**************************************************************************** SPANAIR McDonell Douglas MD90 **************************************************************************** FSFS & FS5 required. Copy: - the *.air file to your pilots directory. - all all the *.af files to your texture files. This aircraft was repainted from original model from Mike Vidal and Eric Johnson by José Manuel Prado Bravo. SPANAIR is a Air Lines Company from Spain. Cost The only cost to you is that you drop me a line and let me know what you like, don't like or would like to see improved. Legal Under no circumstances is this aircraft, textures, or derivatives made from this collection of files are to be sold for profit in any way shape or form. You are free to change the paint job, but credit for the aircraft and flight dynamics should be duly noted. Anyone wishing to use the contents of the AFX, must first obtain permission of the author in writing. Copyright by Mike Vidal and Eric Johnson, 1996, all rights reserved. McDonnell Douglas MD-90 Performance Information Preface This is rework of the visual of the original MD-90. Using the flight dynamics editor, I have made this aircraft behave as described in the flight manual. Personally, this is my favorite flying DC9 derivative. So you are aware, I am an Engineer, and an Ex Pilot. I have flown DC-9, 727, and one of these days, the 747 simulators. Many thanks go to William C. Steelhammer, without his help, and data, I would not have been able to create this aircraft. Thanks Bill!!! Also, many thanks go to my good friend Eric Johnson, Brentwood,CA (CIS 102721,2263 -or- 02721.2263@compuserve.com) for the stunning rework of the visuals on this aircraft. You should replace the original with this one, as I have no talent for art, and Eric has done a magnificent job on this aircraft. Thanks Eric! And, I cannot forget my good friend Robert Randazzo, theduke@intr.net, who took the effort to paint my first MD- 90 having to work with a very poor visual model. Thanks Robert! The aircraft is provided in Delta Livery. The only airlines to have placed orders so far are Delta, Japan Airlines, Saudia, SAS, EVA Air, Onur Airlines, China Eastern and China Northern. There are others, but the supplier of the info did not remeber them all. The only airlines with deliveries are Delta and JAL. Feel free and drop me a line with your comments, questions or criticisms. I do read and respond to all mail. Mike Vidal CIS: 103001,2207 Internet: d012425c@dcfreenet.seflin.lib.fl.us or mavida19@sefl.satelnet.org Aircraft Specifications (Real Life) Weights Max Taxi 157,000Lbs MGTOW 156,000Lbs (Max Gross TakeOff Weight) Max Landing 142,000Lbs Zero Fuel 130,000Lbs Note: Due to limitation of flight Shop, I have had to make the zero fuel weight 118,470 Lbs so you can carry a full tank of JP1. Fuel Capacity In Pounds (6.7Lbs/U.S. Gallon) Center Tank Right Main Left Main Total 20,395 9,359 9,359 39,113 Engine Type: International Aero Engines V2500, 28,000Lbs Thrust Ea Note:(International Aero is a consortium of: P&W, Rolls Royce, Fiat, MTU and JAEC) Engine Specifications, Operating Conditions Time Limit Max Min Oil Oil Static Max Egt Pressure Temp Thrust Rotor C PSIG C Std Day Speeds N1/N2 ________________________________________________________ ^ TakeOff 5Mn 635 60 155 28,000 | RPM Maximum Continuos 610 60 155 25,6600 N1 Continuos 8,800 Thrust (MCT) (100%) N2 Starting Momentary Ground 635C 12,250 flight 635C (100%) Accele- 2Mn 635 60 155 | ration ^ Aircraft Speeds (All speeds are indicated airspeeds, in knots). Speed Limitations Vmo/Mmo 340KIAS/M.84 (Max Overspeed) M=MACH Flaps/Slats 5Deg 280KIAS Down 13Deg 280KIAS 20Deg 240KIAS 25Deg 220KIAS 40Deg 200KIAS 50Deg 200KIAS Gear Down VLe 300KIAS Maximum Gear Up VLo 250KIAS "" Maneuvering 272KIAS Sea Level Va 317KIAS Above Above FL250 255KIAS At FL370 All Maneuvering Speeds are at MAX Landing Weight TakeOff (Here I only list at MGTOW) V1 137KIAS (Engine out, commit to T/O) Vr 146KIAS (Rotate) V2 157KIAS (Initial Climb) Cruise Speed Climb Schedule (2 Engines) 290KIAS to MACH .72 for .76M or slower 320KIAS to Mach .72 for .77M or higher Climb Schedule (1 Engine) 230KIAS Descent & Landing (Based on Max Gross Landing