Mythdancer's Top Shareware Picks -------------------------------- The following are my all-time favorite Windows shareware programs as of 5/30/95. They are presented in alphabetical order. ClipMate v3.08 (Clipboard Enhancer) Dialog Extensions for Windows (Dialog Box Enhancer) InfoSpy v2.3 (System Monitoring Utility) Imagine Task Manager v1.0 (Windows Task Manager Replacement) Peeper v1.12a (Super File Viewer) Plug In for Windows v2.5 (Windows Program Manager Enhancer) SafetyNet v3.1 (Backup Utility) Software Manager v4.1 (Software Installer/Uninstaller Plus) Space Hound v1.65 (File Management Utility) Text Manager v2.2 (Notepad Replacement) Time and Chaos v4.06 (Personal Information Manager) Way To Go v2.5 (America Online Add-on) WhizNotes v2.1 (Information Management System) WinCat Pro 4.1(Software Cataloger Plus) WinZip 5.6 (ZIP/UNZIP Shell) WizManager Pro v2.5 (File Manager Replacement) The following is my list of High-Honorable Mentions (also in alphabetical order). You would not be disappointed downloading any one of these programs (in fact, it was hard not to include most of these in my favorite list above). Address Manager v3.0 (Address Book) AllINI Editor 2.02(INI File Editor) Clean Up for Windows v2.01 Disk Sweep v 1.0(File Management Utility) Edit Master v2.5 (Notepad Replacement) VBSys Monitor v2.52(System Resource Monitor) ViaPrint v2.14 (Printer Utility) WindNotes (Directory Note/Comments Manager) Windows WhereIs? v1.0 (File Finder Utility) WinHog v4.0 (Drive Use Reporter) WWPlus v1.43(Windows Wallpaper Manager) If you would like more information about any of these programs or if there are any Windows shareware programs that you REALLY like and do not see on my lists (or have not seen me review) just e-mail me at my AOL address ( and I will get back to you as soon as I possibly can.