%X1F%Welcome to Word Search! Written by Kenneth J. Suda This is the game of find the hidden words. Points are awarded for being the only user to find a word. Each word must be atleast 3 letters long. There are two high score lists, one for the number of unique words found and one for a score based on word length: 3 letters 1 point 4 " 3 points 5 " 5 points 6 " 7 points and so on Menu Options ------------ V-View yesterday's puzzle/words - This option displays yesterday's puzzle and all the words found. When only 1 person found the word, that person's name is displayed. I-Read the instructions - Displays this information. P-Play today's puzzle - Allows you to find words on today's puzzle. If you are the first one in for the day, there will be a short delay while the preveous days scores are calculated. See below for an explanation on entering words. S-Look at the high score lists - Displays the top users for the month for both the number of words found and the highest score. Working with the board ---------------------- Once you have selected to play today's puzzle, you will be presented with a 5x5 board of letters. You move the cursor around using the arrow keys or a numeric keypad. When you have the cursor on the start of a word, press the space bar, that letter will then be highlighted. Moving the cursor then will highlight the next letter (diagonals can only be done from the keypad). Once you have completely highlighted the word, pressing return will add it to your list. If the word is not in the dictionary, you will be told this then. Words do not have to go in a straight line, but each letter must touch the next letter (no jumping). If you make a mistake and get a letter selected that you didn't mean, press return and start selecting the letters again. Pressing Q will finish your current play. Pressing R will redraw the screen. You will have 5 minutes to find all the words you can. Moving the cursor ----------------- Moving the cursor should be done with the numeric keypad, the arrow keys only don't allow you to move diagonally. 7 8 9 \ | / \|/ 4--*--6 /|\ / | \ 1 2 3