H O W T O G E T H E L P ----------------------------- Last updated: APR 1995 In order to assist you with problems you may be having or questions about the use of this program, please send an accurate description of the problem/question to: Thomas C. Johnson 9746 US. Route 36 St. Paris, OH 43072 USA Phone support is available during the following hours: 6 PM - 10 PM Mon-Fri 10 AM - 8 PM Sat 2 PM - 6 PM Sun Call: 513-663-0032 Support may also be requested electronically 24 hours per day, 7 days per week: CompuServe: Thomas Johnson ID: 71371,1257 Internet: 71371.1257@compuserve.com FAX: 513-663-0462 ============================================================================ NOTE: Support for unregistered users is limited to that necessary to get the program running in order to do an adequate evaluation prior to registration. (See REGISTER.TXT or VENDINFO.DIZ) ============================================================================ Registered users are entitled to full support, including problem resolution, setup assistance, and usage questions. ============================================================================ In order to more quickly answer your questions, it is very important to accurately describe the part of the program in question, and what you did to get to that point. If a problem occurs that leaves visible evidence, a screen dump to the printer (if possible) will be of great importance. This can normally be done by pressing the Shift key and the PRT-SCR (or Print Screen) keys at the same time. The following information MUST be included in your descriptions when writing, or you should have this information handy when calling: 1. Name, Address, Phone, and registration number. 2. The information requested in SYSINFO.TXT. 3. The menu option that you selected to get to where the problem occurred. This can be describe like this: Options | System Config 4. Title of the last Dialog Box visible (Title is in the top of the frame of the box). 5. Printout of directory(ies) that the program is loaded into and all sub- directories that are used by the program. This can be done by typing "DIR > PRN" (without the quotes) while in the directory. 6. Printouts of your AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files found in the root directory (C:\). 7. If the problem or question involves the printer, include: Printer Type. (make, model, etc.) How the printer is connected to the computer (serial,parallel). Screen print of the "Printer Codes" dialog box (from the Options | Printer Codes main menu option). 8. If you desire assistance in setting up a printer to do certain things, a copy of the printer codes for your printer will be necessary. This is usually found in the printer's User Guide or Programming Manual. Please, don't write and say something like, "I can't get my printer to work, what's wrong?" Folks, We're pretty good at fixing problems and answering questions, but we need a bit more to go on than this! (we really HAVE received requests like this.) If you have suggestions for improvements of the program, please answer the questions in REVIEW.TXT. If you would like to have a customized version made for a special need you may have, please write for details and terms at the above address. A NOTE ABOUT THE SATELLITE DATA: The satellite and observer data included with the program are included as examples only. They are not meant to be all inclusive and you will probably want to change some of them. The satellite data was fresh at the time it was packaged, but will need to be updated when you get the package. (It is sufficient to evaluate operation, however, but for accuracy, freshness is important). THE PURPOSE OF THIS PACKAGE IS NOT TO DISTRIBUTE SATELLITE AND OBSERVER DATA BUT TO DISTRIBUTE A PROGRAM THAT TRACKS SATELLITES. Thank you.