ShutDown - ReadMe: ------------------ Here is a little description of 'ShutDown', the tool you need, if you are user of HD-Power-Down utilities, which causes your HD's to hang on System-Shutdown! (... and/or restart) Here is the solution: S H U T D O W N for: Windows 95 and Windows NT 3.51/4.0 ... (see 'Restrictions' for NT) CONTENTS: --------- FEATURES (all you need to know ... or not) Keyboard-Controls (... if you need this) RESTRICTIONS (all you have to know ... but not) REQUIREMENTS (all you know ... and can forget) A WORD ABOUT SHAREWARE (all you should know ... but not forget) ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS (all you read a 100 times before) 'ShutDown' provides many MORE! useful options, like: ---------------------------------------------------- - HD-Initialization at System-Shutdown/Restart/LogOff/Powerdown... - Select: "Turn off System", "Restart", "Log on again", (only:...) "Force closing" (...applications), (only:...) "Drop a Message" (... when timer has finished), "Log-/Power off" (enables Power-Off-Features on Notebooks or other Computers, which support this feature) ... these options are quit savely and are supported by official System-API-Calls (no hacking, if you know, what I mean!) These functions add some more to your system. - Especially, if you often need to log onto it under a different name. The "Force-Close" feature enables not supported systems (and that are the most PC's), to log on again, without reloading the shell! ... That's very fast (and quit save). - init a Count-Down-Timer from 1 to 2,147,483,646 seconds! (That's a maximum of 24855 days, or 68 years in seconds! 1 hour has 3600 seconds and the tolerance of the 'ShutDown'-Timer is 1.180 sec/hour.) <= only for those, who want to know it all ... - RUN applications (EXE,COM,BAT,LNK,PIF) when the timer starts - SUSPEND/ABORT/IMMEDIATLY shut down the system ( the big Pause-Button...) - short System-Information => BUT with SYSTEM-INTERNAL BUILD-NUMBER !!! ... here you can watch, if your system is newer than your friends! - shows/hides options (expert-mode) - remembers window-positions Keyboard-Controls (... if you need this): ----------------------------------------- PageUP/DOWN, 'U', 'D' = maximize/minimize Control-Window Pause, 'P' = pause the timer 'I' = Information display/hide Restrictions: ------------- I've tested this program with Windows NT 4.0 Beta (Build 1234). The result is, that under NT only the Log-Off functions work (which is of the C2 US-Army standard, which requiers extra privileges for constant shutdown). Therefore only the Log-Off features of 'ShutDown' are enabled under this operating system. - In later versions, I'll look if NT becomes more handy ... Wait for the final version of NT 4.0 ... - However all other functionallity is well under both: NT 3.51 and NT 4.0. On Windows 95 there are NO restrictions! This program is real 32-Bit-Soft, and therefore it doesn't work with Win 3.1x, or Win 32s (1.3x) on Win 3.11! Requirements: ------------- - You need at last Windows 95 or Windows NT (better 95). - You should have the VB40032.DLL, if it is not in this package. - Ask your (BBS-) administrator for this runtime-library or look on the InterNet. - You should have at least 8 MB of RAM and a 486-/Pentium machine. ... that's all ... A Word about Shareware: ----------------------- This little tool costs only little money! It will not feed me at all, but it shall bring some of the money I spent for the (very expensive) VB programming language and shall be a reward for the hours I haven't slept, smoked like a chimney, and neglected my little dog (her name is 'Tinka' and she's a 'Black-Russian'). Therefore I think this is not too much: - $10 for the registered version, if you come from outside Germany - DM 15,- falls Sie von Deutschland aus bezahlen möchten THIS INCLUDES ALL SHIPPING AND HANDLING !!! PORTO UND VERSAND INKLUSIVE! What you have to do, is very simple too: - put $10 or DM 15,- into a letter, - write your ADRESS and, as a password: 'SHUTDOWN', onto a sheet and put it into the same letter, - send this letter to: Carsten Stratz R. O. T. Softwares Berlepschstr. 136 D-14165 Berlin, Germany and you will receive a floppy-disk with the newest version of 'ShutDown' in some days! That will include your name and/or adress and will be: WITHOUT THE SHAREWARE-WINDOW BEFORE SHUTDOWN (countdown) ENDS! Alternatively you can give me your E-Mail Adress, and I will mail you 'ShutDown' via InterNet. (... But you have to pay at first! ...) You can reach me either under: or (That's because I'm on changing my provider...) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks a lot for your interest - and however excuse my bad english! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I hope you'll have fun! Carsten ========================================================================== Acknowledgments --------------- Windows, Win32s, Windows 95 and Windows NT are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. The author of this software accept no responsibility for damages resulting from the use of 'ShutDown' software and make no warranty or representation, either express or implied, including but not limited to, any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. 'ShutDown' software is provided "as is", and you, its user, assume all risks when using it.