═══ 1. About DUMPIT ═══ DUMPIT An NNTP Binary Retrieval Program Version 1.1, June 1996 Written by: M. Klakken Copyright C 1995,1996 M. Klakken, All Rights Reserved. The program DUMPIT allows an unattended, selectable retrieval from a NNTP news server. Along with allowing various NNTP servers to be selected, the program allows any newsgroup to be selected for download. The program downloads any news item that meets the download criteria selected by the user. Various types of files are allowed to be downloaded including JPG, GIF, MPG, AVI, and BMP. All files downloaded are recorded in a database so the same files will not be downloaded from different newsgroups and/or servers. The download status is shown during download and the download can be stopped at any time without losing the current download status. Any sequential files (e.g. 1/3, 2/3, 3/3) will be accordingly recorded up to a maximum of 32 files. This limit will be increased in the next revision. Once the files have been downloaded, the user can then select to decode the files. The program can decode the three main formats: 1. UUDECODE 2. XXDECODE 3. BASE64 The decoding status is shown on the screen and can be stopped at any time. After the downloaded files have been decoded, the database must be "updated". This means that all the internal files used by the program for download file storage that have been properly decoded will be marked as decoded and then deleted from the hard drive. This process will not delete the actual decoded files, though (don't worry). Any file not decoded will be saved unless the number of times tried to decode or the number of days past download has exceeded some user defined limit. At this time the internal file(s) will be deleted and removed from the database. The user can also edit the database file to remove any unwanted files that have been found cluttering the hard drive. Program Requirements  OS/2 Version 2.0 or greater  TCP/IP Version 2.0 or greater  Access to a NNTP News Server BUGS (those nasty varmits) Since you are using this program, I assume that you have access to the Internet. So, if you find any bugs or something that would make the program more user friendly, please e-mail me your suggestions/bug list along the Internet to me at: klakken@utah-inter.net or MKlakken@aol.com I believe this program is free from all bugs! This does not imply no possible problems since every machine is different, but it does imply that I spent many hours trying to perfect this program. Now For The Lawyer Stuff Unless otherwise stated in writing the program DUMPIT is distributed "AS IS" without a warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of use for a particular function or usage. You assume the entire risk for the use and installation of the program DUMPIT and all associate files. In no event will M. Klakken be responsible in any way for the behavior of DUMPIT. In no event will M. Klakken and or any other party who may redistribute DUMPIT, be liable to you for damages, including lost profits or other special, incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use or inability to use (including but not limited to loss of data or data being rendered inaccurate or losses sustained by third parties or a failure of the program to operate with any other programs) DUMPIT, even if M. Klakken has been advised of the possibility of such damages, or for any claim by another party. Wow, the things that you have to say to try to protect yourself. ═══ 2. Why Register ═══ This program is considered shareware, not freeware. The main reason for this requirement is to help cover programming costs such as having to purchase the IBM C++ compiler and the help compiler. It will also help justify to the wife why I spent that many hours in front of the computer writing this program and not spending that time with her. This program has not been specially modified for the shareware version compared to the registered version. I can not promise any new releases but if one is released, it will have more options and will be free only for the registered users. Thanks for trying this program and I hope that you will register. As mentioned above, this program is considered shareware, not freeware. I, as the author give everyone the right to freely use this program for 30 days. After that time a registration fee must be paid to the author if the program is to be used anymore. If after the 30 day trial period, the program is deemed useless or unworthy, then all versions of the program should be removed from their storage mediums. On the other hand, if the program has some redeeming value, then register with BMT Micro for $25 dollars. BMT Micro can be contacted via the following methods: Mail Orders To: BMT Micro PO Box 15016 Wilmington, NC 28408 U.S.A. Voice Orders: 9:00am - 7:00pm EST (-5 GMT) (800) 414-4268 (orders only) (910) 791-7052 Fax Orders: (910) 350-2937 24 hours / 7 Days (800) 346-1672 24 hours / 7 Days Online Orders via modem: (910) 350-8061 10 lines, all 14.4K (910) 799-0923 Direct 28.8K line Ordering and general ordering questions: via AOL: bmtmicro via Compuserve: 74031,307 via Internet: orders@bmtmicro.com bmt@wilmington.net We accept Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express, Diners, Money