Font3D Version 1.5 User's Guide ============================================================================= SECTION ONE: Introduction ______________________________________________________________________________ Font3D is a utility program for the generation of 3-dimensional text objects. Once created, these objects can be included in a scene description file for later modelling or rendering. Several different output formats are supported, including: o Persistence of Vision 2.x o Vivid 2.0 o AutoCad DXF o RenderMan RIB o RAW Triangles This document describes the operation of Font3D Version 1.5. Section Two: Using the Program gives a comprehensive look (including several examples) at how to use the program effectively. Section Three: Command Line Options is a complete reference of all Font3D command line options with syntax, a description, and an example for each one. The Distribution ---------------- The following files are included in the official distribution of Font3D: f3d150bn.dos MS-DOS Executable f3d150bn.os2 OS/2 Executable Source Code Archive font3d.txt ASCII Documentation PostScript Documentation readme.txt Last Minute Information register.txt How To Register Installation ------------ Font3D is fairly self-sufficient in that only an executable file is required to actually begin using the program. MS-DOS and OS/2 users can take advan- tage of the executables included in the distribution, but most others will need to compile a version for their own particular environment. A typical installation will involve creating a directory to hold Font3D, unzipping the archive into that directory, and then renaming the appropriate executable file to FONT3D.EXE. For those who need to build their own executable from the source code, it shouldn't be too difficult. A Makefile for the GNU C++ compiler is included in the source archive; you may need to tweak it a bit for your own particular setup. The MS-DOS executable requires that you have at least an 80386 processor, a math coprocessor, and two megabytes of RAM. Getting in Touch with the Author -------------------------------- If you have any suggestions, questions, or comments, I would love to hear from you. Remember, bug reports are much more useful if you can tell me what machine you're using, and what font it is that gives you problems. The preferred form of communication (mostly because it's free for me) is E-Mail. My electronic address is If you like, you can also use the US Postal Service. My mailing address is: Todd A. Prater 1016 Vattier St. Apt. A Manhattan, KS. 66502 USA Finally, if all else fails, give me a call. Although, it's subject to change, my current phone number is (913) 776-3597 Acknowledgements ---------------- First of all, many thanks go out to those of you who have already become registered users of Font3D. I very much appreciate your support! Thanks also to Scott Adkins for coding the font-path and output-path options, and for some great suggestions. Finally, thanks to Larry Gritz for the information on RenderMan and RIB files. The RenderMan Interface Procedures and RIB Protocol are Copyright 1988, 1989, Pixar. All rights reserved. RenderMan is a registered trademark of Pixar. Font3D is Copyright 1994, 1995, Todd A. Prater. All rights reserved. SECTION TWO: Using the Program _____________________________________________________________________________ Fortunately, although there are quite a few different program options, most of them fall into a few general categories. In addition, all program options must be given to Font3D in the form of option-name=value where option-name is the name of a command to use (like font, depth, or face- cut), and value is the parameter required by that command. All commands must have a value. The various Font3D commands can be usefully categorized as follows: Fonts font, font-path, map Visibility faces, sides, bevels, front-face, back-face, front-bevel back-bevel Texturing texture, face-texture, side-texture, bevel-texture front-face-texture, back-face-texture, front-bevel-texture, back-bevel-texture Beveling bevel-type, cut, face-cut, side-cut, front-face-cut, front-side-cut, back-face-cut, back-side-cut Object char, code, string, depth, triangle-type Output output, output-path, format, name Positioning xpos, ypos, zpos Miscellaneous config Objects ------- The objects that Font3D creates are actually composed of (quite a few) tiny little triangular patches. These triangles can be thought of in groups: the front face, the front bevel, the sides, the back bevel, and the back face. Any of these individual components can be made invisible, so that for example only the triangles that make up the front face or the back face are generated- -see Visiblilty in this section for more information. The text is always extruded along the z-axis, with its height in the y direction, and width in the x direction. A right-handed coordinate system is used. Fonts ----- Both Windows and Macintosh TrueType fonts can be used by Font3D. By default, a Windows encoding table is assumed, so if you see an error message like: ERROR: A required part of this font is missing. try to use the map=MAC option to force Font3D to look for a Macintosh encoding table. New with version 1.5 is kerning support. This is entirely transparent to the