============================================================================= Duke Nukem 3D DEMOS : By Jeff Van"SHAAR" ============================================================================= This collection of Demos is the fastest Shaar has done (up to the date Febuary 28, 1996). All demos were recorded honestly, yet proof (by means of .PCX pictures) of the indicated times is available upon request. Recorded times for these demos are as follows : Level 1 - 0:44 = 9 seconds faster than 3D Realms Level 2 - 3:08 = 13 seconds faster than 3D Realms Level 3 - 3:11 = 30 seconds faster than 3D Realms Level 4 - 4:20 = 20 seconds faster than 3D Realms Level 5 - 4:09 = 51 seconds faster than 3D Realms Level 6 (secret) - 2:40 = 18 seconds faster than 3D Realms If you do not believe these times, think of it this way, "If I would have cheated, these would be a lot smaller!!!" If you still not satisfied, request my proof .PCX pictures. Viewing Demos : For organization, I have renamed all the demos by their level names. To veiw them, their names must be changed to Demo1, Demo2, or Demo3 (.dmo). Only demos 1-3 will work. INFO: For all : ALL CREDIT MUST GO TO ME, Jeff VanShaar. (Alias SHAAR) WEB SITES : 1 The full collection, as you see now, should be made available for download, yet not required. 2 Demos MAY be distributed separately without this text file included, yet the finishing times (as above) must be included in the description. 3 If someone requests proof, forward me the message and I will handle the situation. 4 You should (out of kindness) have my E-Mail Address included in the demos descriptions. (or near them) SYSOPS : 1 The full collection must be made available for download. This includes - All demos and this text file. 2 Demos MAY be distributed separately, yet this text file must accompany the demo. CONTACTING ME : Internet E-Mail - shaar@visualizeonline.com Visualize BBS - (801) 476-0696 Alias - SHAAR Thank you for chosing my DEMOS!!!