FBHF(1 Help Index This is my idea of a Calendar/Diary program. I hope you like it! L Shareware Calendar Memo Week Month Year Todo Search Configuration Dragging You are dragging this window. Use the arrow-keys to move the window. If you press Shift, you can change the size of the window with the arrow-keys. Press Enter when you are finished, or Esc to cancel. This is how help works You've come this far, so you know where to find the Help-button. You will notice some highlighted items, help-keywords. Press Enter to select this help-keyword, or use your mouse. If there are more items, use Tab (or Shift+Tab) to switch to the next (or previous) keyword. F If the help-windows contains a lot of text, zoom the window with F5. This is how help works You did it! Go back This is how help works See, it's easy! Go back Shareware Reminder THIS PROGRAM IS SHAREWARE, IT IS NOT FREE, PLEASE REGISTER YOUR COPY FOR ONLY $10. ` If you think this is too much, send me a postcard of your hometown for a 'light' registration. O Registering removes all Shareware reminders, and lets you edit bigger memo's. The 'light' registration removes the last Shareware reminder, the (probably) annoying message on top of the screen, and lets you edit 8 times as much as the unregistered version. Read the (online) documentation (Alt+H, D) for more information. If you want to print the documentation just shell to Dos (Alt+F, D) and use the command: 'type cal.doc > prn' Then use 'exit' to return to CAL. About Some info about CAL. Shareware Calendar Have fun here! / Day down Left arrow Day up Right arrow Week down Up arrow Week up Down arrow Month down PgUp Month up PgDn Year down Ctrl+PgUp Year up Ctrl+PgDn First in month Home Last in Month Today Ctrl+Home Next Memo Ctrl+Right arrow Previous Memo Ctrl+Left arrow Delete Memo Go to editor Tab, Enter (Shift+Tab) Local Menu Alt+F10 Of course you can use the mouse as well for most actions. Week Memo Month Year Todo Memo Editor The Memo editor is for events that occur only once, like appointments. I use it as a diary. / Delete entry Alt+D Revert Alt+R Print Alt+P Save Next Editor Week Month Year Todo Keys Week Editor In the Week editor you can enter repeating events, like washing the car on Saturday, if you have one. / Delete entry Alt+D Revert Alt+R Print Alt+P Save Maximize Shift+F5 Next Editor Memo Month Year Todo Keys Month Editor The Month editor is for monthly events, like paying the mortgage on the 13th. / Delete entry Alt+D Revert Alt+R Print Alt+P Save Maximize Shift+F5 Next Editor Memo Week Year Todo Keys Year Editor The Year editor is great for birthdays, like my birthday, somewhere in October:) / Delete entry Alt+D Revert Alt+R Print Alt+P Save Maximize Shift+F5 Next Editor Memo Week Month Todo Keys Todo Editor The Todo editor is almost the same as the Memo editor, except that old Todo's are automatically moved to today. / Delete entry Alt+D Revert Alt+R Print Alt+P Save Maximize Shift+F5 Next Editor Memo Week Month Year Keys October If you want to, drop me a card:) Just Kidding Delete Select what you want to delete and press enter. Esc quits. View Documentation View the online manual of CAL. P Press Alt+F3 to put this window away, or press F6 to switch to another window. Configure Configure CAL. $ VideoMode Options Palette Editor Videomode ) Startup Retains startup mode (Default) ) 25 Selects 25 line mode ) 28 Selects 28 line mode (vga only) ) 29/33 Selects 29 or 33 line mode (ega/vga) ) 43/50 Selects 43 or 50 line mode (ega/vga) These videomodes can be selected by specifying -l 25, 28, 29, 33, 43 or 50 on the commandline respectively. Options Extended search Flush cache User palette Beep startup Memory Auto cascade Auto create User Start Sunday Floating Open frame Options [X] Extended search (Default is on) This option determines how CAL responds to Ctrl+Left or Right arrow (Previous or Next Memo). If this option is on CAL searches through every year to find a Memo. On a slow computer, without a cache or harddisk this may take some time if there are many Memo's. More options See Also: Flush cache Options [X] Flush cache (Default is off) Flushes smartdrv's writebehind cache. More options Options [X] User palette (Default is off) This option tells CAL to use a user-defined palette. Use 'P' to edit the color