Weight. MGLW) Recommended Maneuvering Speeds 0 Flaps 256KIAS 5Deg 200KIAS 15Deg 172KIAS 25Deg Vref + 20Kts 28Deg Flap Detent: 160KIAS 40Deg (Vref) 143KIAS (at 142,000Lbs) 142KIAS (at 140,000) 140KIAS (at 135,000) 137KIAS (at 130,000) 135KIAS (at 125,000) 132KIAS (at 120,000) 129KIAS (at 115,000) 120KIAS (at 100,000) 118KIAS (at 95,000) 115KIAS (at 90,000) 112KIAS (at 85,000) Turbulent Air Penetration: M.79 or 285KIAS, whichever is lower. DO NOT CHASE THE AIRSPEED. Note: Below 10,000Ft at Max landing Weight or less, 250KIAS is applicable. Maximum Operating Altitude, 37,000Ft Normal Operations, Description: NOTE: IF you have full tanks, you must burn off at least 1,000Lbs of fuel prior to takeoff. The aircraft is not certified for flight above gross weights of 156,000Lbs. 1. TakeOff thrust must not exceed 5 minutes total time. 2. Normal TakeOff, set flaps at 11deg or 20deg depending on fuel/passenger load, length of runway. 3. Apply thrust to accelerate, maintain below 70% N2. When airspeed exceeds 46 - 80 Kts, apply takeoff thrust. Note: The earlier the better. 4. At Vr, rotate smoothly to takeoff attitude (5 - 10 deg nose up). Confirm positive rate of climb at takeoff. 5. At 35Ft AFL (Above Field Level), speed should be at V2 to V2 + 10Kts, climb to 1000 AFL at V2 + 10Kts, 20Deg pitch, raise gear. 6. At 1000 AFL, reduce pitch attitude by not more than 1/2 (one half) the angle required for V2 + 10Kts to reach 1000 AFL. Set climb thrust (normally 95% N2 (FAN Indicator). Maintain climb gradient while accelerating. Retract Flaps/Slats on schedule. 7. Continue acceleration to Vzf (Zero Flaps)speed. If Vzf is reached before 3000Ft, climb at Vzf to 3000Ft. 8. 3000Ft AFL, accelerate to 250Kts, maintain 500-1000 ft/mn rate of climb during acceleration. Climb at 250Kts to 10,000Ft. 9. Accelerate to climb schedule (290KIAS) past 10,000Ft to cruising altitude. Maintain speed until cruise altitude is reached. Vzf Schedule: Flaps Retract V2+25 (5Deg T.O. Flaps) V2+35 (15Deg T.O Flaps) V2+50 (Full Flaps Up) Cruise power is 85% N1 (FAN Indicator) (.82M at 31,000Ft) Descent in Range (to landing) Note: For fuel effciency Reasons, descents can be conducted at Idle Power. Rates should be between 2,000fpm to 4,000fpm until reching 10,000Ft. 1. Start Descent at XXX DME. Target descent rate is 500 Ft/mn to reach assigned level. To determine XXX, use the following formula (Altitude (in 1,000's) X 3 = DME distance to start descent) Example 1 Cruise altitude 31,000 DME transmitter on field 31 (000) X 3 === Start Descent at 93 Miles DME Cruise Altitude 31,000 Airport 10 Miles beyond DME transmitter From Example 1 93 Miles DME Airport Beyond Transmitter -10 Miles ======== Start Descent at 83 Miles DME 2. 50 miles from the outer marker, level off at 10,000ft and decelerate to 250KIAS. 3. Descend at 250KIAS 40 miles from outer marker. 4. Set 5 Deg Flaps on entering IAP (initial approach point). Speed set at 200KIAS. Descend to MDA (minimum Descent altitude) 5. At localizer capture, drop gear, final check list. 6. At Glideslope + 1 dot, set 15Deg Flap, Speed Vref + 50Kts 7. At Glideslope capture, Full Flaps, follow glideslope. Maintain Vref on final. 8. Land. 9. After landing, retract flaps, taxi to terminal. Exclusion and legal The author takes no responsibility for the operation of the aircraft. No warranty as to the fitness or merchantability is expressed or implied. Other Model Limitations: 1. Fuel consumption is not realistic. Real jets consume about 8,000Lbs/Hr per engine at takeoff, between 2,200lbs and 4,500 Lbs/hr per engine at cruise. This is a know bug with Flight Shop. 2. The published manual list EPR settings for takeoff, climb and cruise. Since there are no EPR gauges in FS5, I tried to convert to % RPM as best as possible. 3. Flight sim only gives you 4 notches of Flaps, and no slat only setting. The airplane will display slats and flaps at the same time. Although flaps and slats should show at 1 notch, they do not, they will show at two notches (another bug). Wish List Any panel designer out there want to work with me on a realistic panel? EPR Gauges Airspeed bugs that can be set with a mouse. Flight director bars for the Attitude indicator. Radar (would be nice) APU for starting the engines