RoloDial v1.5 RoloDial v1.5 (c) 1996, by Christopher M. Wells Contents 1)Requirements 2)Introduction 3)RoloDial/MemoPad Main Form 4)Phone Dialer 5)Phone Log 6) Users Information Book 7)MemoPad 8)Set Alarm (MemoPad) 9)Addresses/Phone Records 10)Print Envelope 11)Future Plans 12)Troubleshooting 13)Product Support 14)Disclaimer 15)Registration 1) Requirements: This program requires the following files in the Windows\System\ directory: 32 bit Windows ('95 or NT) Version VB40032.DLL MSVCRT20.DLL MSVCRT40.DLL MFC40.DLL VEN2232.OLB OLEPRO32.DLL (On Compuserve Go PCNEW, Look for VB432REQ.ZIP) 16 bit Windows (3.xx) Version VB40016.DLL OC25.DLL OLE2.DLL TypeLib.DLL OLE2DISP.DLL OLE2Prox.DLL OLE2.CONV.DLL COMPOBJ.DLL OLE2REG.DLL OLE2NLS.DLL STDOLE.TLB STORAGE.DLL SCP.DLL VAEN21.OLB (On Compuserve Go PCNEW, Look for Put (unzip) all files into the Windows\System\ directory.If these files don't exist, the program will not run. 2) Introduction This handy program functions as a memo pad, a phone dialer, and an address book. These modules allow for multiple users, making the program ideal for a single user , a family of users and even use in an office or business environment. Added functions of this program are printing of all records, including memos, independent phone logs for each user, phone call timing and rate calculation for these calls with the ability to start and stop the timer without regard to the dialer. There is also envelope printing. Each module has a basic help file that is accessible through the 'Help' menu and for Windows 95/NT there is a full help file accessible by pushing F1. This file is duplicated in a text file included with all versions under the title 'RoloDial.txt'. 3) RoloDial/MemoPad Main Form This form allows access to the modules of the program. It acts sort of like a springboard to ecstasy. Also, there is the ability to make backup copies of the data files for the program, as well as the ability to restore these in case of data loss, such as by a power failure, etc. Also, the registration screen is available from here. Phone Dialer: Starts the Phone Dialer module. Address Books: Starts the Address/Phone Records module. This supplies information for phone dialing, and provides access to the envelope printer. MemoPad: Starts the memo pad module. A handy notebook. Phone Log: Starts the phone log viewer module. User Info.: Starts the user information module, allowing the addition of new users, or the changing of present user information. Menus: File: Backup All Data Files: Backs up the data files. Restore Backed up files: Restores files to the state that they were in at the most previous backup. Warning, any new information since the last backup will be lost. Help: About: Describes the program and version, as well as the registration condition. How to Register: Displays the registration form. Try pushing the smiley face. If you complete the task given, there will be another smiley face on this end. Haha! 4) Phone Dialer Overview With the dialer you can dial a phone number with your computer. There is also the ability to time the call. Note that only numbers (0-9), hyphens(-), spaces and parenthesis are recognized. To dial the number in the boxes, push the 'Dial' button, do not pick up your phone yet. After the dialing you will be prompted to pick up the phone when the dialer has finished. If you wish to stop the dialing process, push the 'HangUp' button or 'Cancel' menu item and the process will cease. If the phone will not dial, then either your modem is not hooked up (or does not exist), or the program is trying to use an incorrect communications port. To change the communications port, click the 'Change Communications Port Setting' from the 'Configure' menu and enter the correct setting. There is also the potential that your phone line does not accept the dialing method used by the program. I.e. the program is trying to use tone dialing on a pulse only line. Change this setting through the 'Tone/Pulse Dialing' from the 'Configure' menu. The present value will be checked. Click the new choice and follow the directions. Controls The phone records that presently exist on file (supplied by the records in the address book) will be displayed in the grid which takes up the majority of the space on the program. The "selected" record is the one that is darkened. A record can be selected by clicking on it. When a record is selected, the boxes at the bottom of the form will update with the information for that record. The boxes can also be changed by putting different information in them. This information will not change the record (do that in the address book). This allows a user to enter a different number or an "unlisted" number for "speed dialing" which is not found on a record. Any calls will be recorded in a phone log. This log can be accessed through the Phone Log form Dial: Push this to dial the phone number displayed in the 'Number to Dial Box' . Pick up your phone when prompted to do so. The timer and rate calculator will automatically start after the number is dialed. HangUp: Push this to cancel the 'Dial'. This only disconnects