Welcome to Warp Factor 7's OnScreen/2 Release 2.11. --------------------------------------------------- This README file contains important information about OnScreen/2. New features ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Viewer The hex mode viewer now has a search facility and a goto offset command. The commands are accessed using the same commands as search and goto line in the text mode viewer. Bugs fixed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Viewer A bug in the search routine where searching for a single character would cause the search to loop endlessly has been fixed. Non-regular expression case- insensitive searching is now as fast as case-sensitive searching. The syntax highlighter now recognizes the longest matching keyword rather than stopping at the nearest matching one. File manager The limit of 1000 files in the file manager in the OS/2 version has been removed. The file manager was using enormous amounts of memory in the DOS version, this has now been fixed. Version 2.06 required approx 3 megabytes of RAM to load a directory containing 3000 files, this has been reduced to about 300k in version 2.11. Platform Specifics ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IBM OS/2 2.x & Warp 3.0 OnScreen/2 is supported on OS/2 versions 2.0, 2.1, 2.11 & Warp 3.0. If you have installed the OS/2 .DLL based version and did not install the .DLL's to a directory already specified on your LIBPATH you will need to edit your config.sys file and add the directory you choose for the .DLL's to it. Microsoft Windows NT & Windows95 OnScreen/2 is supported on Windows NT 3.5 and the Windows 95 final beta. If you have installed the Win32 .DLL based version and did not install the .DLL's to a directory already specified on your PATH you will need to add the directory you choose for the .DLL's to it. PC-DOS OnScreen/2 is supported on DOS versions 5.0 to 6.22, it may work on older versions of DOS but it has not been tested on any version prior to 5.0. If you have installed the DOS version you will have to ensure that the directory which OnScreen/2 was installed to is already on your path or is added to your path. This release of OnScreen/2 uses Borland's 32bit DOS extender. If you want to run OnScreen/2 under an MS-Windows 3.1 or 3.11 DOS Box you will have to install windmpi.386. To install windpmi.386 add the following line to the [386Enh] section of your system.ini file device=X:\DIR\windpmi.386 where X:\DIR is the drive and directory where OnScreen/2 was installed. Sharing ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please do give copies of OnScreen/2 to your friends, local BBS's etc. Please ensure that you pass them the original OnScreen/2 zipfile intact. Please do not pass on a copy of OnScreen/2 which has had your serial number bound to the executable. Distribution format ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ As and from release 2.02, OnScreen/2 will no longer be distributed in one .zip file, instead each supported operating system will have its own .zip file. This means that when you unzip a particular OnScreen/2 zipfile you will not get the entire directory structure as listed below, you will instead get the files directly under the ONSCREEN directory and one of the OS2, DOS or WIN32 directories. The file naming convention used will be as follows:- Program Name Version Major_Minor Operating System Status OS 2 _00 O = OS/2 A = Alpha OS 2 _00 D = DOS B = Beta OS 2 _00 W = Win32 G = Gamma R = Release As an example of this the OS/2 2.02 version will be distributed in a zipfile called OS2_02OR.ZIP. Directory structure ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OnScreen/2 will unpack into a directory named ONSCREEN in the current directory, the install.exe will be in the current directory. The easiest way to install OnScreen/2 is to unzip it to a floppy and then run a:\install. Remember to use the -d switch with PKUNZIP to create the directory structure. The directory structure is as follows .\install.exe OS/2, DOS or Win32 install program .\ONSCREEN\readme.txt Readme please! (this file) .\ONSCREEN\os.doc Manual in Microsoft Word format .\ONSCREEN\os.man Manual in OnScreen/2 text format .\ONSCREEN\file_id.diz BBS description file .\ONSCREEN\license.doc License agreement .\ONSCREEN\os.hlp Online help .\ONSCREEN\os.set Settings file .\ONSCREEN\usa.reg US Registration form .\ONSCREEN\row.reg Rest of the World Registration form Additional directories for PC-DOS .\ONSCREEN\DOS DOS 32bit implementation .\ONSCREEN\DOS\os.exe DOS executable .\ONSCREEN\DOS\osreg.exe DOS registration executable .\ONSCREEN\DOS\32rtm.exe Borland 32bit Runtime Manager .\ONSCREEN\DOS\dpmi32vm.ovl Borland 32bit DPMI server Additional directories for IBM OS/2 2.x, OS/2 Warp 3.0 .\ONSCREEN\OS2 OS/2 2.x/Warp implementation .\ONSCREEN\OS2\os.inf Manual in OS/2 .inf format .\ONSCREEN\OS2\os.exe OnScreen/2 that does not require .DLL's .\ONSCREEN\OS2\osreg.exe OS/2 registration executable .\ONSCREEN\OS2\dll OS/2 .DLL based implementation .\ONSCREEN\OS2\dll\c215mt.dll Borland C++ OS/2 runtime .DLL .\ONSCREEN\OS2\dll\wf7lib10.dll OS/2 2.x/Warp support .DLL .\ONSCREEN\OS2\dll\os.exe OnScreen/2 that requires .DLL's Additional directories for Win32 (NT & Win95) .\ONSCREEN\WIN32 Win32 implementation .\ONSCREEN\WIN32\os.exe OnScreen/2 that does not require .DLL's .\ONSCREEN\WIN32\osreg.exe Win32 registration executable .\ONSCREEN\WIN32\dll Win32 .DLL based implementation .\ONSCREEN\WIN32\dll\wf7lib10.dll Win32 support .DLL .\ONSCREEN\WIN32\dll\cw3211mt.dll Borland C++ Win32 runtime .DLL .\ONSCREEN\WIN32\dll\os.exe OnScreen/2 that requires .DLL's ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If you have any installation difficulties send me a mail message detailing the specifics of the problem Thank you for supporting OnScreen/2. Yours sincerely John J. Allen. Internet: jallen@iol.ie See OS.DOC, OS.MAN or OS.INF for additional information. -----------------------------------END----------------------------------------