═══ 1. Introduction ═══ Welcome to the TrueSpectra Installer. We're pleased you choose to try our application and hope that you come back for more. When the program installation is complete, please look at the README file for any last minute notes about our product. Questions? Comments? If you have any questions or comments about this install program or the application, please direct them to TrueSpectra Inc. On the Internet email objects@ibm.net By FAX send to (416)322-3626. By mail send to TrueSpectra Inc., 20 Holly St. Suite 206, Toronto, Ontario, CANADA M4S 3B1 ═══ 2. Configuration Dialog ═══ This dialog is used to set the options used fo installation of the TrueSpectra application. Choose the appropriate settings and then select either Install or Uninstall. The dialog is divided into several areas. These are Drive and Path Drive A quick way to select the install path. See also the available space. Path The final install path for the program. If the directory needs to be created, then the install program will create it automatically. Options These are the installation options. Select what components of TrueSpectra you wish to install. Program This is the required portion of the program. It includes the install utility, README, documentation and support files. Examples A variety of examples including *.GDO, *.JPG, *.BMP and *.ORC files. These demonstrate some applications of TrueSpectra. Desktop IconsThere are icons for the application, README, LICENCE and online documentation, as well as the install program. Update CONFIG.SYSThis version of TrueSpectra does not need to modify the CONFIG.SYS, so this option is always off. Information This area gives information about the installation path. Required SpaceThis gives the approximate size of the total installation requirements for the selected options. Available SpaceThis displays the amount of free space on the drive selected with the entered path. If this number is less than the above number, then the install might fail. Actions When all of the options have been set properly, then selection one of these pushbuttons to install: Install Transfers the selected file to the install directory. Also, if selected creates the appropriate WorkPlace Shell objects (folder, and desktop icons). Uninstall Removes all of the files selected. Also, if selected, the TrueSpectra Light Folder will be destroyed along with all of it's contents. Cancel Abort installation and exit. Help Online help. ═══ 2.1. Drive ═══ Choose the appropriate hard disk partition. Shown are all hard disks, and other logical partitions. Look in the Information area for free space. For a full description, look at the help on the Configuration Dialog ═══ 2.2. Path ═══ Type in the destination path where you want to keep the executable. Normally the program is installed in the root directory, but it could be installed anywhere. To replace an old version, normally you should install the new version over an old version. If you recieved this file over the Internet, you could install to the same directory where it came from. For a full description, look at the help on the Configuration Dialog ═══ 2.3. Options ═══ Select all of the appropriate option to install. See the Configuration Dialog for a brief description of each of their meanings. ═══ 2.3.1. Program ═══ The first time you install, you should check this option. Also when upgrading to a new version you must check this box. For a full description, look at the help on the Configuration Dialog ═══ 2.3.2. Examples ═══ The first time you install TrueSpectra, you should try out these examples. They show off many of the features of the application, and give some photographs. For a full description, look at the help on the Configuration Dialog ═══ 2.3.3. Desktop Icons ═══ If your desktop icons disappear, select only this option to reinstall your desktop icons. They will faithfully reappear. For a full description, look at the help on the Configuration Dialog ═══ 2.4. Install ═══ This action installs all of the selected options. For a full description, look at the help on the Configuration Dialog ═══ 2.5. Uninstall ═══ Use this option to remove the program after the evaluation date is up. It will be removed cleanly. Note th Uninstall will still delete them, unless they are saved under a different name. Also any icons in the folder are erased, if that option is selected. For a full description, look at the help on the Configuration Dialog ═══ 3. Abort ═══ When you abort the install or uninstall program, the current file is finished with, and then the partly installed or uninstalled project is left in the install directory as