reports the changes that have been made to all your .INI files in the main Windows directory. It will safely remove any VBX, DLL and/or font files. It will also allow you to optionally generate an application specific removal procedure. The Configuration File Wizard: This wizard contains a full-text editor (with print preview) that supports larger files than either notepad or sysedit. It will also open your main configuration file just like sysedit. It will automatically create an archive whenever a configuration file is changed and will support over 50,000 archived versions of a configuration file. The Configuration File Wizard also makes these archived files very easy to retrieve in case you need to. You can also ask it to generate a file which will report all the differences between the current version of a configuration file and its archived version. The SafetyNet (Rescue Disk Builder): The SafetyNet (Rescue Disk Builder) lets you create a floppy disk backup of important files. It automatically formats the diskette and then copies key configuration files and key utilities to this diskette. This is crucial in helping you to repair any corruption which may be caused to your system after a failed application installation attempt. It also helps prevent the removal of critical system software (like disk compression and system security programs). Help/Documentation Rating: 9 The program comes with comprehensive "ReadMe" text and Windows format Help files. Summary ------- Software Manager Version 4.1 is an ESSENTIAL utility program. Now that I have used it I cannot imagine being without it. This is how all software should be written. Powerful yet easy to use and understand. This is definitely the utility Microsoft left out the Windows most desperately needs. In the "Features" section was a list of what Software Manager can do. Here is a breakdown of how some of these features work. The Install Wizard: When you ask Software Managers Install Wizard to install an application you are prompted to enter the Application's Name and Version Number. You are then asked if you would like to make a Rescue Disk (before installing the new application) and/or run your Anti-Virus software to make sure the new application is virus free. Once this is completed, the Install Wizard archives all your important files (.INI, .GRP, Autoexec.bat, Config.sys, etc) to a special vault within Software Managers directory. It then scans and analyzes your drives directories. Next, you are prompted for the name of the install or setup file for the program you wish to install (this can be typed in directly if known or you can use the available Browse, File Manager or MS-DOS buttons. There is also a button for Advanced Settings which can let you open all your Configuration Files, run Control Panel, run the Registration Database Editor or run Other Commands. Once you have entered the name of the installation program click on the RUN button. This runs the program you've designated. Once the installation is complete, return to Software Manager. It will ask you if the installation procedure was successful. It then anaylzes any and all changes which may have been made to your system and generates/displays a report listing the Applications Name and Version number, installation Date and Time, if any system files were altered, if any directories were added or removed, and what files were added in the installation. At the end of the report is a more detailed breakdown of files which were changed (if any). The Uninstall Wizard: Software Manager's Uninstall Wizard gives you two methods of removing applications from your system: Manual Uninstall and Automatic Uninstall. Manual Uninstall does nothing to any of the files on your system. It simply analyzes and prints out a comprehensive report that gives you step-by-step instructions on how to uninstall the desired application (which files, directories need to be deleted, and if there are any .INI file entries which should be removed). Automatic Uninstall calls up a list of tasks Software Manager will need to perform in order to remove the designated application. Each step in the process has a "More Info" button which will detail what needs to be done. After viewing the steps you are given the option of archiving your Key Configuration files to Software Manager's vault before starting the uninstall process (This may take a few minutes but it is a good idea in case you have any problems after uninstalling the program). Once this is done you are prompted for confirmation before Software Manager performs each step of the uninstall process. First you are asked if you wish to delete the Windows Program Manager items (group and/or icons). Next, you are asked if you wish to delete the programs files (you can delete one file at a time or all at once). Finally Software Manager generates a detailed report listing everything that was done during the procedure. The Configuration File Wizard: This operates very much like Microsoft's SysEdit program. It opens any/all of you main system files (AUTOEXEC.BAT, CONFIG.SYS, WIN.INI, and SYSTEM.INI) using a full-text editor that supports larger files than either notepad or sysedit. Whenever you use Software Manager to alter one of the four mentioned configuration files it automatically archives the original version of the file. If you later find you need to restore an archived version the Configuration Wizard makes this easy. Just select the "Open Configuration File Backup" option on the Configuration Menu. This calls up a pop-up selection screen listing the four configuration files. Just click on the one you want and Software Manager will call up a screen listing all the archived versions of that file (the program supports over 50,000 archived versions of a configuration file). If you want a report on the differences between the current and archived versions of the file just click on its option box. When you select OK the archived file (and the difference report) will be opened for you to view. If you want to replace your current file with the archived one just save the archive with the current files name. This feature of the program gives one an incredible sense of security. If a new configuration fails you can always restore the archived file and be up and running again with no hassles. The SafetyNet (Rescue Disk Builder): This feature is another comforting security blanket for your system. It creates a bootable Rescue Disk which contains all your key configuration files and utilities. Select the "Build Rescue Disk" option from the Tools Menu to start the process. You are first asked which floppy disk drive you want to use to create your Rescue Disk. Software Manager then performs the following steps: 1). It formats the floppy diskette. 2). It copies your MS-DOS system files to the diskette. 3). It archives the configuration files to a VAULT directory it creates on the diskette. 4). It copies utility programs to the diskette. 5). It copies PC Soft's Recovery Help files to the diskette. 6). It displays a summary of the creation process and if you wish a DIRectory of the disks contents. This program receives my highest recommendation. No computer should be operating under the Windows environment without a registered copy of this excellent program. Download it TODAY!! Problems and Suggestions ------------------------ List of Problems found: There were no conflicts, General Protection Faults (GPF's), or program errors encountered during my evaluation of this software. What do you get when you register? ---------------------------------- You are entitled to receive technical support, a free upgrade to the next version of the program, and a diskette with nine (9) other essential utilities including: a duplicate file finder, a orphan finder, and a Windows temporary file delete utility. Disclaimer ---------- (DISCLAIMER: This review is provided for information/entertainment purposes only. The author will not be held responsible or liable for any problems which may occur in the use of any of the reviewed software. The author will also not be held responsible if the program reviewed does not operate, in the way stated. With there being so many system configurations possible confilcts/problems can arise which may prevent the reviewed software from operating in the way indicated. This is not the responsibility of the reviewer.)