palette. This works on ega/vga graphic-cards only. More options Options [X] Beep on startup (Default is on) If there is a memo on this day, CAL beeps at startup to warn the user. If this annoys you, you can turn it off. More options Options [X] Memory info (Default is off) Shows the available memory. Same as -i switch. Restart CAL first to view Memory info. More options Options [X] Auto cascade (Default is on) Cascade all windows after opening a new calendar. More options Options [X] Auto create (Default is on) Create new (not existing) file without confirmation. More options Options [X] User edit size (Default is off) To conserve memory, a smaller edit size (in nr. of characters) can be specified. Minimum size is 4096. Restart CAL first after changing this. H This is option is useful if you don't have enough memory to start CAL. More options Options [X] Start week on Sunday (Default is off) Weeknumbers start on Mondays, according to some ISO-standard, so CAL displays the week starting from Monday. If you don't like this toggle this option. The weeknumber still starts on Monday! More options Options [X] Floating date (Default is on) If this option is on, the date (in the right corner of the window) 'floats' depending on the length of the day and month... Example: D Week 12, Wednesday, 21 March 1685 Week 26, Sunday, 28 July 1750 If this option is off, it looks like this: N Week 12, Wednesday 21 March 1685 Week 26, Sunday 28 July 1750 More options Options [X] Open frame (Default is on) Just try this option... More options Cache A disk cache is strongly recommended to speed up CAL's performance, especially when you are running CAL from a floppy-disk. A small cache (256 kB) will be sufficient. k To install the cache that comes with MS-DOS (p) you could add the following command to your AUTOEXEC.BAT: C:\DOS\SMARTDRV 256 256 Use another path if you installed DOS in another directory. The first value specifies the size (in kB) Smartdrive uses in dos. The second value specifies the value used in MS-Windows. d Specifying no parameters lets Smartdrive figure out the best values for your memory-configuration. + Any other caches will suffice, of course. Palette Editor Change the RGB values for any color by selecting the color, and adjusting the RGB values. Help Displays help on current topic. Previous Topic Displays previous help topic. Help Contents Displays help index. CAL Search This dialog has 2 functions. F 1. Browsing through all memo's 2. Searching for keywords in memo's To use the last function select the Search button. A find dialog appears. After selecting the Ok button only memo's with the search-text are in the list. Select the memo you want to view. The search-text is selected. To search for the next occurrence of the string, press Space, or click with the mouse. Use the Reset button to get all entries you had before searching. This means that searching again only searches in the memo's with the previous search-text. If you have many memo's and you don't have a cache, it is not recommended to use the Search button! You can cancel the search with Ctrl+Break. * With ESC you'll go back to the calendar. Find Find text, starting at the current cursor position. If Case Sensitive is checked [X], lowercase is differentiated from uppercase. Whole Words on [X] searches... for whole words only. Replace Replace found text, it works just like find. Search again Repeat last find or replace. Edit Keys Search Commands Insert Delete Commands Block Commands Cursor Movement Commands Cursor Movement Commands Character left Ctrl+S or Left arrow Character right Ctrl+D or Right arrow Word left Ctrl+A or Ctrl+Left arrow Word right Ctrl+F or Ctrl+Right arrow Line up Ctrl+E or Up arrow Line down Ctrl+X or Down arrow Page up Ctrl+R or PgUp Page down Ctrl+C or PgDn Block Commands Mark block begin Ctrl+K B Mark block end Ctrl+K K Copy block Ctrl+K C Move block Ctrl+K V Delete block Ctrl+K Y Copy to clipboard Ctrl+Ins Cut to clipboard Shift+Del Delete block Ctrl+Del Paste to clipboard Shift+Ins Insert & Delete Commands Insert line Ctrl+N Delete line Ctrl+Y Delete to end of line Ctrl+Q Y Delete character left Ctrl+H or Backspace Delete character Ctrl+G or Del Delete word right Ctrl+T Search Commands Find Ctrl+Q F Find & replace Ctrl+Q A Repeat last find Ctrl+L