user; if kerning information is present in a particular font, then it will be used, otherwise you won't miss it. Most public-domain fonts don't have a kern pair table, but there are a few that do. On the other hand, many commercial fonts do have this information, and it can make a big improvement with some pairs of characters. Getting Started --------------- The only program option that doesn't have a default value is font. You always need to specify, either on the command line, or in a configuration file, which TrueType font to use. If you type the following at a command line prompt (and if the font arial.ttf is in the current directory): C:>font3d font=arial.ttf Font3D will generate a single capital letter A, without bevels, and then write a POV formatted output file named "" in the current directory. The object will be #declared in that output file as FONT3D_OUTPUT. All you need to do to place this object in a POV scene is first #include it, and then reference it with a statement like: object { FONT3D_OBJECT } In the rendered scene, an extruded, capital letter A will be centered at the origin. Of course, you will eventally want to create something useful, like another character, or a string of text. There are three commands you can use to do this: char, code, and string. The first one, char, lets you specify a single character to build. For example to generate a lowercase g, in the typeface Arial, try the following: C:>font3d font=arial.ttf char=g The output is written to the same default file "", and given the same name FONT3D_OBJECT, but now when you include it in your scene file, a lowercase g will be rendered. The code option is identical to char, except that you give it the character code of the letter you wish to create: C:>font3d font=arial.ttf code=84 causes Font3D to build a capital T, in Arial, and write it to the same default file, with the same default name. Finally, the string option simply tells the program to generate an entire string of text; it is used much as you would expect: C:>font3d font=arial.ttf string=TestString Smooth Triangles ---------------- Many rendering programs recognize a special kind of triangular patch, which I'll call a smooth triangle, that can have different surface normals at each vertex. The renderer then averages those individual normals to calculate a normal at any point inside the triangular patch. If the three vertex normals are calculated correctly, this can eliminate the faceted look that many objects built from simple flat triangles have. Believe me, this can make a huge difference in the quality of an object, which is why smooth triangles are the default. Keep in mind that neither the RAW or the DXF file formats support this type of primitive, so they simply ignore it. If you want to turn this feature off, to speed up rendering for example, simply use the triangle- type command: C:>font3d font=arial.ttf string=TestString triangle-type=FLAT Rounded edges are physically identical to a flat bevel. The one difference is that the vertex normals are altered so that the bevels appear to be rounded. It is for this reason that RAW and DXF file formats are incapable of this effect, and that if triangle-type is set to FLAT, the rounded edges will still appear to be flat bevels. Output Files ------------ As we have seen above, the default output file is "", and it is placed in the current working directory. There are two settings that allow you to change this behavior: output, and output-path. output specifies the name of the file to which the object information will be written. output-path allows you to specify the directory of the output file. This option is especially useful in a configuration file (see below). Here is an example of how you can use both of these options at the same time: C:>font3d font=times.ttf output-path=C:\POV\INCLUDE And, here is an example of how you can use just the output option to do the same thing: C:>font3d font=times.ttf output=C:\POV\INCLUDE\ Once again, the reason the output-path option was provided, was so that you could place an output path into one of your configuration files, and forget about it. Object Naming ------------- POV users can assign a name to the object that Font3D generates. This is a very useful feature if you're using more than one object in a particular scene. Here's an example. Let's say you want to have four different words in your scene; call the program four times like this: C:>font3d font=arial.ttf string=This name=THIS_STR C:>font3d font=times.ttf string=is name=IS_STR C:>font3d font=times.ttf string=a name=A_STR C:>font3d font=arial.ttf string=Test name=TEST_STR A POV scene description that uses these objects might look like this: #include "" #include "" #include "" #include "" #include "" #include "" // Declare a light and a camera here... object { THIS_STR texture { Jade } translate <0,2,0> } object { IS_STR texture { White_Marble } translate <0,1,0> } object { A_STR texture { Red_Marble } } object { TEST_STR texture { Blood_Marble } translate <0,-1,0> } Configuration Files ------------------- One of the most useful new features is the ability to store frequently used commands in a configuration file. Upon invocation, Font3D looks for a file called "font3d.def". Here you can put any command line options