F/WIN ANTI-VIRUS ORDER FORM - DISKETTE ORDER OPTION ===================================================== Name of Business or Individual:__________________________________ Contact person (if Business): ___________________________________ Address:_________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ City/State/Province:_____________________________________________ Country/Postal Code:_____________________________________________ Telephone (Voice):_______________________________________________ Telephone (Fax) :_______________________________________________ Internet Email Address #1 :______________________________________ Internet Email Address #2 :______________________________________ ---------------------- I. | REGISTRATION Fee | ---------------------- _______ (A) Number of licenses (how many PC's F/WIN Anti- Virus will be installed on) _______ (B) Cost per PC (see chart below - varies by number of licensed PC's) _______ (C) Result of (A) times (B) II. --------------------------------------------- | ORDERING ORIGINAL SOFTWARE ON DISKETTES | | (THIS CHARGE CAN BE AVOIDED BY ACCEPTING | | DELIVERY OF ALL SOFTWARE VIA E-MAIL | | INSTEAD OF ON DISKETTES.) | --------------------------------------------- _______ (D) Number of diskettes desired (1 copy of F/WIN on each diskette). Can be any quantity. Does not have to match the number of licenses. _______ (E) Cost per Diskette. See chart in ORDRDISK.DOC - varies by number of registered users; minimum $75. _______ (F) Result of (D) times (E) III. ------------------------------------------------------- | OPTIONAL QUARTERLY UPDATE SERVICE VIA DISKETTES. | | NOT REQUIRED FOR USERS WHO WILL DOWNLOAD THEIR | | UPGRADES FROM THE INTERNET OR BBS'S, OR FOR USERS | | WHO DON'T WISH TO RECEIVE UPGRADES. | ------------------------------------------------------- ________ (G) Copy the value in line (A) here ________ (H) Using the number value of (G), look up in the table below how the cost per diskette in column (OPTION #1). For instance, if (G) were 5 PC's, you'd enter $35 here. If (G) were 50 PC's, you'd enter $5 here. ________ (I) Result of (G) times (H) IV. --------------------------------------- | SUB TOTAL, TAXES AND GRAND TOTAL | --------------------------------------- ________ (J) Sub-Total: Total of (C) plus (F) plus (I) ________ (K) Ohio residents add 5.75% sales tax. Multiply .0575 times the amount in (K). ________ (L) TOTAL: Add (C) + (F) + (I) + (J) + (K)