1 Netscape Navigator 2 SPRY Mosaic 3 Netscape 4 SpryMos 5 Once integrated with SPRY Mosaic, Quick View Plus will become the viewer for files that SPRY Mosaic can't view. 6 If you encounter additional file types that aren't viewed by SPRY Mosaic, you can use SPRY Mosaic's Helper Application setup to specify Quick View Plus as the viewer for those types. 7 Quick View Plus can integrate with Netscape Navigator in two ways, it can be a Helper Application or a Plug-in, either way, any files that Netscape can't view will be viewed using Quick View Plus. 8 If Quick View Plus is setup as a Helper Application and you encounter additional file types that aren't viewed by Navigator, you can use Netscape's Helper Application options to specify Quick View Plus as the viewer for those types. 9 If Quick View Plus is setup as a Plug-in and you encounter additional file types that aren't viewed by Navigator, you can use the program QVPMIME.EXE in Netscape's PLUGINS folder to specify Quick View Plus as the viewer for those types.