The Cheater's Corner Version 2.1 (32-bit Windows 95) does not require any installation. After extracting the zipped file "LPP_DEMO.ZIP", simply move the program files to the directory of your liking and run the program file "CHT_DEMO.EXE." Please note that you may have to copy the file "CW3220.DLL" to the Window's System directory, but this shouldn't be the case. The program should run smoothly either way. The first time you start The Cheater's Corner, you'll be prompted to enter in a "Contributor Name." Please use either your name or a nickname of some sort. This name will be automatically placed into each cheat module that you create. You'll also notice that an icon group is automatically installed. Afterwards, you will only need to choose the appropriate icon from the desktop. Before beginning to search for your own game stat's we would STRONGLY suggest that you view the "Quick Tour." In doing so, you'll begin to understand how the LPP Search Engine works and what it'll be looking for. It's true that The Cheater's Corner is VERY automatic (just press a button and you'll be cheating in a matter of minutes!), but we would still advise you to read the documentation as it contains much needed advice. For the quickest Technical Support, just send us a message via e-mail and/or send us a note to our mailing address (look under the file "Contact.txt" to obtain a list of possible ways at contacting us). We wish you the very best of luck with this software! You'll notice that we've purposely left out any "demo" cheats... Why? Because we believe that this software is TOO easy to use. It's VERY easy because it's VERY automatic!! You see: 1) We'll find the game directory for you. 2) We'll find the correct saved games for you. 3) We'll find the correct stats for you. - And - 4) We'll do ALL the cheating for you. The only thing that you do for is choose the cheat! Even searching is VERY easy. All you supply for us is the game's executable file (or any file in the game directory), and simply two values from two of your saved games. That's all it takes to finding stats and cheating on them! Now you see why we believe that this software is the BEST game cheat software available? FEATURES: * A VERY POWERFUL automatic stat search engine (VERY, VERY POWERFUL!!!) * Create "Cheat Modules" so that cheating will be as easy as it can get. * Each cheat module may hold up to 9,999 cheats per module! (Got that? That's 9,999 cheats!!!) * Cheat modules are small, so they're easy to upload onto any network/BBS/Internet, and they're easy to give out to anyone you wish. * User-friendly Windows 95 graphical interface. Need we say more? * Cheat using any value from 0 to well over 4 BILLION!!!! (Think of the AWESOME power that gives you!) * Searching for a stat is as easy as clicking a button... No, really. See for yourself... This search engine is by far the most simple of them all! And yet it packs a lot of power!! * Game Hackers can use The Cheater's Corner for creation of their own cheats! Now there's flexibility! * Get this: Send cheats ANYWHERE!!! Even over the Internet, through fax, through postal mail (on paper), even over the phone while you're talking to someone!!! And it's VERY easy to do just that! Just press a single button... * Easily edit any cheat module... Only your imagination is the limit here... * Plus there's MUCH MORE!!! But you'll just have to try this software out for yourself... After all, we've only just begun to open up the possibilities that this software has to offer. It's now up to you to use that truly AWESOME POWER! The power of game hacking is now within your grasp. What will you do with it? Have you been in The Cheater's Corner lately? Welcome to the corner, fellow game hacker!