you find yourself repeatedly typing over and over (like font-path, output-path, etc...). Take a look at the font3d.def file that is included in the distribution to see what it looks like. The second way to have Font3D read options from a text file is the config option. You just give it the name of a file, and it will be processed as if it were a list of options on the command line. For example if you create a text file named "test.def" with the following lines: font-path=C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM;C:\FONTS output-path=C:\POV\INCLUDE cut=0.003 depth=0.25 and call the program like this C:>font3d font=arial.ttf config=test.def it will create exactly the same output file as if you used a much longer command line: C>font3d font-path=C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM;C:\FONTS output-path=C:\POV\INCLUDE cut=0.003 depth=0.25 font=arial.ttf Output Formats -------------- Currently, five different output formats are supported: o Persistence of Vision 2.x o Vivid 2.0 o AutoCad DXF o RenderMan RIB o RAW Triangles Each format has it's own set of capabilities, so remember that some Font3D features may not be available with all output file types. Table 2.1 shows which program options are available for each file format. Output | Smooth Object Object Flat Rounded Format | Triangles Textures Naming Bevels Bevels _______________|____________________________________________________ | POV 2.x | Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Vivid 2.0 | Yes No No Yes Yes AutoCad DXF | No No No Yes No RenderMan RIB | Yes No No Yes Yes RAW Triangles | No No No Yes No | ______________________________________________________________________________ Table 2.1: Program features available with each supported output format. Textures -------- Font3D now allows a texture identifier to be assigned to each individual component of a text object (faces, bevels, sides). Currently, only the POV file format uses this information when writing an output file. As we have previously seen, an object can have up to five different parts: a front face, a front bevel, a side, a back bevel, and a back face. There are eight different program settings that can be used to give a texture to one of these object parts: front-face-texture, back-face-texture, side-texture, front-bevel-texture, back-bevel-texture, face-texture, bevel-texture, and texture. The first five of these only set the texture of one individual component, while the last three assign the same texture to a group of components. Here's an example. Let's say you've already declared two textures in a POV 2.x scene description file: // BEGIN POV SCENE DESCRIPTION FILE #include "" #include "" #declare FaceTexture = texture { pigment { color IndianRed } } #declare SideTexture = texture { DMF_Wood1 rotate <3,5,13> } To make Font3D assign the first texture to both faces of an object, and the second texture to its sides, invoke the program like this: C:>font3d font=arial.ttf face-texture=FaceTexture side-texture=SideTexture string=Font3D The face-texture option assigns 'FaceTexture' to both the object's front and the back faces at the same time, while side-texture assigns 'SideTexture' to the it's sides. By default, the object Font3D generates is given the name "FONT3D_OBJECT", so the rest of our scene description file would look something like this: #include "" object { FONT3D_OBJECT } // END OF POV SCENE DESCRIPTION FILE Note that the output file is included after #declaring the textures. It is also important to remember that you have to do either none of your texturing with Font3D (ie. do it in your scene description file), or all of your texturing with Font3D. Any texture applied to an object in a scene description file will override the textures assigned to it by this program. Bevels ------ The way in which Font3D bevels the edges of an object is not unlike how a router might cut into a piece of wood. There are two parameters that define the size and appearance of a bevel: face-cut, and side-cut. face-cut specifies the size of the cut that a bevel will make into the face of an object. Likewise, side-cut specifies the size of cut that will be made into the side of an object (see Figure 2.1). These two settings are actually generalization of the following, more precise versions: front-face-cut, front-side-cut, back-face-cut, and back-side-cut. To cause an object's edges to be beveled, all you need to do is specify a cut value. By default, all the cut settings are zero, ie. beveling is turned off. |<----------- Depth ------------->| | | | Front | | Back | | Side | Object | Side | |<-Cut ->| Side |<- Cut->| | | | | | ______ ________v________ _____ Front / \ Back Face / \ Face Cut / \ Cut ______ / \ _____ | Object | | Cross-Section | | | Object | | Object Front | | Back Face --->| |<--- Face | | | | ______________________________________________________________________________ Figure 2.1: Cross section of a beveled object generated by Font3D. If you've played around with the beveling features at all, you probably already know that making too large a cut into the face of an object just won't work. In fact, the beveling and rounding alogorithm that Font3D uses is only designed to create subtle effects, not large, easy-to-see-from-a-distance bevels. With