Greetings! My name is Robin and I am a single parent trying to get custody of my two daughters this year. If you enjoy this program, and can afford it, send a check for whatever you think it is worth to the address at the end of this file. If you can't afford to send money, I would still like your comments and you can send a postcard to the same address. The game is fairly self-explanatory. Press F1 for instructions during the game. If the movement is jerky, try pressing the num-lock key once. Disclaimer: As I write this, I am the only person who has tested it. It seems to be relatively bug free. It is virus free. It shouldn't hurt your computer in any way, but legally I have to say that I'm not responsible for any damages if it does. Thanks for playing and I hope you enjoy it! :) Robin Eskew 7115 W. North Avenue #240 Oak Park, IL 60302