TCards This VCL allows the user to easily use the cards supplied with Windows in the CARDS.DLL, and build games. PROPERTIES CardBack: This is the style of the design used to draw the card when CardStyle is set to cdBack. Possible values range from 1 - 12. CardStyle: This depicts how the card will be drawn. Possible values are: cdBack: Draw card back design cdFront: Draw card front cdO: Draw placeholder card cdX: Draw invalid placeholder card Selected: When selected is true, card is drawn inversed, else card is drawn normal. Suit: Depicts what suit the given card is. Possible values are: 0: Clubs 1: Diamonds 2: Hearts 3: Spades Value: Depicts the value of the card using the formula: Value:=FaceValue + (Suit * 13); Conversely: FaceValue:=Value - (Suit * 13); Installing TCards To install this VCL, copy both CARDS.DCU and CARDS.DCR to the directory where you have your other shareware controls. Then, from Delphi's main menu, select Options|Install Components. In the dialog, click on the Add... button, then Browse... and change to the drive/directory where you stored the above two files. Select CARDS.DCU and click OK, then OK again. Using TCARDS To use this control, simply place it on your form, and edit the CardBack, CardStyle, Suit, and Value properties. Sample Procedures: procedure initdeck; var i:integer; begin {Initializes deck array, do once per program, or to reset} {deck[1..52] is a global array} for i:= 1 to 52 do deck[i]:=i; end; procedure shuffledeck; var i,j,k,temp:integer; begin {deck[1..52] is a global array} Randomize; For i := 1 To 10 do For j := 1 To 52 do begin k := trunc(1 + (52 * Random)); temp := deck[j]; deck[j] := deck[k]; deck[k] := temp; end; end; Registering TCards To register TCards and receive source code, send $10 (+$2 S&H) to: Indigo Software 4240 Park Newport # 308 Newport Beach, CA 92660 You can save the $2 shipping fee by specifying a Compuserve or AOL account to have your control sent to instead of by mail.