your modem, not your phone. Note that your modem will automatically hang up so this option is only necessary to stop the dialing, or if the phone is busy. Start: Push this start the timer and rate calculator. This will also restart these if they are already running. Stop: This stops the timer and rate calculator. You will be given the option of resetting these to 0. Sort: Sorts all phone (and thus address) records by name and then phone number. MemoPad: Closes the phone dialer and starts the memo pad module. Addresses: Closes the phone dialer and starts the address book module. Phone Log: Closes the phone dialer and starts the phone log viewer. Exit: Exit the program. User: This box displays the selected user. Change the user by pushing the arrow and then selecting one from the list. This list is taken from the users entered into the programs data files. Add/delete users through the 'User Information' form. After selecting a user, the grid will automatically fill with their records (If there is a password for the user then this will be required before the grid is filled). There will also always be an 'All' option. All records saved to 'All' will be displayed for every user. Thus to put a phone number/address in every users list, enter it into all. User Info: Closes the phone dialer and starts the 'User Information' form. Addresses/Phone Numbers: Closes the phone dialer and starts the address book module. Menus & Configuration The menus offer the same controls listed above, but in menu form. Phone(modem) line configuration is also available here. File: Print Phone Records for this User: Prints all phone records to the default printer. Only records for the displayed user are printed. Exit: Exits the program. Edit: Copy from Grid: Copies the information darkened in the grid to the Clipboard. Paste Number: Pastes a phone number to the 'Number to Dial' box. Configure: Change Communications Port Setting: This function is made available by choosing 'Change Communications Port Setting' from the 'Configure' Menu. This changes the program's communications port to the one on which your modem is located. The usual values are 1, 2, 3, or 4. The program defaults to Comm Port 1. If the phone won't dial with this program, then use this to change the Comm Port. After clicking the menu item, an input box will appear asking for the correct number. The present number will be listed in the box. Put in the new value and you will be notified of the change. Tone/Pulse Dialing: This function is made available by choosing 'Tone/Pulse Dialing' from the 'Configure' Menu. This changes the dialing method of the modem. The program defaults to Tone dialing. Click the appropriate menu item (either Tone or Pulse) to select the appropriate dialing method for your phone line. Operations: These are menu versions of the dialing and timer functions. Help: Registering, About, Help options. Accesses simple help for the Phone Dialer form. In 32 bit versions, 'Help' displays the help file, 'Basic Help' displays simple help. The boxes at the bottom of the screen update according to the information in the displayed record. For the sake of simplicity and more user control, the boxes do not update the records in the grid, to do this, click 'Change' when the record in question is selected. This allows the user to merely enter a number in the 'Number to Dial' box and then push dial to dial it. Number to Dial: The dialer will dial the number displayed here. It will update to the match the selected record in the grid, or a different number can be inserted. Call Duration: This displays the length of time since the last call was dialed (Push Stop to stop this). Call Expense: The expense of the call according to the amount in 'Call Rate' and whether this amount is per minute or hour. Call Rate: Updates according to the current record, or you can enter an independent value (click it to do this). Rate Period: Updates according to the current record, or you can enter an independent value (click the appropriate value to do this). Minute: Specifies that the amount from 'Call Rate' is the cost for one minute. Hour: Specifies that the amount from 'Call Rate' is the cost for one hour. 5) Phone Log This form displays the phone call log for the user shown in the big grid. These logs are stored from calls dialed by the Phone Dialer. Delete: Deletes the selected phone log entry. Print: Prints the phone log for the selected user. User log: This specifies the user for which log records are to be displayed. Change this by pushing the arrow and selecting a user from the list. This list is supplied by users saved through the User Information form. If a password is required for the user then it will be requested before the grid is filled with the appropriate records. As in all forms 'All' will be supplied as a user choice. Only calls made while "All' is the selected user in the phone dialer will be shown. Exit: Leaves the Phone Log. The menus provide the options listed above as well as some additional options. Edit: Copy: Copies the selected information from the grid to the clipboard. 