Order, Cashiers Check, Personal Check. Please do not send cash in the mail. Personal checks are subject to clearance. Each copy of the package includes the latest version of DUMPIT _____________________________________________________________________ Name ________________________________________________________________ Address _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ City _________________________ State/Province ____________________ Country _________________________ ZIP/Postal Code ________________ Phone _______________________________________________________________ E-Mail ______________________________________________________________ Product Quantity Price Number of copies _________________________ ____________ x ____________ = + $ _______ _________________________ ____________ x ____________ = + $ _______ _________________________ ____________ x ____________ = + $ _______ _________________________ ____________ x ____________ = + $ _______ Shipping and Handling (no quantity limit): + $ _______ Email - Subject to Credit Card Verification Free Fax - Subject to Credit Card Verification.. Free Worldwide 1st Class ....................... Free 2nd Day Priority, USA Only ................ $ 4.00 US US Postal Service International Express (Including Canada and Mexico), allow up to 7-10 days ............................... $ 20.00 US Airborne Select Delivery (USA Only) $ 8.00 US FedEx Overnight, USA Only (delivery by 3:00 pm the following day) .............. $ 15.00 US FedEx Europe/Japan (guaranteed delivery within 3 days) .......................... $ 35.00 US Worldwide, any business with a valid FedEx account can charge shipping to their FedEx account and pay no shipping charges to us. Total: $ ________ ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ │ │ For credit card payment only │ │ │ │ Circle one: VISA / Master / Discover / American Express / Diners │ │ │ │ Credit card number: _____________________________________________ │ │ │ │ Expiration date: ________________________________________________ │ │ │ │ Authorization signature: ________________________________________ │ │ │ └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ ═══ 3. Additions For Registered Version ═══ Listed below are just several of the additions that are scheduled to be inserted/upgraded for the registered version. This list is not all inclusive and not all items shown below might be added for the next version but should be added in some future version. Now for the list:  Obtain from the news server the current list of all available newsgroups for easy addition in the Newsgroup Configuration section.  Remembers the current window size and position at exit for future starts.  If only one news server file in directory, automatically loads that file.  Shows in the main window the current status of all files by using thumbnails. Several icons will show if the file has just been downloaded or just been translated.  The database will be cleaned-up after translation without user interaction.  The allowable files types will be expanded to allow the user to enter any file type not shown for an unlimited number of file types.  Allow user interaction for selecting what files to be downloaded from the server or run like the shareware edition, unattended.  Allow multiple directories and database files for different newsgroup downloads.  A much expanded editing capability in the Edit Database section to allow multiple deletes and/or decodes. Also, allow the user to edit any downloaded file to fix any decoding problem.  Allow font selection from menu or drag-and-drop.  Allow the user to select a fixed number of files from the last file found on the server by entering a negative number. This would allow to the user to download the last 50 files in a newsgroup, for example.  Last but not least!! With the registered version, also distribute a command line version just for downloading. This will allow unattended starts and when the user comes back for the morning, for example, he/she would then enter DUMPIT and translate the downloaded files. Again, this list is not all inclusive. I hope that you enjoy using DUMPIT and plan on registering.... P.S. Due to the restrictions placed by the NNTP system, I cannot stop the downloading at any time without the sync between the NNTP server and DUMPIT being lost which would cause the user to restart the downloading section with possible loss of data. SORRY!! ═══ 4. File Menu ═══ This is the main panel for the general setup and file configuration for the program DUMPIT. Within this section the NNTP server is defined, the newsgroups for downloading is selected, the allowable file types to be downloaded is selected, and files that save the above information is generated. ═══ 4.1. File Save As ═══ You will select the SAVEAS menu to save and name the NNTP server and newsgroups file. The file can be any name but the extension should be DMP since that extension is the default used by the OPEN command. ═══ 4.2. File Open ═══ The OPEN command is used to retrieve the NNTP server and selected newsgroups from the disk. There is only one file format that can be input into DUMPIT and that is the special format created by the program. No Ascii input is allowed at this time. When the OPEN