Specifications and Requirements ------------------------------- Software Title: SafetyNet Backup Utility for Windows Version 3.0 Author or Company: CT Software 759 Galleon Lane Elk Grove, Illinois 60007 E-Mail: RON2222@AOL.COM Registration Fee: $10.00 Availability: Windows Forum Software Library (AOL) Filename: SAFTYNET.ZIP Filesize (ZIPped): 163,867 bytes Filesize (unZIPped): 345,473 bytes Requirements: Windows 3.1 Rating (1-10): 8.75 Date of Review: 5/24/95 Installation ------------ Installation Rating: (Manual Installation) Description of Installation Process: You need to create a permanent directory to extract the downloaded SAFTYNET.ZIP file into. Once unzipped and the program files are copied into the created directory add its icon to an existing Program Manager group (or create a new group for it). No other files need to go into any directory other than its own. Features -------- Listing/Description of Features: SafetyNet's preset configuration will back up your critical Windows and system files (.GRP, .INI and .INF files as well as your CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files). It allows you to have up to three (3) more configurations of your own design (you can designate up to five file extension types to be backed up in each of these configurations) so you can back up any type of files you wish. It can even ZIP your files as it backs them up (you just need to have your ZIP program's location listed in your autoexec.bat files PATH command for this to work). SafetyNet has a Size option that tells you the amount of storage space required (in megabytes) to do your backup. It also has a System Information option (located in the Help Menu) which will display your DOS and Windows version, CPU type, Operating Mode (standard or enhanced), Free Memory, Largest Free Block and System Resources. Help/Documentation Rating: 6.75 The program has "readme" text and Windows format Help files. Due to the programs ease of use I only needed to access the help features once. Summary ------- This very handy utility program takes away your excuses for not backing up some of your more important files. It is especially handy for making backups of application data files (word processor documents, spreadsheets, etc) that all have the same file extension(s). I would recommened that all Windows users operate with a SafetyNet under their disk drives and with a $10.00 price tag there really isn't any reason not to. I highly recommend this delightful and easy to use utility. Problems and Suggestions ------------------------ List of Problems found: The program does have one flaw. It does not inform you if the Destination Directory you set in the Options Menu is valid or not. If you enter an invalid destination then no files are copied to your backup diskette but, SafetyNet does not inform you of this. The program acts as if everything has been backed up properly. To avoid the confusion which comes from the terms used, The Destination Directory is the name of the directory on your backup diskette that you want your backup files to go into (or if you are zipping the files it is the name of the zipped file SafetyNet will create on your backup diskette). You have to enter one for the program to work. Do not enter A:\ here (change the destination drive on the main screen not here). This was the only reason that I needed to consult SafetyNet's Help file. Suggestions for improvements: A fix of the problem mentioned above. What do you get when you register? ---------------------------------- You receive the latest version of SafetyNet on diskette. (DISCLAIMER: This review is provided for information/entertainment purposes only. The author will not be held responsible or liable for any problems which may occur in the use of any of the reviewed software. The author will also not be held responsible if the program reviewed does not operate, in the way stated. With there being so many system configurations possible confilcts/problems can arise which may prevent the reviewed software from operating in the way indicated. This is not the responsibility of the reviewer.)