MPLUS UPDATE HISTORY 1.0 - Initial release May 1994 1.1 - Corrected problem with scrolling in Browse Corrected error in label printing Minor internal and cosmetic adjustments 1.2 - Added DOS 6.x compatibility 1.3 - Added ability to delete both records during Compare 1.4 - Improved indexing Improved duplicate checking Added phone log 1.5 - Longer phone dialing prefixes Improved filename error trapping Added header label option 2.0 - Added printer codes for form letters Added printer codes for labels Added ability to save multiple label formats First screen is now list of files instead of menu Increased size of email field Added Phone 4 field Improved password protection Added some support for dates beyond 1999 Minor cosmetic changes 2.1 - Improved duplicate checking Compare Two Lists is much faster now Improved support for dates beyond 1999 Minor internal changes 2.2 - Improved indexing Corrections to label processing functions 2.3 - User can now change names of phone numbers Corrected copying records to newly-created list Corrected saved filters Added Page Eject key Corrected search on European date format 2.4 - Adjusted spacing on labels Improved support for alphanumeric phone numbers Note new email address: For support and product information on CompuServe, GO RKWEST Visit our WWW home page at ~~~END OF UPDATE.TXT