6) Users Information Book This form displays and allows changes to the program users. These users are then supplied as the "Users" in the other modules of the program. Address information is requested here to enable the envelope printer to automatically fill in the Return Address. Update: This saves changes made to the presently displayed user while in View User Records mode. This does not save a new record, it only updates information for an old record. Delete: Deletes a user from the program and all references to them. Sort: Sorts all users alphabetically by name and then address. Capital letters precede lower case letters. Find: Finds a text string (requested by the program) from all user records. Undo: If changes have been made to the currently viewed record then this will undo them. Regardless, they will not be finalized until the Update button is pushed anyway. Password: This allows a password to be set for the displayed user. Make New User: This clears all fields and allows a new user to be entered. Push this and then fill in the boxes with the appropriate information. After pushing this button it will become 'Finished/Save'. Push it again when all information has been entered to actually save the record. Finished/Save: This saves the new record started when Make New User is pushed. After pushing this button it becomes 'Make New User' again. View User Records: This enters the viewing mode. Push this to review current user information. After pushing this will become Stop View. Stop View: Push this to leave viewing mode. After pushing this will again become View User Records. The scroll bar at the bottom allows one to traverse the saved records while viewing. It operates like a cassette deck. Forward, reverse, etc., or one can simply drag the button to a desired position. The information boxes are as follows: User Name: The name of a user (the present record). Address: The listed user's street address. City/State/Zip: City, State and zip code information (or third line for more complex street addresses. Country/Other: Fourth line address, if necessary. Note that address information is only required here for envelope return addresses, so this information can be filled in as desired. Telephone: The telephone number for the user. 7) MemoPad This module is a many faceted memo pad. It allows the computer to be used a big sticky pad. Also, it can be used as a simple text editor, or for leaving notes, etc. Since there is an alarm feature, it is convenient for leaving messages (such as appointments) to yourself. With the everyday alarm you can even have the computer inform you of the most important events (such as quitting time/lunch time/break time you get the picture) each day. Use it as you wish. Print: Prints the presently displayed memo. Update: Updates changes to the displayed memo and saves these to disk. Delete: Deletes the displayed memo. If the memo was left to 'All', then if 'All' is not displayed in the Memo to box then the user will be questioned as to whether they are sure about the deletion. Find: Finds a user specified text string from all memos viewable by the user displayed in the Memo to box. Alarm: Allows an alarm to be attached to the presently displayed memo. When this alarm time/date occurs the memo will be displayed, but only if the MemoPad module is running at the time. Note that if a password is required for the User to which the memo is left, then the password will be requested before the memo is shown. Since it is possible for more than one alarmed memo at a time, when the first memo is displayed there will be a box announcing this, before choosing OK look at the memo. If there is another incoming alarm memo, then when OK is selected the next memo will appear and so on. Exit: Leaves the MemoPad module. Make New Memo: This clears all fields and allows a new user to be entered. Push this and then fill in the boxes with the appropriate information. After pushing this button it will become 'Finished/Save'. Push it again when all information has been entered to actually save the record. Finished/Save: This saves the new record started when Make New Memo is pushed. After pushing this button it becomes 'Make New Memo' again. View Memos: This enters the viewing mode. Push this to review current user information. After pushing this will become Stop View. Stop View: Push this to leave viewing mode. After pushing this will again become View Memos. The scroll bar at the bottom allows one to traverse the saved memos while viewing. It operates like a cassette deck. Forward, reverse, etc., or one can simply drag the button to a desired position. Memo to: This box displays the selected user. Change the user by pushing the arrow and then selecting one from the list. This list is taken from the users entered into the programs data files. Add/delete users through the 'User Information' form. While adding a memo any name can be selected from (or even typed into) the list. While viewing, after selecting a user, the memo records will automatically fill with their the appropriate memos (If there is a password for the user then this will be required before the memos are