FamilyTree Version 1.0e ======================= Copyright (C) 1996 Nils Meier Permission to copy and distribute this software and its documentation for private purpose and without charging more than a nominal fee for copying is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all copies. This software is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. The author does not guarantee the correctness of the program. The author may not be held responsible for any loss of data or other damages. From version 1.0d on, FamilyTree is Shareware. Please test and review this program and register if you want to support the authors efforts in developing this program further. Thanks. Please refer to the online-help for more information about registering. SHORT DESCRIPTION: ================== FamilyTree is a PM-32bit-multithreaded program for OS/2 3.x. You can graphically edit a family tree with related persons. You can add persons to a family tree and enter their properties, have a look at their ancestors and descendants and investigate relationships. Everyone who is related to you can be put in the same family tree (even distant relatives). Working is done by pointing with the mouse and opening context-menus via a right-mouse-click. I'm providing my own family tree NILS.FAM as an example. Refer to online help (F1) for more information about this program. FamilyTree was written and tested on OS/2 3.0 with VAC++ 3.0. INSTALLATION: ============= Unpack the file FTREE*.ZIP into the wanted directory on your hard disk. Use the program INSTALL.CMD to create a FamilyTree program object on the desktop and initialize a language specific DLL+HLP-file. Make sure your CONFIG.SYS contains something similar like this: LIBPATH=.;remaining pathinstruction RUNNING FTREE: ============== Go to the command-line and type ftree.exe or double-klick on the Family Tree program object on you desktop (if installation was successfull). You can start with a default tree by specifying its name as a parameter on the command-line (ftree.exe .\nils.fam), or entering this information in the parameters field in the program object. RELEASE HISTORY: ================ version 1.0 , Mar 11 1996: -initial release 1.0a, Mar 16 1996: -Forgot /Gd- with DLLs 1.0b, Mar 24 1996: -Choose given name with tilde (~) -Drag&Drop of pictures to properties -max. childs = 12 -DeathDate 1.0c, Apr 14 1996: -!!!! FTree now writes a new format that can't be read by older versions !!! (reading old format is still supported) -HELP buttonpanel now contains Contents/Previous/Search/Print/Index -Changed initial Position of list/main/edit window -Memosize is now 4k -Loading is done in a separate Thread -Date in english is MM/DD/YYYY - in german DD.MM.YYYY -FTree asks for save of modifications when closing a tree -MainWindow remembers that it was maximized -Workaround for S3-Video Driver Bug in API GpiBox (red line remains when Actual changes) -Rings between partners -Multiple marriages (maximum is 4) -New fixed fields: Sex + Death location + MarriageInfos (marriage,location,divorce) -Siblings are sorting according to their Birth date / Partners by Marriage date -Choose treeview information (first name,dates) -Printing Attention : Printing on FaxWorks only works if FaxWorks is already running Information: I'll try to put printing in a 2nd thread, but an ugly bug makes this impossible in this version :-( 1.0d, Apr 22 1996 : -O.K. Printing is now done in a second thread and as I expected FaxWorks works, too Information: You have to open the DeviceContext in the second thread, not (as in 1.0c) in the first thread :-/ -InfoBar gives information about Printing/Loading/Saving -Red border of "Actual" isn't printed -Improved scrolling performance -New: Click and Drag Tree by pressing button1 and moving the mouse -New: "About" dialog (with version info) where one can register FamilyTree -Menus accesible by accelerator keys and zoom via +/- -Improved view calculation after user action (New,Load,MakeOrigin,Add,Del) -When printing with only Ancestors on a fixed number of pages the size isn't calculated correctly ("Origin" is missing) -Vertical view of the tree -Sex is now saved language independent (0/1/2 instead of -/M/W because W!=F) 1.0e, May 01 1996 : -Date Format (DD.MM.YYYY or MM/DD/YYYY) is not decided by language but OS/2 system setting -Rexx (beta), saving no printing -ABC-List.ftx (List of persons sorted by name) -AnnDeath.ftx (Anniversary of death) -Birthday.ftx (Birthdays this year) -Lngevity.ftx (Longevity analysis) -Removed display-bug in vertical mode with A+D+S -AddChild -> gets name of parent (the actual one) -Tabbing between dates -> number is selected and overwritten by next key press -Dialogs appear in window list -Drag&Drop of Font and Color to MainWindow planned : -Rexx Printing -More rexx scripts and documentation -Rexx script for GEDCOM Im/Export -List window as a container with/sorted by dates -Additional fixed (or programmable?) fields CONTACTING THE AUTHOR: ====================== My mail address is Nils Meier Birkenweg 27 53797 Lohar GERMANY / EUROPE Telephone number: +49 / 2246 / 3202 My Internet address is Please send any suggestions, comments or bug reports to one of the above addresses.