Order form Product Name: PCB Dev. I. Assistant V2.0 Cost : One license (4/1996, 79DM is about $54US) Standard : ____ copies @ 79DM = _______ Extended (disks included) : ____ copies @ 149DM = _______ 32-Bit (disks included) : ____ copies @ 249DM = _______ disks for standard (optional): ____ copies @ 25DM = _______ European Community residents add 15% sales tax = _______ Total Cost: = _______ Note : 1) 3.5" disks only 2) 32-Bit : at least WIN32S required 3) The prices are valid until 6/1997 I would like to pay by: Cheque/Visa/MasterCard/American Express If credit card: Card No:__________________________ Expiry date:______/19____ Card holder name:______________________________________ Full Name: ______________________________________________________ Company: ______________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________ City: _____________________________________ Country:_____________________________________ Phone: _____________________________________ Fax: _____________________________________ Internet/Compuserve address: ______________________________________ Terms/Conditions: I agree PCB Developer's Individual Assistant is distributed as shareware. No warranty exists, either expressed or implied. No liability is assumed for any damage or loss resulting from the use of this program. No claims are made regarding the accuracy of this program. I agree that for users not in Germany only bank checks or credit cards will be accepted. Your signature below indicates your acceptance of these terms, conditions and the terms listed in the license file . Signed: ___________________________________________ Date:_________ Mail this form to : Andreas Waldherr Perlacher Str. 31 81539 Muenchen Germany