proper lighting though, a small bevel (or rounded edge) on an object can make a scene much more realistic. For many fonts, usable face-cut values will be less than about 0.006, but you may be surprised at how much of an effect this can have on an object's perceived realism. Most times, you will probably want to keep things simple. Here is an example of how you might use the cut option to bevel a text object: C:>font3d font=arial.ttf string=TestString cut=0.003 Rounded Edges ------------- Rounded edges are very similar in most respects to beveled edges. You use the bevel-type=ROUND switch, along with a non-zero cut, to generate them. Font3D only approximates how a rounded edge might look by creating a flat bevel, and then manipulating the vertex normals of those triangles. For this reason (and for the reasons mentioned above) you will want to keep your face-cut values relatively small. Here's an example of how to make Font3D round the edges of an object: C:>font3d font=arial.ttf string=TestString cut=0.003 bevel-type=ROUND Visibility ---------- The visibility of each individual part of an object can be turned on or off by using one or more of the following switches: front-face, front-bevel, sides, back-bevel, back-face, faces, bevels. The first five of these control the visibility of one distinct part, while the last two control groups of components. These options are useful if for any particular scene only part of an object will ever be visible. For example, if you were using Font3D to generate raised lettering on a planar surface, you could make invisible the sides, the back bevel, and the back face, so that only the triangles making up the front face, and the front bevel are written to the output file. A sample invocation of the program could look like this: C:>font3d font=arial.ttf sides=OFF back-bevel=OFF back-face=OFF Remember that the visibility settings only control whether triangles are written to a file, not whether they are actually a part of the object. If you have specified a face-cut value for bevels, then simply using bevels=OFF will not keep the object from being beveled. It will however, cause there to be a small gap between the object's faces and the sides, where the bevels would have been. By default, all of the components of an object will be generated. SECTION THREE: Program Options _____________________________________________________________________________ This section contains a complete reference of all Font3D options. Each one of the following commands can either be used on the command line, or in a configuration file. All commands (eg. back-bevel, back-bevel-texture) must be in lowercase. All symbolic values (eg. ON, OFF, SMOOTH, etc...) must be in uppercase. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- back-bevel ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Syntax: back-bevel=ON|OFF Description: This option determines the visibility of an object's back bevel (or rounded edge). If it is set to OFF, then triangles that make up the object's back bevel will not be generated. Note that this only keeps the back bevel triangles from being written to an output file; if either back-face-cut or back-side-cut are nonzero, then there will be a small gap between the back face and sides of the generated object (where the bevel would have been). Default: ON Example: C:>font3d font=arial.ttf back-bevel=OFF See Also: bevels, cut ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- back-bevel-texture ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Syntax: back-bevel-texture=string Description: Currently, this option is only useful if the output file format type is set to POV (with the format switch). It specifies the name of a texture that will be associated with the back bevel of an object. See Section Two: Using The Program for more information on assigning textures to different object components. Default: None. Example C:>font3d font=arial.ttf back-bevel-texture=BBTexture See Also: back-face-texture, bevel-texture, face-texture, front-bevel-texture, front-face-texture, side-texture, texture ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- back-face ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Syntax: back-face=ON|OFF Description: This option determines the visibility of an object's back face. If the switch is set to OFF, then triangles that make up the back face will not be written to the output file. Default: ON Example: C:>font3d font=arial.ttf back-face=OFF See Also: faces, front-face ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- back-face-cut ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Syntax: back-face-cut=float Description: This option specifies the size of cut that will be made into the back face of an object by it's back bevel (or rounded edge). The default is zero, which causes the back bevel not to cut into the back face of the object at all. If both back-side-cut and back-face-cut are zero, then Font3D will not bevel (or round) the back edges of an object. Large cut sizes can cause some problems, so keep this number relatively small. Default: 0.0 Example: C:>font3d arial.ttf back-face-cut=0.005 See Also: back-side-cut, cut, face-cut, front-face-cut, front-side-cut, side-cut ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- back-face-texture ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Syntax: back-face-texture=string Description: Currently, this option is only useful if the output file format type is set to POV (with the format switch). It specifies the name of a texture that will be associated with the back face of an object. See Textures in Section Two: Using The Program for more information on assigning textures to different object components. Default None. Example: C:>font3d font=arial.ttf back-face-texture=BFTexture See Also: back-face-texture, bevel-texture, face-texture, front-bevel-texture, front-face-texture, texture ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- back-side-cut ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Syntax: back-side-cut=float Description: This option specifies the size of cut that will be made into the side of an object by it's back bevel (or rounded edge). The default is zero, which causes the back bevel not to cut into the side of an object at all. If both back-side-cut and back-face-cut are zero, then Font3D will not bevel (or round) the back edges of an object. Default: 0.0 Example C:>font3d font=arial.ttf back-side-cut=0.005 See Also: back-face-cut, cut, face-cut, front-face-cut, front-side-cut, side-cut ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bevel-texture ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Syntax: bevel-texture=string Description: Currently, this option is only useful if the output file format type is set to POV (with the format switch). It specifies the name of a texture that will be associated with both the front and back bevels of an object. See Textures in Section Two: Using The Program for more information on assigning textures to different object components. This is the same as setting both front-bevel-texture and back-bevel- texture to the same value. Default: None. Example: C:>font3d font=arial.ttf bevel-texture=BEVEL_TEXTURE See Also: back-bevel-texture, back-face-texture, face-texture, front-bevel-texture, front-face-texture, side-texture, texture ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bevel-type ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Syntax: bevel-type=ROUND|FLAT Description: This option specifies the kind of beveled edges to generate. FLAT bevels can be used with any triangle type, and with any output file format. ROUND bevels are only Font3D's approximation of what a real rounded edge might look like. They are generated by altering the triangle vertex normals, and thus depend on a particular renderer's ability to recognize 'smoothed' triangles as a primitive object. The rounded effect will only be apparent if triangle-type is set to SMOOTH. Default: FLAT Example: C:>font3d font=arial.ttf bevel-type=ROUND See Also: triangle-type ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bevels ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Syntax: bevels=ON|OFF Description: This option determines the visibility of an object's front and back bevels (or rounded edges). Note that this only keeps the triangles from being written to the output file. If either front-face-cut or front-side-cut are nonzero, then there will be a small gap between the front face and sides of a generated object. Likewise, if either back-face-cut, or back-side-cut are nonzero, then there will be a small gap between the back face and sides of the generated object where the bevel would have been. Using this option is the same as using both front-bevel and back-bevel with the same value. Default: ON Example: C:>font3d font=arial.ttf bevels=OFF See Also: back-bevel, front-bevel ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- char ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Syntax: char=character Description: This option specifies the character to generate. If both a character and a string are specified, then only the string is generated. Default: 'A' Example: C:>font3d font=arial.ttf char=T See Also: code, string ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- code ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Syntax: code=integer Description: This option specifies the character code of a single glyph to generate. If both a character code and a string are specified, then only the string is generated. Default: 65 Example: C:>font3d font=arial.ttf code=81 See Also: char, string ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- config ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Syntax: config=filename Description: This switch specifies a text file that will be processed as if it were a list of command line options. The options must look exactly as they would on the command line, except that they may be separated by linefeeds. Default: None. Example: C:>font3d font=arial.ttf config=bevelcnf.def ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- cut ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Syntax: cut=float Description: This option specifies the amount that a bevel (or rounded edge) will cut into an object. The default is 0.0, which causes Font3D not to bevel (or round) the edges of an object. Using this option is the same as using both face- cut and side-cut with the same value. Default: 0.0 Example: C:>font3d font=arial.ttf cut=0.005 See Also: back-face-cut, back-side-cut, face-cut, front-face-cut, front-side-cut, side-cut ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- depth ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Syntax: depth=float Description: This switch controls an object's thickness. Default: 0.2 Example: C:>font3d font=arial.ttf depth=1.275 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- face-cut ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Syntax: face-cut=float Description: This option specifies the amount that a bevel (or rounded edge) will cut into one of the faces of an object. Using this option is the same as using front-face-cut and front- side-cut with the same value. Default: 0.0 Example: C:>font3d font=arial.ttf face-cut=0.005 See Also: back-face-cut, back-side-cut, cut, front-face-cut, front-side-cut, side-cut ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- face-texture ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Syntax: face-texture=string Description: Currently, this option is only useful if the output file format type is set to POV (with the format switch). It specifies the name of a texture that will be associated with both the front and back faces of an object. See Textures in Section Two: Using The Program for more information on assigning textures to different object components. Using this option is the same as using both front-face-texture and back-face-texture with the same values. Default: None. Example: C:>font3d font=arial.ttf face-texture=FACE_TEXTURE See Also: back-bevel-texture, back-face-texture, bevel-texture, front-bevel-texture, front-face-texture, texture ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- faces ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Syntax: faces=ON|OFF Description: This option determines the visibility of an object's front and back faces. If the switch is set to OFF, then triangles that make up the front and back faces of the object will not be written to the output file. Using this option is the same as using both front-face and back-face with the same value. Default: ON Example: C:>font3d font=arial.ttf faces=OFF See Also: back-face, back-bevel, bevels, front-bevel, front-face, sides ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- font ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Syntax: font=filename Description: This option determines the typeface in which the object will be generated. filename must be a Windows or Macintosh TrueType font file (usually of the form *.TTF). If the font is not in the current working directory, then you should specify both the path and filename here. This is the only option that is required but not associated with a default value; you must either provide it on the command line, or in a configuration file. Default: None. Example: C:>font3d font=arial.ttf See Also: map ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- font-path ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Syntax: font-path=pathstring Description: This option takes a semicolon or colon separated list of directories that make up the path of where to locate the truetype file. If the font is not found in any of those directories, then the current directory is used before finally giving up. Default: None. Examples: C:>font3d font-path=C:\fonts;C:\MISC\FONTS font=arial.ttf C:>font3d font-path=/usr/local/fonts:/home/fonts font=arial.ttf See Also: output-path ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- format ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Syntax: format=POV|RAW|RIB Description: This switch specifies which format the output file will be written in. The following options are available: POV Causes the output file to be written in POV's (version 2.x) scene description language. All of Font3D's texturing options are available with this file format, as are all triangle and bevel types. RAW Causes the output file to be written as raw triangle data. Texturing options are ignored with this file format, as are requests for SMOOTH triangles and ROUNDed edges. RIB Causes the output file to be written as a RenderMan Interface ByteStream file. DXF Causes the output file to be written as an AutoCad Drawing Interchange File. VIVID Causes the output file to be written in Vivid 2.0 scene description language, as a list of triangle patches. See Output Formats in Section Two: Using the Program for more information on the specifics of each file format. Default: POV Example: C:>font3d font=arial.ttf format=RIB See Also: bevel-type, triangle-type ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- front-bevel ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Syntax: front-bevel=ON|OFF Description: This option determines the visibility of an object's front bevel (or rounded edge). If it is set to OFF, then triangles that make up the object's front bevel will not be generated. Note that this only keeps the front bevel triangles from being written to an output file; if either front-face-cut or front-side-cut are nonzero, then there will be a small gap between the front face and sides of the generated object (where the bevel would have been). Default: ON Example: C:>font3d font=arial.ttf front-bevel=OFF See Also: bevels, back-bevel, back-face, faces, front-face, sides ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- front-bevel-texture ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Syntax: front-bevel-texture=string Description: Currently, this option is only useful if the output file format type is set to POV (with the format switch). It specifies the name of a texture that will be associated with the back bevel of an object. See Section Two: Using The Program for more information on assigning textures to different object components. Default: None. Example: C:>font3d font=arial.ttf front-bevel-texture=FBEVEL_TEXTURE See Also: back-bevel-texture, back-face-texture, bevel-texture, face-texture, front-face-texture, side-texture, texture ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- front-face ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Syntax: front-face=ON|OFF Description: This option determines the visibility of an object's front face. If the switch is set to OFF, then triangles that make up the front face will not be written to the output file. Default: ON Example: C:>font3d font=arial.ttf front-face=OFF See Also: back-face, faces ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- front-face-cut ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Syntax: front-face-cut=float Description: This option specifies the size of cut that will be made into the front face of an object by it's front bevel (or rounded edge). The default is zero, which causes the front bevel not to cut into the front face of the object at all. If both front-side-cut and front-face-cut are zero, then Font3D will not bevel (or round) the front edges of an object. Large cut sizes can cause some problems, so keep this number relatively small. Default: 0.0 Example: C:>font3d font=arial.ttf front-face-cut=0.003 See Also: cut, back-face-cut, back-side-cut, face-cut, front-side-cut, side-cut ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- front-face-texture ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Syntax: front-face-texture=string Description: Currently, this option is only useful if the output file format type is set to POV (with the format switch). It specifies the name of a texture that will be associated with the front face of an object. See Textures in Section Two: Using The Program for more information on assigning textures to different object components. Default: None. Example: C:>font3d font=arial.ttf front-face-texture=FFACE_TEXTURE See Also: back-bevel-texture, back-face-texture, bevel-texture, face-texture, front-bevel-texture, side-texture, texture ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- front-side-cut ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Syntax: front-side-cut=float Description: This option specifies the size of cut that will be made into the side of an object by it's front bevel (or rounded edge). The default is zero, which causes the front bevel not to cut into the side of an object at all. If both front-side-cut and front-face-cut are zero, then Font3D will not bevel (or round) the front edges of an object. Default: 0.0 Example: C:>font3d font=arial.ttf front-side-cut=0.007 See Also: back-face-cut, back-side-cut, cut, face-cut, front-face-cut, side-cut ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- map ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Syntax: map=MAC|MS Description: This switch specifies which character encoding method is used in a particular font. MAC instructs Font3D to look for a Macintosh type character encoding table, while MS requests that it look for a Microsoft Windows type character encoding table. Default: MS Example: C:>font3d font=arial.ttf map=MAC See Also: font ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- name ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Syntax: name=string Description: If the output format supports it, Font3D can assign an identifier to the object. The way in which this is done will vary depending on which output format is selected. See Output Formats in Section Two: Using the Program for more information. Default: FONT3D_OBJECT Example: C:>font3d font=arial.ttf string=Test name=TEST_STRING ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- output ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Syntax: output=filename Description: This switch specifies the name of the file to which the object information will be written. Default: Example: C:>font3d font=arial.ttf char=T See Also: format ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- output-path ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Syntax: output-path=pathname Description: This option takes a single directory which will be prepended to the output filename. A trailing slash is not needed. Default: Example: C:>font3d output-path=C:\tmp font=arial.ttf char=T See Also: font-path ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- precision ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Syntax: precision=integer Description: This switch specifies the floating point precision of the output file. Default: 6 Example: C:>font3d font=arial.ttf precision=4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Syntax: resolution=integer Description: This switch specifies the number of line segments that are used to approximate a curved section of a font outline (it is this outline that will be