command is selected, the following dialog box will be visible waiting for input. All files with the extension DMP will be shown in the FILE section with the filename of "*.DMP" shown in the OPEN FILENAME section. The current directory and drive are shown DIRECTORY and DRIVE section, respectively, with all sections changeable. ═══ 4.3. File Save ═══ To use the NNTP server and selected newsgroups information, the information must first be saved. The File Save panel is similar to the File Open panel. The file save format is automatically set to the DUMPIT specific format. The name shown in the Save Filename section is the name that the file was initially saved as previously (unless this is the first time to save at which time the file name will be "*.DMP" allowing the user to choose a file from the list or type in a new name). ═══ 4.4. Logging ═══ The LOGGING section allows the user to save most errors/warnings to a file named "DUMPIT.LOG" (i.e. when the logging switch is checked) or will show the errors/warnings in a messagebox on the screen. The file is appended with the errors/warnings that are considered as none system critical. The default is with the logging file checked. ═══ 4.5. Server Configuration ═══ In the Server Configuration section, the user is allowed to input the port number used to communicate with the NNTP server and the server name to attach with. The dialog box seen on the screen is shown below. The port is shown in the NNTP PORT window. The default value is 119. The server name is input in the SERVER NAME window. Since everyone might have a different server there is no default name. To exit, just push the ENTER key or click on DONE or CANCEL. Done keeps all information entered while cancel exits by resetting to previous settings. ═══ 4.6. Newsgroup Configuration ═══ The Newsgroup Configuration section allows the user to select the newsgroups that the binary files will be downloaded from. Below is shown the dialog box seen on the screen when Newsgroup Configuration is selected from the menu. All entered newsgroups will be shown in the Newsgroup listbox. Also in the listbox is the index value of the last item downloaded. If the user is unsure or if in initial setup, the value input should be 0 (zero). When zero is entered, DUMPIT will ask the NNTP server what the first item number that is currently on the server and then use the previous index as the last item downloaded. The pushbuttons on the right complete different operations. The DONE button exits while keeping the entered information and CANCEL will exit and reset to the previous information. The DELETE pushbutton will remove the currently selected newsgroup from the listbox. If no newsgroup is selected, then an error will occur and ask the user to select a newsgroup. The INSERT and EDIT pushbuttons will create another dialog box to allow the user to insert after the currently selected newsgroup or edit the currently selected newsgroup. ═══ Input Newsgroup ═══ Once a newsgroup has been selected in the listbox and the INSERT or EDIT pushbutton has been clicked, the Input Newsgroup dialog box is shown on the screen. This dialog box is shown below: The newsgroup name is shown in the NEWSGROUP edit window. If the edit key was selected, the name of the newsgroup will be shown in the window while if input was selected then the message "Subscribed Group Here" will be shown in the window. Just erase (using the backspace or delete key) the text to remove/edit and enter the new newsgroup name. The LAST MESSAGE OBTAINED edit window will show the last item that was downloaded from the NNTP server. The default value is 0 (i.e. will obtain from the server that first allowed item). The DONE pushbutton will exit the dialog box while keeping the information and the CANCEL button will exit while resetting to the previous information. ═══ 4.7. Allowable File Types ═══ This dialog box will be shown when the Allowable File Type is selected from the menu. The following dialog box will be shown on the screen waiting for the user to select the file types to be downloaded from the NNTP server and the selected newsgroups. The file types that are checked will be downloaded from the NNTP server while the unchecked types will be past by in the downloading decision. These are the only file types that are allowed to be downloaded at the present time. The file type is found from the SUBJECT line in the newsgroup header. For example, assume that the subject line is: This is a trial (junk.jpg [1/1]) Then, DUMPIT will decide that the file name is JUNK.JPG with an extension JPG. If NO extension is on the subject line, then no download will occur on that newsgroup item. Also, if the JPG file type was checked and that the newsgroup item was not previously downloaded, then that item will be downloaded. ═══ 4.8. System exit ═══ There are two ways to exit the program DUMPIT. The best way is to select the menu item FILE and then select EXIT. This will save all information by completing an orderly shutdown. The other way is to select the system button on the top left of the window and then select close. This will accomplish the same type of shutdown as selecting EXIT from the FILE menu. ═══ 5. Downloading Files ═══ When the Downloading choice from the