accessible). There will also always be an 'All' option. All records saved to 'All' will be displayed for every user. Thus, to leave a memo to every user, select 'All' from the 'Memo to' box. From/About: (Optional) Supplemental memo information can be left here, such as a title or whatever. The Memo time and date will automatically be stamped on each memo as it is saved. The caption above the scroll bar at the bottom of the memo pad gives additional information for the user. Menus: These provide menu selections for the actions listed above, as well as the following: Edit: Cut from Memo: Removes the selected information from the memo. Copy from Memo: Copies the selected information from the memo (or the entire memo, along with Date, From, To info.)to the clipboard. Paste to Memo: Pastes text from the clipboard into the memo. Help: How to Register: If you use this program, register. It was very difficult and time consuming to write. If you pay it...more will come. If you use it, buy it. If you don't buy it, remove it. Enough preaching for now! Sorry, sometimes I get carried away! 8) Set Alarm Form Help This form specifies the alarm time/date for the presently displayed memo for the MemoPad module. Remember that memos are only displayed if the MemoPad module is running (can be minimized). OK: Accepts the displayed alarm time and date settings. No Alarm: Remove or set no alarm for the current memo. Print: Prints the current memo in text form. Exit: Leaves the Set Alarm form, no changes will be made. Now: Displays the current date & time for the computer. Alarm Time: Shows the time for the alarm. Alarm Date: Date options for the alarm. Today/Next Occurrence: The alarm memo will appear the next time the Alarm Time happens. Everyday: The alarm memo will display every day at the Alarm Time. Other: Enter the desired date in the box on the bottom, the present date will be displayed as the default. Use the same format. 9) Addresses/Phone Records This form allows the users to enter address and phone numbers for their individual address/phone books. Added records will be saved for the user displayed in the 'User' box. If 'All' is shown in the 'User' box, then the new record will be available to every user. Thus to put a phone number in everyone's phone record either enter it individually for every user, or once for 'All'. Thus when viewing records, a selected user has access to every record of their own and also those for 'All'. Update: This saves changes made to the presently displayed record while in View Address/Phone Records mode. This does not save a new record, it only updates information for an old record. Delete: Deletes a user from the program and all references to them. Sort: Sorts all address records alphabetically by name and then address. Capital letters precede lower case letters. Find: Finds a text string (requested by the program) from all address records for the present user. Undo: If changes have been made to the currently viewed record then this will undo them. Regardless, they will not be finalized until the Update button is pushed. Envelope: This starts the envelop printer. The return address will be that for the presently displayed user. The mailing address will be the one displayed for the record. Make New Record: This clears all fields and allows a new name, address, and phone number to be entered. Push this and then fill in the boxes with the appropriate information. After pushing this button it will become 'Finished/Save'. Push it again when all information has been entered to actually save the record. Finished/Save: This saves the new record started when Make New Record is pushed. After pushing this button it becomes 'Make New Record' again. View Address/Phone Records: This enters the viewing mode. Push this to review current user information. After pushing this will become Stop View. Stop View: Push this to leave viewing mode. After pushing this will again become View Address/Phone Records. User: This specifies the user for which address/phone records are to be displayed or added. Change this by pushing the arrow and selecting a user from the list. This list is supplied by users saved through the User Information form. If a password is required for the user then it will be requested before any records are viewed. As in all forms 'All' will be supplied as a user choice. Use this 'All' option to leave a record for all users, or to view records left to 'All'. Change User Info: Closes the Addresses/Phone Records module and starts the User Information form. Exit: Leaves the Addresses/Phone Records module. The scroll bar at the bottom allows one to traverse the saved records while viewing. It operates like a cassette deck. Forward, reverse, etc., or one can simply drag the button to a desired position. The information boxes are as follows: Name: The name for the present record or the box to input a new name when making a new record. Address: The street address for the 'Name' given above. City/State/Zip: City, State and zip code information (or third line for more complex street addresses. Country/Other: Fourth line address, if necessary. Note