IStart 1.0 price: 15$ | _______________________| For your convenience we have contracted NorthStar Solutions to process any orders that you wish to place with your valid Visa or MasterCard. They may be contacted for orders only via any of the following methods: Voice: from U.S. only 1-800-699-6395 Toll Free (10:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m E.S.T.) wherever you are 1-803-699-6395 (10:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m E.S.T.) FAX: 1-803-699-5465 (available 24 hours. International and business orders encouraged) E-MAIL: America Online: STARMAIL CompuServe: 71561.2751 Internet: STARMAIL@AOL.COM You may also register with a check or money order. Make them payable to NorthStar Solutions and send them to: P.O. Box 25262 Columbia, SC 29224 Regardless of you register, please have the following information ready: The program and version number ([NAME] version [x.x] you are registering. Your Visa or MasterCard # and its expiration date (if using Visa/MC). IMPORTANT NOTES 1) NorthStar processes registrations only, please contact the author for any product-technical support. 2) E-mailed and FAXed registrations are encouraged, but all registration are very much appreciated !