Frequently Asked Questions about F/WIN ====================================== I ALREADY HAVE A VIRUS SCANNER. WHY USE F/WIN? a. F/WIN uses heuristic detection for macro viruses that infect Microsoft Word documents. That means it can find known and UNKNOWN macro viruses and trojans, as well as deliberate acts of sabotage in Word macros. b. F/WIN can remove known and unknown macro viruses. A lot of the regular antivirus programs can only detect macro viruses and of course they only can remove KNOWN viruses. c. F/WIN is a passive scanner. That means you don't have to use Word templates to defend yourself against macro viruses. These templates are no real safe protection, and of course, you will need Winword for using them. F/WIN is a DOS based virus scanner and doesn't stay resident in memory. d. F/WIN can detect and remove the only known PE-EXE (Windows 95 viruses). e. F/WIN can detect known and unknown viruses that infect Windows EXE files which use the or infection scheme. f. F/WIN is inexpensive, especially when considering the protection that it provides. SHOULD I REPLACE MY EXISTING SCANNER WITH F/WIN? No. F/WIN is a specialized scanner that is intended to supplement the one you currently have. By now, there are more than 8500 known viruses for DOS, but only about 30 Windows specific viruses. You will need a normal DOS antivirus program, of course. However, it's likely that the number of Windows viruses will increase in the future. DOES F/WIN DETECT MACRO VIRUSES IN OTHER SOFTWARE LIKE AMIPRO, WORD PERFECT, ETC.? At this time it does not. That is a feature we hope to add to it at a future date. So far, F/WIN only detects macro viruses in Microsoft Word 6.0 and 7.0 documents. The only known non-Winword macro virus AmiPro.Green_Stripe isn't reported in the wild. HOW OFTEN WILL F/WIN BE UPDATED? Because of it's heuristic nature, F/WIN doesn't need regular updates like normal virus scanners. Normally, updates will be released to provide bug fixes and will appear at least every two months. Of course customers will be provided with a new version if they detect a virus which F/WIN missed. HOW WILL I RECEIVE UPDATES? Because the FWIN.KEY is valid for every new version, you just need to download the shareware version from your local BBS or FTP/WWW site and replace the FWIN.EXE file! The latest shareware version of F/WIN is available at: (our temporary URL until the permanent one becomes active) (our new URL sometime in mid-May ,1996) (German site) The program is released as a ZIP archive and will have a file name like FWIN309E.ZIP (English version) and FWIN309G.ZIP (German version). HOW SAFE IS F/WIN? CAN IT DESTROY MY DOCUMENTS? The cleaning process has proven to be safe in our tests. But if for some reason it would damage your document, it makes a backup of it before attempting to remove the virus. The backup allows you to try a different method for cleaning or to recover the file if the cleaning process failed. Because F/WIN can't decode OLE2 objects like Microsoft Word documents with 100% accuracy, it's possible that it could destroy infected documents sometimes. If you encounter problems cleaning macro viruses, you could send us the files and we will clean them manually. Also, F/WIN has two options to clean documents. Both remove the virus reliable, but the second approach (Wipe macro names) makes fewer modifications to the document, and will work most likely in every case. HOW QUICKLY WILL I GET A REPLY TO QUESTIONS? As we both aren't full-time virus researchers, we can't always respond at once. We will check our accounts at least one time a day, so you will get answers within one or two days. We will do our best to get to you as quickly as possible. If you are e-mailing us about a current virus emergency, please put "VIRUS EMERGENCY" in the SUBJECT line of your e-mail message. Those messages will be given first priority. WHY SHOULD I CHOOSE F/WIN OVER OTHER AV PRODUCTS TO PROTECT AGAINST WORD MACRO VIRUSES? F/WIN was designed from the beginning by its author (Stefan Kurtzhals) to be able to detect and remove unknown viruses and trojans, while at the same time allowing Word users to go on using WordBasic macros they wanted to use. While most Word users don't use WordBasic macros, many do. And those that do, often find these macros to be real time-savers because they automate repetitive, tedious processes that would normally have to be done manually. F/WIN Anti-virus has built into it profiles of how viruses and trojans "behave". If it finds macros that fit the pattern, it warns the user so that they can choose whether or not to remove the macros. These build-in behavior profiles offer several advantages to F/WIN users: 1. Users can go on using most, if not all of the macros they currently use without having to deal with endless false alarms. If a product produces too many false alarms, users will simply quit using it and leave themselves with little or no defenses. 2. F/WIN distinguishes between a trojan and a virus. This can be important for a user to know for damage assessment purposes, because viruses spread themselves to other files. Trojans don't. 3. F/WIN doesn't just say it's found potentially dangerous macros like some products do. It goes a step further and tells the user exactly what suspicious behavior it has found. Users can then look up each warning message F/WIN produced in the FWIN.TXT file and get a more in-depth explanation of what the message means. This allows users to make more intelligent decisions about whether or not to delete the macros, or whether to investigate them further. It also may help to explain damage that may already have been done by the virus or trojan. 4. F/WIN has 3 levels of detection. Each lower level offers a more thorough search than the level above it. This allows users to have more control about how sensitive F/WIN is in it's detection of viruses and trojans. F/WIN IS A DOS PROGRAM. WILL IT HANDLE THE LONG FILE NAMES WINDOWS 95 USES? Yes it will. We have tested F/WIN in the following environments: PC DOS MS DOS Windows 3.x Windows 95 (DOS 7.0) OS/2 Warp (from a DOS window) There is an advantage to using a DOS version in Windows 95 and Windows 3.x. If a virus or trojan deletes or damages critical files that Windows 3.x or Windows 95 uses, you can't get into those environments to run your virus scanner. In the case of either Widows 3.x or Windows 95, you could boot from a floppy (or not), and still be able to run F/WIN to find the culprit. Most anti-virus programs offer a DOS versions for situation like this, but there are some that don't. Remember, if a virus manages to infect your system, Windows will most likely not start up and you can't use your Windows based antivirus program. It is strongly recommended to boot from a DOS bootdisk before trying to remove a virus. I DON'T HAVE A VIRUS COLLECTION I CAN TEST F/WIN AGAINST. IS THERE SOME WAY I CAN SEE ACTUAL FULL-COLOR SCREEN PRINTS OF F/WIN FINDING REAL VIRUSES? Because the typical person trying out F/WIN doesn't happen to have a Word macro virus/trojan collection at his/her disposal, we've added something new to our web page that will allow you to see what kinds of messages F/WIN produces for some of the viruses and trojans that have been discussed on various virus forums. What we've done is to create a file called FWINSCRN.ZIP that can be downloaded from our web site. It contains screen prints of F/WIN actually finding real viruses and trojans. You can then download a shareware copy of F/WIN, and look up the warning messages in the FWIN.TXT file for yourself. All the screen prints are in .GIF format. A text file is also included to explain what's on each screen.