menu is selected, a status dialog box is placed on the screen as shown below: This dialog box shows the status of the download in progress. The scroll bar shows the completed percentage of downloaded files in one newsgroup. The subject section shows the subject line of the current file being downloaded. This field will be blank if no file has currently meet the required selection criteria. The newsgroup currently being processed is shown in the Newsgroup field. Below the Subject field, the article number and the total number of articles to be downloaded from the specific newsgroup are shown. The download can be stopped at any time by pushing the button ESCAPE. When the button is pressed, the download will be terminated at the next step and the current status will be saved. ═══ 6. Translating the Database ═══ When the Translating choice from the menu is selected, a status dialog box is placed on the screen as shown below: This dialog box shows the status of the translation in progress. The scroll bar shows the completed percentage of translated files in the whole database. The current file section shows the current file being processed if one is being processed. The field will be blank if no file currently meets the required selection criteria. The translation process can be stopped at any time by pushing the button ESCAPE. When the button is pressed, the translation process will be terminated at the next step and the current status will be saved. ═══ 7. Cleanup Menu ═══ The Cleanup section is used to remove all files from the DUMPIT database once these files have been translated (otherwise known as decoded). The database file is used to hopefully eliminate the possibility of downloading the same file twice (or more). ═══ 7.1. Setup For CleanUp ═══ For the Cleanup to work properly, several items need to be known. You do not want to keep the files that have not correctly translated around forever so a limit should be selected. This dialog box (shown below) allows the user to set the number of translate trials and the number of days from downloading to translating before the files will be deleted from the database file and the storage medium. The number of days before the file is removed is entered in the top field. The default value is 20 days. This means that after 20 days after the file was downloaded, the file will be removed from the database and disk. The next field is the number of translation trials to pass before the file is removed in the same manner as before. The default number of trials is 10. ═══ 7.2. Updating the Database ═══ When the Updating choice from the menu is selected, a status dialog box is placed on the screen as shown below: This dialog box shows the status of the cleanup in progress. The scroll bar shows the completed percentage of cleanup files in the whole database. The current file section shows the current file being processed if one is being processed. The field will be blank if no file currently meets the required selection criteria. The cleanup process can be stopped at any time by pushing the button ESCAPE. When the button is pressed, the cleanup process will be terminated at the next step and the current status will be saved. ═══ 7.3. Editing the Database ═══ The database file can be edited with the Edit Database menu choice. When the menu choice is selected, a small dialog box is first shown to allow the user to choose to edit Decoded or Non-Decoded files in the database. This dialog box is labeled CleanUp Choices. Once the choice is checked and after several seconds, the edit dialog box will appear. The dialog box will appear similar as shown below: Within the FileName listbox, all files that meet the previous choice criteria will be shown. Also shown will be the number that the file is saved on the disk as (e.g. 00000001.002, where 1 would be the file number and 2 is the sequence number), the number of translation trials and number of days after downloading, and if the file has been decoded. As the dialog box name implies, the database can be edited. To delete a file from the database just click on the file in the listbox and then select the pushbutton DELETE. A messagebox will then appear to verify the file deletion and if deletion is affirmative, the file will be removed from the database and the disk. The DONE button will exit the dialog box while recording the changes and CANCEL will exit without recording the changes. IMPORTANT: IF A FILE HAS BEEN DELETED AND THE CANCEL BUTTON IS PRESSED, THE FILE WILL REMAIN DELETED SINCE IT HAS BEEN REMOVED FROM THE DISK. The DECODE button presently just marks a file as decoded so when the cleanup process is started, that file will be removed from the disk but will remain in the database so that file will not be downloaded again. ═══ Choices for Database Editing ═══ There are three choices for the database editing listing, show DECODED files, NON-DECODED files, or ALL FILES. When the Edit Database choice is selected from the menu, the Choices dialog box will appear. This box is shown below: To make your selection, just click on your choice and then the pushbutton DONE. Or if the user wants to exit without editing, just push the button CANCEL. After DONE is pressed, the Edit Database dialog box will appear.