that address information is only required here for envelope mailing addresses, so this information can be filled in as desired. Telephone: Enter the telephone number for the 'Name' above. This will then be used to fill the phone lists for the phone dialer. Rate Period: This determines whether the phone call rate calculator operates in minutes or hours for the shown record. Click the appropriate button. The default is 'Minute' Call Rate: This displays the cost of a call to the shown record calculated in increments determined by 'Rate Period'. Click the box and enter the correct amount to change this. The default is $0.10. Menus: The menus offer most of the above options as well as the following ones: File: Print This User's Records: Prints all Address/Phone Records accessible by the displayed User. Edit: Copy Address: This will copy the address currently displayed to the Clipboard. 10) Print Envelope This form allows the user to print one or more envelopes. Since this form is entered from the Address/Phone Records form, the program is designed to fill in mailing information from the Address/Phone Records form. The Return Address will be supplied by the user displayed in the Address/Phone Records form. If you desire different information, then enter it in the appropriate spot. The Mailing Address will be supplied by the record shown in the Address/Phone Records form. Again, this can be changed as desired. Envelope Type: Business/Big (9-12): Select this option for standard business envelopes sizes 9-12. Personal/Small (Under 9): Select this option for personal envelopes having sizes under 9. Number to Print: Use the arrow scroll buttons to select the number of envelopes to print when 'Print is pushed. The default value is 1. Print: Prints the specified number of envelopes on the default printer. Cancel: Exits the form. 11) Future Plans for this program I hope you enjoy this program, if you have suggestions for improvement, email them to me. My address can be found in the Help menu About. If these ideas are feasible, I may include them in future versions. I do plan to include a more eye appealing record viewer, although the present one is quite functional. I may decide to allow the memo pad to show multiple memos at a time (like sticky notes) depending on user feedback. Unfortunately, this would make the interface more difficult and it would make password protected memos viewable by anyone until they are no longer 'new' memos. 12) Troubleshooting: Program won't dial: Make sure the Comm port is set to the correct value for your system. See the Menu, Configure topic for more on this. If this does not work, make sure that the program has the correct setting for tone or pulse dialing. Again, check configure for more on this. If the program still won't dial, check to make sure that the modem is attached and setup correctly. Modem refuses to hang up: Click HangUp, or Cancel. If this does not work, reset the modem. Program does not recognize busy signal: Possible goal for Phone Dialer v2. Register and indicate a desire for this. Program Locks Up/Error: As with any program, restart. 13) Product support Only with the registered version, if you have questions or comments, you can Email me (Chris Wells) at 103132.1363@COMPUSERVE.COM 14) Disclaimer: Due to the complexity of PC Hardware and the operating systems therein, I cannot guarantee that this software will run in each environment, on every compatible machine, or together with any other application, without producing errors. Any liability for damages of any sort is hereby rejected. In any case, the liability is limited to the registration fee. 15) Registration! : To access other help topics push 'Contents' from the help screen. Registering provides many conveniences and advantages. First, you will receive a registered copy of the newest version of the program. Second registered users are entitled to support, and a phone number will be provided. Also, you will be supporting the shareware concept. Finally, using an illegal, unregistered program sets a bad example for employees, coworkers, friends, family members, etc. If you use someone else's property, you have to pay for it. How to Register: Use the 'How to Register' menu option of the 'Help' menu or the 'Register' smiley face button. I guarantee that the smiley face will be duplicated on this end. Anyway, once the form is displayed click with the mouse, or use the tab button, to make each entry box available, and then enter the appropriate information. When you are finished, push the print button and the completed form will be printed (if the printer is on and set up). Then send the form and $30 to my address on the form. If you like this program, please feel free to contact me through Email, etc., concerning improvements or updates. If you have good ideas, I may include them in future versions, or a customization arrangement may be made. Thank you for your support and cooperation! If you decide to not register then remove the program with the uninstall program (through Add/Remove Programs found in the Control Panel of My Computer on the Desktop).