Gargoyles Theme for Windows 95 ------------------------------ version 1.1 by Frederic Oriol "One thousand years ago, superstition and the sword ruled..." -Goliath This is a theme based on the great Disney afternoon cartoon Gargoyles. You will find a choice of 3 wallpapers (640x480, 256 colors), lots of wav's, a choice of 2 startup wavs (the first is the musical theme without the narration, the second is the narration only), and hopefully a great theme for your desktop. At this time, I have made only one animated icon of gargoyles, but if you ever make others, please send them to me and I'll update the theme. Installation ------------ 1. Unzip the archive, using a program that supports long file names (WinZip). 2. Put everything that starts with Gargoyle in the Themes folder. 3. Choose the Gargoyles theme and Voila! (Ta da...) 4. Send me some comments if you like or dislike it Notes ----- This theme is in 256 colors since my screen doesn't support more. If you really want the Jpg images, I can send them to you. Most of the pictures and wav's come from the Unofficial gargoyle site on the www, whose maintainer is doing a wonderful job. Paint Shop Pro (yes, the shareware) was used to manipulate the pictures. About the sound quality: I can't do anything about it. Sorry, wrong floor! Copyright stuff, a.k.a. Legalese: Gargoyles are owned by Disney studios, and are used here simply to have fun. NO PROFIT IS INVOLVED. Ok? Thanks! BTW, this is freeware in the case you were wondering. Have fun with it! Author: Frederic Oriol "Cookie Monster"