eventually extruded). Default: 5 Example: C:>font3d font=arial.ttf char=8 resolution=10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- side-cut ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Syntax: side-cut=float Description: This option specifies the amount that a bevel (or rounded edge) will cut into the sides of an object. This is the same as giving front-side-cut and back-side-cut the same value. Default: 0.0 Example: C:>font3d font=arial.ttf side-cut=0.003 See Also: back-face-cut, back-side-cut, cut, face-cut, front-face-cut, front-side-cut ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- side-texture ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Syntax: side-texture=string Description: Currently, this option is only useful if the output file format type is set to POV (with the format switch). It specifies the name of a texture that will be associated with sides of an object. See Textures in Section Two: Using The Program for more information on assigning textures to different object components. Default: None. Example: C:>font3d font=arial.ttf side-texture=SIDE_TEXTURE See Also: back-bevel-texture, back-face-texture, bevel-texture, face-texture, front-bevel-texture, front-face-texture, texture ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sides ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Syntax: sides=ON|OFF Description: This option determines the visibility of an object's sides. If the switch is set to OFF, then triangles that make up the sides of the object will not be written to the output file. Default: ON Example: C:>font3d font=arial.ttf sides=OFF See Also: back-bevel, back-face, bevels, faces, front-bevel, front-face ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- string ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Syntax: string=string Description: This option specifies a string of text to extrude into an object. string overrides both char and code regardless of the order in which they are given. Default: None. Example: C:>font3d font=arial.ttf string=TestString See Also: char, code ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- texture ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Syntax: texture=string Description: Currently, this option is only useful if the output file format type is set to POV (with the format switch). It specifies the name of a texture that will be associated with the object. See Textures in Section Two: Using The Program for more information on assigning textures to different object components. Using this option is the same as using face-texture, side-texture, and bevel-texture with the same values. Default: None. Example: C:>font3d font=arial.ttf texture=Blue_Agate See Also: back-bevel-texture, back-face-texture, bevel-texture, face-texture, front-bevel-texture, front-face-texture, side-texture ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- triangle-type ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Syntax: triangle-type=FLAT|SMOOTH Description: This switch tells Font3D which type of triangle primitive to use when building an object. FLAT triangles are compatible with all output file formats, and usually require less memory by a renderer, but the ROUND bevel-type is not supported. SMOOTH triangles, on the other hand, are not available with some output file formats, but in many cases are capable of producing a much better-looking object. Rounded edges are only generated if the triangle-type is SMOOTH. Default: SMOOTH Example: C:>font3d font=arial.ttf triangle-type=SMOOTH See Also: bevel-type, format ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- xpos ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Syntax: xpos=LEFT|CENTER|RIGHT Description: This switch controls an object's positioning along the x- axis. The following options are available: LEFT Places the object so that it's rightmost point is flush with the x=0 plane. CENTER Centers the object with respect to the x=0 plane. RIGHT Places the object so that it's leftmost point is flush with the x=0 plane. Default: CENTER Example: C:>font3d font=arial.ttf xpos=LEFT See Also: ypos, zpos ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ypos ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Syntax: ypos=TOP|CENTER|BOTTOM|BASELINE Description: This switch controls an object's positioning along the y- axis. The following options are available: TOP Places the object so that it's topmost point is flush with the y=0 plane. CENTER Centers the object with respect to the y=0 plane. BOTTOM Places the object so that it's bottommost point is flush with the y=0 plane. BASELINE Places the object so that its baseline is flush with the y=0 plane. Default: CENTER Example: C:>font3d font=arial.ttf ypos=BASELINE See Also: xpos, zpos ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- zpos ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Syntax: zpos=FRONT|CENTER|BACK Description: This option controls an object's positioning along the x- axis. FRONT Places the object so that it's front face is flush with the z=0 plane. CENTER Centers the object with respect to the z=0 plane. BACK Places the object so that it's back face is flush with the z=0 plane. Default: CENTER Example: C:>font3d font=arial.ttf zpos=FRONT See Also: xpos, ypos