----------------------------------------------------------------------- The Kronikil's Vol. 1 ------------------- KRONIKIL.ZIP can be downloaded from ftp.cdrom.com in the pub\idgames\levels\doom2\deathmatch\j-l directory!! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Alright!! Hold on to your freakin seats!! Do you love DEATHMATCH? Do you like to pound your opponent into submission? Do YOU know how it feels to play a WAD so satisfying that after playing, you need a cigarrete! Well, if you don't, time to download THIS, and if you do, then add the KRONIKIL'S to your collection. The Kronikil's Vol. 1, is a six level compilation, specifically designed for DEATHMATCH play. 1,000's of hours have been spent playing these level's, by hardcore players such as yourselfs. This is no ordinary hack level, no level 1 redos here, all maps are totally original level designs. Also, included are sound effects, graphics and music!!! " I said, 'God-Damn!'", all this, and for FREE!!! YES.. YES..!!!